I love the physical media videos so much! They’ve inspired me to start my own collection recently!
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Love to hear it 🙏🏼
@ipuk3glitt3r3 ай бұрын
these are my fav videos for my nightly sesh, feels like facetime ☠️ such a cozy vibe!
@AndreasIreland3 ай бұрын
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
thanks so much!
@AndreasIreland3 ай бұрын
@@KylieRoseanne Thank you for your consisteny in bringing us quality material.
@madcoolclips3 ай бұрын
I LOVE these hauls 👌
@TorontoJon3 ай бұрын
7:02 I still haven't seen 'Gothic' in all these years, but I definitely recall being creeped out by its iconic VHS box art when in the 80s and 90s my family and I would look for movies at local Blockbuster, Rogers, or other video rental stores. :)
@frasermackie193 ай бұрын
Terminator Salvation is underrated. I liked the angle they went from. It isnt amazing, but I did like it.
@MsLepel3 ай бұрын
Gothic is a great movie! Gabriel Byrne as Lord Byron and a young Julian Sands 😍 definitely a must for gothic horror
@BenMcAulay-j5g3 ай бұрын
Pig is a nice flick. I thought it was sweet that Nick Cage's character had a pet pig.
@SkullPitMercenary3 ай бұрын
Seeing the Aristocats makes me think of Lady and the Tramp ( 1955 ), which I watched 24/7 as a wee lad lol. 🐾🖤
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
See I was never really a dog girl it was always the cats for this roof rat
@veganreal13763 ай бұрын
Always with the 🔥 nail colours. Green 🟢 always makes me feel chill & is a great colour to relieve anxiety & encourage harmony. Thanks💚 lol
@erickhuitzil97293 ай бұрын
Got a few horror titles from Amoeba last week! Halloween 2, Killer Klowns from outer space. Also got invasion of the body snatchers from book off! Halloween season is here!
@ThomasGidley-kv2uj3 ай бұрын
Tombstone. Had it,wore it out. Great.
@carymoshman11803 ай бұрын
Gothic is awesome!
@menllenium51503 ай бұрын
Woody Harrelson broke out on Cheers. That's where his star started. "Old guy knowledge"
@madcoolclips3 ай бұрын
Your unboxing videos rule 🤟
@ryanguerra92663 ай бұрын
I recently saw Ken Russell’s The Devils for the first time with my horror cult and it was insane!! I was like WTF! It’s be fun to watch his movies along with you!
@davidaguirre97693 ай бұрын
I love Pig so much
@stevenclark96553 ай бұрын
It's interesting! finding a Disney movie you love among a love for horror. The Lion King is my favorite too! My opinion is 70s' & 80s' Disney was their dark era. You can get horror vibes from Disney!
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Tim Burton’s original Frankenweenie slaps
@michaelcarver5403 ай бұрын
The unrated cut of mirrors is better on bluray
@TorontoJon3 ай бұрын
9:35 What, Horror Pack actually sent something GOOD for a change? Hahaha! :)
@HeroesKey3 ай бұрын
Yay for more physical media content! I feel like I might have that exact Aristocats DVD and I agree that I love when DVDs would be unique like that. I'm not a Riverdale fan but that red jacket looks sweet! I also feel you on not having enough space for things. That really sucks. Thanks for another physical media video! Also looking forward to Liked next year!
@SidneyJenkins19733 ай бұрын
That jacket is better than any physical media release I have seen this year. Cheryl Blossom was by far my favorite Riverdale character.
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
As she should be!
@anthonywheeler20823 ай бұрын
Hey, the first time I saw Ken Russell's Gothic it was on VHS! I was eleven.
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
That’s so legit. I can’t imagine being 11 watching that tbh 😭
@jaygarcia60793 ай бұрын
Funny you and I both got a terminator blu ray this week, I got T2
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
The best!!
@brandim12303 ай бұрын
Love the nail color.
@royalhorror3 ай бұрын
Yooo the call !! I remember liking it when it came out but somehow I don’t remember it lol, I haven’t seen pig yet 🫣 and THAT jacket ?? Oh mama
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Mamaaa. Summoning mother Cheryl
@csscott98033 ай бұрын
Happy weekend ☺️👋
@tyson1fan4873 ай бұрын
I really wanna see PIG!! I use to get Horror Pack but it was 1 decent movie and 3 dollar tree blu-ray movies!,it does seem a little better and when things get a little better I might try it again.
@ChannelWackadoo3 ай бұрын
@hermunkulus3 ай бұрын
Unrelated, but any idea of when we'll get to see Liked? I enjoyed Somnum.
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
It won’t be releasing until next year, after it hopefully has a festival run
@BB131313133 ай бұрын
Nice.. never seen Twilight but before that Catherine Hardwicke directed a film called Thirteen, maybe you've seen it.. classic teen angst, might be hard to watch for some but so good.. Nikki Reed also co-wrote it at 13 with Hardwicke, pretty crazy.. she also directed a good skateboard film called Lords of Dogtown.. she had her own style, but haven't seen any of her recent stuff.. and I've never heard of The Call, but they clearly jacked the OG Halloween font haha..
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
I’m definitely trying to get more into her stuff, I’ve actually never seen Thirteen somehow
@Mr49r16813 ай бұрын
Afternoon Anti-Christ. When Terminator: Salvation came out in theaters, fans were expecting the war against the machines in John Conner’s future and more of the opening battle scene(s) from Terminator 2. Salvation was directed by McG. Not what we expected nor met our expectations. I saw The Aristocrats in theaters when I was growing up. It was an interesting take after Lady and The Tramp. The classic Disney princess animated films were animated by Max Fleicher. I have Tombstone blu ray with Special Features. Interviews with cast members and historic photos. They mention the real OK Corral gunfight happened in 30 seconds. The actors reenacted that event in 30 seconds of every frame shot was filmed. Don’t know if some of my ideas for any future block watch parties are good; Invasion of the Body Snatcher films; the original with all three remakes. The second remake titled The Body Snatchers, third remake titled The Invasion. Love to see your pros and cons between the four. An IOTBS remake is made every 20 years. Another idea would be House on Sorority Row and the remake.
@JS-og8oj3 ай бұрын
If you want more Ken Russell bat shit horror check out Lair of the White Worm. It's based on a Stoker story and even has a 1988 Hugh Grant.
@tilobutah3 ай бұрын
Oh well I could not hide it, you smelled me out. You’re still collecting VHS, interesting. 🤔 Yes get Scott to watch some good movies. Twilight, only the first movie by a female director. 🤨 Disney classic movie in the cool disk case. Even better when Scott pays for it. 😜 Tombstone, no words come close. 😁 Speaking about VHS, there may be two tapes coming to you. Found them at Retro fair. That jacket 😱 my daughters are going to be jealous. I’ll have to checkout Poshmark soon. I always like to support you in ways. Plus get some cool stuff too. 😁
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Your daughters have taste
@fridaynightslover3 ай бұрын
omg I'm from temecula and would've screamed if i saw you in my local salvation army haha
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Rip maybe next time 😭
@ProjectNova663 ай бұрын
Love the video as always! But that is a bit odd cause I got the August 2024 horrorpack and you got 4 completely diffrent film then I and others got in there horrorpack this month lol
@Westlake0253 ай бұрын
Yeah, she opened the June 2024 Horrorpack.
@ProjectNova663 ай бұрын
@@Westlake025 ah thanks for letting me know I was very confused 😂
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
I haven’t received anything since so I stg I must be getting them late
@ryanguerra92663 ай бұрын
I know I give off that sweetly smell of a physical media lover hahaha I’m stinky!! So cool that horror pack is months horror pack has some decent gems! I wouldn’t get used to it but maybe they’re on the upswing?? Nice thrift finds!! I grew up watching the aristocats and your dvd had bonus feature games like my finding Nemo dvd does lol Terminator salvation is one of the few terminator sequels save for the first two that I actually liked! Bale is great in it and it’s cool seeing more of the actual war they elude to in the earlier films. Awesome vhs finds! Love meeting older people who are bigger cinephiles than me cuz I can learn so much from them lol you gotta check out Ken Russell’s other films like Altered States, the Devils, and Lair of the White Worm! Thank you my dark mistress for the physical media haul! Such cool finds! Also such a cool fun fact that the makeup artist from the call did Liked!! That’s fire! Now it’s my most anticipated movie of next year!!
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Good tip on Ken Russel I think he’s my kinda dude. Hahaha I appreciate the hype!
@ShanGamer19813 ай бұрын
Are you the gal from the craft?
@KylieRoseanne3 ай бұрын
Which one
@Branwee853 ай бұрын
Whyyyy are we the same person
@andrew318933 ай бұрын
You do realize that the movie twilight is not really a horror movie. It’s more of a romantic movie.. my wife’s favorite movie is twilight I cannot sit there and watch twilight I am not a fan of twilight I think it’s a garbage movie if I think of horror movies I think of horror movies like Freddy Krueger zombie cannibal holocaust you know movies like that. Horror movies but twilight I don’t know why anybody’s listed as a horror movie when it’s not it’s a love story and plus vampire are not supposed to fall in love so yeah