i bought the King of the Faridun Supporter Pack for half the price cuz it cost way less in my contry (45dollar) and since im playing the game for at least 5years id say its worth
@BasedLaRock15 күн бұрын
Worth it! I love the look of that pack. Thank you for watching.
@SplinterInYourEyeКүн бұрын
What country? Might be worth vpn'ing to get the better deal.
@beeboyjocker7111Күн бұрын
@@SplinterInYourEye for me algeria. prices are so low
@DoctorWhy77712 күн бұрын
I love the Maori style Armor!
@BasedLaRock12 күн бұрын
It's incredible.
@PaulSawyer15 күн бұрын
Really useful video, you have explained everything really clearly, thanks so much. Greetings from the UK
@BasedLaRock15 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching, and thank you for subscribing as well!
@khaosth30ry7715 күн бұрын
In POE1 I had spent $2315 over 12 years, since started beta in April 2012. I bought the Liberator of Wraeclast pack... 1.) To support GGG 2.) Points for future stash tabs and hideout stuff in POE2 I was not going to pay the extra shipping cost for the physical items, I took points instead. (Yes I know, I paid $480, and I couldn't dish out a little more for shipping? I didn't really want them lol) I don't care about MTX that much, I enjoy soloing, and I am annoyed by the hub areas that have so many players with MTX that could give you a seizure lol
@BasedLaRock15 күн бұрын
That is A LOT of support! I forgot you can opt out, but I did want the hoodie. Thank you for watching!
@scottgust970915 күн бұрын
10:48 what is that? is that a base too? the moving caravan thing?
@BasedLaRock15 күн бұрын
I'm not 100% sure. I don't believe it is The Dreadnaught hideout from the King of the Faridun Supporter pack. I can't wait for Friday to find out.
@BasedLaRock15 күн бұрын
Hey! I did some research. This info is directly from the PoE 2 Art Book. That is The Ardura Akhara. "The Nomadic Ardura make their home on carts pulled by trained rhoas... and harshly disciplined slaves. Life is not easy in the Vastiri Plains, so trade and planning are paramount. The Maraketh culture is quite strict, and visitors are only tolerated if they are useful, but those that are accepted will find out the traditions of the Ardura rich and beautiful"
@ialphasoul24608 күн бұрын
I got the liberator, 😊I love wearing the PoE2 sweater
@BasedLaRockКүн бұрын
Fellow liberator!
@RPGenieUS13 күн бұрын
I bought base version for access, I'll buy a different bundle that has stuff I actually want in it later.
@BasedLaRock13 күн бұрын
I'm looking forward to all the future bundles/cosmetics tbh.
@darkss87589 күн бұрын
Hey there I am thinking of getting the $160 pack right now but i never played poe1. the game looks like diablo in the top down style but ive heard such positive things about it that i wanna try. anyway my questions are regarding the pack do i have to be a specific class to use those sexy red knives/daggers. if so which ones and also since the 160 pack aint on steam am i still able to play there? cause i like having the time played right there i know thats dumb but im curious. thanks in advance game looks really fun.
@SplinterInYourEyeКүн бұрын
Go Play POE 1. POE 2 will be in early access for at least 6 months, so you have time to decide if it's a style you're interested in.
@BasedLaRockКүн бұрын
Hey! So, for PoE 2, you are able to use different weapons on different classes. Now will they be good on different classes? That's subjective. Then you can use the skins
@TimeForTrim13 күн бұрын
I bought the $30 pack but now I want to buy a better one. I’m assuming on my Xbox this is something I’ll have to do post launch.?
@BasedLaRock13 күн бұрын
I would contact their customer service and see if there was a way to upgrade. It might be a little wait since the game is dropping soon, so their CS might be swamped.
@oskarjohansson738113 күн бұрын
You're going to easily be able to upgrade your supporter pack throughout the EA. So you're good man.
@BasedLaRock13 күн бұрын
@@oskarjohansson7381 Thank you for the info!
@jussikankinen940910 күн бұрын
Luckily soon AI play games so humans can do and spend time and money for smart
@TheMasonson12 күн бұрын
Where can I access the packs once I'm in the game?
@BasedLaRock12 күн бұрын
Check the MTX shop.
@TheMasonson12 күн бұрын
@ sorry have no idea what that is. I'm talking about my early access package on PS5.