Panera Bread Hates Pagans I Guess...

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Ocean Keltoi

Ocean Keltoi

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@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Form letter for those interested: Courtesy of Aliakai and Celeri's Garden _For anyone looking to use this letter: make sure you actually modify the parentheticals to personalize your correspondence. Companies respond better to letter campaigns with a personal touch. It was written so that folks who are pagans or allies of pagans can use it. Make sure you include a personal story of some kind to help drive the point home, no more than a paragraph or so._ To Whom it May Concern, This letter is in regard to the recent allegations involving a Pittsburgh Panera Bread franchise location under your corporate care. Although I understand that these allegations are still pending judicial review and regard an active lawsuit, as a pagan *_(pagan ally)_* I have every reason to believe that at least some of what was said was true. If even half of what is alleged turns out to be true, it’s an egregious violation of rights. It’s said that people vote with their dollars, and in good conscience I can’t continue my support of any business under management by those who would trivialize my rights *_(the rights of my friends. )_* Flynn Restaurant Group’s own corporate policies seem to run counter to these allegations. Something clearly has gone very wrong at the regional level, and it’s the duty of those who would run a franchise to ensure the safety and comfort of their employees and customers. *_(Add a personal anecdote of some kind here to personalize the letter)_* At the minimum, a full investigation needs to be done into the allegations and swift action should be taken. The public deserves a statement letting your customers know you don’t condone the alleged actions of those under your employ, and that future employees and customers don’t need to worry about experiencing potential harassment or ostracization for being who they are. I won’t support that. I know others feel the same. Until something is done, I know I, at least, will be finding somewhere to eat outside the management of Flynn Restaurant Group. Sincerely, *_(Signature)_*
@eris_void 3 жыл бұрын
Contacting corporate Panara and the rest of the chains that Flynn franchise from may also be a good idea.
@jesseberry2046 3 жыл бұрын
That is awesome I definitely will as a luciferianist and pagan
@Erieswitchcraft 3 жыл бұрын
I will as well.
@keke9955 3 жыл бұрын
They don’t care about black people💀
@jesseberry2046 3 жыл бұрын
@@keke9955 facts they don't care about any minority
@TwitchyWitchy 3 жыл бұрын
One time my mother, an agnostic asked me why pagans didn't have churches or do big social events. I said; we do have those things but make them incredibly hard to find except through word of mouth to other pagans so that the Christians dont show up and throw bibles at everyone. She was just like, yeah leave it to them to be the fun police... She gets me.
@seand.g423 3 жыл бұрын
Fucking "fun police" my ass... try godsdamn _"Survival_ police"!!!
@photofreak56 3 жыл бұрын
That actually makes a lot of sense and I'm happy that your religion has been able to have your buildings and I honestly would rather y'all have your temples out in the open and it's constantly see Christian churches because at least y'all don't act like you're better than me or act as if somehow I'm a horrible person just because I don't believe the same thing you do. You are more respectful and understanding about why I am an atheist same goes for Jewish people and same goes for satanists and other groups that are religious but do not feel the need to inflict their religion on the other people I will take all of you any day over Evangelical Christians
@bleddynwolf8463 3 жыл бұрын
supportive mum pog
@Thunor93 3 жыл бұрын
My mom is a protestant yet doesn't mind that I am a heathen, she even supports my choice, though the rest of my family call me a heathen devil worshipper, like "why thanks for noticing I am a heathen, also I don't worship the devil, but other deities".
@greyngreyer5 Жыл бұрын
@sarah And for some reason you dumbassed protect muslims who are far worse.
@jsharveyPRIME 3 жыл бұрын
I had a different experience with my manager at Subway. She was a self described witch and openly wore a pentagram pendant. Strangely, she would hire people from other faiths. Its almost as if she cared about the quality of work someone put out rather than their religious affiliation.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Whoa. The nerve of this person 😂
@jlupus8804 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I thought you were gonna say she hates her own- I’ve heard of black people not hiring other black people
@kaninrictor7750 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine that haha doing what is right
@averongodoffire8098 3 жыл бұрын
*El Gasp* ! ! !
@arandompharaoh5549 3 жыл бұрын
The audacity of her!
@linseyspolidoro5122 3 жыл бұрын
I worked for Panera years ago when I was living in Florida temporarily. The Panera I worked for was owned by ‘the largest franchise owner of Panera in the southern US’ and the franchise owner would occasionally come in for one reason or another. He was _aggressively_ racist and it was a known fact that if he saw more than one black person working when he came in, what he called ‘the quota,’ he would fire them on the spot. So during these pre-planned visits we would have our schedules completely fucked so that the black employees(and possibly other POC, though it wasn’t explicitly mentioned) wouldn’t be there to face possible termination when he came in. So honestly, Panera being discriminatory is not surprising in the least to me. Besides that the work environment was one of the worst I’ve ever experienced.
@ddjsoyenby 3 жыл бұрын
that's horrible.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
fucking what?
@linseyspolidoro5122 3 жыл бұрын
@@OceanKeltoi This was ~9 years ago and this info was relayed to me by two different managers on multiple occasions when he would be coming in. I also heard a few horror stories from a couple of black coworkers from times they were working and he popped in. I remember being so appalled and asking how that was even possible but obviously HR is internal and the priority is to save the company image. Plus workers rights are terrible especially in Florida and other southern states, so as long as he didn’t explicitly say to the employee ‘I’m firing you because you are black’ he was good regardless of if he said that to literally everyone else apparently. At that time I was living in a halfway house after I had just gotten out of rehab and couldn’t afford to quit, the minimum wage at the time was I think $7, so I literally couldn’t even afford food for the whole month and they would make you throw out food at Panera if it was damaged in any way. So I remember not having eaten in days and having to throw out perfectly good food because they didn’t want to incentivize damaging food. Also I would regularly have to work hours after my shift but have them randomly send me home an hour into my last shift of the week so I wouldn’t get overtime but I had to walk 2.5-3 miles each way so it was just grueling. Idk if Panera (or their parent company) is just typically an awful company to work for, if it was specifically this franchise chain, or if it’s just the poor state of workers rights and the prevalence of disincentivizing unionization in the US but I really hope that this lawsuit gets some recognition and media attention if nothing else.
@nickshetzer6473 3 жыл бұрын
@@linseyspolidoro5122 Yup I've heard similar stuff from the Covelli franchises here in ohio. I don't know if they have any in Florida but entirely unsurprising to me.
@bruisedhelmet8819 3 жыл бұрын
Welp.... ain't patroning any Panera Breads...
@AskALibbieist 3 жыл бұрын
Years ago, I had a co-worker who found out I wasn't a Christian and started aggressively sending out emails to the entire team, several a day, about how America is a Christian country and if you're not Christian you should get out. I took that shit right to HR and by the end of the week, she was forced to apologize to me. Ha ha. It was golden.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like their dumb ass put all of their harassment in writing for you. Easy to prove that its happening at least.
@ireneduncan4538 Жыл бұрын
Plus I thought America was a secular nation, not a Christian one. Unbelievable.
@doktordanomite9105 Жыл бұрын
@@ireneduncan4538 i would say pluralist ideally not nessicarily secular
@Master_Blackthorne Жыл бұрын
@@ireneduncan4538 It is. Evangelical Christians (Fundamentalist Protestants) have another view based on fantasy.
@kierstencummings5808 3 жыл бұрын
“Stay away from her she will curse you” not to mention my father burning my books like it’s the 1600s. The fear and fragility in peoples faces when they find out I find both hilarious and sad.
@MorganMalfoy13 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry about your books. My mom wanted to too, but I mentioned they were library books and censorship and book burning and she backed off. She was still sobbing like I'd killed her dog though.
@Mark_72 2 жыл бұрын
That’s sad!
@Mark_72 2 жыл бұрын
@@MorganMalfoy13 It was a good idea 👍
@alishajellison2571 Жыл бұрын
My mom and dad did the same thing.
@konnosx1213 Жыл бұрын
@@MorganMalfoy13 the issue is that generally fundamentalist Christians genuinely literally think that if you don't agree with them you will be tortured forever, more than that, for Pagans, Wiccans etc they think you are worshipping and inviting helldemons into your life and potentially their house (Why they think their God can't protect them from said Helldemons is a different question). But from their POV they are actually doing good, trying to save you from jumping into a firepit. Obviously I don't agree but I get that they aren't evil, they are just stuck up. Ironically as C S Lewis said "the worst tyrant is the one who thinks he is doing it for your own good"
@dragonmaster613 3 жыл бұрын
That statement about her "no longer being welcome" and "no one should talk with [her]" sounds like Catholic Excommunication or JW Disfellowshiping to me.
@krispalermo8133 3 жыл бұрын
1980's Deep South Southern Baptists were nut jobs also.
@marocat4749 3 жыл бұрын
It basically is.
@johnryan1292 3 жыл бұрын
this kind of thing is ancient too, they used to "prime sign" heathens before speaking with them for fear that our demon gods would come out of us and possess them and it required a cleric meaning that for the most part the policy was to avoid and not associate with heathens
@moriahnightingale4240 3 жыл бұрын
It's a classic cult tactic
@lunawolfheart336 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that's messed up
@UllyrWuldan 3 жыл бұрын
I would join in the boycott, but I've never been to Panera bread. So... boycott successful lol.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Take a look at the maps, might be some other restaurants near you.
@TerminallyChill85 3 жыл бұрын
What a cool name you have
@demonic_myst4503 3 жыл бұрын
Same i dont think it even exists in england so
@heidiho5179 3 жыл бұрын
You’re not missing much. Mostly, extremely overpriced bagels, muffins, or a cup of soup upwards of $6, and a few $10 rice bowls you could make cheaply at home.
@angeladoll9785 3 жыл бұрын
I'm with ya, we can call it a pre-emptive boycott lol
@amberleebatchelor6949 3 жыл бұрын
This is our local Panera bread...the pagan community here is boycotting it and any restaurants owned by the same people. Thank you for your well thought out and spoken video. It is appreciated. Thanks as well for the links! That is very helpful. :)
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, good luck in keeping the pressure on.
@Pottan23 3 жыл бұрын
So, all of three people?
@Beardblade 3 жыл бұрын
Any update on this?
@amberleebatchelor6949 3 жыл бұрын
@@Beardblade not that we have heard. the group was in contact with the lawyer handling the case and asked not to do anything that might jeopardize the case, so no picketing things like that. I haven't heard anything else though.
@Beardblade 3 жыл бұрын
@@amberleebatchelor6949 I hope she wins. I’m a heathen and I practice by myself, my wife is Catholic and always makes smart as comments my way. Don’t worry I say shit back lol, but I feel for the lady
@mattgarcia3203 3 жыл бұрын
As a pagan who has been fired from Walmart for my religious beliefs, I'm glad to see that this company at least is being held accountable for their actions. To what ever degree, but still. Also, as a fat man, who happens to be pagan, I'm glad to see that this company has no foothold in my part of Wisconsin. Blessed be y'all.
@stanthegreatman6592 3 жыл бұрын
Bro lift some weights
@lordovwitchcraft1665 3 жыл бұрын
Sue them.
@wyliecoyote173 2 жыл бұрын
That suck brother that is wrong. Hopefully lord Oden will help you get a better job.
@pryorbishop2957 2 жыл бұрын
You didn’t sue them??
@saralawson116 3 жыл бұрын
Me and my sister converted from Christian, to agnostic/deists, to pagan in a span of about 5 years. Both of us suffered a lot of abuse and trauma at the the hands of the church and our religious parents. I’m a minor and sadly still live with them. While I was staying with my sister for a bit my dad went snooping in my room and found my books on witchcraft. My oh-so-loving-and-accepting parents threatened to kick me out but thankfully my sister was able to smooth things over a bit and my parents haven’t mentioned it to me. When I came home I was putting my things away and when I opened the drawer the books were still there, but my dad had gone and dug through my closet and found the custom Bible he got for and had put it in the drawer as well. I thought it was funny, I can’t wait to see what they do once I come out as a lesbian.
@tuesday1672 3 жыл бұрын
Same tho. I’m a pagan witch who was raised Christian, but my parent don’t know yet. Idk how they’ll react. They also don’t know that I’m a lesbian sooooo
@jiejie1119 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck to you, my dear. Be who you are, and continue discovering who you are. Cheers.
@leyrua 3 жыл бұрын
Just be careful that you don't put yourself in an unstable position. You are under no _obligation_ to come out to them, especially if you feel that doing so will risk them kicking you out, etc. If you feel that is a danger, it can wait until you are financially independent of them. ❤️
@jiejie1119 3 жыл бұрын
@@leyruaGood point. After all, Christian's are always "in-your-face" thinking because they claim to be a Christian it is a "get-out-of-jail/trouble/responsibility" card they can play any time they feel threatened. If only they would think for themselves, they would see the absurdity of their crutch. I believe everyone has the right to believe what they feel is right for them. However, once you start using your belief as a weapon it no longer becomes faith.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
@ughgross1258 3 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was talking to my non pagan friend about Ostara and talking about how rabbits are very symbolic on that holiday because of rebirth and fertility because she asked why there were so many rabbits drawn in my grimore in that chapter. Then a few days after, my teacher ended up pulling me aside after class then told me that she respects my beliefs but she needs to "inform my parents when violence against animals gets involved". My parents know I'm pagan and VEGETARIAN so I wasn't worried, just confused so I asked what she meant. She looked at me and said "I understand you're pagan but animal sacrifice is animal cruelty and illegal." So I was bewildered and asked her whoever said I was gonna sacrifice animals and she looked at me all puzzled and said "Well, your friend told me that you were going to buy a box of baby rabbits and sacrifice them for a fertility ritual. Needless to say, I explained to my teacher that no I'm not a evil rabbit blood drinking pagan monster and now that friend and I are not friends anymore :/
@StockStilly 3 жыл бұрын
Holy fuckin hell
@dragondancer1814 3 жыл бұрын
I just flip the script on people and tell them that I don’t need to deliberately sacrifice animals because I buy my meat, poultry, or seafood in the grocery store like everybody else!
@jiejie1119 3 жыл бұрын
@@dragondancer1814 perfect!
@dragondancer1814 3 жыл бұрын
@@jiejie1119 I’m also a volunteer firefighter/EMT in a rural town that’s located in a “red” and mostly Christian county, and once I had a probie at the firehouse try to snark on my religion. He asked me if I feared being burned at the stake, and I shot back, “Only during fire calls!” He got the hint and laughed at my response too.
@nos5915 3 жыл бұрын
What the fuck???
@tomorbataar5922 3 жыл бұрын
"If you call HR about this, you'll be fired on the spot" Numero Uno reason why americans needs to unionize.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
But if you say that, people will start whining about bringing politics into religion. How dare you.
@drake47367 3 жыл бұрын
Threatening to fire someone if they contact a regulatory body (their HR department, OSHA, etc.) is a great way to get your ass sued in court AND receive penalties from the government or other regulating bodies. It sounds like management was having an extended amateurs' day at that Panera Bread. Probably best to just rebuild from scratch after all the lawsuits are settled.
@nairbvel 3 жыл бұрын
'Round these parts, you don't even need a union for that; the state's got some pretty serious laws about that kind of crap and they can be super tough to wheedle one's way out of. (Not to put down unions, just pointing out that sometimes the law doesn't require one.)
@Necroskull388 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, totally agree. FWIW everything happening here is a breakdown of the way the system is "supposed" to work, but the whole point of unions isn't to replace the system, it's to keep it running as intended.
@coltondodger 3 жыл бұрын
@@nairbvel Then you send your lawyer to HR, who in my experience are the thinly veiled legal team liaisons HR will go after management when management is about to get them destroyed in court
@thefrantasticmissfine 3 жыл бұрын
My old manager once spent an entire shift pining over "The Passion of the Christ" while whining about not being able to say "happy Easter " to people anymore. She went on to say it to EVERY LAST ONE OF US before we left for the day. I just smiled and said "Oh, thank you! Happy Passover!" I didn't work there very long...
@geetargaming1586 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I've had experiences like that, it's interesting she mentioned Easter considering it litteraly comes from paganism 😂
@thefrantasticmissfine 3 жыл бұрын
@@geetargaming1586 Lol ironically she owes more to your beliefs than mine! Jesus would have said "happy passover " or "haag sameach" just saying...
@jaredfarris7898 3 жыл бұрын
I told people "Happy Ostara" all weekend. People just looked at me oddly, possible thinking I was just mispronouncing it, so whatever.
@marinakaiser7639 3 жыл бұрын
@ashleycook6025 3 жыл бұрын
Especially where I live I expect a lot of "Merry"s and "Happy"s for every Christian Holiday. I don't rly mind, honestly it doesn't bother me. Until the Walmart greeter wearing the "Trump 2020" mask says it like she's correcting me for improper grammar on my way out the door before I've said my usual goodbye... Then a "WHY *thank you* ma'am! HAPPY YULE to you!🥰" With the sweetest face I can muster under a mask is in order. She looked terrified. It was nice. Then I felt bad for scaring an old lady.🤦
@2Cambell 3 жыл бұрын
Both of my Grandpas were religious, Christian men who were invited to come here because they were engineers during WWII. They loved it here, especially our freedom. They were asked to stay and they did, bringing my parents, uncles and Grandmas. They would tell me the importance that freedom of religion is also freedom from religion and the ability to choose your way.
@Darth_Insidious 3 жыл бұрын
What always rubbed me the wrong way as a closeted agnostic growing up is that even a lot of tolerant Christians assume that everyone worships the God of Abraham.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
Mainly I think it's because they're scared and they need their beleifs reinforced, by collective thinking.
@nachobidness2553 3 жыл бұрын
Or they automatically assume you're Jewish if you aren't Xtian. Happens to me a lot.
@thegracklepeck 3 жыл бұрын
Growing up in an evangelical christian household meant that either you believed in the God of Abraham or you were worshipping Satan/demons/yourself despite what might come out of your mouth or what you claimed to believe. It's a pretty brainwashed way to view the world.
@jaxthewolf4572 2 жыл бұрын
It's because the vast majority of people practice an abrahamic religion, so they assume most=all. Which is just....🙄
@TheMistressMisery 3 жыл бұрын
Only in the last few years have I been open about my practice. I recently had a potential tenant come view a room we had available (I'm a property manager), I was wearing jeans and a black tank top, with my pentagram, nothing crazy. Gave the guy the tour, explained all the fun stuff they needed to know, and when it came to the end of the tour, I asked him if he had any questions. He nodded and pointed at my necklace, asking "What's that?" I lifted the pendant and confirmed that's what he was pointing at, he nodded again, I said "My pentagram? I mean, it's no different than your cross, just a pretty piece of metal. Why?" "You're satanic?" he asks, getting closer to the door. "Nope. The star would have to be inverted, as it is, this is for pagans. You could say I'm spiritual, my church is the woods. You go sit in a building to talk to your god, I go for a walk in the woods. Is that a problem?" I swear it was like a scene from a cartoon or sitcom, the dude just shook his head and left. No words after that, he just hoofed it out. Probably the best experience of the trash taking itself out for me :)
@sometimessnarky1642 3 жыл бұрын
I had one guy see my pentagram and ask me if I was Jewish. Confused I said no and then he started berating me for "wearing their symbol". I just blinked and walked away. SMH
@rawcontent5166 2 жыл бұрын
And they never bought the apartment (assuming that's what the tour was for), right?
@dave_sic1365 3 ай бұрын
.... Hoofed it out....😂
@skafiend167 3 жыл бұрын
I had another Marine that refused to be on duty with me because he was convinced that I was demon spawn and I would pervert his soul. At the time I had just been finding a general neo-pagan path. Now I'm a follower of the Mórrígan on a Celtic path. Wonder what that guy would think now
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
That seems very un-marine of him. Supposed to have everyone's back.
@skafiend167 3 жыл бұрын
@@OceanKeltoi I agree, although he wasn't the worst. Had a different Marine throw away one of my pendants while in Iraq. I was very upset about that one, as it was a silver Mjolnir pendant that I wore as a protection amulet. Never forgave him for that
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
@@skafiend167 dude, what the fuck. Yeah, there's no need to forgive someone for pulling something like that. Sorry to hear that.
@tyl3rth3d3f1l3r 3 жыл бұрын
Pervert his soul? Wow! Seems to me that guy wasn't very confident in his beliefs. You'd think if his faith was really the "gospel truth", he wouldn't have been afraid to serve along side you. It goes to show how fragile Christianity really is.
@fabioartoscassone9305 3 жыл бұрын
@@skafiend167 sorry,guy, does this "marine" treat white supremacists in same manner?
@oneeyedwilly8139 3 жыл бұрын
A coworker of mine told me one day that he was so happy that the end times are coming because he cannot wait to "watch the followers of the occult burn to death and be tortured in a lake of fire by the wrath of God". He didn't know that I am pagan, I think he thinks that I am Christian because I'm a simple, old fashioned, rather conservative guy. It was surprising to hear him say something like that and I didn't know what to say. I have no ill will toward him, but the psychology of being eager to see others suffer is a bit disturbing. Many really do live in a world where they think that pagans are secret satanist child sacrificer members of the illuminati or some crazy thing.
@krispalermo8133 3 жыл бұрын
Well, they say the human animal never really changes, which is one of the many reasons why religion cult brain washing works so well. Practice makes prefect regarding the governments. Just image what these people were like back in ancient pagan Europe. In regards to the Glee of watching the dam burn, well that was first taught by the Catholic church and the Protestant carry that tradition. The late Christopher Hitchens covered in in one of his many debates found on YT.
@Schweetie 3 жыл бұрын
I had a friend of a coworker (not a coworker himself) asked if I drank blood. WTF? I'm a witch, not a vampire!
@catheath2858 3 жыл бұрын
Makes you wonder what people like him would do if they could get away with it.
@oneeyedwilly8139 3 жыл бұрын
@@catheath2858 there is definitely a contingent within Christianity that would like to take us back to the days of crusades and inquisitions.
@lunawolfheart336 3 жыл бұрын
That's really wierd thing to be exited for. My mom thinks the end days are coming but she'd scared of it because she doesn't want people to suffer. Also probly scared becuse I'm pagan myself
@Zuraneve 3 жыл бұрын
There is a Panera Bread near me that I was already boycotting due to them suddenly deciding that an LGBT board game group that held their game nights in the basement every other week (with permission) was no longer welcome due to "being disruptive." The players were always respectful and made sure they were also buying food and drinks, so it really felt like just an excuse to have them kicked out. That Panera is not owned by the Flynn restaurant group.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
On a less serious note...would you play group be interested in playing in my werewolf the apcolypse game I have going?
@thoughtfulcarnivore7657 2 жыл бұрын
Our ancestors would have thrown them in a bog.
@maggiestasko7891 Жыл бұрын
Looks like date night is moving to a different set of restaurants now.
@jakemadness3044 3 жыл бұрын
I actually had a time, when i first worked at a new Gamestop location, my manager was very openly christian, but the assistant manager was pagan. I didnt know the asst. was until he saw my necklace fall from my shirt collar when i was pulling product and he just shouted "YES" and saying nothing else until the store was empty. He was a super cool guy, i didnt even have to say anything and when my mgr called the store a few min later all he said to him was "Odins numbers grow" and never told my manager i was pagan lol good memories
@wilhelmseleorningcniht9410 3 жыл бұрын
That is awesome!
@bezoticallyyours83 6 ай бұрын
That's both awesome and also funny. YES!
@valthearastormcry1420 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly these managers remind me of an ex-coworker I had. Once he found out I was pagan due to a necklace falling out of my shirt while picking something up he would come up to me and follow me around for hours asking leading or insulting questions and if I reacted negatively I would be repremanded verbally for creating a hostile work place as "He was only trying to understand your beliefs". I found new work and left within a few months.
@crimson9049 3 жыл бұрын
Very sorry that happened to you
@valthearastormcry1420 3 жыл бұрын
@@crimson9049 Its alright. It was multiple years ago. I have a better job now even if its the hours I once had.
@virgoviking2331 3 жыл бұрын
That's how I feel with my father.
@valthearastormcry1420 3 жыл бұрын
@@virgoviking2331 Im sorry. The broom closet with family is always hard.
@virgoviking2331 3 жыл бұрын
@@valthearastormcry1420 it's alright! I do what I can not to stress about it, I'm happy with my life good or bad. Light or dark. Life or death.
@wilbryan202 3 жыл бұрын
In the early 90's I was working on a BS in education. During a student teaching assignment in a K-9 school. It came out I was pagan, a teacher saw my pentacle and asked about it. She was cool and asked me to speak to her 8thgrade social studies class about the Salem Trials the Friday before Halloween. I made the presentation (as invited) and by Monday morning I was banned from the elementary school. It was a small town in the Smoky Mountains, word spreads quickly. Due to the ban, I failed the class, couldn't complete my degree, and ultimately had to drop out. Twenty years later I returned to the college, and am graduating magna cum laude in two weeks as a proud member of the now deeply embedded Pagan Student Association.
@Gothiqueluv 3 жыл бұрын
I felt that. That must have really hurt at the time. I'm 46 and also working on my degree. Congratulations for being so strong and finally graduating. I'm sure your journey was not an easy one. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I'm proud of you.
@thegracklepeck 3 жыл бұрын
Good for you! I'm so sorry you experienced that the first time around :(
@rawcontent5166 2 жыл бұрын
What is the Pagan Student Association? 🤔
@thegracklepeck 2 жыл бұрын
@@rawcontent5166 I would assume it's a club on a college campus designed to represent pagans on campus, give them a voice, a place to congregate, activities to do, etc. A lot of colleges have christian ones and some have Jewish or Muslim student associations now too.
@rawcontent5166 2 жыл бұрын
@@thegracklepeck Huh, that's interesting, but pretty cool.
@alyrivers7864 3 жыл бұрын
When it was discovered that I simply was not a Christian, and only that was discovered, I suddenly became a "liberal baby killer" and they would pray for me. This is absolutely believable
@Error403HRD 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds about right, especially if you live in the south. I'm an atheist and am routinely told that I'm going to hell by coworkers, teachers, and my parents, so I can sadly see all of this happening. And christians say they're the ones being persecuted, honestly.
@homosexualitymydearwatson4109 3 жыл бұрын
If I told my mom I wasn’t Christian anymore she would kick me out of the house, I think becoming an athiest is worse than being gay to her
@gregwarner3753 3 жыл бұрын
A few wars ago I was told that if I did not become a Kristian I would go to Hell. I looked over the Mekong River and responded with, "I think we are already here."
@autobotstarscream765 3 жыл бұрын
@@gregwarner3753 Oh no, which of the countries through which it flows were you speaking of?
@magnoliasilcox904 3 жыл бұрын
Just because you're not a Christian doesn't make you a liberal baby killer. As a Christian I'm saying this.
@Shadeogray1113 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot tell you how many times I've been told I'm going to Hell by Christians. Over the years anytime I was told this I just shrugged it off and moved on, but this story just enrages me to the boiling point. I proudly wear my Mjollnir at my current work with pride and no one says a damn thing to me which is the way it should be. I've even had others approach me asking about it and when I stand there with no fear and full of confidence announcing to them I'm a Norse Pagan they usually nod and move on with their life. It's 2022, we shouldn't have to hide in the broom closet anymore and I certainly won't be. Now, if anyone tells me I'm going to Hell I always respond. "Yeah, probably and I'll happily be taken into Her warm loving embrace when my path comes to an end."
@alishajellison2571 Жыл бұрын
I get told all time that im going to hell, I just tell them that im taking them with me, as I laugh while walking away.
@bencoomer2000 3 жыл бұрын
The fun when the "local inquisitor" was the fricken' unit commander for me...
@SwampRatNation 3 жыл бұрын
This I understand, as a heathen who served in the 90’s I often found myself just not talking to anyone on my Cutters, on the plus side I was the cook so if you want to eat, don’t piss me off.
@lordovwitchcraft1665 3 жыл бұрын
@@SwampRatNation That's actually pretty badass even for being a pog that's what they're gonna call you anyways. Anyone that calls you one, bam no food for them. Awesome. :P
@dragonmaster613 3 жыл бұрын
Taco Bell, Wendy's, Arby's, Applebees, Pizza Hut, and Panera Bread. To save you time and to not sully your Google search history.
@carmensavu5122 3 жыл бұрын
Don't forget Chick Fil-A.
@dragonmaster613 3 жыл бұрын
@@carmensavu5122 they are not owned by the same parent company.
@ogr8bearded175 3 жыл бұрын
Not all of those are owned by them. I went to their site and only the Pizza Hut is owned by that group in my area.
@internetopinion3043 3 жыл бұрын
It's all shit food anyway
@lunawolfheart336 3 жыл бұрын
@@dragonmaster613 true but chick fa la is known to be homophobic and would probably treat pagans bad too
@Radhaun 3 жыл бұрын
I actually had to stop working retail because the religious and sexual abuse (from customers) got to be too much for me. But one of my saddest memories was selling this woman a tiny goddess figure. She worked as a real estate agent and said she kept losing them, when I suggested she could put it on a necklace, she said she was too worried about clients seeing it and deciding to go with another agent. It made me so sad that she had to choose between wearing a symbol of her faith and her livelihood. I know it's a little thing, but I don't think most Christians really understand the absolute privilege they have.
@MysticHeather 3 жыл бұрын
You’re absolutely right, most Christians don’t understand the privilege they have and in fact many love to go on and on about how “oppressed” they are
@jiejie1119 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, I think they understand their privilege ... because they think pulling the "Christian-card" out every time they think it will protect them against the non-Christian is their prerogative. So many times I have seen them condemn blacks for using the racist-card and then turn around and use the Christian-card as their defense against the racist-card, and they never see the irony.
@nos5915 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I had a necklace that meant a lot to me but lost it... I gave up, but one of my headmates wanted some stuff for vixs practice so we went looking again. A lot of this stuff is expensive.
@nachobidness2553 3 жыл бұрын
A Christian frenemy told me I should keep my paganism to myself so I don't face persecution. When I asked her if she would give the same advice to other Christians, she replied, "No, but we're the majority."
@nos5915 3 жыл бұрын
@@nachobidness2553 she's absolutely correct and i'd *love* to know who she thinks are persecuting us
@corvoattano4319 3 жыл бұрын
I’m agnostic personally. I find all religions, mythology’s, and all other forms spiritual worship incredibly interesting. I love learning about them. One of my favorites is Norse pagan. What happened with the employee is not right, she should be respected.
@VeganAtheistWeirdo 3 жыл бұрын
Atheist here. I disagree about respecting their beliefs. I think it's the _people_ who should be respected. That covers pretty much the whole issue, including the horrible abusive behaviors that have happened over the centuries. I don't necessarily respect what they believe (general _they_ ), but I don't have to in order to treat them as a fellow human being. I'm surprised to be surprised, for lack of a better description, that shit like this is still happening in the 2020s. I've been a donor of Americans United for Separation of Church and State for many years now, exactly because I support respecting all people and their rights to believe whatever they want, regardless of what I think. The way Tammy McCoy was treated was awful, but the fact that her managers thought this was in any way legal is just as bad. I'm so grateful that McCoy went the extra step of seeking legal recourse -- most people would have believed the threats, been unable to afford representation and given up. When the law is so clearly on your side, and there is potential for a giant damages claim, a smart attorney will jump on the chance to take your case and get a chunk of the award along with the good press of winning on the right side of the case. If there is any evidence to show in court, she'll win this, no problem.👍
@joeshmoe6908 3 жыл бұрын
Atheist here, I wouldn’t say that all religions should be respected, but rather that religious believers right to privacy should be respected. If they have no desire to speak about their religion in public, leave them be, that’s their choice. If they feel like sharing, they should keep in mind that not everyone wants to hear about said beliefs and should be respectful to those individuals of differing belief systems.
@greggor07 3 жыл бұрын
Another atheist here and I second what the two above me have said. I feel no obligation to respect any beliefs; religious, philosophical or political and I have no problems challenging them even, as long as I'm not being a dick about it. Also, if I'm visiting a religious temple, a worship place or a ritual, then I'll follow the rules and be as respectful as it is required of me practically. Btw, I also find religious mythologies interesting, including the christian and the jewish one. I think we can learn a lot about us as humans from comparative religion, even if we don't believe any of it in the strict ontological sense. The norse mythology I'm most familiar with as it's a cultural thing for me, being from scandinavia, but I'm more interested in more exotic and mysterious ones (at least from my perspective), such as the slavic and native american ones. Or australian aboriginal myths, hindu, zoroastrian...etc.
@grmpEqweer 3 жыл бұрын
A person's religion is wrapped up in how they define themselves, if they have one. I will respect the person and their religion, but I want them to respect that religion doesn't work for me.
@Grandhighdruid 3 жыл бұрын
While I myself am a Christian, I am also interested in the basic tenets of other religions, and I agree with your statement. The United States was founded, in part, by religiously persecuted people, and the founding fathers wanted to make sure that, as much as possible, this discrimination didn't happen on their watch. Unfortunately, this invariably happens with dealing with human beings. And especially, to me, it seems that people can't 'agree to disagree' anymore, that especially some 'evangelicals' have to shove the Bible down everyone's throat, and that makes me just as upset as if someone insulted me to my face.
@Galvakev 2 жыл бұрын
This attitude is prevalent in military life as well. My roommate, a Christian, started bullying me when I told him I was atheist when we were training on our jobs for our future units. He even tried to choke me once for defending myself. Later on when we were in the functional military, he kept throwing death threats my way.
@OceanKeltoi 2 жыл бұрын
Fucking hell thats over the top
@bezoticallyyours83 6 ай бұрын
@Jls728 3 жыл бұрын
It’s ironic that as a Muslim I can relate to this. I faced discrimination in my job from Christian co workers, to the point of inadvertently being accused of being a terrorist. And I’m from PA too 🤔
@ravensfaire8542 3 жыл бұрын
I will say that I grew up with a pagan mother. We celebrated the solstices and such and middle school and highschool were just the worst for me. Whenever ANYONE found out I was Pegan I was met with people in the hallways telling me, a 13/14 year old at the time, about all the ways I was going to burn in hell. I had my head slammed into lockers, I was pushed down stairs and even had people purposefully tripping me up in hallways or shoulder checking me into walls on the way to classes. I've since become Agnostic, most of my friends are atheists but I find it kind of telling that the people who caused me the most harm because of my religion? They identified themselves as Christians. Not Muslim or Atheiest or even other pegans who often would give pause to help me pick up my books or whatever or would walk with me to the nurses office after such incidents, but Christians.
@feliciapate7926 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of a bus ride back from a field trip. These were kids I'd gone to school with since kindergarten and this was maybe the 10th grade. It started as questions about a book I was reading and turned into well over an hour of a bus full of classmates harassing me. Did the chaperone step in to stop it? Hell no! That was only one incident but it taught me a lot.
@tbrough90 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry this happened to you. They sound a lot like the same kind of christians that weren't allowed to play with me as a child until my family converted... Strange that abuse and isolation are the overwhelming tactics used by a faith based on "love" and "kindness".
@thelastwatcher6264 3 жыл бұрын
I was at thunder over Louisville with my wife a few years ago and we were passing a group of noisy missionaries as we looked for something to drink. One of these guys saw my pentacle around my neck and decided to come over and lecture me on how God hates me and I'll burn in hell if I don't repent and my amulet (he said necklace) was an evil symbol and I've never wanted to fight somebody so bad in my life. The sheer ignorance of what he was looking at and desire to condemn someone he didn't know still infuriates me.
@Cernunnos_83 3 жыл бұрын
Don't waste your time thinking about toxic people.
@kyog1990 3 жыл бұрын
Try being a pagan and living in Louisville. It's rough to be around all these fanatics.
@thelastwatcher6264 3 жыл бұрын
@@kyog1990 I do live in Louisville. That was just the last time I wore my pentacle outside of my shirt without being at the highland Renaissance Faire since that's the safest place to relax and not hide my beliefs. Most of the vendors are pagan and very protective of and supportive to those of us most prone to suffering discrimination. It's the best environment in the state to be honest
@aquabluerose7734 3 жыл бұрын
Also ironically, I've heard that the pentagram was occasionally used in Christianity in the past so that adds to the "confidently ignorant" of the dude
@patricksaxon3983 3 жыл бұрын
I saw a video on KZbin, where Christians say that they have the right to kill witches, because their Bible say it is alright. How sad that these Christians are not educated enough about Wicca and other forms of religions, making it acceptable to show hate to any one and still ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ.
@thenewshaymetal666 3 жыл бұрын
"Do you believe in god?" "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!!" Friendly atheists can relate
@amorphoussolid8512 3 жыл бұрын
Friendly atheist here, can confirm.
@KlavierMenn 3 жыл бұрын
@@amorphoussolid8512 Friendly agnostic here, can confirm.
@marinakaiser7639 3 жыл бұрын
Friendly witch here,can also confirm
@MamaMOB 3 жыл бұрын
Yup. And I’ve been lucky enough to not have to deal with that very recently. More often than not I just get people confused because they think I’m a Christian. But when I was younger and much more vocally atheist I had to deal with that nonstop. Either being told I was going to burn in hell, people demanding I tell them my name so they can pray for me (not that an omnipotent god would need my name),I even had someone try to beat me up. But I’m considered the heathen. Ok 👌
@marinakaiser7639 3 жыл бұрын
@@MamaMOB o you poor 🤦‍♀️i have now in KZbin always trouble sometimes i whant to hear a History explained channel and that's a lot about Demons and Angels.And me idiot made some comment and what a things they said to me and i thought in the Bible it is written you shall love your neighbor as yourself .One wrote i'am the hellhound of Satan lol😈and f...words and ,and
@sillybudgie5527 3 жыл бұрын
As a Hindu, I can relate to this.
@mari-du7wl 3 жыл бұрын
Im an atheist and same dude
@silverdirewolf6440 3 жыл бұрын
@@mari-du7wl Same on the Agnostic side of things sadly.
@whimsyrosie 3 жыл бұрын
As a Jewish person, I can also relate to this. I have often struggled with taking off work for my holidays, getting respect from coworkers, and having my identity taken seriously. Even at supposedly open places of work I have experienced jokes at my expense specifically relating to my Jewishness and being unable to take off for holidays. I have also had my beliefs questioned and inappropriate questions asked (especially after I open up about my grandparents being Holocaust survivors. I generally keep my Jewishness to myself unless I am found out by people looking me up on social media or accidentally let it slip out. Being apart of a minority religion/ethnicity sucks
@sillybudgie5527 3 жыл бұрын
@@whimsyrosie Really? That surprises me. I'm genetically part Jewish via my Mom's Dad. In the US I wouldn't think Jewish religion is as much a pariah.
@whimsyrosie 3 жыл бұрын
@@sillybudgie5527 Yep, anti-Jewish sentiment is still very much a thing here in the U.S., and is actually on the rise. Hate crimes against Jewish people takes up a majority of religious hate crimes. I experience ignorance because of my Jewishness often and have struggled to take off Holidays for work and school, even in Michigan where they have laws preventing religious discrimination. In Indiana, just one state away where they don't have such laws, my cousin was threatened by a teacher that if she took off school for Yom Kippur she would fail her on a test that took place the same day. Holocaust denial is also on the rise, which is terrifying as someone who's grandparents are survivors.
@SerenityM16 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a little surprised that he didn’t point out, regardless of the already big HR issues of discrimination, threatening to fire someone in retaliation for reporting them is also a massive labor violation that has been in place even longer. The US Government doesn’t like the idea that a company and managers could be shielded from being massively fined because their employees are afraid of whistle blowing and being fired or reprimanded as a result so it is law that retaliatory attacks such as “if you complain to HR you are fired” would probably fall under those laws.
@videoshinbo 3 жыл бұрын
Worked for Walmart in Utah, playing with my Tarot cards minding my business. I've had an older lady come up and sat with me asking what I was doing. I was honest, I was off the clock and thought it was a harmless subject. I then got revelations read to me, told me I was going to hell unless I repented. I took this straight to my manager because she worked in a separate part of the store. Apparently I wasn't the only one she was doing it to as well, there were a few Muslim girls too.
@SwampRatNation 3 жыл бұрын
Utah is just all around religiously odd, as a state that was actually settled because of religious discrimination and intolerance you would think it would be more open. Explaining what it’s like to be a heathen in Utah is impossible unless you experience it first hand. As a Heathen who was raised within the Mormon church and experiencing this first hand I feel for you.
@dawoifee 2 жыл бұрын
@@SwampRatNation People always want religious freedoms for themselves, never for others. Religious Freedoms way to often mean my way or highway.
@sourgreendolly7685 3 жыл бұрын
I was got the “you’re going to hell” from a nurse when I was inpatient on a psychiatric unit as a teen. That was over have my lifetime ago and it still boils my blood thinking about it. My spirituality was why I had asked for help instead of acting on my impulses. I’m 32 next month and can’t wrap my head around how any adult can think saying something like that is appropriate, let alone a mentally ill teenager receiving medical care from you.
@bigkirbyhj666 3 жыл бұрын
Cause Chrstians are hypocrites like that I tend to find.
@15mccormm 3 жыл бұрын
I had a similar experience thankfully since I have a super aggressive union that my stores management is afraid of. I've always worn my mjolnir and arm ring under my clothes so I could keep to myself but after I saw many Christians wearing extravagant crosses so I said "if they can openly wear their religious symbol why can't I? " . Not even a week later My Manger came to me and said that I wasn't allowed to wear either. I asked why . To which he responded "you can't wear symbols of those FALSE gods here we are Christians here." I then said "that may be your opinion but to me and many many others there's nothing 'false' about them. I know that it's illegal to discriminate based on religion when it comes to employment so unless you are going to tell Christians they can't wear their crosses then I'm gonna keep wearing the symbols of my religion. " At this point he was getting a bit frustrated and said "that is completely different our God is ACTUALLY real , take it off or go home and don't come back unless their off!" Then I said "I wonder what the union would have to say about this, I have the union reps phone number why don't we give him a quick call? " then he just yelled "fine forget I even said anything! " and walked away and hasn't said anything since.
@blurredlights5235 3 жыл бұрын
Punk ass fascists. That's what they are.
@sometimessnarky1642 3 жыл бұрын
I love the "real" religion BS. I mean....our Gods and Goddesses were talked about millennia before their God got his book.
@Spiritwhisperer11 3 жыл бұрын
When I was in middle school and first getting into paganism, I wore my pentagram to school. It was small and unassuming, I wore it every day. Most people never commented on it. Except this day I went to the nurse's office because I felt sick- and the nurse pointed at it and asked what it was. I could tell by the note of alarm in her voice that she knew full well what it was. I answered that I was pagan and it was a symbol of protection for me (a child's understanding but it was a simple and effective way to explain). She started to ask what my parent's religion was. I told her that I was also Jewish and my parents were Jewish, but that I identified as a witch/pagan as well in tandem with Judaism. Then she asked if my parents knew. I said "of course they know! My mom is a witch too." Which was true. She looked so horrified and she just said " know that's really dangerous stuff, you could get really hurt. There are cults and sacrifices and terrible things. Just be careful. Talk to your parents about it." Obviously she thought I was lying about my mother being a witch too. I waited til she left the room and I started laughing. In hindsight, it was a really messed up thing to say to a 12yo and I'm angry that she would feel bold enough to invalidate my religion in that way. But her understanding was so juvenile, I couldn't help but find it funny at the time.
@meganbailey1438 3 жыл бұрын
I've dealt with mostly in my family. When my grandmother found out I was pagan she informed me that me being pagan is what causes my mental illness.
@jamestheawsome100 3 жыл бұрын
Is she a doctor?
@thegracklepeck 3 жыл бұрын
Oh fun. We love a judgmental grandma.
@politicamufu648 2 жыл бұрын
it's all cause of that gosh darn phone you stay on all day 😡
@MorganMalfoy13 2 жыл бұрын
My mom asked me if I had played with a ouija board with my friends at some point because my depression was really bad. Thankfully a. I was old enough and mature enough that I could recognize that as dumb AF and b. could also honestly answer, no. I never have. Then I gave her shit about it because seriously!?
@jaxthewolf4572 2 жыл бұрын
Just shows she has no knowledge of what mental illness is and how it works
@RowanWiccae 3 жыл бұрын
The very fact he brought up the point of the cross necklace vs the pentacle necklace was exactly my story I was going to tell. I got tired of always having to 'prove my faith' to ppl who first badgered me until I told them and then berated me for it when they learned that I decided one day 'if Christians can wear a small cross to work and not be discriminated against, then I should be allowed to do the same with a small pentacle.' I have not been discriminated against by coworkers yet (thankfully) but I have been laughed at, shouted at, threatened and berated by customers who come through my register on the daily, who feel so entitled in their faith that I, the sinful pagan, deserve to be abused publically as a means to try and convince me to turn to Jeezus. I deal on the daily with obnoxious customers who use their religion as an excuse not to wear a mask, to which I promptly tell them to go to another register as I will not put my life in danger because they wanna use Jeezus to explain why they don't care about anyone around them by not wearing a mask. It usually ends in 'your stupid', 'your paranoid', and 'fucking pagans...'
@jimbeam7636 3 жыл бұрын
Quote their own scripture to them, "when jesus was tempted by satan to fling himself from the mount because god would send Angel's to save him before he struck the ground, he replied, "do not put the lord thy god to the test". So tell them that even jesus would not he above wearing a mask for even he was human. Then tell them to fuck off and go to another register.
@christhesmith6261 3 жыл бұрын
In my freshman year of university, I was sitting in the student union, talking with some friends while eating lunch, while talking I had said something, "by Odins beard, or Thors Hammer" something unimportant like that which led to me bringing up my Heathenism to these friends, now I know what you are thinking but these friends were genuinely interested and accepting about it. But at the table next to us. Someone was I guess listening in and they came over and confronted me, how I needed to "find god" or "I would burn in hell for worshiping those demons" the whole spiel every Heathen has heard at least once, apon them saying "your soul will burn in hell for eternity if you dont find god" I responded "if your Heaven is filled with people like you I dont want to go there" and I just left, I didnt want to deal with it, the broom closet is so comfy sometimes
@marocat4749 3 жыл бұрын
Why,... honestly the god most sounding demonic, is the old testament one . Good to see the others interesting .
@carmensavu5122 3 жыл бұрын
Good for you, I love me some good sass! :) Also, another question is: why do I need to find god? Did he run away from home? I didn't catch the Amber alert.
@christhesmith6261 3 жыл бұрын
@@carmensavu5122 he was last seen talking to a short green man next to a Toyota Corolla. Possibly high on ketamine
@trashAndNoStar 3 жыл бұрын
Unrelated but is saying stuff like "Thor's hammer" considered acceptable or not (ie. Is it equivalent to "taking god's name in vain")? Or depends on the context and/or the person who says it (eg. Acceptable only if you are a believer)? I'm atheist but happy to learn about all faiths as long as I don't get proselytized to.
@christhesmith6261 3 жыл бұрын
@@trashAndNoStar I use it, along with others ie Thors Beard, I don't really see it as being equal to "using God's name in vain"
@Rebecca-fu5hg 3 жыл бұрын
A very good friend of mine was harassed at work for not being christian. Every day at work his supervisor was saying "god bless you" and she was literally trying to "lay hands on him" to save him. Then came allergy season and him and his sassy self started saying "possess you" to her every time she sneezed. She lost her fricking mind and went to HR but we took videos of her trying to touch him while praying and she got fired hahahaha
@trashAndNoStar 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh i love this happy ending / Uno reverse card!
@photofreak56 3 жыл бұрын
I was bullied at work until I was fired because I was an atheist socialist I'm still bitter about it.
@brittsheree85 3 жыл бұрын
Yay! Good! Lol
@lordovwitchcraft1665 3 жыл бұрын
@@photofreak56 You should sue them.
@kryslee0324 3 жыл бұрын
Similar experience happened to me working at petsmart when the manager found out I was Pagan. I always tell my jobs that I will work every Christian holiday so Christians can worship in place that I can be off on mine since they don't really overlap (at least ones my family really takes part in). I was mocked both to face and behind back with other coworkers and refused off for sabbats and eventually quit. I was a teenager so I didn't realize that what they did was a sueable offense.
@sherlockholmes8329 3 жыл бұрын
I wanted Panera Mac and cheese so bad. The other day... I’m so glad I made a pound of white cheddar from scratch and not giving my money to these terrible companies
@thegracklepeck 3 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, do you have a good mac and cheese recipe you use?
@battywitch4096 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up going to Catholic School, so when Christian people ask what my religion is I always say “I was raised Christian” that way I’m not telling them my current religious beliefs but I’m also not lying to them either...
@MezzoForte4 3 жыл бұрын
Good strategy.
@azuretiger-kfpmarketingstr6018 3 жыл бұрын
My Dad dragged me to a Christian school fish fry fund raiser once held in a church gymnasium. We wound up sitting next to a couple of outwardly nice old ladies. They kept asking me what church I went to and, not wanting to be rude to the elderly, just responded I lived in the next town over. They seemed confused, my Dad got uncomfortable. Part of me wishes I would have just straight told them I was an Atheist, since it was only a short walk to my Mom's(divorced) anyway and could have got a ride home from their.
@tuesday1672 3 жыл бұрын
@carlyblack42 3 жыл бұрын
@Megsiepoo 3 жыл бұрын
I used to do the exact same thing.
@zoefay2358 3 жыл бұрын
SASS witch here. One of the customers at my work is an office that manages a few local Panera locations, and I went on their website trying to find contact info. No luck with that but I did find a page that was essentially the owner's statement of faith and it was just so cringe and culty. Already decided never to eat there again before finding out about this lawsuit but now I'm gonna share with other pagan-friendly folks in my life. Thanks for the video Ocean, and for encouraging action on our part. Hoping for social change so one day I'll feel comfortable wearing my pentagram at work😈
@minermortal1997 3 жыл бұрын
I work in corporate IT, I read SASS witch as SAAS witch, needless to say I genuinely thought that you where offering Spells as a service.
@zoefay2358 3 жыл бұрын
@@minermortal1997 lol, apologies for the confusion- SASS in my case stands for Skeptical Atheist Science Seeking and I unfortunately have a very solitary practice so I can't help out with any spells
@dsweeney6079 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a UK Pagan. I used to work in a care home it was a Christian care home. In my eyes care is care. When a conversation came up and I was asked if I had a religion I said yes Pagan. Which point they said they would pray for me to find the light in Christ because it's the only way to save my eternal soul. I told them don't want to go to a Christian heaven and walked off.
@Gothiqueluv 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. And why would I? All my friends are gong to hell apparently anyway so that's where I want to be. ;-)
@alegnalowe3679 3 жыл бұрын
I can sympathise with you on that.kind of in the same leeky boat.The morning prayer on the intercom is an intrusion on any non believer.
@dotdedo 3 жыл бұрын
I am a pagan and I am also a bisexual trans man. I worked at a Meijer for 7 years and while I did not mention me being a pagan often, a coworker in my department was a Jehovah Witness. My family has a very bad history with that religion, while me and my parents were not involved, other family was and we saw its dark side very quickly. I think she saw my "Witches datebook" planner that I used to keep track of my work schedule as well as moon phases, and etc. She hated me. She avoided speaking with me, she talked behind my back about me being gay and I over heard her calling trans people 'perverts' (She didn't know I was trans). It was horrible.
@folieadont6870 3 жыл бұрын
Geez, that sounds terrible. I'm so sorry you had to put with that constant harassment. Oddly enough, I'm a bisexual trans guy named "Zack," too. I hope you're doing alright now, and stay safe, brother. 👊
@ryanjamesloyd6733 3 жыл бұрын
"We Home-Church" is my go-to answer when asked about religion in public. That generally ends the conversation, because they don't know what that means, but it sounds Super Weirdo Churchy, and they don't wanna have that conversation. (I'm down in the Bible Belt. Wise to keep it on the DL)
@jiejie1119 3 жыл бұрын
I admire your ingenuity. Wish I'd been that clever growing up in the south with not only uber-devout faux-Christian family but they were also Trump followers, too. Double whammy! I now live in the north where it is a bit easier to be non-religious.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
Me too, I've had a lot of struggles, however I wear it with pride, beyound being something that would destroy me.
@brandonheuberger187 3 жыл бұрын
I've posted this story before, but after I started wearing my Mjolnir pendant on the outside of my shirt at work, I was stopped by a co worker for a come to Jesus moment, saying I wouldn't find salvation through Thor or Odin but only through Jesus and Him. I quickly dismissed his attempts to convert me by politely saying I don't believe in the Christian salvation narrative and left it at that. After this he kept trying to have conversations with me, such as asking me about fishing...weird stuff to be going on in a work environment. Thankfully he was in no leadership position.
@KlavierMenn 3 жыл бұрын
lmao, he wanted to 'fish' you for his religion. Coz, Y'know, Jezus loved fishers...
@GargamelGold 3 жыл бұрын
Ocean, Something similar to this happened to Telltale’s daughter in her school. A public sex Ed teacher instead of doing her job tried to convert the entire class to her brand of fundamentalist Christianity. After she was exposed, instead of being immediately fired as the teacher should have been a Facebook group was set up, and the two of them received violent threats.
@ddjsoyenby 3 жыл бұрын
yeah .
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
I've heard about this. Telltale is a friend of mine. The way the town has responded to his daughter standing up for her rights is ridiculous.
@GargamelGold 3 жыл бұрын
@@OceanKeltoi, Disgusting isn’t it?
@kathryngeeslin9509 3 жыл бұрын
It's always disgusting, and ridiculous, but these townspeople have taken it to threats of arson, beating, kidnapping, and murder. Much worse than the usual vandalism and theft and bullying.
@marocat4749 3 жыл бұрын
Even the fbi seems to be involved, which is fair given they talked on facebook and planned how to kidnap his daughter. It was deleted but nothing ever is, and dont tell me the fbi doesnt has to facebooks data.
@MrsBeeHaven 3 жыл бұрын
Man why can’t I be called into a jury duty for such an interesting case as this!
@griffian4454 3 жыл бұрын
Civil suit doesn't have to have a jury afaik?
@nathanlarge4497 3 жыл бұрын
According to some news sources, the attorney for the plaintiff has requested a jury trial, in this case.
@jaredfarris7898 3 жыл бұрын
The sad part about this is I bet the majority of those that will be in the jury will be some sort of Christian. If lucky maybe like one or two non-Christians, but odd are low.
@Kv-pk2st 3 жыл бұрын
It's also a great way to get out of jury duty. Just bring in the right book to pass the time waiting to be interviewed.
@homosexualitymydearwatson4109 3 жыл бұрын
@@jaredfarris7898 I don’t think so, during jury selection they’ll probably try and weed out any Christians
@SatiahDances 2 жыл бұрын
I was at a diversity and inclusion workshop, of all things, and I mentioned my faith as a Pagan and Witch and my co-worker sitting across from me was horrified and basically put me in the position to have to explain that I don't believe in the Devil, I don't work evil. That my faith was one about nature, reverence for life, and Pre-Christian beliefs.
@amandaforrester7636 2 жыл бұрын
Diversity and inclusion... except for us!
@foxmccloud8960 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandaforrester7636 ain't that the miserable truth :( ....
@hazardmuffin 3 жыл бұрын
Didn’t happen to me directly, but I used to work with a man who was *very* Christian. Like, read the Bible on his lunch and mentioned God as often as possible kind of Christian. And it was always creepy because he was the nicest, most friendly man there was, and I genuinely believe he meant no malice in any of his words. But one day I overheard him chatting with a new girl in the break room and when the subject of his his book (the Bible of course) came up, she casually mentioned she was Buddhist, and he responded with a smile and this utterly matter-of-fact “Oh! Well, you’re going to hell, you know.” Poor girl had no idea how to even respond to that.
@amandaforrester7636 2 жыл бұрын
Religious gaslighting. Being friendly while saying abusive things doesn't absolve you of being abusive.
@foxmccloud8960 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandaforrester7636 exactly
@thevoidborn7524 3 жыл бұрын
I haven’t had this at work luckily, but baby witch me in high school got scolded by a lunch lady similarly. I used to wear my pentagram necklace every day and never had an issue, until this cranky old lady who was always rude to everyone, but gave me my food and then sneered “they allow you to wear that?” And I just responded “yeah, it’s my religion” and I walked away. I also used to work at panera tho, ironically in high school, and wow I’m grateful I didn’t have to deal with this
@Schweetie 3 жыл бұрын
When I was in 7th or 8th grade, the hall monitor (an old Hawaiian guy who road a bicycle up and down the halls) stopped me. He told me my necklace was no good and tried to make me give it to him. I started crying. Fortunately I was with a friend who defended me saying he had no right to take my jewelry. After that, I made sure it was hidden in my shirt whenever I saw him.
@loverollcake 3 жыл бұрын
youre not a witch lmao
@thevoidborn7524 3 жыл бұрын
@@loverollcake bro what? Speak up I can’t hear you over that unholy cacophony you have playing on your channel!
@MsNightcorelover 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been lucky to not have grown up around many zealous religious people. But I remember one instance where I felt uncomfortable announcing myself as pagan. My uni had a pagan society, which I joined in my first year and I still participate in two years after graduating. But in my final year I was one of three who manned our stall at the annual multifaith festival. It was just a room with different faith societies gathering, to get to know eachother, learn more about eachother, eat pizza, create candle holders and have a quiz. One pagan wasn’t going to be joining us for a while so it was just the president and I. The president had to leave for a while because he had a delivery earlier than expected. That’s when this guy, sharply dressed, came over from the Pentecostal society. He shook my hand and did everything a gentleman would do. I was initially at ease. Then he asked what paganism was about. It’s such a broad term, and I explained as such, then went on about Wicca, which I was a part of at the time. I explained how wiccans believe do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt someone. Then this guy went on about what if society deemed self harm was okay, and he started being really vicious in his words despite his gentleman persona. I was in shock, and didn’t know how to respond because I’m not confrontational. He specifically waited until I was alone, and when he realised he couldn’t get much out of me, he moved to pick on the catholic’s (who were looking at me with such pity, they were actually very nice). Then staff told him to cut the shit otherwise he would have to leave, which thankfully he did. But I felt so sick after such a confrontation with me, and then the conflict with a different denomination of the same religion. And that’s just one experience in the U.K. where you don’t hear about these kind of attacks as much as you do in America. I truly feel sorry for pagans in America, especially the ones living in the Bible Belt. I can’t imagine what you go through, or the fear is so great you can’t bear to talk aboht your spirituality out loud in fear of very real retaliation
@outdoorgurl2474 3 жыл бұрын
Bible belt Pagan here🙋‍♀️ I still haven't gotten the courage to come out of the broom closet because my work and family life would be horrendous 😳 Thanks for the sympathy though, lol.😂
@dylanbjornholtlund2791 3 жыл бұрын
I lived in georgia for a bit and it was hell. Every morning and evening on the school bus I had the one kid harassing me the whole time to join their church or FCA (fellowship of christian athletes) or to pray for me. That was for a good solid year and a half. There was a couple other pagans I knew and they didn't fair any better. Actually one of them, their mom knew and was a totally b**** about it. There were a couple mornings my friend would get on the bus looking like someone dumped a water bottle of her because her mother would douse her with "holy water" and would call my friend a demon and all sorts of other things.
@outdoorgurl2474 3 жыл бұрын
@@dylanbjornholtlund2791 Yup, you know exactly how it is. I live in Georgia and that's seems to be the general mindset about anything that is not doused in Christianity. It's really sad.
@feliciapate7926 3 жыл бұрын
Bible Belt pagan here. Let's start from the beginning, late 90s. Highschool. 1) Bus full of students on the way home from a field trip. About 50 miles from home I started getting questioned and harassed about a book I was reading. Of course, the adults didn't stop it. 2) Teacher is concerned I'm into "devil worship" due to the genres she sees me read and my choice of subject matter for my senior year research paper. Family gets called. Family tells the teacher and principal basically to get f**ked. 3) Georgia. Federally supported job training program for broke young people. My roomie and I were both Pagans. She got in trouble for doing tarot readings (someone who didn't want to pay ratted on her). I had a small shrine next to my bed. I'd kept my head down until this point. Both of us had stuff taken by staff. My family got called (I was 22 at the time). The staff got the same response my highschool had. Our stuff got returned. Those experiences along with the random "I'll pray for you" judgemental comments from folks who sometimes see my small pentacle ring haven't helped me deal well with these kinds of folks at all.
@companylovesmisery1463 3 жыл бұрын
Your sympathy means a lot to me Inky Flame, and I can empathize with reluctance in discussing such traditions. Try being a Norse Pagan living in Albuquerque, New Mexico... among a predominantly Catholic population. And working at a convenience store on the westside of the city, where you are likely to be jumped and beaten for such a thing. That's not happened to me personally yet, but still... one day, there was a guy with a bible (no I'm not capitalizing that) actually telling the customers in the store to pray with him or they wouldn't be "saved". I don't know why he bothered to do so with me, since my Mjolnir pendant was clearly visible. I expected him to refrain from wasting his precious time and breath on me, which is how most people feel when they learn about my path. Even though I can't imagine he missed it, it simply didn't matter to him to acknowledge the clear difference between our paths, and he just kept on talking like the symbol of my spirituality wasn't blatantly hanging from my neck. As a last illustrative point, an ex of mine who was in an abusive relationship with a supposed Norse pagan assumed that he was full of bs when he would discuss his religion, and she also assumed that because he was a borderline white supremacist, every Norse Pagan must be as well. I'm glad to say that more or less everyone at work knows of my traditions, since my necklace is always clear to see, and no one actually harasses or mistreats me. With the exception of customers.
@elvenzodiac8595 3 жыл бұрын
I've just discovered your channel and for that, I'm thankful. I grew up Roman Catholic, but the extents of which neo-Christians will go to to make someone's life miserable is absolutely horrific. Thank you for showing me the discrimination that Pagans face so I can be a better ally to my Wiccan friends.
@OkamiDesuGa 3 жыл бұрын
My patron god is Loki. I have a pendant used to wear that was a representation of him. Key phrase there. "Used to wear". I had a supervisor tell me it was inappropriate to "promote the worship of an evil being". Loki isn't evil. He's chaotic and possibly a hearth god who watches over children. But because of Christian twists on his stories he's seen as Literal Satan
@anthonyhayes1267 3 жыл бұрын
I think I almost made someone's head explode when I wore my Loki pendant and Thor's hammer at the same time.
@OkamiDesuGa 3 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyhayes1267 you'll have to imagine my sarcasm but "oh nyo. How could you? Thor's super good and awesome and powerful and perfect and Loki's evil and mean and a murderer! Why would you wear the symbols together?"
@GrumpyCoffeeBean 3 жыл бұрын
I work in the army. More than a few times after "voluntary" prayer moments I was approached by my more religious coworkers asking why I didn't participate. I replied that it's not my faith and it would be disrespectful to theirs if I was there. "So what's your faith then?" I'm a pagan. "That's ridiculous!"
@lordovwitchcraft1665 3 жыл бұрын
Just give them a long blank stare followed with silence and they'll shut up pretty quickly.
@ShinePaw101 3 жыл бұрын
Let’s be honest if this was Christianity Panera would be BLASTED. But seeing as it’s everyone else it’s ‘a ok’
@Sodoffshotgun 3 жыл бұрын
Oh they're still going to get blasted don't worry. I wonder how Mr Flynn would feel about owning a couple hundred thousand empty restaurants there's a lot that can be said about a home cooked meal and most of it's good if you even have a small inkling of what you're doing.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
@@Sodoffshotgun That's righr, not only can we make tastier healthier meals....rhink of all the money we'll save😁.
@bellat.1377 3 жыл бұрын
While working at a gas station i complimented a mjolnir tattoo on it's detail. The customer thanked me and said it was for religious reasons and the woman working next to me [my manager at the time] gagged and left to the bathroom. I was worried and later she told me she was sick and went home early. The next day another manager told me to not talk about satan while on the floor as the other manager is a medium and is sensitive to people mentioning demon names. I still don't understand fully what happened as I was a dollar short the next week and was fired. So i guess that counts.
@autobotstarscream765 3 жыл бұрын
So let me get this were fired, for offending a woonatic by existing in her presence, by a guy who doesn't know the difference between the guy in the red suit and the guy with the hammer in the Avengers movies?
@azuretiger-kfpmarketingstr6018 3 жыл бұрын
@@autobotstarscream765 I always find it ironic that the first Avengers movie went out of it's way to assure the audience that Thor wasn't a god to coddle the fragile minds of conservative christians because they wanted that sweet bible belt money. It was an insult to Cap, who accepts people's differences as one of his core values.
@autobotstarscream765 3 жыл бұрын
@@azuretiger-kfpmarketingstr6018 Yeah, that kind of thing is annoying and smacks of "False God Superman" Snyder gibberish, but at least Endgame went the other way and had Cap wield Mjolnir as America's weapon, as if he were whooping Thanos with a cross, but instead of Christianity's sacred symbol, it was the symbol of the followers of the Norse gods irl being shown as an all-American symbol of justice. 😎👍🇺🇲
@jamestheawsome100 3 жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure mediumship is blasphemous according to the Bible.
@johncrane6136 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamestheawsome100 it is, it's considered 'trafficking with spirits' and therefore condemned.
@purplealice 3 жыл бұрын
I've already found a Goddess. She doesn't like you very much. (I used to be so deep in the broom closet that my familiar was a dust bunny.)
@anniejuan1817 3 жыл бұрын
That reminds me of one of the best bumper stickers I've ever seen: God is Back! And SHE is PISSED!!
@purplealice 3 жыл бұрын
@@anniejuan1817 Another bumper sticker I"ve always found amusing is "MY GODDESS GAVE BIRTH TO YOUR GOD!"
@jaxthewolf4572 2 жыл бұрын
@user-cw3wm9lx7w 9 ай бұрын
@@purplealice lol
@buddha3209 3 жыл бұрын
Ironically as a buddhist I get asked if I need religious holidays off. I've told my boss 50 times now Buddhists dont really celebrate holidays. Yet she still asks 50 more times.
@thegracklepeck 3 жыл бұрын
At least she's trying to double check and make sure you get any days off if you need them
@chainsawman10 3 жыл бұрын
Walmart had me remove my tyr necklace cause a customer complained "it was satanic". I walked out but years later I was told it could of been a lawsuit
@pupsystem127 3 жыл бұрын
I'm skeptic but this outrages me i have many pagan friends just as i have many christian, Jewish, atheist, etc friends. I am so glad that in my small rural southern town people feel safe enough to tell me. I've seen so many shitty things happen to pagans it pisses me off so much.
@nadiamond 3 жыл бұрын
Which is surprising because small southern towns, well really any small town tend to be rather insular and looks down on anything that's perceived as "different".
@barbarastrayhorn4667 3 жыл бұрын
Supposedly you are not supposed to discriminate against a person because of their religious belief but . Just what are these people so afraid of that no one can believe anything different from their beliefs. Jesus would be so proud.
@pupsystem127 3 жыл бұрын
@Benjamin Muller indeed horrible things have been and still are done in the name of Jesus and other deities agnostics and atheists don't have clean hands either
@ishouldhavetried 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a theistic Satanist, but I whenever someone asks, I usually just say atheist or spiritual so I don't make it that big of a deal. Well, one day religion came up at work, and all of my managers were there. They're all Christians. One of them is pretty liberal/progressive, and she could see the conversation was making me uncomfortable so she tried to get the other two to stop. One of the other two is fundamentalist, and the other is casually Christian. They asked me my religion, I said atheist. The fundamentalist got up and went to another room. The casual Christian questioned me for about 20 minutes. The fundamentalist came back in. Said she "prayed about it" and that she believes if I repent right now, I will be saved from hell. It would just break her heart to learn I want to be there. Yeah. Every now and then they pester me about it, say I'm welcome to join them at church, etc. I shrug it off and go back to my job. All I can do.
@krispalermo8133 3 жыл бұрын
Years ago I worked at a factory loading truck bumpers, one guy asked if I was a Christian and believed in G*D cause I talked like a trained minister. I told them I didn't believe in the G*D of Abraham and within 3 minutes Why it was a Myth. Three Christians and two Muslins walked off my line stop leaving me to carry the weight on my own. I'm a Buddhist following the path of reincarnation and we humans are great apes that walked out of Ethiopia highlands. Needless to say, the other Christians, Muslins, and Jews .. really .. wanted to hear my views.
@carmensavu5122 3 жыл бұрын
Given how your heaven is described, I'd rather go to hell. Much better company. Seriously though, has it ever occurred to these people that within their own theology it doesn't make sense for Satan to be torturing people?
@shedjinn 3 жыл бұрын
Hail satan my sibling of infernality, stay strong
@psyolytesaille 3 жыл бұрын
I'd have just lied like I always have to that question xD.
@multi-milliondollarmike5127 3 жыл бұрын
Christians can be pretty smug about their beliefs. To me they come off no better than Jehovah's witnesses. Their religion isn't the only religion on the block and their god isn't the only god on the block either. They don't really think about the possibilities, but I'd imagine they can't when their rigid belief system puts spirituality in a box.
@LynnaeaEmber 2 жыл бұрын
When my parents found out I was pagan it was interesting. My dad told me about some great aunts from Germany that were witches and my mom told me she and a girlfriend practiced magic a bit when they were young. But my evangelical sister was a thorn in my side for years until I finally had enough and quit speaking to her. As long as my parents were cool I was good. Its hard to believe my sister was a product of the same parents I had.
@sunnyhibbits1651 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Pagan priestess coven leader and my boss was a strong Christian. I worked at a cafe on the coast of California. I was on my break with a coworker and I gave them a tarot reading. I was giving just myself one for a daily draw and my coworker seemed excited, so I was happy too. My boss walked in--and even though we were on break, my boss said we shouldn't do that here. So I put them away and just felt uncomfortable. It wasn't the first time I was microaggressed about my practice anyway. A few days later, I was off the clock hanging out on our patio with a different coworker. He wanted a quick simple reading as well and was totally comfortable and happy about my tarot cards. Mid-reading just like last time, my boss came outside and told me I was not allowed to do tarot on the premise because it was "bad voodoo" (which if you are a Pagan theologian at all--that sentences ignorance would make you gag--as it does for me). At the time I was 16--now I am 23. If I had the willpower I had now, I would not have submitted to that type of ignorance. I would have asked them why they said that, quit, or sue. Divination is part of my daily practice and when im off the clock or on break, I can pull a card--just like she can pull out a rosary... So upsetting -- it's especially messed up with how they described my practice so negatively, while referencing to another spiritual practice that I do not identity with, shaming that one too--ultimately shaming Pagans and Voodoo in one go... Thanks for letting me share!
@dkkinh 3 жыл бұрын
I am not pagan, but I'm an athiest that lives in Texas. This seems very familiar to me, and I truly wish it didn't! I thank you, Ocean, for all the content that you put out. It gives me a greater understanding of others and the beliefs they hold.
@minermortal1997 3 жыл бұрын
I’m right there with you dude, I was once reprimanded in elementary* school because I didn’t want participate in the Christmas Assembly at church even though kids with different theistic beliefs where allowed. *I’m British we don’t call it elementary school but I wanted to make it easier for you.
@celticconlanger6401 3 жыл бұрын
@@minermortal1997 oh man I feel that. I'm a pagan, have been for around 4 years now. In my high school (which I only just left) around Christmas time and Easter the school held *mandatory* religious assemblies. Oh you're not Christian? Too bad you gotta sing. You hold different beliefs on religion? Nope, not true. *Sing* . This *very public* school forced me, atheists, Muslims, Sikhs. Everyone else. To participate in what was basically a church service twice a year. If you didn't participate, you got in trouble. If you tried explaining why you didn't want to participate, that's talking back. I saw that school give out detentions to a friend of mine who moved there from Syria several times for him not participating. This was in Scotland. Not some southern state, not some third world country where you'd expect such a thing but Scotland. Suffice to say I left as soon as I could (after 5th year)
@minermortal1997 3 жыл бұрын
@@celticconlanger6401 I am also Scottish so yes I am more on your page than you can even fathom, my apparently non denominational primary school lightened up the rules a little as I got older so other faiths could be exempt but apparently having no faith isn't a valid excuse. My Secondary school's chaplaincy used to hijack remembrance day even to talk about Judo/Christian dogma
@Zuraneve 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an athiest asexual originally from Texas. It's frequently a case of "when you find god, he'll lead you to the right man." I try to avoid talking about religion or sexuality at work, even to coworkers I think are receptive to it. Nothing good will come of it.
@Annie_Annie__ 3 жыл бұрын
I’m also an atheist in Texas. When some of my neighbors found out we were atheist they started avoiding us, doing things like holding their hands up in a cross symbol when they saw us like we were vampires or something. They told the neighbors to be careful around us because we will steal from them or r*pe them (since we don’t have a god telling us not to). They threatened to call the cops on us for things like walking our dog around the park where everyone walks their dogs. It was 3 different neighbors doing this shit. Several others just avoid us and say they’ll pray for our kid. Our kid went through a bit of a crisis in 2nd grade because we basically got kicked out of Cub Scouts for being atheist. My husband ran the tiger scout meetings and the troop leader (?) was irritated that he wasn’t opening every meeting with a prayer. Too bad? Not every kid in the scouts is Christian, so we weren’t going to make them pray. Then the troop leader started trying to make a rule that the Cubs go to a specific church 2 Sundays a month (it’s the church where Cub Scout meetings are held). A full half of the cub scouts were Catholic and the church was Methodist, so that didn’t even go over well with the Christians. It ended up causing a Catholic vs Protestant rift. But they were all in favor of more prayers at meetings except us and the one Muslim family. Because we opposed the prayers, the leader started spreading lies about my husband and about my son (who was 6 at the time and couldn’t understand why his friends suddenly didn’t want to play with him. He was heartbroken.), and about the Muslim family. So we said fuck it and left. Thankfully, we had a couple atheist friends with kids the same age as our kid. And we talked with them about discrimination and how to fight it. But he’s 11 now and he’s always a bit defensive about religion because he’s afraid Christians are going to suddenly ghost him or bully him.
@justinism20 3 жыл бұрын
Not as a pagan, but as an atheist, I try to avoid conversation of religion due to the hostility, whether it be passive or not. I've only recently started telling family members that I'm atheist, or atheist but leaning pagan. My christian family always tries to make me go back to Christianity and so I just continue to try to avoid the conversation.
@mari-du7wl 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah it feels like they think there religion justifies any actions they take
@leyrua 3 жыл бұрын
@@misssheltered1081 Ironically, doing enough research is what gets a lot of people OUT of Christianity. 🙄
@jaxthewolf4572 2 жыл бұрын
@@leyrua Happened for me! Now I know with 100% clarity that Christianity isn't the truth
@user-ts8fj5kj2z 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an atheist but I stand with polytheistic and pagan people. I hope Panera faces consequences for this
@Cuban20 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you friend, you rock 👊
@user-vl2mr8mr5u 2 жыл бұрын
So just christians🤣🤣🤣
@user-ts8fj5kj2z 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-vl2mr8mr5u ?
@seand.g423 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-vl2mr8mr5u _"just"?_ try "for fucking _once"!_
@greyngreyer5 Жыл бұрын
@@user-vl2mr8mr5u Piss off, abdul. You're worse than any christian
@chloroform1880 3 жыл бұрын
My supervisor is catholic and he asked about my beliefs and he was super interested and was surprised about how in depth it was and how it has enriched my life personally and how it holds a place in my heart. Not all Christians are toxic. Some of my best friends are Christians
@catiebrown2890 3 жыл бұрын
Not all but most. The statement that "Not all Christians are toxic" really just serves to shut down the point being made in this video and take away from the wrongdoings alot of Christians do throw at pagans. Even before I knew anything about paganism, I had 3 different kinds of abuse justified with religion, specifically Christianity. As a pagan I lost almost everyone I thought cared about me. These are public issues, and as pagans we shouldn't be ignoring or undermining their significance.
@chloroform1880 3 жыл бұрын
@@catiebrown2890 you can't assign malice to every person in a group. That's why "not all Christians" shows that there are exceptions. If every single Christian had malice towards other ideals especially paganism, then America would've been an Oligarchic Christian Government where the bill of rights would never include freedom of religion.
@chloroform1880 3 жыл бұрын
@@catiebrown2890 plus, he told us to share our experiences whether bad or good in the comments so I'm not sure how I'm in the wrong here.
@roybrewster4872 3 жыл бұрын
I not only posted a response on their website, I shared your video on my FB and challenged all Christians who claim they are against bigotry to put their money where their mouth is.
@roybrewster4872 3 жыл бұрын
I should clarify. I am a Wiccan, Witch, Druid, Hindu who is an Army and Navy veteran. I served my last tour in 2009 as a medic attached to an infantry platoon. Before every mission I stood in front of our vehicles casting very obvious spells of protection. No one ever complained, not even the satanist or atheist. Since we have been home I have been "informed" that christians aren't prejudiced anymore. Hence my challenge. Now they no longer need my spells to protect them, lets see if they will protect us.
@blackfeathercrafts 3 жыл бұрын
I lost a job because I’m Pagan. Home care nursing subjects the nurses to a lot of weird stuff. A family saw “Goddess Bless” on my car 2 years before. The family knew me for 5 years. 3 months before they let me go (which caused me to lose a full time job), they locked me in a room. I was there for 2 hours while they actively tried to convert me and pray on me and for. It set off my PTSD. I was told I brought demons into their home. Then they told my employer that they “are no longer progressing with her”. I didn’t have full time, almost lost my home, then COVID hit.
@forestjohnson7474 3 жыл бұрын
Those people that did that to you sound spiritually unintelligent and trashy. Have you considered handy pro they pay 20-40 and hour 70 bonus after your fist 5 jobs and they give me 250.00 bonus if you tell them I recruited you...ill split it if you tell how you want me to send it to you? That goes for everyone else here. Beat part have full control you take/don't take whatever job's you want to.
@blackfeathercrafts 3 жыл бұрын
@@forestjohnson7474 I have a great in home critical care case now, and my second job at a group home I love with vent patients. Then I take care of my husband (Covid put him in organ failure.). So I have a full plate. And hubby is recovering slowly too. It all worked out for the best in the end. That family that did that to me though? They lost a great RN! :)
@Kinnamon100 3 жыл бұрын
Wow it's crazy this video came out today. I myself peeked out of the broom closet yesterday . At work over the intercom system they was asking Easter trivia questions. You answer the question you received candy. At first the questions was light and cute, with simple answers like Peter cotton tail it the color pink. Then my department received our trivia . there is only my assistant myself. Question was what does the egg represent during Easter. I was in the area so I popped my head in and said. The answer you want is the resurrection of Christ, the shell is the tomb and Christians died the eggs red represent the blood if Christ. U received a smile and candy. I turned to walk away but stopped. Turned back and said, but the correct answer is that the egg representing rebirth long before for christianity in the pagan religion. I received a look of total shock. From that moment every question was heavily based in the judaic religion of Easter. Even to the point that scripture was booming over the load system. I'm old. My tolerance levels are nearly depleted. My pocket of fucks is running low and I'm saving them for grandkids.
@dustinrocks777 3 жыл бұрын
"My pocket of fucks is running low and I'm saving them for grandkids." This is poetry, thank you
@MrEnaric 3 жыл бұрын
I do give a fuck if decent people get choked by religion fascists on the workfloor. You can have some of mine for strategic moments ahead. The others you should indeed save for the people you love. Good luck!
@lindy-nightowlparanormaltn 3 жыл бұрын
I just fell in love with you! LOLOL!!!
@mbyrd9223 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever anyone finds out I'm a Heathen and tells me I'm going to hell I always just say yeah probably, though we call it Helheim.
@azuretiger-kfpmarketingstr6018 3 жыл бұрын
As an Atheist, I like to respond by happily inviting them to the BBQ and hot springs party, clothing optional ;). Reactions vary, but are never boring.
@seantracy5624 Жыл бұрын
I know I'm years too late to this 🥳 party....but just stopping to say how refreshing it is to have a pagan/heathen/animist voice on these issues that is well informed, well researched, checked for bias, and so thoughtfully presented. It does well for our overlapping communities' political interests and the health of our info-entertainment "sector". Thanks for the great work.
@jellybean547 3 жыл бұрын
I was wearing a pentacle necklace at taco bell, when I was working there. A manager told me to hide it; when I pointed out that another one wore a cross, she replied with "she can wear it because it's a cross"
@tarotreadingsbysteven8545 3 жыл бұрын
I've had a manager tell me my pentacle necklace was "devil worship" when I tried to explain it she responded with "it is because I say it is" 🙄
@zuglymonster 3 жыл бұрын
Well it doesn't help that EVERY show about true crime show where "satanic events" happened or supposedly happen they always ALWAYS have a pentagram
@nairbvel 3 жыл бұрын
I had an exchange with someone in a college philosophy class (feels like it was a couple of centuries ago) who said something similar during a class discussion about religions. I noticed a lot of eye rolls whenever she brought up her extremely Evangelical viewpoint as the only true religion because it was the only one with The True God (I feel I should put a trademark sign after that!)... and when it came up for the eleventy-seventh time and she followed it with something about "that's really devil worship, and I can say that because I *KNOW* what devil worship is!" I blurted out something along the lines of, "Isn't it funny how people who claim to really know the only true god are SO familiar with what the devil looks like...?" I got a good laugh and the prof decided the torture had gone on long enough & steered us in a different direction. (This was just a few days before the end of the "schedule adjustment period," during which you could add/drop classes without penalty -- and the last time I saw Annoying Girl.)
@brittsheree85 3 жыл бұрын
She's obviously one of those Christians who takes the Bible for what her pastor says and not read the Bible for herself. I went to church most of my life and stopped going about 2 years ago. I told someone that I was reading a book about Norse mythology because it's my ancestry and they went to the pastor and told them that I was reading about other religions and he threw a fit. He told me I didn't need to study other religions that it can make me stray away. I'm very well studied in Christianity and Biblical history but I would also like to be educated in other religions. If we are supposed to witness to others how am I supposed to talk to someone if I don't know anything about their religion? He just looked at me like he was confused. People are so dumb these days and they have no clue what their religion is even about. I'm much happier not being apart of the circus
@mansonandsatanrock 3 жыл бұрын
There's many people who are too stupid to read the actual religious source material to figure out what it is actually about. This is the case for many religions.
@jaxthewolf4572 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds pretty pretentious of her
@Paige-xd1yv 3 жыл бұрын
I'm already going to hell for being gay, what is paganism on top of that? I'll be going down the LIl Nas X way.
@RayYoWTF 3 жыл бұрын
Right, because same. 🙄😒
@emilysamples6368 3 жыл бұрын
Welp. I guess we will all ride the stripper pole to hell together 😏
@eliasaltman4439 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an atheistic bisexual Jewish metalhead. Is there an extra hell that I’ll get sent to?
@nightytam223 3 жыл бұрын
@@eliasaltman4439 Boi you go down to Extra Mega Hell my friend. Meet me there I'm handing out drinks.
@eliasaltman4439 3 жыл бұрын
@@nightytam223 cool, looking forward to it!
@BAJackson 3 жыл бұрын
I worked in a health food store. The general makeup of the employees were: 80% Christian, 10% atheist/non practicing, 10% pegan/Muslim/other. Our customer makeup reflected this. I always got excited to meet another pegan. I think one of the scariest moments for me when during Christmas time, I had a born again come up to me and shout in my face “are you Muslim?” And go on and on about how she had just found out the Muslims believed in Jesus. Now, though I had many Muslim friends at the time, I was not comfortable representing a religion that was not my own. I believe in being authentic and honestly, I don’t like liars. I told her I was atheist, because at work I am- I don’t believe in having a religion in the work place. Hera help me, that was apparently the WRONG answer. She started screaming in the “YOURE going to hell” way, and I had to be saved by another so that I could get away. She ended up trying to give a complaint, where my manager tried to write me up for talking about my faith. When I didn’t roll over like he wanted, he gave me the cold shoulder, and then was told by other employees to shut up. gets exhausting. I was also hunted down by customers a couple of times in my off hours.
@HoneyBeeJess 3 жыл бұрын
My freshman year of college, I was hanging in the hallway with some friends and one girl, an evangelical Christian (who I would later learn is extremely homophobic, racist, ect.) asked me about my religion. I told her I was pagan, and she dropped it (or so i thought). She spent the rest of that semester saying awful things about my religion, clothing, sexuality, ect. when I wasn't around. When my friends stopped hanging out with her, she went to our building manager and accused me of stealing, in an attempt to cost me my job (I had recently been hired as an ra for the next year.) I was never mean to her. I never did anything to her to make her hate me, other than exist.
@RoseCurry 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up Catholic and currently am a practicing witch exploring Norse paganism. My husband knows but we haven't told other family. Probably a good thing since my mother-in-law told her father I was Catholic and he started preaching at me saying "You know there's only one way to be saved." They are Lutheran.
@munozg31 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all you do Ocean. My wife and I saw Aliakai's video on this and I loved your coverage of this too. You all inspire me to really speak out and be proud to be Pagan. Thank you!!
@ddjsoyenby 3 жыл бұрын
congrats man.
@tomlowe3155 3 жыл бұрын
New Zealand's evangelical community is tiny. I worked with a zealot once many years ago but she ended up getting in trouble rather than me, because we're extremely secular. The conversation between her, my boss at the time, and me, basically boiled down to the boss saying, "He isn't bothering you about your God so stop bothering him about his and stop getting in his face." She avoided me thereafter but that suited me just fine. I was 'outed' at my current workplace due to my Mjolnir pendant, which I usually wore tucked into my shirt but for whatever reason I wore it out and proud on this particular day. Nobody asked about it but evidently people were coming up with theories. Eventually at a work party someone was brave enough to ask - they asked what it even was. When I told them about it and my beliefs it ended up spawning a frankly enjoyable conversation where I got to impart knowledge and answer questions to just about everyone I worked with. The only other religious person there is a Muslim and he was also genuinely keen to know. Of course, I'm probably the only person any of them have ever met who is actually a practicing pagan. In any case, nothing changed, business as usual, and it hasn't come up again in any meaningful way.
@AM-gm5jg 3 жыл бұрын
As an ex-third abrahamic belief follower I can assure you that the follower of "the third abrahamic religion" might become a problem later on, they're supremacists
@tomlowe3155 3 жыл бұрын
@@AM-gm5jg Not in my experience.
@AM-gm5jg 3 жыл бұрын
@@tomlowe3155 I really wish you all the best , be careful though, they might become violent later
@angeladoll9785 3 жыл бұрын
That's an ugly thing to say. The few I've known have actually been better about keeping their religious beliefs to themselves than any Christian I've ever met. Spreading hate is SO 2020, catch up
@tomlowe3155 3 жыл бұрын
@@AM-gm5jg the only Islam-related violence NZ has ever suffered has been at the hands of a white supremacist targeting two mosques and killing 59 people. So I think you're off the mark by a wide margin. We care about our diversity here as much as we can.
@nicoleharman8727 3 жыл бұрын
When I was active duty Navy I had an awesome friend who got certified to be a pagan lay leader on our ship. Much to the joy of our small handful of pagan shipmates. That joy was extremely short lived as the Officers, chiefs, and POs on the ship decided to throw a tantrum of toddler-like proportions accusations that the chapel space would be "tainted with evil" by allowing us to practice our faith. Many people would come to the chapel space to interrupt our religious time, and lots of people came just to pick out "who they should stay away from" on the ship. Each of us were thrust into multiple religious queries per day, told we were going to hell etc. To appease these previously said toddlers, we were given rules and regulations to follow which were severely misinformed, and many of the practices pertained to Wicca- not paganism. They couldn't even get our religion right. Eventually our small group of 7 dropped to 3 because the younger pagans could not handle the level of stress, bullying, and bulls*it that came with being part of our religious meetings. Our chaplain (who was Christian, but an amazing person) tried really hard to guard us, and protect us from the onslaught, as he believed we deserved the right to worship as we saw fit. Eventually we begrudgingly disbanded. But the crap people gave us never stopped. I personally could have cared less, because you've got to do a lot more to shake my bones. But I felt terrible for the baby pagans who were between the ages of 18-20. It is my hope that wherever they are, they've learned to walk with strength and pride.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
Some of these stories make me angry as i read them. This one stood out though. Frustrating that as soon as we get a little space for ourselves, people have to try and stamp it out.
@nicoleharman8727 3 жыл бұрын
@@OceanKeltoi oh yeah, they even went as far as to add the rule "no animal sacrifices or blood rituals" 🙄 if my eyes could have rolled back any farther I'd have snapped my optic nerves. We were on a ship in the middle of the damn ocean... What were we gonna do? Hide dead animals in our racks? Come the EFF on. Lol 🤣
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
@@nicoleharman8727 One thing to do is to accept those rules but offer to add new ones, such as no ritualized consumption of the blood and/or flesh of any human and/or deity, symbolically or literally. Or, point out that the drinking of the blood of Christ is a blood ritual and it's therefore banned on the ship.
@OceanKeltoi 3 жыл бұрын
"Look, that's not actually the blood of Christ." Catholic Crew Member: "Excuse me, what?"
@nicoleharman8727 3 жыл бұрын
@@OceanKeltoi oh my gods, I genuinely wish one of us had thought of this back then!!! What a beautiful missed opportunity.
@mactireliath2356 2 жыл бұрын
I am thankful to work for a business, and for people, that had no qualms about me asking off for the Summer Solstice. I set aside vacation time for the High Holy Days, as I continue to mature my (Proto-Taoist) practices. Hearing about this lawsuit is disappointing; living in the Midwest of the U.S, so have become somewhat desensitized to religious scrutiny. I am thankful to now have nothing but gratitude for the challenges placed in front of me that have helped me evolve.
@pentegarn1 2 жыл бұрын
Well I'll never eat there again. As for asking for holidays off....I don't ask...I tell. Strangely I've had Xtians ask me "Hay if I work Yule for you will you work X-mas eve for me?" Which is awesome. Xtians and pagans working together in co existence. lol
@OceanKeltoi 2 жыл бұрын
See thats how it should go
@hwiley8141 3 жыл бұрын
I was working with a girl, I was showing her how to cut cauliflower. We were talking and somehow got on the topic of religion. When I said I wasnt sure what to believe, she litterally stepped away from me. I said she had to get closer so she could see what I was doing. Turns out she didnt want to because she actually believed I was going to be hit by lightning. About a minute later I nicked myself, and I am sure she thought it divine retribution.
@autobotstarscream765 3 жыл бұрын
Did you explain that Lord Raiden respects good people of all faiths? ⚡
@Emeraldwitch30 3 жыл бұрын
Lol my family all wait for me to come to weddings and stuff. The minute I walk into the church and don't immediately get struck by lightning makes them all sigh in disappointment. Lol. Its pretty fun to watch.
@leyrua 3 жыл бұрын
Just tell her: "Nah, lightning strikes are more Zeus's thing." Which ironically might put her at equal risk.
@autobotstarscream765 3 жыл бұрын
@@leyrua Well, Zeus is arguably passive-aggressively given the title of Satan in parts of the New Testament, and inspired the medieval depiction of God as a bearded old man throwing thunderbolts at the most minor offenses, so...Raiden and Thor seem like safer company to me.
@faiaflrt 3 жыл бұрын
I've been a retail manager for several years, and, yeah, asking an employee about their religion is a huge no-no. It's actually illegal in my state, and I thought it was everywhere. We did have one store where the manager and all of her employees were Wiccans (she would only hire coven members, which was another problem, but not my problem) down here in the middle of the Bible Belt. The comments we'd get from customers who went out of their way to come to our store because they assumed we were all Christians were funny sometimes. They would come in and ask where the religious books were, and I would ask which religion and they would get mad or go speechless. I got told we shouldn't have the Qur'an more than once. We had a good mix of faiths among our employees, though, and one or two very passionate atheists.
@isaacgraham6149 3 жыл бұрын
If anyone wants a sample of what to say to these folks in a comment here is what I am going to say "It has come to my attention that your company is involved in a legal matter concerning the religious freedoms of one of your employees. The rights of individuals freedom of speech, thought, expression and religion are some of the most important rights that we have, and I encourage you to take action to uphold these values. This includes holding people responsible who have infringed on other rights, creating policies that uphold values that respect individuals’ personal freedoms."
@TyrsMissingArm Жыл бұрын
Sorry to necro this, but I’m just sharing a brighter story. Oddly enough Pennsylvania, where this takes place. I’m a police officer is a small department and the 2nd in command of a shift. Shortly after a junior officer was hired onto my crew we organically discovered that we were both heathens following the same patron god. I can’t remember how we discovered each other, but we immediately started bouncing ideas of thoughts off each other during down time. It was in short, delightful. Here I had another pagan to help me grow. To help each other. Obviously, other officers would overhear us. Most just left us be. We’re good with that. After about half a year of this or so, my Sergeant approached me and started asking questions about my faith. This conversation ended up lasting hours (it was a very slow night) and a few days after the conversation my Sergeant asked for some literature and resources to study on his own. We provided what we had and pointed him towards some resources and advised him to stay away from folkish sources of info. Our Sergeant ended up adopting heathenry. And the three of us speak often and help each other grow. The three of us are well respected in the department and we haven’t faced any discrimination. I’ve adopted an “open door” policy about faith. I’ll talk to anyone about it who asks, if they ask. Even if we disagree I find the discussions healthy. True craftsmanship and understanding requires challenging your own position. The times right now are ripe for us to be able to thrive as pagans. I’m not out to convert anyone. It’s the respectful discussion that truly empowers. To just have that open education of other cultures and faiths. At least in my department, we are thriving. That is priceless to me.
@VannahSavage 3 жыл бұрын
6th grade field trip to a local theme park, my best friend's parents are chaperoning, we're in the same group, there's a waterslide, it's amazing. Until Monday, when I get to class and she won't look at or talk to me, and the other kids at our table refuse to let me sit down, won't tell me why. I try to tell the teacher they're being awful shits for no apparent reason, and he shrugs and tells me to sit at the (empty) table at the back of class until he redoes the seating chart. I spend the entirely of class sobbing, alone, until the bell rings and one of the girls I thought I was friends with says that my "bff" has decreed me banished because her parents saw my pentacle and said she can't be friends with a devil worshiper. Cue two decades of social anxiety, depression, and a crippling inability to fully trust "friends". Thanks Kelsey's mom and dad. :)
@DrDino123 3 жыл бұрын
Great video!! That is why I love being pagan, we see one of us in trouble (regardless of what branch of paganism they follow) we come running to support them and amplify voices against discrimination and bigotry
@asylymescapeie 3 жыл бұрын
I have people currently telling me that I have to be a straight christian baby-maker to have a life. Like reproduction is all I am good for. It's disgusting for any person to treat another this way let alone someone who claims to be a part of a religion that teaches compassion. My support goes out to all of you who are fighting this. SHIELDWALL!
@KlavierMenn 3 жыл бұрын
As far as I know, Jesus does teach to 'love thy neighbor', no? Also, may I tell u a secret? there is no mention of hell in the bible (aside for the firelake at Revelations). Nor there any mentions about the Devil (As in the person. the word used in the bible is 'satanas' which means 'the one who oppose', and was used to point out people who opposed! There is a pasage that says aboout the Planet Venus, calling it Morningstar and how sad that it fell, but it was about the Ishtar sect of the persians, not the devil! )
@witchdoctorgames5011 3 жыл бұрын
@@KlavierMenn it was in fact meant to explain, while drawing parallels to historical and geographic events, the fall of satan, or lucifer. he is the explicitly mentioned angel of light who decieved humanity and created suffering by introducing evil into mankind, and fell as lightning from heaven. He is called evil because he knowingly tempted humans into taking on knowledge they were not ready for, knowingly dooming us. It is a misconceptions to deny that the adversary as.he is called, or the one who opposes is not real, but a reference to this one event. It is used many times over, in many contexts, and part of the poetic language of the bible is is the use of parallels to explain heavenly events to those with an earthly context. This argument ignores key connections between genesis and revelation that reference the character and actions of satan. Also hell is real, it's just not in the commonly held dogmatic understanding of hell. Also different words are used but it is refered to as the consequence of sinful action rather than a location. Basically it's a state of fallen humanity on earth, separating us from Christ. The lake of fire is the final judgement representing eternal destruction or endless death. It is reserved for satan, who caused humanities suffering and decieves them into falling, and opposing god, while rejecting the free redemption of christ for ALL people christian or not. Pagan included. The lake is also reserved for death, as in the phenomenon of mortality, and sin, or the separation from god. That said, those who are decieved into an allegiance with the adversary of humanity and god, aka satan, will be judged with him die to the acts they will commit in his name, whether or not they believe in him or not. Essentially the second death(lake of fire) is reserved for those who destroy innocents and oppose the will of god, his will being to save the immortal souls of all beings, by redeeming them of there sins. This is not to say that all who question or doubt are wicked, but those who join the ranks of satan and unrepentantly do evil. Those who believe will be saved, because they will not be decieved and dragged down with satan. The reason it is like this is because God respects free will, and would not allow us to lose that right, so his hand is forced by the one who wishes destruction on is all, out of envy for humans. That's why god sent his son, the second member of the godhead, to take our guilt onto himself, which means he sacrificed his own blood to atone for our sins, because he loves humanity.
@witchdoctorgames5011 3 жыл бұрын
Those who oppose christ are not with him, and cannot receive his redemption, but those who repent, and don't oppose his mission and warnings can be saved.
@KlavierMenn 3 жыл бұрын
@@witchdoctorgames5011 Such words, much knowledge.... N O T. I don't subscribe to your mythology, bub, so don't try to push it to me. There's ~ maybe ~ a God out there (Can't say that there isn't, there's no way to proof a negative - or a positive - ) But even if there IS a creator, surely yours is not that god.
@witchdoctorgames5011 3 жыл бұрын
@@KlavierMenn I'm not pushing it, I'm just pointing out that I disagree with your evaluation and correcting that. I was explaining the subject you are making claims about in the proper context. The fact that you resort to insults and a facetious attitude shows that you have resentment towards religion. I'm not professing that this is the truth, but that this is the ideology that you frame in a negative hateful light.
@dragonmaster613 3 жыл бұрын
My mother's coven is spreading this as far as they can on Facebook. You should make a TikTok to spread this further!
@ConversationBomb 3 жыл бұрын
Fifteen years ago, I naively answered honestly when my boss asked me about my religion. While was not fired, the next day, my desktop was plastered with post-it notes from Revelations and all the "repent now" verses. Btw, Jesus and I are on great terms, I have a problem with his toxic fanbase. Blessed Be )O(
@Hikari20035 3 жыл бұрын
As an atheist i'm here to tell you I got you and fight on and we're stronger together
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