為什麼科技巨頭都愛用 Perplexity?網友用過後驚呼:終於可以跟滿是廣告的 Google 說拜拜了!!

  Рет қаралды 100,764



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@xiuejosev3697 Ай бұрын
@marshalllee8488 Ай бұрын
我有用過Perplexity pro,給我的感想是,他整理出來的資料還是要再去check一下,不能完全相信,比如說他整理出來的資料得出來的結論,我去看原始資料來源都沒提到,不過用他來先做初步的資料收集還可以
@cffwxx Ай бұрын
@lkl852 23 күн бұрын
@52mr486 21 сағат бұрын
@figer6011 Ай бұрын
Felo search 用過就回不去了,裡面還包 chatGPT,超佛
@MaggieFetch 22 күн бұрын
目前我也都有用 可以互相比較優缺點
@Iagreewithyoubearhug Ай бұрын
我目前在美國學寫作,老師也是推薦這個,我的論文我後來用perplexity 分析,她給我93分,老師給我97分,可以利用來評量自己些的文章,但內容跟文獻都是我自己想跟找的。
@HardyDimension Ай бұрын
起初還真的以為結果是蠻準確的,因為它是根據幾個不同的網站查詢到的結果然後整合出來嘛。 但測試過了之後發現還是跟其他AI工具沒差多少,即使訊息是有根據搜索資源但還是會多次提供錯誤訊息,也不明白為什麼。已經告訴過它正確的答案,但之後還是再次給錯誤的訊息。 如果沒有註冊賬號的話,你問多幾次它就會叫你登陸賬號了,此時你也不能繼續問下去,只能選擇登陸賬號而已。 這些應該跟沒有登陸賬號無關吧👀
@papapiea Ай бұрын
認同,目前試用覺得是功能被高估了,常常引用的消息來源跟回答沒啥直接關係,糾正他也沒辦法改,永遠在那幾個網站間來來去去 (Google不也是受廣告影響有這些問題,那Perplexity的優勢在哪)....或許我問的專業太偏 (金融保險) ?但話說回來如果只是一般性的生活常識問題還需要Perplexity煞有介事地提供來源嗎?設計的想法是好的,但要進入商用應該還有段路要走,現階段可能還不如Notebooklm有針對性
@chunjoe1126 Ай бұрын
我也有遇過,相比之下,chatgpt o4選web搜尋,答案是正確的,不太確定是否單純是因為剛好Chatgpt資料庫較新
@wanderingpoetinvoid Ай бұрын
你說太多了,兩個字就可以描述這AI工具。 樂色。 感謝你排雷,我可以不用玩了。
@darklegionskyline8629 Ай бұрын
感謝分享。。。 馬上涼掉了,我本身很在意資訊的正確性, 不想浪費時間去讀一些錯誤內容,有時想靠AI快速獲得資訊,反而欲速則不達。。。
@guanchenglee269 Ай бұрын
@shannihwa4240 Ай бұрын
@colenken Ай бұрын
這個AI太實用了, 謝謝分享
@王者的靈魂 Ай бұрын
支持你喜歡的好頻道,聽說除了按讚以外, 最好是再留個言,才能順應演算法幫忙引流! 只留個💖圖案也行🎉🎉🎉讚讚讚👍👍👍
@LiLi-rm8oj Ай бұрын
有空的話 大家可以每個搜尋AI都試試看 個人感想是perplexity不怎麼樣
@宇-p9h Ай бұрын
@derrick8634 Ай бұрын
@figer6011 Ай бұрын
Felo search
@顏呈政-z2d Ай бұрын
@jkjk-qg6gl Ай бұрын
@@宇-p9h felo ai,我觉得这个回答质量挺高的
@莊榮發副 22 күн бұрын
@葡眾妃妃 Ай бұрын
@lionsherkh Ай бұрын
謝謝老師 ! 謝謝你 !
@kli4203 Ай бұрын
@user679jk7 Ай бұрын
@fishdark1027 Ай бұрын
個人覺得資料準確性上還是回應有點陽春的NotebookLM比較保險,資料自己放置進去的,可以選擇生成範圍,也會附上生成來源可以確認真實度~ 缺點是不太開的起玩笑、敏感議題會假裝當機、講話有點硬WWW
@jackhau1628 Ай бұрын
@陳誼欣 Ай бұрын
@xaviertsai4063 Ай бұрын
@changian444 Ай бұрын
Perplexity AI 真的超棒,不會有Hallucination的問題。感謝製作教學影片🙏
@allezvenga7617 18 күн бұрын
@JackChen1219 Ай бұрын
敲碗 OpenAI GPT Search
@chenwow Ай бұрын
去年問了一個苦惱幾十年身體的症狀.門診看過2個醫師跟查過很多套GPT都無法正確回答的問題. 詢問結果出現一個從沒想過的答案.而且實驗過真的是那個原因. 所以現在關於醫學的會先問一下~
@龙采风 Ай бұрын
什么症状? 你们那里不是有很多有名的中医吗?
@chenwow Ай бұрын
@@龙采风 跟中醫無關.我可以說問題但是答案有點複雜.也沒什麼嚴重.就不方便說... 我的問題是從小只要空腹不小心喝一口果汁或汽水可樂.就會有全身從骨頭或肉裡痛出來的感覺.極度不舒服.要大量喝水半小時才會好.(屢試不爽) 但是幾十年來有時健檢或看感冒時會詢問一下醫生.問了2家醫院的家醫科醫生都講不出來原因.(因為只要避免就可以不發生.所以沒有特別去在意)
@龙采风 Ай бұрын
@@chenwow 你这种情况有点像是胃痉挛之类的,如果当时去医院检查,或者医生根据你的描述,应该会给出类似的答案,下次你出现这种情况的时候,揉压一下下脘穴位置看会不会缓解一下,可以自己查一下下脘穴在哪里,祝你早日康复
@chenwow Ай бұрын
@@龙采风 謝謝.不過跟胃無關.
@AlexChan-38 Ай бұрын
@antinomy5dsbruno Ай бұрын
他付費版的dc 有一個prompt 蠻厲害的,就是上傳檔。
@lukeleung2012 Ай бұрын
@antinomy5dsbruno Ай бұрын
@lukeleung2012 You are an AI assistant tasked with creating smart notes based on a given text. Your goal is to actively engage with the material, extract key concepts, critically analyze the content, and develop your own insights. This process will help you transform information into deeper understanding and original thinking. Here is the text you will be working with: {{Attached}} Follow these steps to create your smart notes: 1. Read the text carefully, identifying and extracting key concepts, arguments, and supporting evidence. 2. Critically analyze the content and its implications: - Consider whether you agree or disagree with the main points and why - Reflect on how this new information connects to existing knowledge - Note any new insights or questions that arise from the text 3. Create permanent notes to capture your learning and develop your thinking: - Summarize each key idea in your own words - Record your analysis, reactions, and the connections you've made - Focus on ideas you can expand on or apply in your work 4. Consider how these new notes might link to existing ideas or themes in a knowledge base 5. Identify any open questions or areas for further research Present your smart notes in the following format: [Summarize a key concept from the text] [Provide your critical analysis, including your agreement/disagreement, connections to existing knowledge, and any new insights] [List any questions or areas for further exploration that arose from this concept] [Repeat this structure for each key concept you identify] [Discuss any overarching themes or connections you've identified across the concepts] [List any broader areas or topics that require additional investigation] Remember, the goal is not just to summarize the text, but to engage in deeper thinking and idea development. Your notes should reflect your own understanding, insights, and questions that have emerged from your engagement with the material. As you create these notes, continually ask yourself how these ideas connect to existing knowledge and how they might be applied or expanded upon in work. This process of active engagement and connection-making is key to building a robust and useful system of smart notes. After completing your notes, take a moment to reflect on how this process has deepened your understanding of the material and sparked new ideas. Consider how you might revisit and build upon these notes in the future to further develop your thinking on this topic. If the user enters the special command [BETTER PROMPT] at any time, followed by their input, switch to the following prompt: You are an expert prompt engineer tasked with creating a BETTER PROMPT system. Your goal is to analyze, improve, and optimize an original prompt through a series of steps. Follow these instructions carefully: 1. Begin by reading the original prompt: [User's input here] 2. Analyze the original prompt: - Identify the main objective - List key components and their relationships - Determine intended use cases and applications - Highlight strengths and potential weaknesses Write your analysis in tags. 3. Rewrite the prompt for clarity and effectiveness: - Use precise and unambiguous language - Ensure a logical flow of ideas - Maintain the original intent and core information - Enhance readability and comprehension Present your rewritten version in tags, followed by a brief explanation of key changes in tags. 4. Identify potential improvements: - Consider expanding the scope - Add specific instructions or guidelines - Incorporate relevant context or background information - Address limitations or weaknesses - Suggest innovative features or approaches List at least 5 potential improvements in tags, each with a brief explanation. 5. Refine and enhance the prompt: - Integrate the proposed improvements into the prompt structure - Ensure coherence and flow between existing and new elements - Maintain a balance between comprehensiveness and clarity - Optimize for intended application and target audience Present the refined version in tags, highlighting integrated improvements. 6. Present the optimized prompt: - Showcase the result of the improvement process - Demonstrate how the core intent has been maintained and enhanced - Highlight key features and improvements - Provide guidelines for using the optimized prompt - Suggest potential applications or use cases Present the final, optimized prompt in tags. 7. Provide a summary of the entire process and the key improvements made in tags. Your final output should be structured as follows: [Your analysis here] [Your rewritten prompt here] [Your explanation of key changes here] [Your list of potential improvements here] [Your refined and enhanced prompt here] [Your final, optimized prompt here] [Your summary of the process and key improvements here] Ensure that each step builds upon the previous ones, creating a cohesive and iterative improvement process. Your goal is to produce a significantly enhanced version of the original prompt that maximizes its effectiveness and applicability.
@laji-g3t 21 күн бұрын
@alkaid750 Ай бұрын
PRO蠻好用的不過答得還是不夠深入 就整合而言我覺得算是不錯的AI 但內容深度感覺還是不夠
@Galaxytree2024 Ай бұрын
@oconnor8615 Ай бұрын
@LaoDan-y3p Ай бұрын
@deuowo3374 Ай бұрын
@dogsuper8459 Ай бұрын
@jason77nhri Ай бұрын
感謝分享 不過我的焦點項目裡面沒有推理耶? 是因為我是免費版的嗎? 謝謝
@韓文-x2d Ай бұрын
現在使用AI很大的問題就是 不知道不清楚不確定 我寧可它直接告訴我不知道 不要瞎掰 但是好像還是被設計成回答計算後機率最高的 有可以手動調這個參數的AI嗎? 例如正確率要高達多少%以上才回答 謝謝分享
@dillionchan2204 Ай бұрын
現在2024年, 我跟Perplexity說我想換今年的手機,說了我現在用的型號(2023年出)、想改善拍照質量和價位,希望他提出建議。 結果他建議了3款手機,都是2021年的產品、價錢不在我的價位內、所建議的產品的拍照功能都比我現在手機差。 並沒有幫助。
@chifuzeng8806 Ай бұрын
@台積電破千 6 күн бұрын
Google 拜拜
@taize0710 Ай бұрын
@ALYOism Ай бұрын
Perplexity 很實用 付費了PRO
@ErikYin2024 14 күн бұрын
@aoi-irl 21 күн бұрын
@viviansilver 19 күн бұрын
@YYCC-x1r 11 күн бұрын
@whatismynamemen Ай бұрын
@HoshiyomiAbao Ай бұрын
@antinomy5dsbruno Ай бұрын
felo文字 長度比較短
@nonosky4554 Ай бұрын
My Perplexity Pro membership only costs $60 per year
@ING_Z Ай бұрын
@shakechen7944 Ай бұрын
@shakechen7944 Ай бұрын
@zeiss9 Ай бұрын
Felo AI 比較容易實現跨語言搜索
@CeliaSu Ай бұрын
@parasharatw9024 Ай бұрын
@RUFANGLiu Ай бұрын
@hongliangqiu Ай бұрын
@ym010273 Ай бұрын
使用幾次會發現很多有毒的網站會做資訊汙染,尤其各種中國營銷網站= =
@lung-m9y Ай бұрын
他都過氣了..... 甚至從一開始就沒真的比舊版copilot好用多少 除了介面好看以外
@PuddingSB Ай бұрын
GPT Search 感覺也可以用
@EianPan Ай бұрын
@tsajm6bh Ай бұрын
perplexity是垃圾, 只是從GOOGLE抓幾篇文章來做總結而已。連我很精準地用CoT式指示去叫它去搜尋資料再排序, 結果它都做到完全錯誤。
@JovianneAlfaro Ай бұрын
感谢您的分析! 有点题外话,但我想问一下: 我有一个SafePal钱包,里面有USDT,并且我有恢复短语. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). 将它们转移到Binance的最佳方法是什么?
@LovingHeart2077 Ай бұрын
@RayarBasay Ай бұрын
@巫小姐-l5u Ай бұрын
2024 11 05
@kwoktony012466 Ай бұрын
@IssacBerry-nd8pt Ай бұрын
最近影片的水準都不高。這個pplx的file source功能 要和notebooklm對比一下才是. 上次檔案名那期很多東西我想說, 都吞下去算了
@wht915 Ай бұрын
@pensis Ай бұрын
典型的gaslighting "嗯...你知道你的缺點有多嚴重嗎? 還不知道問題在哪? 我都不好意思數落你了, 你還不反省一下嗎?"
@IssacBerry-nd8pt Ай бұрын
@@pensis 舉一個你反駁不了的例子, 上次他檔案管理名命中用了 # , 可能还有@ /\ | 等等. 這些是不能用在obsidian中的, 相信其他markdown based notepad e.g. loqseq也是. obsidian你的聽說過吧
@ayii-it Ай бұрын
@@IssacBerry-nd8pt覺得妳很用心,遇到教徒沒辦法就是論事 😂 那是一種標準的....「教主」「老師」「恩人」「聖人」「好人」「喜歡的人」「乍看專業的人」「權威」通通不可以檢討 😂😂😂
@IssacBerry-nd8pt Ай бұрын
@@ayii-it 台灣包子 四年內台海見! 到時別失禁了
@allycha28 Ай бұрын
It works #beatbox #tiktok
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Tuna 🍣 ​⁠@patrickzeinali ​⁠@ChefRush
Рет қаралды 148 МЛН
Learn 80% of Perplexity in under 10 minutes!
Jeff Su
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It works #beatbox #tiktok
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