I go into today knowing long suffering is ahead of me. I put on my vest even though I know it is God who protects me. I put on my gun with the knowledge that I may not come home. I go into the lions den to do battle with the present powers of evil and darkness and I pray here and now that God, I know you are with me. Give me strength Lord. Give me wisdom and by your will I will step into the fire and not be burned. You will save me, but even if you don’t, Jesus you alone I will serve. Help me Jesus to rejoice in the suffering you have laid before me. Thank you for this sermon today, God bless you and be with you.
@Lowspeedoperator13 күн бұрын
Love that quote, better to burnout than rustout!
@m.e.harris894115 күн бұрын
Anytime one feels…….., woe is me, read and reread Job….., the ultimate context measurement !!! ❤️❤️❤️ .
@christopherkoster721816 күн бұрын
Thanks again Pastor John for "hitting it out of the park"! May God continue to bless y'alls and your family and keep all-yall's safe🙏
@m.e.harris894115 күн бұрын
Brother John……., you are such a Blessing !!! I’m looking forward to meeting you someday in person !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ .
@honestgabe.16 күн бұрын
14:06 I was on fire for the first time in my life for 3 months. I fell into sin, sins of old. I became bitter, tired, stressed out, angry. I didn't even recognize myself anymore. Then I broke. I believe God was with me the entire time. I became weighed down, lonely and separated. When I came back to Jesus, I learned that I have much more of a love and dependency for Him. I don't care about hell and how much it sucks. Just don't want to be separate from God. That's what I really want. I don't want salvation to keep myself out of hell. I want salvation because I love the Lord and I do not want to be apart from Him. Thank you Abba Father and my Salvation Jesus Christ! I love the suffering because it brings me to you. ❤️🔥 (Edited for spelling errors)
@Kalbee15 күн бұрын
John is such a good pastor! What a speaker, man.
@dqtip1917 күн бұрын
Such a blessing this sermon has been
@joshmajor866217 күн бұрын
I’m not that religious these days John but I seem to watch ALL of these until the end each time Lol 😂🤷♂️ I’m enjoying these, thanks man!! Now it’s time to go sling lead!! 👍😉 Lol
@iab3217 күн бұрын
Good thing John isn’t religious either! It’s all about a relationship with Jesus!
@WarriorPoetSociety16 күн бұрын
My man 🫡💪
@josiahpimperl356916 күн бұрын
@@iab32technically it's both. They're not mutually exclusive and calling Christianity a religion isn't inherently a bad thing as people make it out to be now.
@robertgreen530916 күн бұрын
@@josiahpimperl3569 religion is created by man. Anything created by man is corrupt from the beginning. God is not a religion. God is God.
@redryder114616 күн бұрын
Yeah, but religion is what happened on 911!
@rcolteyusa14 күн бұрын
What an awesome message and impactful sermon. Thanks John!
@Mohillbilly117 күн бұрын
Truly enjoy listening to your passion for the truth!
@brookford120616 күн бұрын
Powerful stuff, John. You have a real gift for this. Thanks brother 🤜
@ricomuerte101216 күн бұрын
“You will know them by their works” sounds like both to me. “Those who have a testimony of Me (Yeshua) and keeps my commands will be like a wise man who built his house on the rocks” -From Yeshua himself
@ricomuerte101216 күн бұрын
I will also add that by grace through faith you are saved but because of my reverence, faith, and gratefulness, I follow Him and keep the commands to the best of my broken ability.
@WarriorPoetSociety16 күн бұрын
@@ricomuerte1012 -- the difference is that we aren't save by good works, but we are saved for good works. Big difference. Good works doesn't save your soul, but doing good works is the great evidence that your soul has already been saved by grace through faith. Jesus in speaking of following His commands is the command of the new covenant: love God and love people, which fulfills the OT requirements. It's not an endorsement of following the old, written code, but rather a freedom to follow Him in a way that marks it fulfilled already.
@MAB3776s13 күн бұрын
@@WarriorPoetSocietyall I want for Christmas is for your sermons to be added to WPSN.
@GATEKEEPERradio34715 күн бұрын
John, I got introduced to you through the three of seven project. I enjoy your sermons. I’m a deacon and I enjoy the time I get to spend with my ninth and 10th grade boys in weekly Bible study at church. I’ve started sharing some of this online.Just looking to edify the body. Keep up the good work, brother.
@honestgabe.16 күн бұрын
34:50 Whaaaaat!!! Get the gauze my head just blew up!!! 🤯
@m70c00l10 күн бұрын
James 5:16, John 20:23
@810Metalworks16 күн бұрын
I’m 55 seconds in and you bring up Romans 5:8. That it my favorite verse. When we go to restaurants, I wrote that verse on the receipt. It’s crazy how I keep thinking of these verses and then you talk about them 🥹
@RippedPantsss17 күн бұрын
Yes!!! So happy to see this posted
@Kevin-Murphy-00716 күн бұрын
"While we were still sinners, Christ Jesus died for our sins ". So, yes, I would die for an enemy.
@thejoker-m4u15 күн бұрын
@brandonlabrie596515 күн бұрын
Hey Pastor John, if you see this, thank you. No pressure to answer this question, but its one I've been wrestling with for a while. I'm in the Army and the idea of going SOF has been buzzing around in my head 24/7 for years. 1) how do I know if its God’s will for my life to pursue that career, and 2) how did you balance putting your faith in Jesus first over the demands of the job in SOF.
@zacharystultz428316 күн бұрын
When you gonna come visit texas Pastor John?
@TheRealRomansThirteen16 күн бұрын
He died for his friends and for his enemies, if you're asking me if I'd die to save the world yeah probably. He knew that his enemies would seek reconciliation such as Paul who was made blind and then given the Holy Ghost. If I knew that doing something would cause my enemy to come around and not be a total loser yeah. But my enemies are usually immoral reprobate so.... Usually everyone else comes around because God makes my enemies at peace with me. I might wrestle with the concept of jumping in front of a bullet for the junkie next door but if someone's shooting at him and his kid then I guess I got to push him out of the way. There's a time and a place for mercy and where I fail at this, you have to remember salvation is by grace through faith not works. But works are a sign of your salvation and you might catch yourself as a Christian doing some goofy things for your enemies wondering why the hell did I do that. But I'm pretty sure we're all going to give it the honest try. I've been in too many fights or not enough. But I was in one with a drunk who pushed me into a baby. And after I kicked his butt I carried him up a set of stairs because he was crying the whole way. That love your enemies thing it'll come upon you naturally. You think I'm lying but you can't shake it when the Holy Ghost pulls the reins.
@swamprat901816 күн бұрын
@Evil_Teddy14 күн бұрын
No. They're enemies for a reason.
@samhambsch248214 күн бұрын
The Catholics who believe they are saved by works are tragically mistaken. Works without faith are dead
@khann84417 күн бұрын
I hate it when you tell people what Mormons believe. Is there any scripture you can quote that says, we get to heaven by our works? At least read the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine of Covenants before you judge. I do enjoy your sermons
@MinimumSpeedOperator17 күн бұрын
Disclaimer! This is not an attack! In my conversations with all Mormons they will tell me to my face that salvation comes when you have done ALL YOU CAN DO Christ covers the rest. That is not in alignment with the Gospel. That is a Mormon thing. There are no works you can do to enter glory Christ did it all. Now by accepting that free gift we are endowed with the Holy Spirit dwelling within that drives and motivates us to do good works through him because we love him. But it is not something we are just doing of our own volition that gets us to heaven. How do you even define “all I can do” there is always one more thing you can do! Hence it is a works based belief. Once again not an attack. I am happy to discuss this I’d like to know if you disagree but I have had this talk with many Mormon friends.
@victorserhumano16 күн бұрын
Same but for Catholics😂. Like, why. if you don't understand it ok but why bro. Im used to it Catholic is always taken the brunt of attacks since the Apostles time, now its from Christians too 😂still love his sermons
@TheRealRomansThirteen16 күн бұрын
Dude the Mormon thing is crazy if you don't understand by now that Joseph Smith is a false prophet your way out in left field. You can start out with that war that never happened and has zero archaeological evidence. The dietary laws are ridiculous Jesus said all food is clean through me. If you're going to do some of the of the old testiment you have to do the whole law of. And after that how do you seek salvation because you've already broken all the laws of the Old Testament. Ee all have. none are righteous no not one. There's so much evidence against Joseph Smith but the big thing is the Mormon church is used as a coven for witches to get together. You might not believe in that but there's people out there that do, and they take that craft very seriously. There's an old sermon floating around on KZbin where an ex Satanist shares his tell law about being in the Mormon church. Also dudes running with gold plates and Tackling in four guys do you know how heavy gold is? And it didn't blow the hat out at all? Makes no sense at all. But the most striking thing is that he said some Angel went and gave him this brand new doctrine. We're supposed to think that God's up in heaven making Spirit babies. If you're a good spirit baby you get white skin if your bad Spirit baby get black skin? How about God made all nations of one blood. It contradicts the Bible head to toe. Jesus is the creator how could Jesus and Satan be brothers. Here's the thing if you're going to go into the Mormon church to practice witchcraft then stay in the Mormon church. If you're going to go in the Mormon church to learn about Jesus leave the Mormon church and read a King James. I don't know why anybody would want to put that yolk on them especially with the dietary laws and the Customs for hair growth. You can't have a beard you can't drink coffee.... what? You have to walk around in special lucky pajamas? No the Bible calls for you to put on the armor of God not lucky pajamas. Wierd. I know a lot about it because I had a cousin that's in it and they even do Blood In Blood Out. They kill people that leave. This church is a gangster megalith for satanic worship (witchcraft) at the tippy top. Same dietary law same boring rules. The lower rate members just use it for polygamy so they can shag up with underage girls. The Mormon church is an occult movement. Their Doctrine on Heaven is Twisted they have like three different layers and no hell and you can spend eternity having sex with your spouse? I mean it sounds nice but it's not scriptural at all. Also you become a god? That was Satan's lie in Eden. If you want to be Harry Potter go ahead. But the Holy Ghost is higher and power and Moses proved that when he threw down in Egypt. Mature People especially content creators that elevate the Mormon church after all these years of it being exposed, are in it for witchcraft. They can't be that ignorant. But I have heard that the book is extremely boring so maybe they are Sedated by something. Dude have a little fun drink some coffee. Grow a beard out. Racism polygamy and Witchcraft not something you should want to be a part of.
@honestgabe.16 күн бұрын
@@MinimumSpeedOperator Amen 🙌
@honestgabe.16 күн бұрын
Don't Mormons believe that they will become gods and rule over other planets? Don't they also believe that Jesus didn't die and actually had children and a wife? Revelations 22:16 KJV For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book