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코바늘 강아지 만들기 PART 1 동영상입니다.
This is PART 1 video for "My Little Puppy" Crochet Tutorial.
*코바늘 단계는 동영상의 상세설명을 확인해주세요.
*Crochet steps are written in the crochet tutorial videos.
*바느질을 위하여 실을 여러 뭉치로 나눠서 사용해도 편리해요.
*It's also convenient start with several yarn balls for sewing purpose.
*인형 눈 사이즈는 강아지 완성된 작품의 사이즈에 따라 조정하셔도 됩니다.
*You can adjust the size of the eyes, depending on how big your finished doll is.
Hi, I'm a working mom who loves to crochet! I started to crochet when I fell terribly ill back in my 20s. And learning how to crochet has helped me to overcome not only my sickness but also cheered me up during hard times. I share what I crochet throughout my free time after work, and hope that my crochet videos can also help you to get through any hardship you may encounter in life. Let's crochet and leave our worries behind!
모든 아픔과 걱정을 잊게 하는 코바늘
코바늘을 좋아하는 워킹맘 젠나와
함께 취미생활을 나눠요.
퇴근 후 만드는 쪼꼬미 토실토실 코바늘 인형들
같이 만들며 힐링해요.
코바늘 테라피
함께해요 :)
좋아요 & 구독 꾹 부탁 드립니다. :)
Please Subscribe and Like before You Leave!
짧은뜨기 코줄임은 모두 숨겨모아뜨기로 진행하였습니다. "짧은뜨기 숨겨모아뜨기 코줄임" 방법은 젠나의 채널에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다. :)
Invisible Decrease Method is used for all the Single Crochet Decreases in this video! To learn how to do single crochet invisible decrease, please check out my video on "How to: Single Crochet Invisible Decrease" on our channel!
Crochet Terminology
sc : single crochet (짧은뜨기)
hdc: half double crochet (긴뜨기)
dc: double crochet (한길긴뜨기)
tr: treble crochet (두길긴뜨기)
inc: increase (코늘림)
dec: invisible decrease (코줄임)
ch: chain (사슬)
sl st: slip stitch (빼뜨기)
Häkelbegriffe in Deutsch
sc : single crochet (feste Masche)
hdc: half double crochet (Halbes Stäbchen)
dc: double crochet (Stäbchen)
tr: treble crochet (Doppelstäbchen)
inc: increase (Zunahme)
dec: invisible decrease (Abnahme)
ch: chain (Luftmasche)
sl st: slip stitch (Kettmasche)
인트로 / Intro - 0:05
준비물 / Materials - 0:22
Gruendl Funny Uni
(5-6 mm)
Gruendl Lisa Premium
(3.5 mm)
블색 자수실
5 mm 코바늘
6 mm 인형 눈
Gruendl Funny Uni
(5-6 mm)
Gruendl Lisa Premium
(3.5 mm)
black embroidery yarn
5 mm crochet hook
6 mm doll eyes
tapestry needle
polyester filling
다리 / Legs - 0:42
귀 / Ears - 3:11
꼬리 / Tail - 5:27
입 / Mouth - 8:26
머리 / Head - 12:12
바느질 / Sewing - 23:41
©2020-2024 Jenna Crochet (Jenna in Germany) Please do not copy, sell, alter or re-distribute this pattern in any form. If you would like to share this pattern, please link back to this post.