Patra chan, thank you for the comfy ASMR~ I’ve noticed that the in-brain mic doesn’t just change the position of the sound: it sometimes creates completely new sensations. Like with the in-brain breath-it doesn’t feel like the usual warm air coming through my ears but more like being surrounded by a gentle, relaxing breeze. I also really love the in-brain "surisuri" touching sounds; they’re so calming. And the shaving sound isn’t something I hear often, but I always enjoy it so much when you include it. パトラちゃん、心地よいASMRをありがとう~!脳内マイクって、音の位置を変えるだけじゃなくて、時々まったく新しい感覚を生み出してくれるんだね。例えば、脳内の息遣いは、いつもの耳から入ってくる温かい空気というより、優しくてリラックスできるそよ風に包まれているような感じがした。 それから、脳内のスリスリ音も大好きで、とても落ち着くよ。産毛剃りの音はあまり聞く機会がないけど、入れてくれるたびにとても楽しんでるよ
when I heard good night wawa,I instant fell asleep……
@DrumHIMAWARI14 күн бұрын
どの音も最高ですね! 心地良すぎて寝る時以外でも聴きたくなります
@Foxkkun14 күн бұрын
Thanks for another incredible ASMR Patra-chan, it's the only thing i can sleep to! I always look foward mondays for your new ASMR! Thanks for existing in our lives!