I completely agree with what this man is saying about being free, but I have to keep bringing up the SAFE ZONES and how being free is the last thing you are of you are lucky enough,, to make it to one and be allowed in, u completely understand why things must be how it will be in these safe zones, but I think this should be talked about just as much as the Creativfe Society, but the safe zone living is pretty much just about surviving, with the coffin cables and no family units, no idle minds, ( u would love for someone to elaborate in that as it implies one will be so busy they will not have a chance to reflect in the past or the future) also i do understand not being able to bring any material thi gs but the clothes in our backs I keep hearing of climate chaos and possible change of it, but yet another video not discussing about the side zones and what its and being prepared... I heat alot of talking g anout this living in love and dleace, living g skmple lives well let's lay out a plan and start to put it down, what to do first?? change the climate situation? wait and watch for it to hapoenx what are the answers what are we to start doing all of us.?? What ?? Do what ???? and if the climate will not be stopped, we must organize the decide SAFE ZONE LIVING FIRST ... I think once you out into perspective many will see and the safe zones should be revealed and bought? Start with scientists with starting g the map to save zone living