I guess #27 is the last in this series. I cannot find #28 anywhere on your home page. I'm no Bible expert and I have a horrible memory, but I seem to remember that they found a scroll of Deuteronomy stashed away in the Temple... they had gotten so into idolatry (other religions/gods) that they had nearly lost the original text scrolls. I seem to remember that it was about 100 AD when the Masoretic text was composed from the Greek Pentateuch... and just imagine how confusing that would have been. It is really good they found so much near the Dead Sea. Thank you for clearing these rumors/myths up with regard to Tara and Ireland... but there still persists a legend or rumor at Glastonberry that Jesus actually spent time there with his mother and siblings... and somehow Joseph of Arimathea was involved there as well. I'm not sure you'll want to dig into that, but I'd love to see that cleared up.