Thank you Fr Dn Ezra (& Richard) it was worth the wait ~ and will be wiorth reviewing
@symbolizeme Жыл бұрын
@tedclemens40934 жыл бұрын
"The madness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men." I like that phrase. How true! "The freedom to behave toward others the way that God does toward us." Regarding the woman caught in adultery, the work of love might have "saved her life," as you said, but compassion over correction gives no solution to the woman who likely wanted one (Romans 7:19). God treats us with compassion, but that alone just leaves us hanging. My mother's compassion was a welcome respite in the middle of trouble as a kid, but offered no solutions to the weakness of the flesh. "Let us not cling to the old." I'm afraid it took years to admit that my "free will," wasn't strong enough to rid myself of undesired behaviors. The old was clinging to me. If "we must make the effort," what purpose is Christ? Reasoning, "What are we who have been raised from the dead to walk in newness of life-what are we doing still hanging on to the world of death?" are the futile words of an alcoholic as he reaches out for the next round. So I came to the conclusion that the "rabbit's hutch"-the box that imprisons us-is not one of behavior. It is a box of self-judgment and living according to good and evil. Jesus offered little solution to the woman caught in adultery by saying, "Go and sin no more." As Paul realized in Romans 7, that just opened her up to another failure or frustration. But there was another "sinful" woman (Luke 7:36-50) who Jesus forgave-which had her crying at his feet. To her he also offered, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Faith saved her, not change of behavior. That has been my exploration during the last ten years. By definition, there is no judgment in faith-so paradigm shift of paradigm shifts, start by taking all judgment and law away. With Christ, there is no box, just as you said. There's only the two of us.
@tedclemens40934 жыл бұрын
"There are no Christian values." Been wanting to hear that from the pulpit for years. Thank you!
@tedclemens40934 жыл бұрын
Closing with judgment was excellent! But it's not only the judgment of others. Self-condemnation has been at the core of this since Adam and his wife took on fig leaves. They judged as shameful what God had already called good; and hid from God. When found, God didn't counsel with them on their judgment, rather he challenged the authority of the judgment, with, "Who told you...?" To say, "There are no Christian values," but then focus on establishing good behaviors doubles back on the argument. So there really are values to live up to? Righteousness lives relative to values. Resurrection lives relative to God. Those are two different dynamics, each with its own results..