Great overview and trip down memory lane. When I went to Chico State I purchased a Trench Goat frame (salmon with splatter) from Pullins Cyclery. I busted the weld on the seat stay riding upper Bidwell and I'm pretty sure Paul fixed it along with changing out the U brake mounts to cantilevers. Still have that bike built up as a commuter.
@timshelhamer737410 ай бұрын
Pullins is a cool place to look around and Steve’s got endless info on interesting old bike lore
@merckxamillian10 ай бұрын
Best cycling video I have seen in a lonnnng time. More, please.
@johnprolly10 ай бұрын
Glad the ol' Goat is being appreciated. Love you guys!
@jamesjenkins837310 ай бұрын
I think 26in wheels will always be my favorite
@Wanderin-Wheels2 ай бұрын
Yes, I believe so =) Pls allow me to express my 60 sixty years of relationship with bicycles. I’m average or medium size and I just felt 26” is still the best handling for our size regardless of the terrains. My trying out on bigger wheels was very similar to my childhood days riding an adult bicycle with standard wheels. I felt like a monkey struggling on something that’s beyond my size. What I can say is, pls leave the new size wheels to marketing BS…. in reality wheels sizes needs to match the size of a person same like the size of the frame. Pls forgive me if I do offended someone who thinks different from me…. I’m just expressing my person experiences and sharing it to those who do know what has happened to the modern world of cycling.
@garthgordon905410 ай бұрын
Leave it to Steve to tell Paul a bike story he hasn't heard. We need to start writing all those stories down. And then build a bike museum to put them in.
@edgargenatojr37125 ай бұрын
Thanks for some history on my city of 20 years. Great video. I remember seeing some goats far away in college in the 90’s and now I know the history.
@BrasssMunky10 ай бұрын
I so deeply appreciate this. Thank you for sharing
@oldmanbreezer10 ай бұрын
Loved this. Some great stories!
@themississippikidful10 ай бұрын
Digging these Crusing around Chico videos Paul ! 😂 Bottle of Champagne and Mushrooms 😂
@jackiegammon206510 ай бұрын
Ahh, I LOVE this! VTW: I agree with the comments about the ebikes and propriety parts, some of these 'self absorbed' companies need to simply do what they do best and not try to get a bigger piece of pie. HA! Small shop owner here, thanks for sharing!
@edgarpoe5176 ай бұрын
Legend! Thanks for making some kick-ass bike stuff. Always love my Paul parts.
@slimdog7210 ай бұрын
Sooo good, thanks gentlemen.
@bradsanders6954Ай бұрын
Jeff Lindsay and I sat on top of Mammoth Mountain for like 3 hours, waiting to make our runs down the mountain for the Kamikazee. The helicopter kept going out to pick up crashers and take them to hospital. Jeff had his Mountain Goat team there racing of course. I remember fully rigid bikes in Bidwell Park. Incredible abuse. North Rim was an expedition. The EMTB industry is still new, ignoring it if you sell bicycles and bike stuff, means you dont need or want to make money in your business. Life changes. Its about the fun.
@devin.briggs10 ай бұрын
Super rad. Could’ve listened for another 5 hours.
@avidtest10 ай бұрын
I never comment. I loved this!
@scubasteve40935 ай бұрын
Great video
@davidtreichelpppj53046 ай бұрын
Hey Good History and Humor ... Enjoyed the content.... My era started with TIG welded RITCHEY from Japan ... bought in Los Gatos 1987....then learned espresso coffee ....I still have the bike with PAUL canti-brakes up-grade...
@nelgroetheanti-dj63347 ай бұрын
I have an 88 WTR and a 90 Deluxe, Paul hisself mighta helped build it! Stoked!
@the_nondrive_side10 ай бұрын
I just got a brodie bolt. found it abandoned missing it's headset bearings and tubes. reminds me of the 96 rocky mountain cardiac I had very recently. put some 720mm bars and 35mm stem.. the levers and shifter are garbage but I found $13 replacements... so I get it. Well I just added this bike to the keeper pile along with a TREK 930 SHX modded 27.5 disc with the same bars.. scuzzy logic manitou sx and a TREK 7300fx disc modded to fit 29 2.1" with a Surly fork. loving this Bolt frame. reminds me of a vintage MTB but fits my commuter fitment.. which my 7300fx is no longer I just stick with 3x8 and square taper bikes. 7 speeds are good too as long as they cassette. anything beyond 9 speed is stupid. my 2020 trek XC8 was 12speed and the thing would freeze in low gear.. which was too low to be useful. long housing runs are at fault but 1x with a 30t is really what was wrong 14:40 deal bro
@ridebicycles994510 ай бұрын
@drewgipson40555 ай бұрын
fkin awesome
@MoneyWaster10 ай бұрын
Some champagne and maybe some mushrooms. I think I will. Thanks Paul
@hananas22 ай бұрын
"too much proprietary crap" damn right. QR axles, EC34 headsets, BSA68 bottom brackets, 5-arm 130mm (road) or 4-arm 104mm (mtb) cranks and 27.2 (road) or 30.9 (mtb) seatposts for the win.
@Coastal_Cruzer7 ай бұрын
I'd die for this frame geometry made of Reynolds or Magnesium.
@nowyourefinished648110 ай бұрын
Are you and Patrick sharing the same set of busted-ass gloves??!!
@PaulComponentEngineering10 ай бұрын
SHARING IS CARING! ;) It was just that kinda day lol