Peering Into The Abyss: The Truth About Black Holes | The New Frontier | Spark

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@artdonovandesign 6 ай бұрын
The Author of this episode went out of their way to get really special and exciting academics for the interviews and comments- From all over the world! Not an easy thing to accomplish. A memorable and wonderfully evocative episode. THANK YOU for bringing this to us😊
@SeauxNOLALady 7 ай бұрын
The Event Horizon Telescope project is so exciting and mind blowing! The fact that we can now visually observe the event horizon around a black hole is awe inspiring. Especially when they imaged the black hole at the center of our own galaxy that has been obscured by the dust and dense star clusters until now.
@TheEnigmaUniverse-vt2pm Жыл бұрын
Does anyone feel like me that the reading voice is very soothing and it makes me fall asleep very quickly even though there are many new things I need to hear and learn?
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
Ah see - both your accounts with comments side by side. PlanetXmysteries is you too isn't it? I know this Enigma account was one of the two involved in the same comments, verbatim - being shared by the two accounts and copy/pasted to several different videos comment section.
@coodudeman 5 ай бұрын
@@christianhoffman7407 i assume it's a bot... honestly i can't understand the point here... this is pretty apolitical dry physics... what is the goal?
@PlanetXMysteries-pj9nm Жыл бұрын
"I'm constantly amazed by the depth of knowledge and expertise you share through your videos. Thank you for being a constant source of enlightenment. "
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
I remember you. How many of your accounts use this comment? Has it been cut and paste to several additional videos like the others?
@NNokia-jz6jb 2 ай бұрын
@samajier2566 Жыл бұрын
Very nice
@andrewlaxton1162 Жыл бұрын
This channels content is very well done. I wish y'all would do a video covering all the current findings on ufos and breakdown the new uap disclosure act that was just signed by the congress and how certain people was able to change it from its original form to protect the military contractors.
@RomoRooster 11 ай бұрын
I don't know why they say gravity is the weakest force in the universe, it clearly is not. It has the ability to break down everything built by all the other forces
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
@RomoRooster It is the weakest force. Think about it. You have the gravitational attraction of an entire planet holding a nail to the ground yet a magnet the size of a postage stamp can overcome that gravity and attract the nail. If you had two protons the size of the earth and the Earth itself in a row equally spaced (with one of the protons in the middle) the Strong force exerted would be enough to overcome the positive charge of earth sized protons and hold them together There are 4 fundamental forces - gravity is one ~ the weak force is two [this is the one I personally least understand] the strong force is three [that hold together atomic nuclei] and electromagnetism. In other words if you make everything the same scale gravity is by far the weakest. The strong force is only felt on the scale of atomic nucle but at that scale the gravity of a single proton is minuscule. That is at the quantum level. I hope I explained that where it helped you. They are indeed correct.
@OTDECK 11 ай бұрын
Love watching this stuff, not a religious person but man you gotta believe something 😂 all this shit in the universe is crazy! The universe just can’t exist from nothing. facts
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
Contrary to what the small thinking gatekeepers on both sides of that fictional divide tells you - science and religion are NOT mutually exclusive. A person free of the shackles of groupthink can see how the two can coexist. I don't know you so I can't say what you know, how you feel, what you been told ect but there is no reason you can't have both. Its an unpopular take on things with the gatekeepers though.
@OTDECK 11 ай бұрын
@@christianhoffman7407 man all I know if I’m cool with life, the planet like how many billions of years old and in 1988 of December I woke up lol and was like cool this is me didn’t feel like billions of years went by 😂 so I think the cycle will continue again. If their is a god it’s not a person it’s some kind of thing or energy. Everything has a creator nothing can just exist
@brograb898 Жыл бұрын
May I ask you a very important question? Where did you get that leather jacket?
@hunterhalo2 Жыл бұрын
Tangential, but I understand from recent UAP disclosures the DoD is very interested in blackholes. Interesting implications.
@UATU. Жыл бұрын
R&D is looking for the most expensive way to burn through black budget funds in the search for the ultimate method of destroying evidence.
@tb22k Жыл бұрын
@DavidMosesMBisda Жыл бұрын
Because in a black hole there's no point of return but in a white hole you will come back without hesitation
@KingBritish 11 ай бұрын
Please tone down the music on these documentaries.
@TexasRanger-1 3 ай бұрын
@coodudeman 5 ай бұрын
42!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ultimate number! lol
@ponnachanpappachanlakesjac2098 Жыл бұрын
❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉greetings From solar wonders young universe 💘
@jimmie999999999 5 ай бұрын
i wish i was a scientist! i'm just a dope. this is amazing. think about the first telescopes compared to now! they were astronamers regardless of the tech and we are still getting better. humans, huh? persistent little critters.
@jasonblack6142 Жыл бұрын
Our vibrations keep us from expanding, Reach in ,,reprogram yourself,, and find a way to allow your higher self to work through you as it should be. not all ..under stand,, the end of two ends no matter what ..
@timothy8426 Жыл бұрын
When did gravity become the strongest force when it was the weakest force? Black holes are devoid bubbles of thermaldynamics singularities. Pure resistance of hurricanes in space and tornadoes at their poles of pure cold resistance to thermaldynamics singularities. Expelling thermaldynamics singularities outward force of pressure into space. Theoretically factual probability? Cold resistance is neutralized resistance within occupational space as mass. Temperature equalization throughout space as cold resistance to thermaldynamics singularities. Thermaldynamics singularities are the waves of dark energy that pass throughout space itself and in chain reactions in mass. Passing through space and mass in chain reactions. Thermaldynamics singularities bump out thermaldynamics singularities into the neighboring masses as continuously perpetual motion. Timed interactions of exchanging thermaldynamics singularities and points of occupational space in forward propulsion. Conservation of maximum momentum velocity in resistance within and without entanglement of mass. Sparks of electrons are the heat and light appear in this exchange of decay and renewable energy singularities. Space is cold resistance and thermaldynamics singularities coexistence. Stars replenish thermaldynamics singularities as mass breaks down and reforms in striking particles of collisions and transferring thermaldynamics singularities through the planet and all mass. Mass neutralizes resistance within occupational space. Mass vibrates towards the weakest point of resistance until resistance can't be overcome. Heat and electrons are sparks of striking resistance of particles. Light and heat are present in decay and reformong mass. Lightning proves hypothesis. Lightning burns through atmospheres as sparks of striking resistance of particles breaking down the particles into thermaldynamics singularities and cold occupational space in an atmosphere. The void created by thermaldynamics singularities in least resistance get forced outwardly by the proximity mass slammed together as thunder. Lightning is sparks of electrons as decay of mass. Heat is present. Electricity is rapid heat loss as decay. Outward force of pressure known as propulsion. Thermaldynamics singularities don't collapse. Physics works. Theoretically factual probability. Quatum neutronics of neutralized resistance within mass as repulsion to thermaldynamics singularities cycling circulation patterns of quantum magnetic fields. Equalization of resistance to all mass. Occupational space is neutralized resistance within mass. Mass can't collapse in forward momentum propulsion from repulsion in repulsion. Spheres are proof of pressure in equalization to resistance within and without entanglement of mass. Thermaldynamics singularities from one star collide with that of another star. Unification of unidirectional flow cycling thermaldynamics singularities circulation patterns of magnetic fields as mass. Thermaldynamics pass through space as frequencies in minimum resistance spiraling around these points of space. Vibrations settle into the weakest point of resistance until resistance can't be overcome. Thermaldynamics singularities pass through mass in exchanging energy when struck by thermaldynamics singularities. Sparks or electrons of light are electricity. Electricity is rapid heat loss. Lightning is proof of hypothesis. The cosmic speed limit of thermaldynamics singularities is constant in and out of entanglement of mass. Elements show the sparks as waves of striking particles of collisions as resistance. Point to point timed interactions of force exchanging positions in and out of entanglement of mass. Earth leaves occupational space and thermaldynamics singularities passing through it are once again at distance of maximum forward momentum in minimum resistance to cold space itself. Cycling circulation patterns of thermaldynamics singularities reduces distance in redirected trajectories contained in magnetic fields of mass. Mass is always equal to resistance within and without entanglement of mass. Pressure all around from repulsion to thermaldynamics singularities. Spheres and galaxies prove hypothesis. When resistance can't be overcome mass expands. Galaxies expand. Hydrogen has a magnetic field generator. Both clockwise and counterclockwise pressure equalization. Two points of neutronics cycled by two thermaldynamics singularities as clockwise and counterclockwise pressure equalization. Alll mass has to be equal to resistance. There isn't a negative force. Forward momentum is propulsion as the only universal force. Propulsion from repulsion is thermaldynamics singularities. Propulsion from repulsion into repulsion collisions is mass. There is no dark matter. Only dark energy outside of entanglement of mass. Resistance is neutralized within mass. Space itself doesn't move. Thermaldynamics does. Theoretically factual probability? Observations of physical properties of exchanges help to explain Observations here on earth. We vibrate in a magnetic field as multiple magnetic fields within our mass. The magnetic fields within us are stronger than earth's magnetic field. But it is vaster than ours. So physics vibrates towards the weakest point of resistance until resistance can't be overcome. We vibrate towards the earth. Gravity doesn't work because because propulsion doesn't collapse. The universe is infinite and collisions of thermaldynamics singularities coming together and striking each other created sparks of electrons redirected trajectories of thermaldynamics into unification of unidirectional flow cycling thermaldynamics singularities into magnetic fields of mass. Dark energy is thermaldynamics singularities passing through space outside of entanglement of mass. Magnetic fields change direction of these frequencies that vibrate towards the weakest point of resistance until resistance can't be overcome. Mass absorbs thermaldynamics singularities and reactions release thermaldynamics singularities. A chain reaction until resistance can't be overcome. Propulsion is outward force of pressure always. Magnetic fields redirected trajectories of thermaldynamics singularities like the event horizon acts as thermaldynamics singularities cycling circulation patterns around these bubbles of pure fabric of space itself devoid of thermaldynamics as massive magnetic field generators redirected trajectories of thermaldynamics into the hurricane of plasma circulation around it. The poles being pure cold resistance as tornadoes spin off excessive thermaldynamics singularities of proximity mass decay from magnetic field generators of maasive propulsion neutronics of neutralized weakest resistance from space itself. Proximity mass expells towards the weakest point of resistance until resistance can't be overcome. Theoretically factual probability?
@bjornragnarsson8692 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, I was distracted by your use of the word “thermaldynamics” in place of thermodynamics. But I think I partially understood what you said, and agree - “Mass vibrates toward the weakest point of resistance until resistance can’t be overcome.” Mass does indeed appear to do that, but a few points about your assertion. It isn’t just mass but rest mass, energy density, and momentum fluctuations that account for spacetime curvature. Radiative heat transfer enables a massive star to avoid gravitational collapse until it is no longer thermodynamically able to do so - the iron core in type II supernovae only fuse via endothermic reactions, pulling the necessary heat to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium maintaining the star from total collapse. But that doesn’t happen in significant action. Instead, it is thermodynamically more favorable for the electrons in the iron plasma to join with the positively charged nucleons, converting mass energy into neutrons and antineutrinos. This collapses the core at a rate quick enough to cause the gravitational collapse of outer layers to mostly reflect off the high density core, sending a powerful shockwave driven outward and ignighting more fusion reactions to take place throughout the layers of accumulated material surrounding it he core. However the total energy added from this process is relatively small and eventually the shockwave halts at some radius between the core and outer layers. At the same time, the core is allowed to temporarily expand, releasing electrons and electron neutrinos as neutrons are converted back to protons. The temperature is so high that they he black body gamma ray spectrum literally rips apart iron nuclei into He-4 nuclei and products. However, this only worsens the situational of the core, as He-4 is more stable than most elements other than Iron, and inverse beta decay again takes place, alternating back and forth from beta decay to inverse Berra decay until enough neutrinos and antineutrinos have been emitted to superheated the layer directly under the shock wave - enabling its propagation to proceed further through the outer layers of star material until they are ultimately blasted off into space in the form of a type II supernova - leaving behind a progenitor star - typically a neutron star. These neutrinos constitute 99% of the energy emitted during a supernova. The photon radiation is but a fraction, despite their blackbody intensity and wavelengths. If this process of neutrino reheating fails to propel the shockwave throughout the remaining layers of the star’s composition, a stellar ranged black hole forms directly as the strong nuclear force between the ultra dense neutron populated core is overwhelmed even beyond its neutron degeneracy pressure (and possibly quark degeneracy pressure), at which point a violent phase transformation ensues not only of the dense matter occupying the core, but of the vacuum energy itself sustaining the strong force (and other quantum fields) from operating.
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
Why not do something productive with your energies? I mean did you tap that word salad out on a phone? It was funny for a second but that almost makes me concerned for your well being.
@DenyseLRoss 11 ай бұрын
Actually it was Tesla who first wrote about them BAD INFORMATION
@ASmith-ge4og Жыл бұрын
Don’t watch this. You’ll get hit randomly with advertisements.
@pudermcgavin4462 Жыл бұрын
That's you tube
@APFSan Жыл бұрын
How do u think they pay for such a wonderful documentary?
@michaelburke750 Жыл бұрын
And random comments.
@ferios2 Жыл бұрын
You people see adverts?
@andyg35311 Жыл бұрын
That's disgraceful, you should sue them for the trauma they inflicted upon you!
@naziur_riaz Жыл бұрын
annoying musics
@brianvlos3658 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but hwquawking radiation just sounds disrespectful party and wrong. Hawking
@christianhoffman7407 11 ай бұрын
I too idea hwquawking radiation flipped without party wrong. Make any sense it does not.
@User-rm9cw 8 ай бұрын
I knew there is a black horse!
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