It's actually a two slab but I assume it as a one way slab so it's easier and to make video not too long. I just want to gave people an idea on how to calculate it. It's kinda my fault to not mention it in the video and make people confused😅 In the details calculation, you would need to calculate each beam between every two columns separately using one or two ways slab method like you have . If it is a two-way slab, some beam will bear the load in triangle shape, some in ចតុកោណព្នាយ shape. So calculate the area then multiply by Q
@yunrotha7456 Жыл бұрын
hello bong, why do u consider load transfer from slab to beam as one way slab even we have one secondary beam in the middle ? thank you
@growing. Жыл бұрын
Good question Oun, the idea here that I want to introduce to is to give people the concept of how we can calculate it in Lump sum method. (Lump sum is like calculate in an easy way, not complicated, not details, but the results is not accurate which lead to a high budget ). So here what I actually did, I assumed it was a one way slab along a long direct of the house then if I calculate the secondary beam, I would assumed it was a one way slab along short direction. But in the details calculation, you would need to calculate each beam between every two columns separately using one or two ways slab method like you have asked. By the way, there's no secondary beam in that house since all beams are supported by columns. Hope you got it, :)
@yunrotha7456 Жыл бұрын
@@growing. ohhh yeah bong I see , it was my mistake 😭 but thank you so much for your response that help lot and make me more clear about the load transfer thank you again bong for sharing. Appreciated ❤️