Part 2 - My encounter with demons, energy healing, yoga, vipassana meditation - My testimony

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Chris Smith

Chris Smith

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Part 1: • From mushrooms, ayahua...
This is the 2nd half of my story of taking a few years off to seek spiritually which took me down the path of Burning Man, mushrooms, LSD, ayahuasca, DMT, energy healing schools, crystals, yoga retreats and weeks of silent Buddhist meditation retreats. I ultimately had an encounter with Jesus while in India at Sadhguru's yoga ashram and again after encountering a demon at a Vipassana meditation retreat.
I speak a little slow so feel free to speed up the playback.

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@betzairaruiz1765 Жыл бұрын
This is happening to me ! For 20 years since I was 13 I’ve been into all of the occult / new age And the last few weeks I am getting dreams with bible verses . I look them up the next day and they are exactly what I needed to hear that I cry . Another time I had sleep paralysis and a woman appeared in my room and asked me “ what do you do when you are being attacked ?” I said ; I meditate , I do energy making, sage , etc. she gives me a look like that’s not what she wanted to hear . And then I say - I listens to psalms. As soon as I say that i realize I am being attacked by an entity . I get angry ( usually I get very scared ) But this time I feel a power within me ( God) . And I tell it , I command it to leave . I tell it 3 times in my mind . And whatever it is leaves and I am able to move. I quickly look up what psalms are bc I don’t know anything about the Bible . And it means to only worship God. That in times on need to pray to him and only him. I cried. It’s so humbling to know that he is calling me . For a long time I thought as long as you practiced anything in love it’s was ok . But I’m fast realizing it’s not …
@TJ0614 Жыл бұрын
Use the name of Jesus whenever you pray. Observe His presence that comes over you when his name leaves your mouth. Understand that the love of Christ can move mountains and so much more, there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore :)
@TEWMUCH Жыл бұрын
Yeeees. I thought the same thing. If I have loving and positive intentions, then I'm a good person... uhm that not what the Bible said!!!. And Jesus called me to him in a very similar way. I'm saved!
@peaceuponthesoul Жыл бұрын
Book recommendation: The Believer's Authority!!
@peaceuponthesoul Жыл бұрын
by Kenneth E. Hagin
@DetVen Жыл бұрын
He feels better than he ever has trying to learn about Jesus and God and reading the Bible and it seems he knows that this is the way, but he's still going to all these kooky new age retreats...why??
@gregkloot4402 Жыл бұрын
I have a new brother in Christ. Fantastic. I remember when I got saved and this incredible realisation hit me..."It's true, Jesus is true, he's God's only begotten Son and his blood reconciles me to God"
@Kim.Miller Жыл бұрын
Do you think children can give consent to adults? Can humans give consent to supernatural beings who tell them to be brave during sex? What happened to Mary would be considered rape in most states. Your entire religion is based on a rape-baby Messiah. Just...gross.
@DK-cd8og Жыл бұрын
@johnzx14rk94 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I'm running back to Jesus as fast as I can with every ounce of energy I possess. You saved me. Thank You. Your Prayer at the end was powerful, but I need more. Thank You Good Sir. I am going to spend the next few weeks asking Jesus Christ for Forgiveness. Thank You.
@Prin_Cess_007 Жыл бұрын
Read the Bible, that’s what changed me & rud me of all kinds of addictions, and issues. Luke, Matthew, Acts then Romans Hebrews. Welcome back to life. Much ❤️
@picklechip5462 Жыл бұрын
Yes read scripture, I put it off for many years but once I started I had a thirst and didn’t want to stop. Even if u just read a few pages a day, it will speak to you like nothing else.pray for wisdom and understanding before and the Holy Spirit with give it to you.
@urbanpioneer5326 Жыл бұрын
He forgives all. When we truly ask. Look at Acts 2:38 please. On salvation.
@sunshineandsmiles9668 Жыл бұрын
Read, pray, renounce, repent, tell others your testimony and the grace and power of God. Love you!!!!!
@jjgems5909 Жыл бұрын
Praise God. We love you!
@B_Jennings Жыл бұрын
I can relate to all of this! 👏🏼 As a former reiki master, yoga teacher, etc etc etc.. I feel so blessed God cropped me (us) out of that life, and chose to show THE truth 🙏🏼
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing Blythe
@anci2aa Жыл бұрын
Me too! He saved us from the deception of the New age!
@daughterofgod3721 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this is an amazing testimony. I too did some deep spiritual seeking (but not as deep as yours!) and to my surprise/shock ended up becoming a bible-believing follower of Jesus! I did not grow up Christian AT ALL and had a pretty negative view of Christianity, so this was a miracle. But the Bible promises that those who seek Him will find Him (Jer 29:13), and I was sincerely seeking the truth so I found Him because He IS the Truth! I love that the Lord speaks to you so much through nature. He's also spoken to me in some profound ways through nature as well. God bless you!
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord! I love hearing about these sort of turnaround stories and reflecting on my own… going from negative perception of Christianity to the shocking, humbling realization of the Truth.
@tiredoftheworld4834 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the negative perception of Christianity a lot of the time comes from the false institutions (one in particular that has over a billion followers in the world) who have set up leaders (in “place of Jesus”) to “do his will” and have done evils. My parents came out of the Catholic Church for instance. Bible reading is not necessary promoted there but the catechism, papal authority, and traditions and rituals not found in the Bible are. My mother had a father who wasn’t a Catholic. He passed away. After he died she read a good deal of the bible, and left the RCC later on in her life. As well as my father. Sadly his faith, I feel, is lukewarm, because he is swayed by politics and even says things that he’s commonly heard about that are in the Bible but puts it in the wrong context and even sometimes uses it against me. My mom has a better grounding in her faith after reading the Bible, and she talks with me about what is happening these days, while my dad shuns me. Also abusers and narcissistic people who want to use anything, including the Bible to have a power dynamic over people have definitely indirectly stained what following Christ (Christianity) actually is. I’m in a modern world history class, and from the reactions of other students around me, most of them see Christianity as Catholicism (or Anglicanism, which is Catholicism without a pope). And when they learn about what the Popes have encouraged and what has been done by Catholic leaders in Catholic nations they pretty much don’t want anything to do with Christ. Sad. It’s a deception. But people believe it.
@anci2aa Жыл бұрын
Me too! I was seaking the truth like you and never thought I would find it in the Bible and I am so glade God got me out of the New age deception I was into for many years!All glory to God! When I realised the truth spiritual warfare started heavily and went on for months but I managed to rebuke it and get away from it. I love God and talk about him to everyone I know so they can get to the truth and be saved.
@wallacerodriguez7397 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I was also into the New Age movement and Wicca. But God almighty revealed to me that He loved me and that I was in the wrong path. It all started when I was 18 yrs. of age. I became rebellious and started getting interested in the paranormal. Later I practiced Yoga, and after that, became attached to New Age thinking. There I opened up spiritual portals where evil spirits guided me to people who were interested in those things and my life went down hill. I was lost completely seeking spirituality in the wrong places; with the wrong company. But the Lord had mercy. It took many years, but He opened my spiritual eyes on time for me to really see where I was heading. God bless you my brother, keep on testifying, and never look back. After Jesus, there is no other place to go.
@marcogasperoni2391 Жыл бұрын
This happened to me too! I was deceived and now with Christ Jesus! Amen he is coming for us all
@madeleinekarlsson5289 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. ❤ For me it’s been only a little more than a week since understanding that everything I have believed in, have trusted in, identified with for almost 20 years, was false belief. It’s a major identity crisis, feeling lost and found at the same time.. I was so sure I was on the right path, turns out I have to make a 180. And looking at my life I see so many situations where I have let ”spirits” decide for me.
@gracefaithsaved Жыл бұрын
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! - 2 Cor. 5:17 Welcome home sister 🤍 The only thing that made sense when the Lord opened my eyes was His Word: Seek Him daily - and begin at the beginning from Genesis to Revelation. He is the author and finisher of our faith - and He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to finish it. Hebrews 12:2 / Philippians 1:6 Godspeed.
@madeleinekarlsson5289 Жыл бұрын
@@gracefaithsaved Thank you for these words and advice! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I truly feel reborn and saved, I read and pray daily since He came. ❤️
@user-ut6qw2uk6f Жыл бұрын
@visionvixxen Жыл бұрын
Please decide what you think spirits are because I in all rationality I think spirits are anything from the outside world that we believe without giving due diligence and well I won’t go into it but basically we have needs and intuition and decisions because of what is around us? I mean we are connected to our environment, to God to the time we live in to the way, our country runs to a lot of things, but then we have our brains, and we have ourselves, and we make decisions based on these things and at the same time in someways, we have very internal things That affect our outside and I just I believe into in when we make decisions that aren’t in integrity with everything and this actually includes ourselves and others it’s our values when we’re going against our values and have tricked ourselves it causes discord and spirit is disruption because of mental discord. I mean it can make you angry. It can drain you it can make you tired, but once somethings made out of integrity, it feels like it’s in line with Holy Spirit because it makes sense there is not discord we’re in agreement, etc. so really, I wish believers would just speak the truth you know and understand that maybe the spirit thing was a old word for something else because it’s still misleading and on somewhere as misleading when we think of people need to think critically, that’s all I’m gonna say
@Luvurenemy Жыл бұрын
@@visionvixxen Spirits are entities in the unseen realm. In the modern vernacular spirits are undetectable by scientific instruments.
@eliara-thevoice8430 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful testimony. Years ago (3 consecutive years), I attempted to register for a Kundalini Yoga Teacher training course. I thought that this was my divine path. However, everytime I tried to register, something happened thst blocked the process. One time, I paid my deposit and then did not have the funds to pay for the full course. I later learned that Jesus was protecting me from getting entangled in the deceptive practice, which is entangled in false deities. Jesus is the light and the way. The answers are in the bible. God Bless.
@Jake4G Жыл бұрын
Chris, thanks for sharing bro. It's uncanny how similar our testimonies are. You mentioned The Power of Now in your first video, well that's the book that kickstarted my new age journey that lasted for about seven years before Jesus said enough is enough. What a trip. Also, most ex new agers mention meditation, but I think you are the first one to mention vipassana specifically, which is the type of meditation I was VERY serious about when I was practicing. I went on a couple ten day silent retreats as well, and when you mentioned the body scanning I instantly knew the retreats you went on were S.N Goenka retreats. I did two, and both times after coming back home from the retreat, I was in a state of delirium and confusion, much worse than when I started. Not to mention both times it felt like my knees were literally going to explode with pain when I was sitting. The second retreat was more mentally brutal than the first one. Within a couple days I started to lose my grip on reality, but this time I snuck my Kindle in because it had a meditation book on it I wanted to read during the retreat. I didn't open that book once, instead I passed the time reading scifi books I downloaded years ago, and when I wasn't on my kindle, I was stacking logs and rocks up in the woods. That retreat sucked. Anyway, praise GOD for saving me from that delusion, and thank you for sharing your testimony. You mentioned a couple things towards the end of part 2 that really edified and encouraged me. Thank you brother!
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment and sharing your experience Jake! It's crazy how many people have had this or similar experiences. Praise Lord for making Himself known to us!
@Jenuine.Exchange Жыл бұрын
Dear Chris, brother in Christ Thank you for sharing this beautiful and vulnerable testimony. All glory to Jesus who saves!! I came out of new age spirituality as well.
@anci2aa Жыл бұрын
Me too! Once I decided to get away from it the spiritual warfare started and lasted for many months.
@Jenuine.Exchange Жыл бұрын
@@anci2aa yes, I've been experiencing the spiritual warfare intensly after leaving as well. Prayer is our best defence!
@LL-ij4qk Жыл бұрын
Powerful testimony! Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing. I grew up in a Christian home, but began to dabble into New Age practices..Long story short..I thought I was losing it (because all the doors I had opened), until I had a supernatural experience with Jesus himself. It changed my life forever. The Lord knows how to scoop us right up in the right time..We must surrender to His will and purpose for our lives. Thank you again. Love you, brother.
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing
@architectdaughter 4 ай бұрын
I sent this to my entire leadership team in women’s ministry. You described the deception of New Age so well. Thank you for being obedient sharing your testimony and serving the Lord.
@newwaycs 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ebonycoates1739 Жыл бұрын
My God!!! What a powerful testimony! God is moving!!
@lisa8960 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed listening to your 2part testimony. You wanted to find truth and you found it. Praise God!!!
@louisgarcia1335 Жыл бұрын
In light of this, the circumstances you are experiencing are but drops in the sea of My capabilities. I am a mountain of strength in your day of trouble, in the midst of your sea. Minor setbacks do not dismay Me in any way, even though they seem larger than life to you. They are wonderful tools in My hand to teach you, if you will let Me. l use them as opportunities to instruct, removing the enemy's plan to discourage you from the way I have chosen for you to walk. At the same time, you experience My grace and mercy, thereby seeing My salvation in your circumstances; a two-fold purpose is being accomplished. You are put on the right path, and our relationship grows deeper as you see Me moving on your behalf. It deepens the knowledge of My love for you in your own heart. Don't be dismayed at any minor setback. I will use them for your advantage. Turning things for the good is what I do. l use it to clear your path of all obstacles and distractions. In the process, your confidence will grow as you discover you can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4.13). "We make a good team."
@loristanford8755 Жыл бұрын
When you mentioned the ouji board. I had the same revelation. I was 12 with friends in a basement. The Holy spirit 20 years later took me back to that moment that I opened the door and literally all hell broke free in my life. In my 30's I knew I was empty and that I had gone down the wrong path. Jesus revealed to me who he is. I repented, read the word and prayed. My life changed, not that everything was now perfect, far from it but I had peace indescribable peace in everything and now know what Love is. Not worldly love. The love Jesus has for us and we have for others to come to know him personally. Wonderful testimony you have praise God.
@kellysilva8473 Жыл бұрын
You were created for the glory of your father in heaven. May God bless you and your family. 🎉
@jorgeascenciophoto Жыл бұрын
I saw your whole video, the 2 parts, and it's amazing, long, and amazing, lol Praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! ❤❤❤
@pattiepizzato5547 Жыл бұрын
I have been praying/ meditating on teachings of love, compassion and understanding so that the environment and atmosphere is full of love compassion and understanding and my mind has been transformed to love. It is both Jesus and Buddha
@soniamgmd2649 Жыл бұрын
Amen!! I'm waking up from the new age haze, even tho I had not gone in as deeply, I still had, and was dragging my whole family along with me. Feels good listening to this testimony. Now, I feel like Jesus has been trying to save me for a while and I'm willing to follow him 100%, inspiring my family along the way, but this time with His blinding light. Bless you all 🙏🏻☀️💛
@iflyhelicopters Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you. I’m going through exactly that right now. Just starting my journey toward Jesus. Just renouncing the new age and the occult. I was seeking truth everywhere but Jesus. You’ve given me significant hope and relieved my feelings of condemnation. That’s what I’ve been going through. That the world is now ending, it’s all my fault, and there’s no hope. But I’m trying to grow in faith. Those doors are still open for me because the attacks are HEAVY. I can’t get out of bed in the morning. My mind isn’t right until I’m up and moving and even then it’s warfare. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m counting on one day I’ll also be able to share my testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and help others who have gotten on the wrong path.
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and will be praying for your walk! Please check out the other video on my channel on what I did in the first months of coming to faith as it was helpful for navigating the intense spiritual warfare.
@iflyhelicopters Жыл бұрын
Amazing thank you I’ll check it out. I just came back to this for help again and that sense of hope it gave me. And I was literally wanting the exact answer you just gave me. How do I get through this warfare after opening those doors
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
@@iflyhelicopters Trust God will put the right things in your path and keep trusting in that. Also, it's weird to say but when I'm feeling a little disconnected from faith and purpose, I look back on some of the intense warfare times and recognize how meaningful it is that I was stuck in that before knowing Christ and then was saved from it and that there is a spiritual war going on (ephesians 6) and that was a season when I was staking my claim on the right side. It's invigorating in retrospect and calls me to action. So I know it's hard and confusing but stand firm! I'll be praying for you!
@soulincolor Жыл бұрын
Hearing your experience has been SO helpful and powerful. I have always been a seeker, from the time I was 13 till now (34) and have been through all the modalities and practices; paganism and witchcraft when I was young, Buddhism and Hinduism as I got older, Gurus like Sadhguru and Gangaji, and more general things like crystals, energy healing, Tarot, etc. I’ve read all the New Age books, and have had limited psychedelic experiences as well, none of which were pleasant. Nothing has truly sated that desire for truth and peace, but I also encountered what I believe to be Jesus, in a less direct but still powerful way, and have felt pulled and guided ever since, though I have continued to struggle and rail against it. It’s prideful and arrogant, but I’ve always held a sort of disdain for Christianity, for the same reasons you stated. I’ve always felt it to be backward and archaic, and also exclusionary to large groups of people. I struggle very hard with the Bible in particular, and I keep trying to run off from it, thinking I’m getting “suckered in”, so to speak, because of my desire for the things it promises seemingly at the cost of my logic and good sense. If anyone has read this, could you pray for me? I am still feeling lost and fighting a battle inside myself and I just want to let go and be all in one way or the other. Thanks, and thank you Chris for sharing.
@womandela7225 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! I will pray for you...that you can have a direct experience of Yahshua like I did. It allows you to focus on your own relationship with Him instead of stereotyping yourself. I have come to realize that true Christians are more like me than anyone else in the world, despite my own initial disdain.
@mizchulita Жыл бұрын
I am Christian, and I struggle with the exclusionary aspects of people who are entangled in the religious aspects, rather than being immersed in the love of Christ. Perhaps the disdain you feel is not for Christianity in particular, but for the way you see it being practiced? Becoming Christian doesn't mean your BS defector stops functioning. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit will reveal things that are not okay within the Christian culture. As far as logic goes, when it comes to spiritual matters, we are about on the level of a dog trying to understand Shakespeare. But we can't see this, hence our arrogance. But when we are connected to He Who Always Has Been and Always Will Be, our spiritual intelligence increases exponentially, and everything looks different. Many blessings to you. Seek and you will find.
@benkennington8941 Жыл бұрын
Dear Chelsea, I have just prayed for you, that you will never be satisfied with less than genuine peace with God and certainty regarding the truth. Read John's gospel I suggest, and keep listening to In Touch Ministries. Ben, UK.
@valeriemckay7064 Жыл бұрын
Will do. If I just pray for shiny, will God know who I'm talking about? LOL
@phuacobasurto 10 ай бұрын
I'll be praying for you too Chelmander, in my case praying the rosary was my salvation, try to open your heart, only Jesus can heal, he loves every single person so much, it is hard to imagine, but he does, he cares for every single person on earth
@Marika-s2l 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. I've been processing the same lessons. I've been seeing the deceit and manipulation through the spiritual awakening community. Jeshua said to me... Christ consciousness is all we need! I've been shown where the devil lurkes with treats instead of threats. Seeing my fellow sisters and brothers falling into the false gods. I've been there too, but never worshiped anyone. God said... Simplify! When I did that, Gods Grace amplifies the love and care for life. Much love from my heart to yours beautiful brother🌟🩵🌟
@Ali-jz2kr Жыл бұрын
AMEN! Powerful. I relate to your testimony a much. I am also a truth seeker, fell into new age, saved by Jesus! The authority we carry as a child of God is so so powerful. Ambassador for the Kingdom. Keep sharing, keep going! 🔥
@sarahbelzer6124 Жыл бұрын
Definitely similar to my experience, Jesus is our savior! Praise the Lord!!!
@catherine9808 Жыл бұрын
so happy for you , I had similar experiences in Newage ie:occultism. There is just no peace without Christ , everything outside of him is false and leads to so much suffering. I was suicidal broken in every way and he came and saved me .
@louisgarcia1335 Жыл бұрын
Psalm 16:11 NASB 11 You will make known to me the way of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
@jonathanlr4167 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Chris, such a powerful testimony . Amazing how the lord have you such clear signs along the way ( like the snakes and the fruit ) , I feel really strengthened by hearing your journey. I hope and pray it will reach many others trapped in the false path of alternative spirituality and Eastern mysticism ( as I was for 20 years). God bless you brother.
@ayoitstony Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful testimony Chris - just be careful with using any word after the word holy except God for only God is holy. I was also in the New Age - I am so happy we both made it out to finally find the truth of Christ after so much seeking. God be with you always. From a Melkite brother in Christ -Tony
@nunya3097 Жыл бұрын
This is comforting to hear you say it took years for the oppression to go away. I'm still dealing with oppression and at times feel hopeless. I am relieved to hear there is hope and it just takes time.
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that Nun. Do you have a community of other Christians around you can pray with and get prayer from?
@nunya3097 Жыл бұрын
@@newwaycs not really... I just started church and did deliverance and baptism. I can go to church service but my schedule and illness (warfare) prevents me from connecting with others. The warfare is horrible.... no words for it. Keeps me isolated, ongoing attacks.
@nunya3097 Жыл бұрын
@@newwaycs it's like I can feel people taking pieces of my soul from me when I interact with them, very strange.... like deuteronomy ch28 says anywhere you go you will be robbed. I've always lived as the tail and not the head... all my circumstances out of my control, just been dragged along through life...whole family is that way, I had no idea. I always believed in a loving God and now I'm worried God hates me.
@Prin_Cess_007 Жыл бұрын
You may need deliverance (and DAILY Bible reading) again. Check out Isiah Salvidar channel, he does them online even.
@johnhenderson1671 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your testimony my brother. Loved the scripture passages that you included throughout the video. May God continue to bless you and your wife! John
@timothyappleseed2986 Жыл бұрын
What Jesus did for us at the cross was to show how to overcome adversity through achieving the Christ Consciousness, where compassion leads to fulfilment, creating true joy and gratitude, making room for contentment.
@juliep1122 Жыл бұрын
@stefanlouw6395 Жыл бұрын
Saying this is just exceptional raw & real honesty is an understatement. ❤ Jesus is Alive. God Bless you Chris
@inekeduanaya8729 Жыл бұрын
It's almost the same with my friend's story. He studied science for 10 years and was an atheist, now is finding his spiritual journey by travelling around Asia, practicing Buddhism ,meditation, psychedelic, and yoga. We are quite close, so sometimes he asked me why I believe that bible is true and Jesus is God. He talked a lot about pantheism as well that all is God. Jesus was just an enlightened guru and the bible is just a fiction book. At some points, these conversation lead to argument. and I don't know why we keep being friend after the argument about my faith. He even asked me to pray for him for a couple of times. He is still dabbling into the new age stuff right now. I'm still praying for his salvation and can't wait to hear how he would encounter the true Jesus Christ as His Savior and God. Even that time hasn't come yet, I know that God is working on him. As I watched your testimonies, I understood that God was actually working in your lives and moments in spirituality until you realized His glory.
@bettycarmella1127 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your amazing testimony 🙏🏽🙌🏽❤️
@michaelduarte6261 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much because I am going through the same, and I'm at that point of confusion. I've come full circle Jesus is the truth the way and the light.❤
@ss-py5wc Жыл бұрын
Thank you Chris for sharing...i wasnt as deep as you but felt the battle and recognized the darkness before I went even deeper. I am in the process of rebuking and reclaiming a life with Christ. I know my time on this journey was a lesson and I am grateful for it. But really wish to return to God. Still some confusion but working through it as I too dedicated 2.5 years
@mariellas1271 Жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord for hearing your moms prayers to bring you back home.
@danijelchicago 2 жыл бұрын
Lord is with you, blessings from Chicagoland
@danijelchicago Жыл бұрын
Had similar experiences per say ayahuasca Rythmia CostaRica as one example until Lord's voice took over - willing to participate brother in Lord to share good and experiences
@Escapeofthebride777 Жыл бұрын
This is why it drives me crazy when churches act like after alter calls or a baptism of a newer believer, that things are going to be all blue skies from here on out. Quite the contrary! Just like you said, that’s when the spiritual warfare really takes off to a new level!
@Prin_Cess_007 Жыл бұрын
@@teresasmith9229 yep. Read the Bible daily. Even out loud during warfare. This is what broke strongholds for me. Get rid of all new age & witchcraft paraphernalia, that stuff has demonic attachments. This verse comes to mind…but with the Holy Spirit residing in you the spirits cannot posses the house is occupied. This is why you don’t do deliverance on unbelievers without the Holy Spirit. “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first” (Matthew 12:43-45).
@johnf6267 Жыл бұрын
Weak fake churches are the common now.
@valerienong2671 Жыл бұрын
My sister In Texas went to that Vispasna meditation for 1 week and she changed since then. I pray 🙏 that God's spirit and angels of the Lord go and destroy all these practices that's not of God spirit...
@Evey108 Жыл бұрын
This is what happened to me also. I am also a very scientific, answer seeking human, and I tried EVERYTHING and ended at Jesus. The way he describes it, that there is something OFF about all other spiritual experiences, that is exactly what I felt. It is also HUMILITY that got me to truth. Admitting that I know nothing, and there are things greater than me. Surrendering the need to know, and surrendering my pain. That inner wisdom to be able to discern all these experiences are OFF and not truth. Like he said, in his hear he knew. I experienced the same. I believe this is a true gift from the Holy Spirit to those He hopes to see on His side. I am humbled, I am grateful and blessed.
@dylansmith8660 Жыл бұрын
Amazing testimony!!! God is good and delivers on his promises. May more and more of us claim our inheritance in the name above all names - Jesus Christ🎉
@PerfectEclipse Жыл бұрын
Wow Chris, This was a very powerful testimony. I feel like you touched on all the aspects of New Age that is so covertly demonic. Thank you!
@Terra_Divina 2 жыл бұрын
Great testimony, thank you!!!
@nicoleacorda4129 9 ай бұрын
God is real! I had a similar experience. It's crazy how our experiences are all the same in the root of it. Praise God. I'm so glad you got out of the new age for the good!!
@antonellaamorelli2386 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for availing yourself to share your testimony. You have touched my heart among many others with your revelation of Jesus Christ our Lord. May God continue to bless you, favour you and let Grace abound towards you.🤍
@annievalentine3164 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed how articulate, humble and in depth you explained this.
@newwaycs Жыл бұрын
Thank you Annie
@mtc-j9i Жыл бұрын
God’s handiwork shouts His existence to us. Amen 🙏🏽 thank you for your testimony.
@Fernando7x 7 ай бұрын
My man, Thank you for sharing your testimony
@pamelamccrory7197 Жыл бұрын
Gods kindness leads us to salvation.
@theawakeningfather Жыл бұрын
Sometimes a thought, memory, or image keeps asserting itself no matter how much we would prefer not to have it in our experience. In fact, when we try to avoid it or push it away, we often find that it comes back with vigor. The first thing to know about this is that resistance to the thought, image, or memory is exactly what keeps it coming back in a way that feels invasive. You’ve probably heard the saying, “What you resist persists.” Well, when it comes to thought, this is exactly how it goes. So when a thought feels invasive or unwanted, the first thing to do is ask, “Am I adding resistance to this experience?” If you sense that you are adding resistance, then great, you’ve uncovered the key to the problem. The moment that we recognize we’re resisting a thought, mental image, or memory, we have recognized that there is another thought lurking in the shadows. This hidden thought is what keeps “pushing against” the unwanted thought and keeping it prominent in our mind. To illustrate, imagine you are standing face-to-face with another person with your arms are outstretched in such a way that your palms are firmly pressed against their palms. Now imagine that each of you has been incrementally moving your feet away from one another such that your upper bodies are leaning more and more toward each other. After a time, you will each be supporting the other and you will notice a large amount of pressure on the palms of your hands. Now if you suddenly forgot how you got into this position and did not clearly see and appreciate the physical arrangement keeping both bodies supported, you might wonder, Why in the heck is this person leaning so heavily on me? It’s taking so much strength to resist them. I wish they weren’t there. If you were to suddenly come to your senses and realize what was actually going on, you’d see that your limited perspective was the real problem. Because you weren’t considering the nature of the two bodies pushing against (resisting) one another, it appeared as if you were being imposed upon. In actuality, you were as much responsible for the pressure and leaning as the other person was. Moreover, you were making it possible for them to be able to continue to apply this pressure and vice versa. When you stop leaning on them, they will have to stop leaning on you. This is exactly what happens when we find the hidden thought through investigating resistance. So, what is this hidden thought? The thought is: “That thought, image, or memory shouldn’t be there.”
@ashleyjaylene6278 Жыл бұрын
Your video was sent to me yesterday. I have done almost the similar path, and have trouble seeing christ also... this has me wondering about the soul ties. Thank you!
@chelseaodegaard363 Жыл бұрын
This is so beautiful and encouraging! Praise God!!
@gtony118 Жыл бұрын
Life changing video. You have such an inspirational testimonial and it has moved me very deeply. This video will help many more to come.
@TheSaubzable 15 күн бұрын
Amazing testimony I live in Pune so I’m aware of Osho retreat So happy you are my brother in Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life ✝️ God bless you dear brother
@newwaycs 13 күн бұрын
@@TheSaubzable 🙌🙌✝️✝️
@jilldezsenyi7361 Жыл бұрын
Demons and yoga go hand in hand
@seeliekeely Жыл бұрын
We have walked the very same path, my friend! I know what God is, and His love, due to the long route of spiritual warfare I endured in pursuit of the truth. I also experienced that deep fatherly embrace you described, but she was maternal, the Virgin Mother, I believe 😊 that Jesus was the one true path was difficult for me to come to terms with, as well. But through Him, my faith has moved mountains and has done for my life what hours of Zen meditation, mountains of self help books, and therapy could not. He makes His glory known and impossible to deny once witnessed.
@tiffmat9475 Жыл бұрын
You were obviously chosen before the beginning of time to be a voice to this generation
@swivel_lock Жыл бұрын
I'll tell you what! You have the real, truth. Many really do not understand the depth of the spiritual conflict, confrontation that (is)and is coming. You are being prepared to stand for the truth as well as point to Christ so that others can avoid the coming deception. We should talk I'll find a way. ( Shechinah (Glory) ) What you were describing ....
@Emet-Debar Жыл бұрын
I watched both the first and this second half of your story! I am going to asked my son to watch it, as he is very much caught up in this New Age demonic force. Oh how I pray that your testimony will do a great stirring in his soul for once, and that he too will surrender to the one and only Truth!! Jesus Christ! Thank you so much for sharing!!! May God bless you greatly!
@valeriemckay7064 Жыл бұрын
Even if you cannot see it working in your son, it will be in his head, he won't be able to un-hear it, that is what I will pray for.
@Emet-Debar Жыл бұрын
@@valeriemckay7064 Thank you very much Valerie!! So true!!
@rawlivingpilates7757 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the correlation of scripture to his testimony.
@flowerchildHanako Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. Great testimony. I had been on a similar path and was seeking the truth but got involved in a new age community but Jesus got me out of the deception and got saved four years ago.
@sheilah524 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing ❤
@BreakOutOfTheAlgorithm Жыл бұрын
Beautiful testimony, I will be sharing this and look forward to more content. May God continue to be with you brother. 🙏
@solideogloria5553 Жыл бұрын
wow, what a detailed testimony, thank you for opening up so much, May the lord protect and use you for his kingdom! shalom.
@guitarsz Жыл бұрын
I loved watching these two videos and hearing your testimony. I'm so glad you found Jesus and I love that you have shared such a powerful and unique story. Thank you for the prayer you said at the end.
@sweetbabyofdaddywalsh.2104 Жыл бұрын
Hey Chris, keep posting content. You have an amazing story.
@emaf. Жыл бұрын
Chris, thank you for sharing this incredible and crazy journey! Isn’t it insane how many things we join and follow just so we can find that peace within ourselves, not knowing that it’s right there! I’m front of us…and yet we tell ourselves lies and ignore that amazing book and that small whisper that keeps calling our name. And the answer is right there all we have to do is ask HIM. My journey wasn’t as extensive and complex as yours but I did join a cult ( Order of the eastern star) that I thought it was Godly but came to realize it was the enemy’s teachings and not of The Most High. My mind now has been renewed and no longer follow Satan but our Messiah. The ONLY one true God. 🙏🏽 Blessings to you.
@allelalle Жыл бұрын
Interesting testimony, thank you! It makes me think of how everybody's journey is so different, every true truth seeker finds the truth ultimately but sees it from a slightly different perspective than the others. What I mean is that many, including myself, walk the opposite path to yours to find the truth (the Light, God). Take me for example, I first had the encounter with God that you describe in the end (the ego surrender, being born again, the lifestyle and personality shift from a moment to the next because of it, the supernatural sense of peace and love that no other earthly experience can come close to, being spiritually high for months). But thinking that this was linked to the divinity described in the Bible, this experience actually made me get lost in religiosity. Religion is based on fear. We act out of fear of punishment and of hell. We do things from a sense of duty. We consider God like a big angry jealous human with a lot of power, like a harsh authoritative father, and a judge. We feel small insignificant and sinners full of shit. I ended up hating all that is flesh, all that is human. I had such weak self-esteem that for the rest of my life I couldn't achieve anything valuable. I got very depressed. I found life senseless because, they say, we are here to praise and honor God and try and save other people from hell, full stop. Life had no meaning, I was feeling insignificant, God was feeling evil, I lived in depression and fear. Just by rebelling to religion, I could start a journey of discovery of the truth, and the truth set me free. I went through most of the experiences that you mentioned, but starting from a different perspective: I knew that God existed and that only a connection to God would bring happiness because I had that experience first. I just needed to know how things worked and how God was and how we were and what happens when we die and why we are here. So my focus was not the nirvana nor was I into any specific religion or path such as Buddhism or following a guru, I wasn't into astral projections or kundalini awakening or such things, I was always focused on the questions, longing to know. If I understood correctly, you did all that amazing and crazy spiritual quest in a few years. That's astonishing. In my experience, to find an answer it takes several years. It took me more than 10 years (13 actually) of full-time search before I could finally be sure 100% that I understood. It took me confirmation over confirmation over confirmation to put my heart at ease with the answers. In the end, I was exactly at the beginning (connection with God) but without the religion part. All of those spiritual practices, if God/the Light/LOVE is not at the center, they are useless. But if God is at the center, they are all useful, including Ayahuasca and MDMA and religious books and the Bible and every other practice you every tool, like a fire can warm you and cook your food or burn you, so it is for every tool we have available on this planet.
@JacobPetrossian Жыл бұрын
Epic share, brother. Thank you for putting this out there for fellow seekers and believers. 🙏
@alymccourry6202 Жыл бұрын
Bless you! Thank you! The Holy Spirit is heard and felt through this, thank you for your courage.
@agathepm2296 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story Thank God for what you do with all of us Merci 🙏
@jdbriscoe6658 Жыл бұрын
This was fantastic, thank you for sharing
@kirppuntutti 3 ай бұрын
Very nicely done. It was pleasing to watch. Was Captivated the entire two videos. It’s an action packed testimony. Thanks for sharing this. Also Did you ever deal with the ouija spirit?
@Lala1234love Жыл бұрын
God is the Alfa and Omega. ❤
@livinglight1262 Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris, God Bless you and thanks for your testimony. I came across Warren B smith and found his testimony had some similar experiences you may be interested. Glory to Jesus, I am happy for you.
@croneyr Жыл бұрын
Thx Chris. This was great.
@radical.harmony Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your sharing and can relate to some of your story in my own path. So glad I listened to this today. Thank you ❤
@thejulesfather Жыл бұрын
Great testimony brother
@JUNKHOUSEDOG 5 ай бұрын
Resonance to the higher freq brings to the surface all the impure of you ,for you to wrestle with until you confront accept your responsibility for attracting by resonating it. when you untangle from it by accepting responsibility for attracting it and no longer want it you release it.. i think the christ is simply the purest energy you can resonate with. The universe is a jungle and your impurities attract others that resonate with thise frequencies. You must go through all the doors untill you walk through the last, but will will continually be challenged.
@jeanettepeterson5942 Жыл бұрын
God Bless you, Jesus Loves you
@edwardfeliz36 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@jacobbos2208 Жыл бұрын
Wow great testimony God bless!
@joshuafox3994 Жыл бұрын
God bless you brother. Loved hearing your testimony.
@bernadettematera-stacey1982 Жыл бұрын
God bless you and keep you, Chris. Now you know the Truth, and His name is Jesus
@skywalker5thwrld Жыл бұрын
Your testimony is proof… you take one step towards god and he will take ten towards you. Opening the heart is not for the weak.
@carolebrunette Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@juliawynm6335 Жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing this it's beautiful how God saved you ptL
@myfr_end400 Жыл бұрын
How similar our story is is scary but I did off myself off shrooms that’s when the darkness told me to do it but God woke me up. My own “solution” was all over me the doctors said I was one centimeter away from my major artery I’m like no I twisted the weapon in me. Glory to God still too 7 months after that still seeking and mushroom journeys till I finally surrendered and Jesus revealed Himself to me in my bedroom. I got baptized and have never been the same sense. Glory to God brother
@anneiconex1473 Жыл бұрын
You should put Part 2 in the beginning of this title so people will see it when scrolling.
@JCImageInc. Жыл бұрын
The interconnected nature of reality is absolutely undeniable, you've seen it. Jesus, the king of kings sits atop this creation and the father reveals himself through synchronicity. I too have been (and am currently) being drawn to Jesus, but I have difficulty in building the bridge between what I have discovered about reality and traditional Christianity. None of the bible is written by Jesus, half of his life is missing from the story and the correlations between Christianity and some other forms of faith (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam) are there to be seen by anyone who looks. Your coming to Christ is built upon the discovery of knowing and finding out through experience, how do you incorporate that reality with your faith?
@SteelMan_of_God 8 ай бұрын
Chris, I have had some incredibly similar experiences.. is there any way we could connect so I could ask you some questions? I talked to my preacher yesterday and, while he was very wise and I gained a lot of clarity from our conversation, I brought up psychedelics and the experiences I had therefrom and he was pretty much clueless to how they work, seeing them simply as a drug that people take that “f’s them up” (not his words, just the easiest way to explain how he sees them). I could really use some advice on some of these experiences I had through psychedelics, because after listening to your testimony and others I’ve gained a much better understanding of them.. but I’d like to know if there’s anything I need to do now to help repent or even to deal with any lingering entities… If you have the time, I’d really appreciate talking with you. Your testimony was one of the main things that began my recent change of heart on new age and eastern thinking and to start looking more into the Bible and Christ. Thank you for all you’ve done and I hope we can connect sometime soon. God bless, Ethan Kentucky
@newwaycs 8 ай бұрын
Hey Ethan - yeah I'd be glad to chat! I understand how it feels to talk with Christians who can't relate. I sent you an email to the email on your KZbin about page.
@jayjayfreeman Жыл бұрын
Very few videos on your channel and this one was recorded 4 months ago - where are you at now?
@frankwalker7584 Жыл бұрын
Outstanding. Followed very similar path. Blesses
@luzfernandez-aviles6365 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences, it was very helpful. God bless you 🙏
@jesusyavienepreparateparas85 Жыл бұрын
To let you know you came to Christ because of your mother’s prayers. There are still people in the new age that don’t have any one to pray for them to be save and believe in the only true God Jesus. You are blessed your mother is and always has been Christian as you were under her cover and prayers, and the lord, in his mercy, gave you a chance to know him.
@JUSTMEME210 Жыл бұрын
This was an amazing story...thank you so much for sharing.
@ninjalizzim428 Жыл бұрын
Jesus is my lord and saviour
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