影片最後一段歐比跟愛因斯坦的對話讓人不寒而慄, chain reaction在物理上發生機率低, 但人性可以讓chain reaction百分之一百發生 “When I came to you with those calculations,” Oppenheimer tells Einstein, “we thought we might start a chain reaction that might destroy the entire world.” “What of it?” Einstein asks. “I believe we did,” Oppenheimer says.
電影雖然很期待也一定會去看,但我可以預期看完後的心情一定很沈重⋯人類集結了如此多的天才與耗費大量物資與金錢,就是為了要製造出如何最有效率殺死(以及殺傷)最多人類的武器,這就是人類這種智慧生物會做的事。每次想到戰爭,我的腦海中總會浮現遊戲『異塵餘生』的開場白:War,War never changes.
This video is not only a fascinating scientific class, But also a wonderful and informative introduction for this movie! Thank you so much for this well presented movie breakdown, I have learnt a lot about Atomic Bomb! ❤ Sasuga Oppenheimer Sama! You are the All Range ATOMIC 😎☣️🎇