Just a few stamps Part 1: 00:00 There's gonna be a little change, we're gonna play something else, not Balatro (Yep, at least that was her plan... but she didn't get perms for other game) 04:25 Stream Start. Reine says we might change the game, she chkeced the stuff, but first she needs to ask M-chan. It's something Reine played before, but it's been so long 05:09 She hasn't received any reply cuz it's late. For now we're gonna continue with Balatro 05:28 Hope you guys enjoyed the new year's event organized by Towa-sama, Reine's brain is fried by puzzle. Their team's kimonos are so similar, Zeta kimono was black and white and everybody has snow of course 06:48 switching screens. Yellow ois good. Zeta and Ina's colors are simila. There's a bunch of stuff, achievements to get, but Reine wanna paly for fun. Fall Guys - everybody had fun. PlateUp was so unfortunate, They didn't get any extra plates and the hot-dog place was even more trending 07:56 GAME #1 (Anaglyph Deck, green deck) Reine is so happy to be in Okayu's team, cuz normally stuff like that is so stressful, but the vibes of the people in Okayu's team is very friendly, chill. They just had fun. Reine kinda regretting not joining puzzle since the beginning, but they finished it 08:39 ROUND 2 09:08 Reine's not feeling well, she has a little tiny fever, but the new year's tourney was okay 09:26 ROUND 3 09:40 Reine's feeling better, just still unwell. She's just yapping 10:03 ROUND 4 10:17 she was talking with everyone the whole time, she thought it would be nice to chat. It's Towa-sama tournament, so everything is Japanese 11:05 Celestial pack 11:20 ROUND 5. Towa-sama arranged all the teams 12:19 We still pass. Getting the all 6s 12:45 Guaranteed tarot. Swashbuckler needed or not? whats the plan for tonight? cool down by play Balatro 13:24 Standard pack. Reine broke can't buy anti-matter 13:43 We roll for shop. Making a steel two. Obtaining a holo bus 14:25 Celestial Pack. No money but we have glass card. $5 per skipped blind, not nice 14:54 ROUND 7. 7766 needs to be eight two. Two full house also counts tho. 15:41 Arcana pack 16:09 ROUND 8 17:06 Broken glass 17:28 Clever joker kinda aglee, but whatever, buy it. Standard pack 17:58 ROUND 9 18:43 Reine so poor. Arcana pack 18:55 Missclick, just a little ooopsie 19:20 Reine totally broke 19:27 ROUND 10. We're gonna full house 19:56 Buffoon pack. Do we sell the swashbuckler and hope for some? 20:44 disgusting roll. Arcana pack. Doubles my cards, beautiful 21:13 ROUND 11 22:48 It's fine, Reien can't play face cards because she got bus. We're so poor 23:49 ROUND 12 24:21 OMG really? Bus is so suffocating 25:03 Reine's gonna dispose of the bus. It's a negative anyways 25:30 ROUND 13. Cards drawn face down after each hand played 26:07 Broken glass. That hurts so much 26:30 It's fine if we lose mult. It's too suffocating 26:54 Restart. Bus is always so bad. She knows it's a negative, she could just ignore it, but it's hard, it's just her breine 27:34 We're building anything we can 27:53 Buffoon pack 28:05 ROUND 2. All spadecards debuffed 28:52 disgusting deck. And she made an ooopsie. Opening the voucher 29:22 Getting the matador joker 29:38 ROUND 3 30:18 have you tried a high card deck yet? 30:48 Reine hates 10-4. ROUND 4 31:37 Are you kidding me? Reine says she hates this game - ME TOO 32:06 10-4 requires so much braining, Reine does not like it. Can we play high card twos? 32:29 ROUND 5. All face cards are drawn face down 34:03 Director's cut redeemed 34:24 Celestial pack. Pinku Rimu appears in chat 34:49 ROUND 6 36:48 The dua is still many many... Upgrading the twos and four 37:44 ROUND 7. All heart cards are debuffed. Where's the two 38:10 Reine's brain not braining because of the puzzle... breine is just fried 39:30 Waduh waduh, flush 40:18 Retcon redeemed. Celestial pack 40:37 arcana pack. we need sometimes straight straight 41:40 Purchasing the raised fist. ROUND 8 42:31 Getting the emperor and the earth card. Full house good? reroll. Selling matador, getting the trio 43:10 ROUND 9. Must play 5 cards. Let's look for flush 44:08 Upgrading the two and the ace. How many twos do we have? 44:50 Totemo wangy, creme 45:17 Nacho tong redeemed. Arcana pack. What to turn into bonus card 46:25 Wheel is always the same 46:33 ROUND 10 47:30 Can we do a flush? 47:55 What to make into gold card? The king... or whatever, we're using it. Matybe next time 48:41 ROUND 11 49:31 Three hearts? Do we have any twos? 50:05 She wants the two. Using the mercury card 50:21 Jumbo arcana pack. Can we have daeth? 51:04 Celestial pack 51:14 ROUND 12. Decrease level of played poker hand. That's not nice 51:44 convert the left card to the right card. That was so close 52:42 King king jack jack... that's how the life goes 53:06 This is so sad 53:44 is bloodstone worth it, now? Standard pack x2 54:20 ROUND 13 54:52 making the glass king. Ez win 55:09 Arcana pack. Destroy what? 55:57 M3ga standard pack 56:09 ROUND 14. YA YA YA YA 57:00 Purchasing the pluto. Arcana pack. Getting the fool card 57:30 some dude in chat f up their malay test - then retake it. Arcana pack 57:57 ROUND 15. All club cards are debuffed 58:32 GOBLOCK 59:25 Earth card, full house okay. Spectral pack - using aura on two 59:40 Standard pack. How many sevens do we have? 1:00:00 Rerolling the boss. ROUND 16 1:00:48 Lul 5 vouchers 1:01:03 Clearance sale redeemed, seed money redeemed 1:01:16 Celestial pack 1:01:38 Arcana pack 1:01:48 planet merchant and hone redeemed 1:02:01 ROUND 17 1:02:29 Planet tycoon redeemed. Arcana pack 1:02:57 Standard pack. steel would be good. too 1:03:11 ROUND 18 1:03:35 Reines' not gonna go endless mode. Celestial pack - pluto and jupiter. Flush or straight? 1:04:00 Standard pack 1:04:09 ROUND 19 1:05:27 Is it over? 1:06:08 If we can get a good flush. There's no full house 1:06:53 Using the venus and the uranus. Buying things for emergency. AArrcan pack - death card 1:07:21 High card is gonna be our boy. ROUND 20 (Final boss) 1:08:23 Bloodstone disabled for the 2nd time 1:08:58 Broken glass. This is so bulls**t, we had so many cards and he kept jumping around to this and this 1:09:41 Bloodstone disabled for the 3rd time. It keeps jumping back and forth between the same two, three jokers 01:10:14 REINE WINS! 01:10:34 GAME #2 ANAGLYPH DECK, BLACK STAKE) 1:11:22 No money 1:11:42 ROUND 2. what build we're gonna go for? Pair or high card? 1:13:10 one hand left, there's no five. Reine, have mercy, high card is enough to win 1:13:58 ROUND 3 1:14:36 Is it over? YES! GAME OVER 1:14:46 GAME #3. Burn joker is hilarious for checkered deck. Reine brain turned off. She does not believe in this run 1:16:00 Reine tried so hard to recover from checkered deck. ROUND 2 1:17:00 WOW 1:17:19 Freak you, bus! Do we go fo rhis blind? It gives buffoon pack 1:17:40 m3ga buffoon pack - maybe ice cream? and blue joker? 1:18:02 Second buffoon pack, ante 2 banana might be cool 1:18:31 Selling the ice cream, getting the banana. The rest of jokers are c**p. Chat suggests to swap blue joker for throwback 1:19:15 Throwback added. ROUND 4. If only we got a 10-4 1:19:41 LOL, THE BANANA FINALLY BROKE! We witnessed miracle on this channel. Reine gangimari eyes, she's shaking 1:20:02 Arcana pack x2. Let's get rid of some hearts 1:21:01 Another arcana pack, wow. Upgrading 3 spade cards. Now we want some hermit 1:21:29 ROUND 5 1:22:20 Buffoon pack - gift card 1:22:37 Arcana pack. Where's the freaking banana, dude? 1:22:59 Ourchasing the lovers ROUND 6. First hand is drawn face down 1:24:13 Overstock redeemed. Spectral pack - immolate 1:24:31 Arcana pack - the moon 1:24:53 ROUND 7 1:25:24 haven't we reach 400$ yet? - npe. Disgusting rolls. Buffoon pack - skip. Arcana pack - upgrading king and queen to lucky cards 1:26:02 ROUND 8. Someone hit $400 with anaglyph deck 1:26:50 Where's the banana - arcana pack. What to make into glass - random queen 1:27:30 Another banana. Which one to destroy? Matador useless 1:27:55 In cavendish we trust 1:28:11 ROUND 9 1:28:28 Banana safe. Getting the chariot. Arcana pack - changing king, seven and four 1:29:03 ROUND 10 1:29:27 Reine's playing it like it's checkered deck. How to get different skins on cards - check options. Arcana pack x2 1:30:19 Changing the blind - buffoon pack 1:30:29 ROUND 11. Lose $1 per card played 1:31:05 Paint brush redeemed. Arcana pack. Upgrading the five into glass 1:31:53 do we need the trio? Which one do we buy and sell? We don't ahve any retrigger. Celestial pack - jupiter 1:32:24 Wheel of fortune nope. Getting the emperor 1:32:39 ROUND 12. We need to start enchancing things 1:33:18 Buffoon pack. stop it, disgusting 1:33:31 ROUND 13. Getting a stone card 1:34:05 Broken glass, that's so stoopid 1:34:33 It's silent hill simulator. Arcana pack. Turning the queen into glass 1:35:01 Standard pack. we need 7 more enchant cards. Do we reroll the mouth? 1:35:25 Reroll - we get the serpent. ROUND 14. After play or discard always draw 3 cards 1:36:04 Telescope redeemed. What's our most played card? Celestial + arcana pack. Out of sight, out of mind. We need more lucky cards and enchant cards 1:36:51 Rerolling the bosses 1:37:00 ROUND 15. Reine does not know what to strength 1:37:31 3 great, negative jokers for free... streamer luck 1:37:54 Arcana pack 1:38:56 Standard pack. Driver's license does not help 1:39:07 ROUND 16 (Amber Acorn, final boss) Flips and shuffles all joker cards 1:39:41 REINE WINS! That's enough Balatro. We never really amde driver's license work. Negative chad, 10-4 and abstract joker brought success. Checking the decks
@Fine362114 күн бұрын
Part 2 1:40:40 "I don't understand this game at all but we seem to perpetually be switching between "I'm a genius!" and "Oh no!"" - erratic dec is kinda unpredictable, Reine feels like her brain will be rewired if she plays too much erratic. It's like checkered deck 1:41:16 Remember - counting is outsorced to chat 1:41:29 We realizd why straight builds are so hard - when you're doing flush, you don't even have to look at the stuff carefully. But when you're doing straight you have to look at the numbers and they're small 1:42:13 Reine's eye hurts after doing the puzzles in the new year's event. Checking the collection 1:42:59 Reine's mind - spend spend spend. 10 jokers left to unlock and 3 vouchers 1:44:13 Reine likes spamming spectral, but they rarely show up. Switching screens. Pretty good stream to cooldown from the new year's event 1:44:54 Reine felt happy and very relaxed with the event, she wasn't feelling well earlier, and she wasn't on standby until it was time for play plateup. Then everybody was like "yooo you should do the puzzle while you wait". Then they ended up having so much fun together with the puzzle. It was her first time doing puzzle together, she feels it's a very unique bonding experience. One of Reines' favorite things about participating in stuff like this is to spend time with people you normally don't talk to. And Okayu's team was full of warm people, there was no stress. They really know how to cherish the fun 1:46:38 the real prize of the event is the bonding between each member. Plateup was so much bad luck, but Reine thinks it's about having fun, a good time as a group, especially in the downtime, doing puzzles together. They're not losing, they're winning. They're winning in a way not compared to the other members, jsut having a blast 1:47:33 Puzzle Trophy by Suisei. They finished puzzles before the main event ended 1:48:24 Fall Guys was so good, too. They were doing puzzles relax until they learned that the Gigi's team finished with their puzzles. Lasr round was unfortunate, but Reine had 0 knowledge of that map 1:49:06 Vivi was good at giving advices. Reine's glad the Fall guys was in call, it gets more relaxed feeling. Talking to chat is fun, but it's better vibing with the team 1:49:57 Call Guys 1:50:10 Pekora was 2nd in first run and elimated immediately in the second. Shows how chaotic it is. It's Fall Guys, even if you're first in the first run, anything can happen. Chaos could have happened. The girls who are participating are just nice actually. No one really pushed each other, everybody's just vibing. Reine barely saw anybody sabotaging anyone 1:51:40 Reine wanna play Fall Guys and PlateUp with this kind of environment, custom games to chill 1:52:12 No late night food. Reine says her internet or PC acting weird. she thinks maybe her PC is exploding. MC and CM are doing fine 1:53:06 whats the usage of cpu and stuff? - 28%. What's using CPU the most - OBS, cuz stream is live 1:53:38 Maybe firefox doing it. Reine says she needs to download more RAM. She asks if we can send her our RAM, she needs more RAM 1:54:04 Supachat reading 1:54:36 Flush gaming requires no brain 1:55:03 Banana joker explodes in one run, that's the most important event of this stream 1:55:39 There's like superchat goals - "I should send like 400 - balatro achievement" 1:56:09 Reine does not like seeded runs. It's fun but predictable - and b0ring as f**k to watch 1:56:36 "Goals is weird, it doesn't take into account money at all I think, just "20 superchats of any value"" 1:56:45 The fruit map was so much chaos. Reine realized the rules in the midldeo f the map 1:57:16 Reine wanted to play Bejeweled 3, but she's not sure if she can play it. She does not see any other Holos playing it. Last time she played it over a year ago. She asked for perms but there's no answer and maybe she'll get the answer eventually. Bejeweled without hot chicks, guys 1:58:15 Reine felt empty cuz she finished HuniePop so she wanted some "gem puzzles". Guys, huniepop arc is not over. Reine can set SC levels for goals. Maybe four reds for Balatro achievement. There's gonna be HuniePop 2 this week 1:59:13 It was fun to actually talk in JP again, Reine actually only gets to practice if she talks to someone. Learning the languages is two-way process better, she really likes learning from having conversations in a way 1:59:56 If she's streaming like this, she's speaking in English, eventually she would slip back to jaksel or Indonesian. But when she talks in Japanese, she's forcing herself to be as proper as possible 2:00:52 Closing comments 2:01:00 Salam MERAKyats. Otsu Puzzle
@greedymagician650613 күн бұрын
Thank you 🫡
@KenkenLH14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the stream, tante! Surprisingly this balatro run got so much luck today And i can finish my deck too while watchign you stream And OtsuPuzzle, today tournament was so much fun to see!
@bullrext14 күн бұрын
Thank you for the fun Balatro stream dear Pavolia Reine of Hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation
@greedymagician650613 күн бұрын
Thanks for the stream Reine💙
@tarodeculture14 күн бұрын
You win some, you lose some. Oh well, nothing like a relaxing time piling numbers on numbers in Balatro. Guess Towa's tournament got you into the puzzle mood. Reine thinking this time .
@pinkgolddaisy392614 күн бұрын
My main winning strategy is to get the joker that makes cards retrigger then get the one that makes face cards retrigger so that retriggers my retriggers and ez 😂
@521070213 күн бұрын
@rezahalawany203614 күн бұрын
Otsuu Salam MERAKyats Otsupuzzle Makasih Reine atas stream chill Balatronya dan selamat Reine dan team udah nyelesain event tahunannya Mbak Towa, seruuuu banget Pasti pusing sih buat nyelesain puzzlenya apalagi potongan puzzle ada banyak Tapi gpp yang penting bisa seneng seneng bareng member lain dan bisa puàs sama hasil akhirnya Makasih Reine atas streamnya Dan jangan lupa istirahat