Had mine for 7 years now. Wont sell it for many years to come . Great small car who loves to be driven hard.
@Detrucci3 жыл бұрын
Love the video and the presentation. I am looking to buy one of these by the end of the year. I see so many "official" reviews but they dont give the full picture., Its nice to see and hear from someone who actually drives the car on a regular basis. Your accent is cool and I like that you took the time to explain the little details :) I will give you a subscribe
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@natanaelberntsson74873 жыл бұрын
Hey man, great video! Thank you and Happy Easter - He is risen! :) Greetings from the island of Orust, Sweden (to be owner of 2011 Peugeot RCZ 2011 next week)
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! Enjoy your new ride!
@MrPassy4u3 жыл бұрын
Got an Asphalt edition myself since 3-4 weeks. People will not believe it's a Peugoet :D Or they call it a Audi TT. Or they guessing the brand like it's a Italian supercar
@alexmorgan34353 жыл бұрын
Indeed a future classic. I have an RCZ R, black, immaculate, with 35k kms on the clock. Love it. Your camera guy needs to keep up with your slick presentation.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! RCZ R is a nice car!
@knutarneaakra60133 жыл бұрын
You dont be french to love a french car. Just be a autofile. We are afther all just in love with good cars. Rule the whole world.
@JohnP.6775 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I love my RCZ I've got the 2012 2L Turbo diesel HSI GT in Dark gray. And I love every bit of it.
@gilles45883 жыл бұрын
Nice and honest review! Thanks for the info.
@mattjcordery1502 жыл бұрын
I love your presentation! Very well done...
@GEONIC2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Glad you liked it!
@Mr_Kenneth2 жыл бұрын
Grrat vudeo. Super professional presentation man 👨
@GEONIC2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@lohierman3 жыл бұрын
Super good video, thanks for taking the time and being honest! I'm looking to buy one of these as a daily driver - would you recommend the diesel or petrol in this case? Thanks in advance!
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Hello. Thank you very much for your appreciation! Definetly as a daily driver I would take the diesel option. It is much easier to drive a 2.0hdi than a poor 1.6thp due to 100nm more torque(I am used to 2.0d and 3.0d) also the diesel version will be less influenced regarding the mpg if you drive like an enthuziast. For me the RCZ is not the only car that I have. Having a 1.6thp as a daily driver it is financially wreckless, the fuel consumption is almost double and the real world "performance" is not present. You really do not get the power that you pay if you link it with the fuel consumption. You "burn" your money really unefficient. If you drive 20.000km/year with the money spent on the petrol you would buy diesel fuel and buy oil+filters+labour maybe even roadtax. The only really nice feature for the low power versions of the1.6thp (156hp & 200hp) is the exhaust sound with the standard exhaust when you floor them......that engine screams "leave me alone you maniac"😃 Sorry for my late reply.
@milanmirkovic57063 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review. I am looking for one at the moment. Can you tell me the driving difference models of 150hp and 200hp , meaning is it value for money? Thanks.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Hello. The 156hp vs 200hp has a different turbo and different fuel injectors(smaller volume of the injectors).......the rest is the same. There is one more thing. Automatic gearbox you can get only on the 1.6thp 156hp. To be honest based on my experience with other cars, if I would buy again an RCZ I will buy it diesel 2.0hdi (because of the torque and low fuel consumption) or 1.6t 270hp, at least you have some power. 156hp vs 200hp you only have 44hp difference which is irrelvant in the real world for 1300kg, trust me. Be aware the 1.6thp consumes a lot of fuel, on the freeway about 9%minimum and in city from 15%. If you run with it and force it you will have also oil consumption, with no smoke at all. 1.6thp is a very uneconomical engine, with no power at all if you are searching for the power or if you are a petrol head. If you want only to have a chill ride 1.6thp is good enough. I am used to 3.0 hdi V6 from 407coupe and 330d, maybe that is why I think the 1.6thp is a "bicycle". Obs: At 1300-1500kg you will feel a difference in the real world, if you have 100hp more and at least 100nm more.
@milanmirkovic57063 жыл бұрын
@@GEONIC nicely explained I got it. My budget is around 11000e so I have to do a compromise, you know. Thank you.
@user-ob9vj5kw7d2 жыл бұрын
pacat ca l-ai dus acolo in noroi... altfel e fain reviewul
@GEONIC2 жыл бұрын
Multumesc frumos!
@clover323 жыл бұрын
Cool vid man, im curious what the reliability's like on the rcz's ? I seem to see some mixed reviews. Some say there great and some not so much, what's it been like for you any issues or anything note worthy?.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Thank you man! Let me tell you my story. I bought the car and I have done some things that I think that are normal when you buy a car SH, regardless the brand of that car. 1. I have changed the automatic gearbox oil, 7liters. 2. I have changed the thermostat, known issue on these Prince (PSA) N13(BMW) engines. 3. I have changed all the spark plugs (common sense). 4. I have changed all the fluids(power steering, brake fluid, automatic gearbox fluid, engine oil and coolant) as a common sense safety measure for my own peace of mind on the long run. 5. I have cleaned the intake valves. Residues on the intake valves is a problem that will appear on all the direct injection petrol engines, regardless the engine capacity or the manufacturer. It is an issue related to the technical solution not to a brand. 6. I have also changed the brake discs and the brake pads, again for my own peace of mind. 7. I have changed the valve cover rubber gasket. 8. I have changed the the crankshaft oil seal, because it was leaking. Everything that I have done to the car was in Romania, and I have bought the parts from the internet sites based on the VIN and all the parts have been changed my own mechanic. The overall job had a price of 1000e. This....was done because I wanted to prevent anything bad, and because my driving style is brutal/abusive, especially with this small engine 1.6 156hp and 240nm. I am used to Bmw 330d E90 LCI this is why I am saying that I abuse the little pony 1.6turbo, my foot is glued to the floor all the time, and for the last 5000km in 3months I never had issues. Mainly because I take care of the maintenance. I believe that all brands are reliable, there is no such a thing as "unreliable" there is only respected maintenance schedules by responsible owners, or total carwrecks due to lazy/poor/unaware owners, regarding maintenance schedules and costs. So from this point of view I am happy with the reliability of the powertrain, at least related to my foot to the floor driving style on/off. I am not so happy about my fuel consumption 10-11% average on mixt roads city50%-highway50% but again, I am all or nothing, especially with toy engines like this 1.6t. I bought the car because because I like the design and because of the automatic gearbox, so that my girlfriend can drive it too. If it would be for me 100% I would buy the RCZ R 1.6thp manual 6, 270hp and 330Nm that in my opinion is the only serious option. Regarding the interior and other auxiliary components I am happy so far with the car reliability. I have nothing to complain about. Observation: On the internet people criticize Prince/N13 engine that it eats oil. It is correct but from my point of view as an automotive engineer on powertrains, I would like to make the following observations, so that people understand what is behind this: 1. The oil volume for this 1.6t engine is very very small 4,2liters when new and 4liters when you are changing the oil and filter, commonly. When you have a small oil volume your oil pump will receive all the time very hot oil due to the small quantity of oil available in the oil pan. When the oil is hot all the time the quality/life of the oil(regardless the price of the oil/liter) will be dramatically reduced. IF the oil pan would have a larger volume, deeper, the oil pump feed will be able to access cooler oil from bottom, due to larger volume of oil in the oil pan due to a deeper oil pan, this would help the "oil life" and obviously will help for better engine protection. So to recap for the 1.6thp ALWAYS check your oil level each 500km and CHANGE your oil each 5000km/3000miles so you will not keep in your car an "overboiled" oil that will ruin your engine. Especially if you are brutal with your engine. Sadly automotive companies are guided by accountants and statistics, nobody cares about your oil life, they think that having 4 liters of oil is a good thing because the oil pan is cheaper to produce, and you or me the final client ("idiot") have less "maintenance" cost, without thinking about the real consequences of the thermal oil degradations, that an "overboiled" oil has. By definition, petrol engines run much hotter than diesel engines, so that is why petrol engine oils are very stressed and have reduced life. My last argument regarding the oil pan and the oil quantity related to the engine life is the following one. For the FWD 2.0d engines (I do want to name the brand) the passenger vehicles have a 6l oil volume and 30.000km oil change intervals, the FWD commercial vehicles have 8l oil volume and 50.000km oil change intervals and the RWD 2.0d commercial vehicles have 10l oil volume. The oil change intervals are just excel sheets that are meant to impress statisticians and accountants or people that have no idea about cars and maintenance. Tests are done in cells and tracks (not all at full power) and if more than 65% is passed than the final solution will be approved taking a certain amount of contingency for disaster, that is why you have warranty. I am sorry if I wrote too much, I think this is a good topic for a future video. PS: My boxer R1200R 2cyl has 4l of oil and the 1.6Thp 4cyl has 4l of fuel. Always take care of your oil. As "top tip" the less powerful version of a certain engine that has a certain CC will be the most reliable engine due to less oil stress and oil degradation. You can imagine the oil from the 1.6thp 156hp 240nm in comparison with the oil from the 1.6thp 270hp 330nm. Same CC, same oil pan and 75% more power, imagine that poor overboiled engine oil what long term effects will have if you keep it more than 5000km. Sure the 270hp has a slight different oil circuit but still it will run much hotter than the 156hp version, poor oil.
@fathicoltd67743 жыл бұрын
@@GEONIC Wow very nice briefing mate ;) So there is not sth like redesigned oil pan or oil cooler for this little monster? Let me rephrase my Q: Is there any tuning available that solves some of the issues with oil heating and stuff?
@BLCKVD3 жыл бұрын
What height you are? I’m 187cm so I wonder how I would fit in also i’m quite far from the skinniest man alive but not totally big full of fat, let’s say i’m little bit bigger size from average man or better: i’m like 25-40% bigger than you all around, so I wonder how I would fit in.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
I am 1.87m and I have a lot of space. In RCZ the space/volume inside is not an problem for 2x persons of +1.85m.
@BLCKVD3 жыл бұрын
@@GEONIC Appreciate for the answer! I did went already to test drive it and I fit on just fine, no problems! But I did also searched information about this car negative sides and car mechanics in my country said that this car unfortunately is quite pain in the ass, like that BMW engine is poor in this car (poor designing) and some chains has to be changed after 150 000km in the engine area which is expensive job also some high pressure gas pump in the turbo(?) area had to be changed (which very expensive too), so I don’t rly know, since other RCZ owners have said pretty much only good about this, so I do wonder why car mechanics said these kind of negatives of this car, I’m still planning to buy this.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
@@BLCKVD Yes. I know. It depends on each mechanic, how lazy he is too. 1.6thp is a disaster IF you do not keep an eye on your deeptsick/oil level. It likes to drink oil. Especially the poor oil that Peugeot is recommending 0w30 or 5w30. Using these ones you will have 1l of oil for each 800-1000km. I have switched to 5w40 and I have an oil consumption of 1l for each 4500-5000km which is very good. I have a 1.6thp 156, 147000km now, I drive it like a maniac, I keep an eye on it regarding the oil level. No issues so far. 1.6thp is very bad from the fuel consumption point of view. You will have 10%-18%. Higway 9-12% - Urban at least 15% (at night) or 18% (during normal rush hour in Bucharest). If the RCZ is your 2nd or 3rd car, ok buy it petrol 1.6thp. If this RCZ is your only car and you depend on it, FORGET THE 1.6THP, buy ONLY the 2.0HDI. Much more economical and much more reliable (reliable if you do not have the reflex to keep an eye on it, as required for the 1.6thp).
@amigo10402 жыл бұрын
Constructive criticism: It seems as you have no interest in the car, nor the knowledge of it, as calling the spoiler a "gimmick" is just plain silly. The active spoiler has a job to do, it was put there for a purpose. It's not a "cool thing" it's a fucking awesome thing.
@JohnP.6775 Жыл бұрын
Yeah there's 2 modes aswell which is what I like auto mode for active aero or static mode if you want it up or down. Personally I keep it in auto.
@costintudor40883 жыл бұрын
Salut! Care a fost cea mai gravă problemă pe care ai avut-o? (la mașină, bineînțeles:))
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Salut. Nu stiu. Greu de spus pentru ca eu am 10.000km cu ea DAR dupa ce am cumparat masina pentru linistea mea am schimbat aproape orice putea fi o problema, toate lichidele, garnituri, bujii, termostat, mai multe.... Nu am avut nici un eveniment neplacut, poate si pentru ca intretin tot ceea ce am. Uleiul il schimb la 7000km maxim.... Problemele daca apar tot din cauza umana din cauza proprietarului apar din lipsa de intretinere.
@costintudor40883 жыл бұрын
@@GEONIC mulțumesc!
@alexejgorodnicenko72953 жыл бұрын
salute romania, nice auto.
@GEONIC3 жыл бұрын
Salut! Thank you very much!
@HansDelbruck533 жыл бұрын
Shame on Peugeot and it's CEO, Maxime Picat, for discontinuing the RCZ. May s/he roast in hell!