Perdonar es amar …

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Andrés Monroy Charry, MD

Andrés Monroy Charry, MD

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El poema, “Perdonar es amar” por el médico y escritor Andrés Monroy Charry, es un legado en donde se nos invita a perdonar, para liberarnos de angustias con el mundo terrenal para estar en paz en este nuevo camino hacia el infinito celestial.
Errar es humano y no es sano, vivir con la lupa del rencor; tu corazón se marchita,dejando en vano la posibilidad de tener una tranquilidad infinita.
Solamente aquel que es realmente fuerte, olvida una ofensa y sabe amar.
The poem, “To forgive is to love” by the doctor and writer Andrés Monroy Charry is a legacy in which we are invited to forgive, to free ourselves from anguish with the earthly world and to be at peace on this new path towards the celestial infinity.
To err is human and not healthy, to live with the magnifying glass of resentment; your heart withers, leaving in vain the possibility of having infinite tranquility.
Only he who is truly strong, forgets an offense and knows how to love.
Perdón, Perdonar, Amar, Amor, Humildad, Liberarnos, Servir, Compasión, Descanso, Silencio, Ilusión, Arcoiris, Misterio, Salvar, Paz, Fortaleza, Dios, Espiritual, Mente, Vivir, Reparador, Motivaciòn, Sonrisa, Reír, Llorar, Tristeza, Tristezas, Corazón, Sonrisa, Palabra, Calma, Escuchar, Tierra Vital, Respira, Favores, Esfuerzo, Descubrir, Esperanza, Generosidad, Maravillas, Vida, Virtud, Virtudes, Emoción, Sentir, Compasión, Sentimiento, Sufrimiento, Despertar, Suerte, Amigo, Amistad, Abrazo, Listo, Video Motivacional, Energía, Propósito de Vida, Angustia, Hacer lo que te gusta, Mundo, Estar presente, tú, Amor, Pasión, Reencuentro, Jugar, Reír, Besar, Hijos, Mundo, Triunfos, Metas, Vivir el ahora, receta, Penas, Alegrías, Valentìa, Ayudar, Colaborar, Consolar, Gracias, Alimentaciòn Sana, Deporte, Dieta, La Simple decisión de ser feliz, Andrés Monroy Charry
Forgiveness, Forgive, Love, Humility, Free ourselves, Serve, Compassion Happiness, Happy, Pleasure, Wealth, Money, Fortune, Work, Emotions, Past, Future, Present, Now, Mindfulness, Emotional, Gratitude, Appreciation, Time, Rest, Dream, Dream, Rest, Silence, Illusion, Rainbow, Mystery, Save, Peace, Strength, God, Spiritual, Mind, Live, Restorative, Motivation, Smile, Laugh, Cry, Sadness, Sadnesses, Heart, Smile, Word, Calm, Listen, Vital Earth, Breathe, Favors, Effort, Discover, Hope, Generosity, Wonders, Life, Virtue, Virtues, Emotion, Feel, Compassion, Feeling, Suffering, Wake Up, Luck, Friend, Friendship, Hug, Ready, Motivational Video, Energy, Purpose of Life, Anguish, Do what you like, World, Be present, you, Love, Passion, Reunion, Play, Laugh, Kiss, Children, World, Triumphs, Goals, Live the now, recipe, Sorrows, Joys, Courage, Help, Collaborate, Console, Thank you, Healthy Eating, Sports, Diet, The Simple Decision to be Happy, Andrés Monroy Charry

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