在大马highway使用ACC是蛮不适的,无论是camera or lidar。我的车是用lidar ACC,在highway少车我才用。ACC在高速110 km/h时会保持至少2个车位,即使已经选用最靠近的。有几次在比较多车下开启ACC,旁边车道的车子看见我车的车道前有2个车位就直接signal切入我车前方。这时ACC会突然感应到前方物品太靠近而急刹车。
i personally booked X as AV seat is too ugly and ACC seems useless for me as im city drive most of the time, and that red seat will make me disgusted. H is more on cosmetic just the day light infront is diff...i bought Ace up on few spare as replacement