Woah 😳 thanks for the flashback! He stole Tae, killed Tae’s mom? Yoongi really wanted Tae as their brother and actually truly loved him. How is Tae going to take and accept all this information?!
@ArmysoulsinBts8 күн бұрын
Whatever happened with Kim seok hoon was so wrong 😢😢😢 whatever he did with tae father was right how could but we know who did the sin 😞
@sitizaena918 күн бұрын
So they real Klufrit, is that hyunbin 😒..I hope he will be punished for what he did, to Yoongi mother and tae' real mother😢 it's so emotional but nice to I really love it...waiting for the next parts please upload soon thank you author 😊❤❤❤❤ and I know you will never notice me coment but still I'm write ✍️ a coment in your story, coz I love this story so much..your writings skills is good👍 please keep going, good luck author🥰🥰