I agree with 'Carmine's RC Tips and Tricks!' I saw a cable snap once - cut 3 'onlookers' completely in half. I much prefer a chain personally, - if it breaks at least it only 'snaps'in a straight line. The danger with a cable is, when it is under strain it reacts like a whip and can go anywhere, - and does.
Once again, filmed nothing I wanted to see...... But the excitement was the RECKLESS position of the Men!! Under THAT MUCH pressure, had that Tow Cable broken and snapped.............. ANYONE STANDING NEAR IT BETWEEN THE TRUCKS, WOULD HAVE BEEN CUT IN HALF BY THE CABLE!!!!! 😵😲😲😲😲😖
@tuananhvlog10212 жыл бұрын
2 xe kéo thì cái gì nó không lên ,có phải không lên ,phải không anh Dump Truck