Dear all protesters and rioters against law enforcement, It has become apparent that your fighting for your rights, that is fine nothing against that, but the thing is, people dont change because you through rocks at them, people dont change because you hurt or kill them, they change because of the role the citizens play in order to make the officer feel safe and to make the officer feel like he/she doesnt need to use force, and that the officer can get along with members of the public, not have you go AGAINST them, I am sure you wouldn't like it if your parents where to give up on you, these officers are next in line, to make sure your safe, to make sure your taken care of, but if your killing or injuring them, they cant do there job, behind that badge is a heart, is a family and is a person, their uniform and occupation should not give you the right to hurt them, they are simply doing what is asked of them, to uphold their state. And by you punishing them because you don't know the whole side of the story, is just unbelievable. And it needs to stop before it gets out of hand, now, I know you wont listen to me or anyone, but that is how it is, if someone came and shot your brother or stole your car or mugged you, who will you call, 911 right? But what if there was no 911? I want you to just think about that.