Patra-chan, thank you for bringing the cooling ASMR on this hot and humid summer night! The cold items and water sounds really helped to drive away the heat from my mind. It was wonderful to have your voice back in the ASMR. The no-talking ASMR sessions are great for relaxing, but hearing your whispering feels more intimate. I also really missed the breathing sounds and finally they are back. Having your voice already made a big difference and I can't wait for your live ASMR next Monday! パトラちゃん、暑くて湿気の多い夏の夜に涼しいASMRを届けてくれてありがとう!冷たいアイテムや水の音で頭から熱が吹き飛んだよ。ASMRにパトラちゃんの声が戻ってきて本当に嬉しかった。声なしASMRもリラックスするのにいいけど、囁き声を聞くともっと親密に感じるんだ。それに、吐息音も本当に恋しかったから、戻ってきてくれて嬉しい。声が戻ってきただけで大きな違いを感じるよ。来週の月曜日のASMR生配信が待ちきれない!