Physics of a nuclear explosion

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Dr. Jorge S. Diaz

Dr. Jorge S. Diaz

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Пікірлер: 136
@hypercomms2001 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, impressive, and it is amazing to think that they were banned from working on what was regarded as top-secret, radar, and they were given this as a side project by Sir Mark Oliphant.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Very welcome! I found funny and quite frustrating that Peierls and Frisch were banned from the work they started. It reminds me the sad story of David Bohm, student of Oppenheimer, whose career got ruined when he got was banned from the Manhattan Project but also of talking about his own thesis.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
new video posted, Mark Oliphant gets some exposure to the general public
@7177YT 8 ай бұрын
Hi! Glad I found your channel. There's not much content for people unsatisfied by math free 'science' youtube, but can't commit to watch a bone dry university lecture series on nuclear physics. I don't mind a little calculus or algebra, if the derivation is insightful or a neat trick involved. Cheers!
@jkzero 8 ай бұрын
I am curious to know what brings viewers to the channel, were you searching for something in particular or did the 'mighty algorithm' find you?
@justmoritz 2 ай бұрын
@@jkzerofor me the mighty algorithm found you in a sea of numberphile and history lectures.
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
@@justmoritz I am glad the algorithm is working, I hope you find the other videos of interest too and welcome to the channel.
@bhgtree Жыл бұрын
An amazing series of videos, the best explained I've seen on YT (even a biologist like me can understand it 😃). Thank you Dr Diaz.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the positive feedback. I am glad you found the content of interest and clearly explained, new videos already in the pipeline. Thanks for watching and welcome to the channel.
@peacekeeper9687 5 ай бұрын
Amazing, not many people out there explain this concept with graphics. We need more of such videos 👍👍👍
@jkzero 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback, make sure to check the rest of the video in the channel.
@TheTransporter007 2 ай бұрын
Outstanding! Subscribed.
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to the channel! Thanks for your kind comment, I am glad you liked the video series. I am always curious to know what brings viewers to the channel, were you searching for something in particular or did the 'mighty algorithm' find you?
@BenTrem42 Жыл бұрын
Very nice production. Having been a technical writier, _("MilSpec",_ no *_tourist brochures!)_* I appreciate your eye for detail and finish! best
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and the positive feedback; and welcome to the channel!
@jayc2469 11 ай бұрын
It always amazes me how low the actal yield of usable fissile material is when it goes boom. The earliest creations Fat Man and Little Boy being only around 2-4% of the fissile material being used before it all vaporises
@jkzero 11 ай бұрын
yeah, and despite those inefficiencies these early weapons were still terrifying
@jayc2469 11 ай бұрын
@@jkzero oh I absolutely agree!
@RobertPaskulovich-fz1th 2 ай бұрын
It was 11 days after FDR died that Truman was told about the Manhattan Project!
@rael5469 Ай бұрын
The 3,500 B-29 air raids would be many, many times more destructive than one atomic bomb......because much of the bomb's energy is forced up by the atmosphere.
@terrycole472 4 ай бұрын
Did Frisch & Peierls really find (1:10) that "one kilogram [of U-235] could produce a self-sustaining fission chain reaction"? I'm looking at my copy of the original memorandum right now, which proposes 600g as the relevant figure. But it does immediately infer that a kilogram would suffice: "one might think of about 1 kg as a suitable size for the bomb".
@jkzero 4 ай бұрын
I referred to 1 kg as a round-up value because this is the follow-up of the video about critical mass (, where you will see the estimate of the 600 g reported by Frisch and Peierls.
@terrycole472 4 ай бұрын
@@jkzero : Makes sense. It also links well with Bernstein's article a decade back, "A memorandum that changed the world" where he leaves several yield calculations as "an exercise for the reader", including "that of a 1 kg bomb, though 500 times less, [which] would still be formidable". He also does the first calculation of the 1kg reaction time I can recall seeing, and gets a comparable number, "t equal to about a microsecond". Yield and reaction time would make another good 'homework'. For example, a reason Bernstein used 1kg was it corresponds to actual mass fissioned in Little Boy (only 1.5% efficient). But there are gotchas in such exercises. I absolutely agree that Peierls and Frisch were really ahead of their time. Unfortunately their1kg case is particularly problematic. F&P don't explicitly calculate the yield but had in mind a yield energy of 1/500 that for 4700g (~5kg) - so about 8.5 x 10^17 ergs. But this can't be right. Given F&P's value for density, the corresponding radius (for 1kg mass of metallic U-235) is about 2.52cm. Their formula then yields energy from a 1kg U-235 sphere as about 7.5 x 10^18 ergs, an order of magnitude too high. Did Bernstein actually check this? His words could be taken that way. Regardless, I would tend to ascribe "1/500" to numerical fatigue. Peierls had to type this memo under time pressure, in wartime conditions, using constants and approximations which made low-mass estimates dodgy in the extreme. It is easy to understand why he might have elided figures which would take too long to pin down. On a related matter, Bernstein gives up on trying to explain why F&P chose 4700g as their crucial yield case: "Choice of 4700 g of 235U of Frisch and Peierls seems inexplicable". But it's not hard to see Frisch & Peierls' real point. Think about their agenda; find values not just of yield E but of reaction efficiency, with 8kg being maximally efficient, 4700g being a suitable intermediate mass for production, and 403g being minimal. To me the memo's focus on a production case is understandable. Addressing Jeremy Bernstein's comment on F&P's "inexplicable" choice of M=4700g; that means 4.2cm as initial radius, exactly twice their critical radius, so a good place to start. I get E=4.2517(10²º) ergs, supposedly about 10% efficient. This is F&P's "5kg" case with yield "equivalent to several thousand tons of dynamite". Bernstein doesn't seem to understand why they leaned heavily on that case, but that was a dozen years ago and I'm sure he has thought about it since. Bernstein's other bugbear is the F&P memo's remark that "τ goes up as r approches r_o"; he insists that " I do not understand the remark about τ because this time seems to be fixed by the mean free path." I have my own notions about that, but enough on this for today. Suffice to say I had to recapitulate F&P's 4700g calculations myself because two major references (that of the Atomic Archive, and Stanford University's web page) get it wrong. The former correctly declares 4700g to yield E=4(10²º) ergs, F&P's result. But it wrongly displays the square root term. So does the Stanford web page which also finds E=4(10²²) ergs, a couple of orders of magnitude off.
@walterbrownstone8017 2 ай бұрын
Here's how it works. Refine some uranium. It gets warm. Maybe if I double it, it will get warmer. Okay if I double it again, it gets even warmer. How much brain power would it take to get the picture?
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
You have a point there; however, if you don't know in advance how much material you need, nobody would back up your project, specially when refining grams of this material costs millions of dollars. Also, even in an ideal world with unlimited resources, if you keep adding material at some point the thing might blow up, that is not the safest way of estimating the critical mass, when you can solve it with math.
@REktSigMa 4 ай бұрын
Lol You guys of physics always have a great explanation of the physics, but in reality, the power of a nuclear explosion comes from "Overpressure". Lol. Any pressure over the normal 14.6 psi of atmospheric pressure is overpressure.
@sylviaelse5086 Жыл бұрын
Please don't say "point seventy two". The word "seventy" means seven times ten, so putting it after a decimal point makes no sense at all. The conventional approach is to read the digits after the decimal point individually, so 72.72 is read as seventy two point seven two.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
point taken, constructive feedback is highly appreciated.
@MegaDesertrunner 2 ай бұрын
If you're watching this video and following it, you probably understand the meaning of 'point seventy two'. No need to be pedantic on some quality videos
@LegateMalpais Жыл бұрын
That's all very interesting but G.N.Flerov, while being drafted as a foot soldier in the Red Army all the way back in 1941, from a literal foxhole, wrote and sent notes to the Kremlin and even a sketch of his proposed "gun-type" experiment which was by almost all comparisons identical to that of the Little Boy, complete with criticality equations of his own. What you show is very interesting but even as to the origins of the concept of criticality and actual yield calculations your historic presentation draws a very narrow picture.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
you are right, my presentation is quite biased towards the British-American program. I am pretty ignorant about many of the developments on the Soviet side. The standard account is that they just copied from the information passed by Klaus Fuchs and others, but this is also probably an incomplete description. The gun design is sort of the obvious first thing to draw when designing an Uranium bomb, Oppenheimer did it just a few days after learning about the Hahn-Stranssmann and Frisch-Meitner results; even Heisenberg with his very limited knowledge of bomb physics had discussed the gun design with his German colleagues.
@LegateMalpais Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero the "real" german design were the gun-and-implosion design which was a weird combo that would probably never work, the second was a bit mote sound design, the name escapes me, it featured Uranium "rings" that were supposed to collapse thus touching each other and going supercritical. A bit similar designs yet so different. Flerov however sketched up a completely vanilla gun design with one single difference; it featured two hemispheres that were supposed to be shot one into the other, as opposed to Little Boy's cylinder-and-core. In essence Flerov pretty much singlehandedly while literally serving in the armed forces away from all his scientist colleagues devised that AND endlessly warned Stalin as to the potential of this weapon, even before Kurchatov was given the final go-ahead under Beria to start the construction of the RDS-1 which was to a large degree based on the "gadget" - but was not a direct copy, rather a domestic development almost entirely except of course the actual working principle behind it which was indeed leaked from USA via all those assets that USSR either had itself or trough leaks from Oppenheimer, Fuchs etc. The real moment of Soviet thermonuclear success came thanks to Sakharov - who first with the lithium-deuteride "sloika" concept designed the boosted implosion nuclear bomb - which later on lead to fully matured fission-fusion two stage weapons that unlike the first amrican fusion experiment were not experiments but fully field-applicable thermonuclear devices. Li-Dt became the definitive standard, with almost no significant alternations since. So yes, as you admit, your account is very one-sides. Not to deminish everyone's important work - but a broader picture can only be painted on a larger canvas with more colors.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
@@LegateMalpais do you have a reference about the German gun-and-implosion design with Uranium rings that you mentioned? I don't think I know enough about this and I would be curious to read more. One of the points that feels very childish on the Frisch-Peierls memorandum is their proposal for the bomb assembly: they originally proposed bringing two sub-critical hemispheres together using springs! The first time I read this I thought "you just calculated the reaction to take a microsecond and now you want to assemble the bomb with springs?" Anyway, clearly during the MAUD days someone pointed this out and the springs were replaced by high explosives on the MAUD Report.
@LegateMalpais Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero no, sorry, there was a time ago a page online about the german bomb design but it seems not operational any more. I am not too knowledgeable about that development anyway, try google.
@LegateMalpais Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero but springs, lol. Well technically you COULD get a "fizzle" out of it so sure - a couple of railway car springs under tension would "work". Maybe a kiloton yield if lucky.
@johnned4848 Жыл бұрын
Another great video. Lucid explanation of the theoretical work of Frisch and Pierles with some heavy duty numbers crunching to show the fission bomb was a practical and achievable goal . Their concern for security takes an ironic twist when Pierles finally working on the British A-Bomb research recruits a brilliant young mathematical physicist and student of Max Born-- Klaus Fuchs.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
glad you liked it; I wanted to show more of the work by Peierls and Frisch but decided to split it into two videos (the last one and this); otherwise, it would have been too heavy. Peierls brought in Klaus Fuchs as his assistant but lived with him in the same room used by Frisch who moved to Liverpool to work with Chadwick. This is a tragic story, the Peierls really treated Fuchs as a son; Rudolf Peierls even wrote a letter to Fuchs when he was released from prison offering help and support but Fuchs never replied. There is a great lecture on KZbin by Frank Close, author of "Trinity: The Treachery and Pursuit of the Most Dangerous Spy in History"
@johnned4848 Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero thanks for the great reply. I’ll check out the lecture now
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Frank Close did a brilliant detective work checking the notes on Peierls' diary and letters to pinpoint even the dates when Fuchs was meeting his Soviet contacts during the early days of the Tube Alloys project.
@johnned4848 Жыл бұрын
@jsdiaz I just watched his lecture on this. Brilliant. Brings lots of new facts to light on th story. Amazing archival research. More like an archeological dig through the files.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
@@johnned4848glad that you liked it; I am not much into the espionage topic but Frank Close presents the story with such a level of detail that it is captivating
@horizob Жыл бұрын
Nephew: "Grandpa, how come we got the bomb before the gerries did?" Grandpa: "Because our German scientists were better than the ones that stayed in Germany!"
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
ouch! But yeah, it is true that many of the best German scientists moved out. It doesn't mean that the ones that remained were not good.
@mikeoftheclandobson5483 Жыл бұрын
Another excellent video! Thanks Jorge👍
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
My pleasure! A follow-up video on the consequences of the Frisch-Peierls memorandum coming soon, stay tuned
@rockets4kids Ай бұрын
1:33 what this made me think of: (aka nuclear fizzle)
@omargaber3122 8 ай бұрын
@Clancydaenlightened Ай бұрын
2:50 a whole lot of very little can do alot of something
@Clancydaenlightened Ай бұрын
5:45 imagine releasing 1.21GT of tnt in a few hundredths of a microsecond
@heyyou150 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
I am glad you found the content of interest, make sure to check the several new videos. Thanks for watching and welcome to the channel.
@beeble2003 9 ай бұрын
Just a small correction. Chemical explosives -- particularly high explosives -- aren't particularly about having "fuel" and oxygen within the molecule. The biggest part of the energy release is generally from combining nitrogen atoms into N2 molecules. Having said that, the video you're showing at the time is likely ANFO being used in quarrying, and that is a fuel-oxidizer reaction.
@Binyamin1972 Ай бұрын
You should have also mentioned the role played by another scientist living with the Peierl's family: Klaus Fuchs. He knew everything and no sooner were those memos written than he took them to his NKVD handler in London. Kurchatov had them days later.
@mgeb101 2 ай бұрын
Awesome, nice video! Sadly for nuclear explosions there's way too much concentration on implosion as a requirement when there are so many other ways to start it and also isotopes instead of uran or plutonium, but thou shalt not speak about that...
@severinopereiracarollofilh5933 Ай бұрын
Excelent video and information. Cogratulations
@kevintruman9981 Ай бұрын
Classic video Dr. Thanks very much
@LuisGarcia-iq8nl 4 ай бұрын
You make me more proud of my Alma Mater (I.U. at Bloomigton)
@jkzero 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your kind words. What a great surprise to find another Hoosier here. I had some of my best years in B-town. If I may ask, what did you study at IU?
@LuisGarcia-iq8nl 4 ай бұрын
@@jkzero I graduated in History and Philosophy of Science. At that time -in the seventies- this department had very outstanding teachers, and Bloo...a Paradise. I live in Manizales (Colombia)B Very best regards.
@RussLinzmeier Жыл бұрын
A nuclear explosion has 2 blast waves that radiate outward from the critical mass , the first is the light that instantly vaporizes the paint that's on a test house that might be set up near ground zero and a few seconds later the blast wave of compressed air hits the house blowing it to smithereens . The light energy travels much faster than the heat energy that follows behind it due to the heats induction that stirs up or excites the atoms that make up the air . Why does light travel away from it's source unrestrained while heat energy gets drug behind and takes time to try to follow the light ?
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
the first wave that you mention is just electromagnetic radiation (visible light, UV, X rays, gamma ray) and for this reason it propagates at the speed of light. What you call the thermal wave is slower because this depends on heat transfer. The equation that describes the propagation of heat (the heat equation) is just another diffusion equation, whose speed depends on thermal properties of the medium, in this case, the air.
@neilreynolds3858 8 ай бұрын
Just doing the math in my head this means that to get 1 kg of U235 to chain react in a low yield bomb you have to compress it enough to raise it's density by 6 times if you don't have a neutron reflector?
@terrycole472 4 ай бұрын
Considering the 1kg case goes back to Frisch and Peierls who found that yield to be only 1/500 the fission power from a 5kg sphere, so smaller but nonetheless "formidable". Interest in the calculation was revived back in May 2011 by Jeremy Bernstein who did the reaction time estimate of 1 microsecond presented here.
@supabass4003 2 ай бұрын
Richard Rhodes said in an interview that you could drop one large piece of bomb grade U235 on top of another and achieve a nuclear explosion, not in the kiloton range but still quite a good bang all done by hand.
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
That sounds about right, what you get is not a fully assembled bomb but a fizzle, I describe some of this in my video about differences between nuclear reactors and bombs:
@peterhollander6392 Жыл бұрын
So if i'am right, 10(9) cm sec = 10,000 KPH, speed of the reaction
@beeble2003 9 ай бұрын
No, 10,000km per _second_ -- 36,000,000 km/h. About 1/30 the speed of light.
@MikeTroemel Жыл бұрын
Great videos! Really appreciate you going into some of the underlying physics and math. Your video references the time involved with the fission energy release...somewhat related to that, the timing of a thermonuclear device seems improbable. How does X-ray emission, X-ray absorption by aerogel, physical implosion of the secondary, lithium deuteride reactions and fusion and finally secondary tamper fission all occur before the primary vaporizes everything? Perhaps you could cover this in a future video
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the positive feedback. Thermonuclear weapons are quite complex in the sense that they are three bombs into one: a high-explosives explosion that compresses a plutonium core (Fat Man style), whose X-rays trigger the secondary thermonuclear component. All this is very fast because X-rays travel at the speed of light. If you want a fascinating description of H-bombs I can highly recommend the controversial article published on The Progressive magazine in 1979 by Howard Morland titled “The H‐Bomb Secret, How We Got - Why We're Telling It.” It was a very controversial 10‐page article that, at the time, revealed "way too much."
@MikeTroemel Жыл бұрын
Thanks - I've come across that article before; the Nuclear Weapons archive also provides detailed design info. But even with X-rays traveling at the speed of light to reach the secondary, it's still seems amazing that the subsequent processes - implosion of secondary, fission of spark-plug, fusion reaction and fission of tamper - can all occur before the whole device disassembles.@@jkzero
@troyfrei2962 3 ай бұрын
I have a question about Little Boy contained 64 kilograms (141 lb) but in your video and the Yeald 20 Tons. Did most of the U235 plasted away and a little over 1.3 kg went boom?
@jkzero 3 ай бұрын
that is correct, the gun design was simple but terrible in terms of efficiency.
@Clancydaenlightened Ай бұрын
Not even a kilogram was actually fissioned Just a few grams of 80 %heu with a neutron gun and tamper 25 kiloton from 60kg of uranium But not even a kg was needed before the core blew itself apart to a subcritical plasma
@tylerradics9252 9 ай бұрын
Amazing video
@jkzero 9 ай бұрын
I am glad you found the content of interest, make sure to check the several follow-up videos. Thanks for watching and welcome to the channel.
@sergeyyatskevitch3617 3 ай бұрын
How did you come up with average speed = 10^9 cm/s? Given that the “temperature” of a critical assembly is rising, and scattering/absorption dynamics changes, this number probably needs either a more detailed derivation, or a description of conditions, under which it holds true. Also, as you are well aware, the energy spectrum of the fission neutrons is pretty wide. Just a thought. Thank you.
@jkzero 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your question. The value ~10^9 cm/s is just a representative average speed and you are totally right: an appropriate (careful) treatment of the problem requires the mean energy to be calculated using the full neutron distribution. Where did I get this value? Fast neutrons produced by fission are produced with a mean kinetic energy of 2 MeV. Using K=½mv^2, the speed is ~2x10^7 m/s, which is of order 10^9 cm/s.
@sergeyyatskevitch3617 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@jkzeroThank you. I should have thought about mean :) As always, great video. Cheers!
@jkzero 3 ай бұрын
@@sergeyyatskevitch3617 thanks again for watching and the interest, happy to help in case you have any question.
@Jimmy-B- 2 ай бұрын
Yes nuclear bombs are more powerful than chemical bombs; “BUT” I’m surprised you didn’t know this but matter/anti matter collisions are even more powerful 1 gram of matter/anti matter collision is = 43 kt TNT equivalent Its just we dont have enough anti matter. You should research this.!
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
thanks for the comment; this video is part of a series on the Physics of Nuclear Weapons, of course there are other methods to generate even more powerful explosions, but that was not the topic of the video.
@Jimmy-B- 2 ай бұрын
@@jkzero I know you know! 👍
@jasonl_ Жыл бұрын
Another great video. The calculations are super complex but you manage to explain everything without getting bogged down in the maths behind them. Nice.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful! More math coming and also some dedicated videos to more advanced topics because some nerds have requested deep walk-through solving the neutron diffusion equation so stay tuned. Happy to be in nerd team and respond to this kind of requests.
@spvillano 2 ай бұрын
@@jkzero uh oh, here comes the shakes and barns! ;)
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
@@spvillano thanks for your message, not many people got the shakes and barns reference
@spvillano 2 ай бұрын
@@jkzero started out my military career in Pershing missiles, so yeah, know my way around nukes.
@bathvader Жыл бұрын
Great stuff. By chance do you use some form of LaTeX to make your videos? The serif font looks a lot like CMU Serif.
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it. And yeah, I create my videos with Manim, which, in addition to the opportunity to mathematically animate graphics, let's you render LaTeX formulas
@cengizhandogan378 7 ай бұрын
👍 thank you, great video
@jkzero 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I am glad you liked the video. I am curious to know what brings viewers to the channel, were you searching for something in particular or did the 'mighty algorithm' find you?
@cengizhandogan378 7 ай бұрын
@@jkzero Yeah I first saw your videos thanks to the algorithm. I expected you to have few hundreds of thousands or even millions of subs so I was quite surprised to see it was much less. But I love your videos, think I have watched all of them in a span of few days. Please keep the vids coming.
@jkzero 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing and I am glad the algorithm is working, welcome to the channel! The next video is a follow-up so make sure to watch the latest that ends on a cliffhanger.
@Bobby-fj8mk Жыл бұрын
I'd like to know how they knew so much about U235 given that it was almost impossible to separate from U238? How could they get measurements without a reasonable quantity of U235? Then - how did they find out about P239? That was always mixed with other isotopes like P240. There must have been dozens of fission candidates to consider?
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
These are all great question, let me give it a try to answer them here: U235 was discovered by Arthur J. Dempster in 1935; Dempster was a Canadian physicist who built the most precise mass spectrometers, this is how he found that natural uranium contains 0.7% U235. Mass spectrometers allow isotope separation, even for ridiculously small amounts. This is how U235 could be studied. Plutonium was different, is was not discovered but synthesized, it was produced by Glenn Seaborg in 1940 bombarding uranium with deuterons using a particle accelerator. Again, this allows an exquisite level of precision in the measurements. Pu-240 was produced later in nuclear reactors, together with Pu-239, and yes, Pu-240 is a problem because it can make the bomb predetonate. Having an element that can fission is not enough for a bomb, you also need to be fissile (it can sustain a chain reaction) to make a bomb. Here the list is short: naturally occurring only U235 is fissile, and later Pu239 was added. These are the only elements that can make a bomb. Other can fission too but there cannot sustain a chain reaction. They knew all this from the Bohr-Wheeler theory, it is almost just counting protons and neutrons to check if the total number is even or odd. Let me know if this helps.
@Bobby-fj8mk Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero - thanks for your reply - much appreciated. It's amazing that they knew all that back in 1935 before a lump of U235 had even been separated and then so much info about P239 in 1940. I wonder if you would do a video on mass spectrometers and how all of that was done? There is also U233 which has been used in a bomb. A video explaining the Bohr-Wheeler theory would be good too?
@jkzero Жыл бұрын
@@Bobby-fj8mk great that it helped and thanks for the suggestions, I cannot guarantee to take all requests but I am creating a list collecting suggestions for the future, if there is any particular topic you are curious just let me know in the comments of the respective videos, past and future.
@Bobby-fj8mk Жыл бұрын
@@jkzero - thank you - your videos are great - top notch.
@heyyou150 Жыл бұрын
Read or audiobook "A History of the Atomic Bomb" Richard Rhodes - it covers a lot of this material and the underlying scaffolding of discoveries that lead to the bomb.
@shoobidyboop8634 2 ай бұрын
For the early nuclear bombs, they packed them with ball bearings, which would fly everywhere and produce a terrifying shrapnel effect.
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
ouch, as if these weapons were not terrifying enough already
@ct92404 2 ай бұрын
That makes no sense whatsoever. Any shrapnel would get vaporized in the fireball.
@shoobidyboop8634 2 ай бұрын
@@ct92404 Not regular ball bearings, of course, but diamond ball bearings.
@retepeyahaled2961 2 ай бұрын
Another very impressive video. Which makes me think. It is my belief that nuclear power plants potentially are far more dangerous than nuclear bombs. Nuclear power plants contain thousands of kilos of nuclear material, whereas a nuclear bomb only contains a few pounds. The nuclear power plant is in a constant state of near nuclear meltdown, which is only prevented by constantly cooling the nuclear material and using the heat to produce steam to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants cannot generate their own electricity and when the electric grid goes down, generators kick in to supply emergency power - as long as there is enought diesel at hand to run the generators. In modern warfare, the electric grid is the prime target - and when the generators run out of diesel after a week or so, the nuclear power plant goes into meltdown, polluting an area the size of a small European country for half a century or longer. A nuclear bomb can "only" flatten an area with a radius of a few kilometers at best and the radiation is gone withing a few days...
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and for sharing your views. I disagree with your assessment of the safety of nuclear power plants, but instead of explain why I believe you might have misleading information I invite you to watch the video that I created precisely about this topic: Nuclear Bomb vs. Nuclear Reactor
@retepeyahaled2961 2 ай бұрын
@@jkzero Hi, very honoured that you discuss this with me. And I just watched the video you referred to. I know that a meltdown is not a nuclear explosion; if I am correct, it means that the nuclear material (if the cooling process is broken) gets so hot, that it melts through the protective mantle into the ground an then this mess escapes into the air and gets spread by the wind over a vast area. The nuclear material is spread, it does not lose it's radio active properties and keeps radiating it's radio active energy into it's surroundings for a long time. I also understand that this is a worst case scenario, when all saftey measures are knocked out in a worst kind of accident or war. Please correct me if I am wrong - but don´t take offense if I am hard to convince.
@jkzero 2 ай бұрын
@@retepeyahaled2961 my disagreement goes also with the use of the word 'meltdown', which has a specific meaning referring to elements in the reactor core actually "melting" producing damage. The nuclear fuel in a properly functioning reactor are not "melted", it releases heat but not by melting, the fuel elements remain in solid form.
@jeito33 10 ай бұрын
I have doubts. And after 3 years of research, I came to the conclusion that a lot of fear is generated by the nuclear threat. Whether atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at all is still more than questionable today.
@jkzero 10 ай бұрын
I don't know what you mean by research. Sadly, nuclear bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I do not think that is a questionable fact. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
@jeito33 10 ай бұрын
@@jkzero Why do you delete every single answer I've tried to put under your comment? Within a few seconds my answer was zensored or deleted..!
@jkzero 10 ай бұрын
@@jeito33 this is the first message that I received from you, I do not delete messages, unless they are offensive. Often KZbin does not save messages if they include some keywords, sometimes links, and email addresses. Feel free to reach me via email, it is posted on the channel description.
@jeito33 10 ай бұрын
@@jkzero Okay thanx. I'll do so and send my comment to your email address. Unfortunately KZbin zensored my answer which contained two links.
@jkzero 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate the internal communication, I will make sure to read further and get back to you.
@ragsixracing Жыл бұрын
@dennisdeckmann9336 Жыл бұрын
The accent really detracts from the message.
@richardgraham1167 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Diaz vocal delivery sounds fine to me. This was an excellent presentation.
@beeble2003 9 ай бұрын
You're literally complaining that a foreigner is speaking to you in your own language. Wow. Just, wow.
@gunnison3681 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if there is an equation to determine how quickly that this comment has backfired
@milantrcka121 17 күн бұрын
@@gunnison3681 YT would not be kind if I revealed the derivation...
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