Starving Away Cancer - The Miracle of Fasting, Explained. [5 Studies]

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#fasting #cancerawareness #cancertreatment
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@aaronwest1055 Жыл бұрын
My uncle had colon cancer. Denied chemotherapy. Prayed about it and went on an all veggie juice diet. That was some 4 years ago? Still have an uncle. Fascinating stuff!
@GoldenBoy-et6of Жыл бұрын
I've had cancer since 17 and that's only when I first noticed I had tumors in my neck and found out I had lymphoma, i didnt get treatment i just started working out and eating only bananas and chicken and veggies and beef and fruit but 90% of the time just bananas and chicken and started doing calisthenics which starves all the rest of your body and puts everything into muscle and when you work out it causes cell replacement so working out forces healthy cells to mass produce themselves and I still have tumors which have spread to my head and mouth and jaw bones and nose and chest and stomach/colon but there was already evidence it was in my chest when I found out at 17 cause I had masses under my ribs that were pushing out beetween the ribs and I also have skin cancer that causes me to have random circular or oblong scars in the shape of the tiny tumors that form and than shrink when the cancer cells die! The way to know if it's working is when the cells become smaller and harder until they are rock hard but dont grow anymore if the tumor are jelly like they grow and spread insanely fast so fast they can travel across your body in just months and that's how mine were when I was at my worst point with the cancer but I'm 23 now and the tumors havent spread or noticeably grown for over a year and they barely grew ever since I started calisthenics and eating only real unprocessed foods and making sure my sugars always came with vitamin c and complex carbohydrates by only getting sugar from fruit! Mangos are an incredible fruit too but bananas provide a ton of stuff and are the cheapest fruit on earth while being super high quality and healthier than all stone fruit and berries that grow in north America and also a big thing is when I was absolutely terrified at 17 having panic attacks constantly from my fear of death and feeling like there was no point in working or doing anything anymore cause it would be for nothing any ways is how I felt at the time and I was just crushed and couldnt handle it and that stress caused the tumors to grow super fast but after I got used to living with cancer and I stopped fearing death and started living to my fullest and working out and becoming a calisthenics body builder I completely forget that I have cancer for weeks at a time now and try to live completely normally and only my family knows none of my close friends have known the whole time why I was having to travel to big hospitals and why I was looking so sick and skinny all the time but when I started working out and being really active again I was alot healthier and no longer had super sunken cheeks but the more tumors I have the more it feels like I have to eat for multiple people like a pregnant woman cause I have to eat more and more to not be anorexic looking and it's not easy to eat cause cancer makes you constantly feel like puking from all the rotting tumors which basically sweat toxins into your blood and bile and pee your body has to work extra hard to remove those so you sweat all over and get hot flashes easily and and randomly feel like puking but I just tell my friends I have stomach problems that the doctors cant figure out cause I dont want them to feel bad for not being around as often if they know I have cancer they would feel like they gotta handle me with kiddie gloves and feel super bad for me but I dont want them to feel bad for me I just want everything to be like it was before I had cancer which it never will be but whatever circumstances you have the only thing you can do is make the best of it! One of the good things that came out of this is before I started working out I was scronny my whole life and now I'm the most ripped calisthenics body builder in my town and all the people who've supported my body transformation have no idea I did it to fight the cancer but I always tell people in my working out posts that if they are insecure because their body that it only take working out for 30 minutes a day to become fit and ripped as a man and for any man it will improve their quality of life no matter their current situation and so I went from an average decently attractive scronny but tall guy that always felt like I got the short end of the stick in dating to now being chased by all the chicks in my town because I look like the Roman statues body wise and back in high school I was a very feminine guy but now I'm extremely traditional conservative and masculine and alot of people In my town joke that I'm the Gaston of this town which is a reference from beauty and the beast cause Gaston was the most ripped and masculine guy in the town and always tried to help the town and instil values and that's exactly what I am to my community that I've lived my whole life in! I've always helped people and on social media that turned into me going fully against the the wokeness and Democrat psychopathy that's destroying all the towns and cities around my state and I rallied all the men in my town to all be unapologetically masculine no matter what the woke say because If you dont embrace your gender roles , I was depressed and anxious and unhappy my whole life and it took cancer for me to finnaly see what I was missing in life all the woke were calling me fat phobic and all these other terrible things just for posting about my own body transformation and saying that I'd work out with anyone who has wanted to get into shape but not had anyone to do it with and tons of guys were down and though it was awesome but tons of feminist whales went to war with me for trying to make all the guys fit so they could get high quality chicks who wouldve turned them down before based off looks or a lack of masculinity! The only woman that can make a man happy are feminine traditional woman and the woman that hate people for working out just dont want all the guys to know their worth. The same woman would post about how they would never date a fat guy but that skinny guys are "fatphobic" if they arent attracted to fat chicks and obviously that's crazy asf and I have always recommended people to go out of their comfort zone and make sure to go for people that are similar enough in looks to them because otherwise it sets you up for disappointment, I believe woman should look for guys of equal physical and mental fitness, these woman believe all woman of all shapes and sizes should be with only 6ft 6 figure salary men that are skinny and thats just not possible unless they put in the effort to get that guy which only amounts to like 2% of guys If that xD wokeness basically enables weakness and bad behavior while traditional conservative values enforce good traits and good behavior and set people up for happiness and to not be disappointed when certain things dont work out that are out of our control! Alot of people have even said I became like a father figure to my own age group xD I've caused a ton of people my own age to start changing their lives for the better and that the earlier you can do these things the happier you will be and the healthier you will be! To me cancer was like the thing that made me grow up before all the people around me and mature in ways I couldve never foreseen before cancer I was incredibly dumb and brainwashed by liberals and lefties into being a subservient slave always more worried about being nice and not offending the people that hated me and everyone else but now I am extremely strong both physically and mentally and everyone whose ever criticized me in the past now looks up to me , even those that hate me the most I have told them that I forgive them but also outlined what they have done or said they would not want to be done to them for said to them and that things are a two way street in life no matter the situation and before you judge someone you should think about If you do the same thing cause 99% of the time the woke will say super racist stuff and If you switch out the word white or Male with black or female they will instantly see how bad what they said really is and they usually wont speak and that's ok because they will remember that advice if you are kind to them and let them no matter what they say you will look at them like a father to their child, everyone relys on men and the men who make great leaders are the men who treat even those that disapprove or hate them as if nothing they say can hurt you because as the man when it comes down to It they need a father figure in their lives and I want to be that person that helps them to get their life together and stop blaming anyone but themselves for their circumstances in life because we can all better our selves and our lives but sometimes we need a man to drill it into us in a caring respectful way and if you've said terrible insults to a man and he still cares about you and doesnt take you seriously and wants the best for you, you cant help but care for that person after that because they have forgiven you after all you've said and still tried to help you and wish you the best and treated you as an equal human being after treating them lesser. That's what it is to be a man , to say what people dont want to hear In a way that is so powerful and with passion and love that is so human that you can never forget those words for the rest of your life. Although I have cancer i wasnt really living like I am now, I completely undid all the societal brainwashing and became a true man and now I'm finnaly living the life I'm supposed to be and the only thing that can make me unhappy for the rest of my life is the death of a loved one and I have never been happier or needed less to be happy!
@BAIGSON Жыл бұрын
can you share what veggie juice?
@Metarig Жыл бұрын
​@@BAIGSON probably it's better to stop eating altogether.
@Sa7biUK Жыл бұрын
@@GoldenBoy-et6of Jesus Kerouac
@CryptoNack Жыл бұрын
@@GoldenBoy-et6of I really admire your resolve and am truly in awe of your will power. But just a brotherly advice, Cause I had an experience of treating my father with one of the worst kinds of cancer that is advanced gastric cancer with a five year survival rate of less than 3 percent, Find a reputable oncologist doctor and I have no doubt that with the combination of your perfect body and will power, and today's advancements in immunotherapy, chemotherapy and target therapy, you will conquer that cancer and be done with it once and for all.
@spokilicious Жыл бұрын
Well, I had a tumor discovered in my left breast (non cancerous) 4 years ago. Before I had it removed, I did a 4 day water fast and the size was reduced significantly. Last year, then found a 27mm cancerous tumor in my right breast after a Mammogram. I did a 4 day dry fast before my CAT scan and the cancer tumor reduces to 18mm. Fasting does help
@hannah5245 Жыл бұрын
Good to know you took steps to kick cancer out! Can you inform how you are incorporating fasting in your routine now. having had such wonderful results on 2 separate incidents? What do you mean by a dry fast? Do you only stop all solid foods and on water/minerals/electrolytes only? How often do you do dry fast?
@dellchica2373 Жыл бұрын
@baderELDENabbas Жыл бұрын
@@hannah5245 dry fast is not eating nor drinking for 14-16 hours a day
@spokilicious Жыл бұрын
I dry fasted for 96 hours. I bathed, brushed my teeth with just water, I didn't eat nor drink. I am now doing 1 48 hour fast every 2 weeks.
@dellchica2373 Жыл бұрын
@@spokilicious thats INCREDIBLE!! HOW did you feel after?? And whats your diet like in between fasts??
@Cancerfighterowen Жыл бұрын
I’ve done multiple water only fasts and just got my first cancer free test a few weeks ago. It took 2 years for me to get there but I got healthier and stronger along the way.
@lancerevo9747 Жыл бұрын
So it really worked for you? I wish I'd found this 12 years ago before my mum died.
@Etaoinshrdlu69 Жыл бұрын
Stick with it because you've probably got some grain sized/rice sized cancer left which is undetectable and will eventually grow bigger like the previous cancer.
@strawberrygirlvideos Жыл бұрын
That’s wonderful encouraging news.. good for you.. 😉physician heal thyself!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
@owenvideo1 Жыл бұрын
@@lancerevo9747 it not only worked, it works for everyone I know that tried it. Even those with recurring cancer - it comes back often. They fast, it goes away. Lots of studies on it. I’m sorry you lost your mum. That’s terrible. I wish we knew what we know now then. I always hope to help other moms and dads and sisters and wives and friends never lose anyone again (From this channel @beatcancerwithme )
@owenvideo1 Жыл бұрын
@@strawberrygirlvideos thank you!
@MrInnovativeEnergy Жыл бұрын
I have been told by a doctor that many cancer cells are highly dependent on blood glucose levels and that fasting can dramatically limit cancer cell ability to replicate. I have even seen a doctor intentionally put himself through ultra low blood glucose states using insulin, and was able to cure his own cancer using this method. He had two of his doctor friends monitor him in these states.
@EmeraldEyesEsoteric Жыл бұрын
Yes, you want to cut carbs and sugar as much as possible, so that you starve the Cancer Cells of Glucose. KETO diet for the win.
@MrInnovativeEnergy Жыл бұрын
@@drunkvegangal8089 Would be interesting to find out for sure! Let's do some research.
@EndlessTravels Жыл бұрын
@@drunkvegangal8089Honestly if someone is diabetic they already are on a bath path and their diet is probably a mess. I am not good at sugar coating things (Haha?) but from the many many studeis i've seen people do NOT well never mind there iare SUPER rare cases, but most people do NOT obtain this gift of diabetics without self harm. It's insane her ein America 95% of food we can buy locally, farmers markets, or fast food is just cancer causing... Sugars should not be eaten unless its a balance of fiber in it (Fruit), eating candy, fast food, processed oils, etc is just stupid. It's insane to me when i see people eating a bag of chips while slurping down a Pepsi.... Might as well start smoking, and wear 7 mask at this point
@paulbarclay4114 Жыл бұрын
@@drunkvegangal8089 you only become diabetic because your diet is terrible unless youre born with it all you have to do is stop eating sugar/carbs and diabetes will "cure" itself its not complicated
@destro1989 5 ай бұрын
Nope. They need oxygen. Cancer cells can also change their substrate.
@rusaliagumerova33chingizhan Жыл бұрын
I am fasting and feel good, headache is gone, body aches is gone!I love fasting! Thank you for sharing this information, may Allah bless you.Ramadan is a Mercy to all mankind.
@igorkaczmarski7794 Жыл бұрын
dont lie muslim
@nebi6597 Жыл бұрын
A person doesn't need to be muslim to fast lol
@calmbeast1329 Жыл бұрын
​@@nebi6597 of cz. But muslims urge you to fast..its healthy practice
@nebi6597 Жыл бұрын
@@calmbeast1329 no. I am non Muslim still i can fast lol
@musadays8083 Жыл бұрын
​@@nebi6597 Lol, that's both weak & pathetic. Fasting is part of Islam no matter what you say, cant say that about any other religion including yours. Just because you fast doesn't make that fact irrelevant 😴
@RogerMiller-td5yc Жыл бұрын
So glad to see commenters bring up autophagy, and how the body will start cleanig/healing itself natually!!! Keep it up boys!!! The truth will set you free!!
@diaryofacancersurvivor Жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, beautifully delivered ❤️ I had stage 3 Colon Cancer in December 2022. I was told following major bowel surgery I should undergo 6months of intensive chemotherapy. I decided to go holistic and fasting is part of my protocol. HOWEVER I will undergo regular surveillance and following my research fasting + chemo do appear to be quite the beneficial treatment. Food for thought … pun intended 😅
@Physionic Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your wins! I’m pulling for you!
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
Fred Evrard, here on KZbin had the same results from fasting for his stage 4 colon cancer. He had 3 chemo sessions instead of the 48 they recommended, just to shrink the tumour quickly to stop it from causing the pain, as it was 10 cm, and pressing on a nerve. He is also currently cancer free, the tumour is gone.
@missblack8810 Жыл бұрын
@@tigerspiritjourney Fred’s tumor returned he is fighting right now hard to make it he had nano knife surgery, but has been expierencing a lot of complications prayers for Fred!!
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
@@missblack8810 How do you know this?
@kellio8087 Жыл бұрын
There is a KZbin video about it.
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
Dr. Seyfried here on KZbin is the only doctor who has done over 30 years of research on cancer as a metabolic disease, and is worthy of listening to...
@ichingsigns7156 Жыл бұрын
I am following him, he is great.
@mpoharper Жыл бұрын
@@ichingsigns7156 problem is there are no clinics that use his methods.
@RuckFussia Жыл бұрын
@@mpoharper That's because he's a quack.
@mpoharper Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say that. I do believe cancer has a metabolic basis but without a treatment tested on humans it will never be used. Keto cancer trials are ongoing but without anti glutamate treatment it will be hogtied. I personally believe combination of keto with standard of care can help, but certainly not 100% effective. I fear nothing will be 100%.
@BODYCOACHable Жыл бұрын
@@RuckFussia clueless
@dmitryasadov9319 Жыл бұрын
I'm on a 5th day of 5th fasting, it doesnt always go easy, but there are some better days.. I had some moles disappear and some strange growth and disfunctions go away after 2 weeks. I'm a skeptical person, but am certain now that fasting is a miracle treatment for many conditions. This time I'm only doing it for a whole body reset and specifically to restore the digestive system, as all the bad bacteria will be gone. I find that fiber only before fasting and Epsom salt mixture to flush the guts every other day works great, activated charcoal seems to help with intoxication from the bile..
@mary1643 5 ай бұрын
how do you take the ebsom salt?
@dmitryasadov9319 5 ай бұрын
@@mary1643 I mix it to taste in half gallon, water has to be bitter and awful to drink, roughly 4 table spoons... you can buy premixed in a drug store, but I dont know how concentrated their is. You cam mix and add until its concentrated enough to be very unpleasant.. start with little and see what works for you, you can also use regular salt and/or soda, but for me these cause bleeding. Drink as much as you possibly can, I drink up to half a gallon in one hour, then just clean water.. its not easy but works well, better eat very little before doing this or you ll need a lot more to flush
@danielcharlesfilms2897 Жыл бұрын
You are by far one of the best teachers I have ever come across in my entire life. You have a bright future in yhe online teaching space brother!! Thank you!!!
@rossstevens6165 Жыл бұрын
I've seen videos about fasting that states during an extended fast (3 days or more I believe), your immune system weakens during the fast. But, when you refeed your body releases stem cells that build your immune system stronger than what it was before your fast. Also, one fasting proponent stated that fasting 7 days per year will lower your risk of cancer by a significant amount(they actually stated a percentage, but I cannot remember). I tried finding a study that confirms this, but couldn't. If anybody has a reference to studies that backup these assertions, I love to hear. However, fasting to help you heal from existing cancer is one thing. It would also be good to know how fasting can prevent cancer in the first place.
@djcazz1 9 ай бұрын
You may be referring to a video called, "Fasting for Survival." The doctor mentions that studies show that your risk of cancer is reduced by 70% or more, after a 7 day fast.
@lynnwilliams5432 Жыл бұрын
My dad was an MD and his spare home moments were spent with head over a medical journal. Why doesn’t this happen now? Continuing Education should include metabolic health!
@cherylcuttineau7916 Жыл бұрын
New sub. I appreciate your authenticity and honesty. My GP is pushing me to see a traditional oncologist. 4 years ago I was diagnosed as having invasive breast cancer so I worked with a naturopath to clean up my diet and lifestyle. Last week a new ultrasound showed a new tumor forming. I am 71 and have outlived all my family. Quality of life, not longevity, is a priority. I am open to new forms of treatment but am opposed to the traditional mutilate-burn-poison protocol.
@sarahrosen4985 Жыл бұрын
Do you live in a country that offers genetic testing to see what treatments would be effective? No point in doing chemo or radiation if it won't actually help. (Well, other than extra income to the hospital and drug companies. )
@FransceneJK98 7 ай бұрын
Your gp is pushing traditional oncology cuz they get a cut from the $$$$ that doctors get paid by big pharma for pushing chemo. It’s horrible. Fasting, change of diet, tons of water and rest and prayer also helps
@bainm61 3 ай бұрын
I fasted 48-72 hours before each chemo, and 24 hours after chemo. (stage 3 E+P+ BC with Positive lymph nodes). I also fasted 72 hours before each surgery. I handled the chemo very well, infact found the anti nausea was actually giving me side effects - stopped taking it, found I didn't need it. Recovered well, tolerated the whole course. Tolerated Surgeries well too. It didn't remove my cancer, I believe strongly that It helped the efficiency of the chemo.
@pattysylvanbutterfly433 25 күн бұрын
Similar story here..glad it worked well for you too!
@simonround2439 Жыл бұрын
This is a really interesting video. Oe thing not mentioned here is one of the reasons that fasting, particularly when combined with fasting mimicking diets, might be successful. Dr Thomas Seyfried who has done important reserach into this, maintains that all cancer cells have damaged mitochondria which preclude them from reproducing normally. Instead they rely on fermentation which it can only do by using glucose and glutamine. By fasting or following a strictly ketogenic diet, or both, you can starve the cancer cell of glucose. With some tumours this has been shown to work very well and compliments conventional treatment. If a safe way could be found to suppress glutamine production it could work even better.
@homesignup Жыл бұрын
Awesome stuff and great molecular biology! Just last month I actually mentioned to a Fb friend of mine about the benefits of adding fasting to breast CA chemo as she was doing badly on it. Her first reaction was "I know you mean well but this is BS" lol. Now her chemo sessions have elongated from 2 months to 1 yr and she has shingles and a lot of pain & I've reached out a 2nd time to her. Dunno if she will ever do it but its her life not mine. Hope she survives. I've seen some real case studies of chemo + fasting for Stage IV cancer that had perfect survival rates. Anyway thanks for your detailed info!
@dellzywillis3001 Жыл бұрын
A lady posted about having cancer the other day under a KZbin video. Someone asked her about her diet and fasting and she went off about people and all their useless help. Wow, I was shocked. Why are you posting if you don't want to hear ppl trying to help.
@bumblebee4280 Жыл бұрын
@@dellzywillis3001 A clever person would look at the survival rate of chemo, then other alternative methods and start with the least invasive method that looks promising. I can't say I'm too sorry when pig headed people won't take anybody else's advice.
@shandagibbs2192 Жыл бұрын
You should direct her to this video and then tell her to read the comments. There are a lot of people who have beat cancer due to fasting and eating a healthier diet.
@masonridgewell8063 Жыл бұрын
@@dellzywillis3001 This makes zero sense. I don't know why people are so negative about it when in my experience I know people have done water fasting and it helping cure their cancer,
@dellzywillis3001 Жыл бұрын
@@masonridgewell8063 right. And it is not some crazy...I don't know.. like eat 5lbs of bugs. It's something totally doable. I would try anything reasonable.
@drkmlakshmipathy Жыл бұрын
Very sensible presentation on influence of starving on cancer cure ...thank you lots of best wishes from Chennai India
@leaguefollower9129 Жыл бұрын
My dad has lung cancer and did a 30 day water fast before the removal of the tumor in his kidney. It stopped the growth of the tumor, he lost weight so the doctors could do exactly what they needed to do without fat being in the way. they only needed to scrape the cancer away instead of removing one of his kidneys entirely. The doctors were just stunned because they never seen cancer react in that way. however, the doctors wouldn't report on what he did and couldn't say what he did because there isn't enough evidence to support that fasting helps at all.
@alafia1276 9 ай бұрын
water fasting only pure water salt or juice also consider water fasting?
@ShaneZettelmier Жыл бұрын
I studied this before and found it in a lot of countries like India, and some others that fasting is a pretty common treatment for cancer, but a lot of places will just start people on a seven day water fast with a drink nothing but mineralized water. Another thing I found was that most types of cancer thrive on sugar so eliminating carbohydrates completely some thing like a carnivore diet or eating foods with very low or no carbohydrates, can slow the growth of tumors with kind of the same methodology of starving them
@hata6290 Жыл бұрын
Sources? Studies? Any links at all? Bad advice
@TheTheone12360 Жыл бұрын
@@hata6290 sugar raises insulin levels which leads to activation on MTOR. A higher activation of MTOR promotes cancer cell growth. Hopefully you understand all these technical terms in the study
@Kiihhu2 Жыл бұрын
@@hata6290 Here's some interesting ones to see: 1) Thomas Seyfried's interview 2) 9+ year brain cancer survivor 3) Stage 3 colon cancer to no cancer in 4 months
@EmeraldEyesEsoteric Жыл бұрын
Yes, you want to cut carbs and sugar as much as possible, so that you starve the Cancer Cells of Glucose. KETO diet for the win.
@YogaBlissDance Жыл бұрын
Healthy food is fine like green veggies that are carbs, meat is harder to digetst, yes it works for some folks WHEN they clean up the rest of diet. But best to lighten the diet to veggies and vegan at least to detox....then return to healthy food. Meat heavy diet is simply not healthy long term.
@fraveglie1 Жыл бұрын
Fasting is known to be so effective, however, oncologist are still reluctant to recommend it, citing ‘lack of studies’. On the other hand they’ll tell you it’s ok to eat carbs and sugary food, knowing full well that glucose is cancer’s preferred source of food, which is criminal to say the least.
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
Fasting is free, they cannot make billions from that therapy. So they either demonize these alternative cheap therapies, or ignore them and gaslight patients who talk about them. The profits from cancer is in the trillions, ( chemo-therapies/radiation that 70% of doctors who were asked, would NOT take themselves or allow their loved ones to take) and when hospitals are in bed with Big Pharma, and are only concerned with answering to their share-holders, you know its NOT gonna be in your best interests to listen to these criminals while they profit from your "cut, burn and poison" therapies. They bully patients into believing their way is the ONLY way you "might" live a bit longer. Just sickening what's going on in the "sick-care, FOR PROFIT system.
@oryx_85 Жыл бұрын
Glucose is all cells preferred food and all food is broken down to Glucose so the body can produce ATP. The reason simple sugars are negative if over consumed is because the body immediately converts them to Glucose and floods the mitochondria and releases insulin. Cause of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance by the body because it's released too much over time with high simple sugar carb diet. Not arguing with you jist saying all the body functions on Glucose for the cell cycle.
@bofelden8433 10 ай бұрын
They are criminals. Is that a surprise for anyone?
@CroisMoi 8 ай бұрын
They would have no job if all their patients fasted. They make big bucks. They also cannot advise on something that is against the establishment line. They would lose their license.
@FransceneJK98 7 ай бұрын
They make money from pushing chemo. Big pharma pays them. They don’t want you healthy cuz if you were they wouldn’t have a job or make so much. It’s all bout the money. Only doctors who got into the profession for the right reasons will tell you to fast, change your diet, drink more water, cut all sugar and carbs, and no chemo. But not many doctors do that
@fatiherturk6408 Жыл бұрын
Elhamdulillah. Therefore, Ramadan is barakat means giving so many benefits to body and soul. 🌙
@fatiherturk6408 Жыл бұрын
@@archieureta2964 There are three stages of Ramadan fasting, my friend: Level 1-You do not eat and drink between defined time Level 2-You do not eat and drink between defined time. Additionally, your behaviors are fastened. For inst. You do not shout anyone, be much more polite than other months, you do not damage any alive and plus you keep your eyes away from any kind of Haram. Level 3- This is the toughest level. Believe me, it is very difficult to reach it: You do not eat and drink and plus you never and ever think about any bad thing in your heart. Somehow, merging body+soul fasting. Inshallah, we can reach this level 🤲
@Nabee_H Жыл бұрын
@@archieureta2964 It depends on the person, some people just eat one meal a day while others consume whole feasts during the times they can eat. Eating once a day is difficult to people who arent used to it, good for you that it's easy though.
@Nabee_H Жыл бұрын
@@archieureta2964 I was clarifying? Also, you're one to talk with the way you comment and keep repeating "Not real fasting". There is no such thing as "real fasting" there is only fasting, whether one may or may not have restrictions on certain things is a different conversation. You also amounted the islamic practice of fasting to just "switch day eating to night eating" which I then mentioned not everyone eats in Ramadan like that.
@smileydr3022 Жыл бұрын
@@archieureta2964 define fasting what do you mean by fasting?
@smileydr3022 Жыл бұрын
@@archieureta2964 this isn’t a full definition,, define the mechanism of action
@threeone6012 Жыл бұрын
I finished a 30 day water fast roughly 2 weeks ago. No tea, no vitamin water, no allergy pills, nothing but filtered tap water for 30 days. Somewhere around the 1 week mark my mouth began to taste like Windex. This was especially bad at night because without water to flush it out the taste built up over time. During the fast I never got a good night of sleep although as I passed day 20 I became so exhausted that my sleep did improve a bit. I should also say that when you're on a long fast your sex drive goes to 0. If you're going to do a long fast be mentally prepared for what seems like a never a marathon that won't end. On the plus side after the first 3 days I didn't felt hungry until somewhere around the last week after which I began to feel hunger again. Also, all of my minor aches and pains faded away during the first week. Over 30 days I went from 160 pounds down to 126 which was just over 20% of my total body weight. I did it to treat an autoimmune disease and I believe it was worth it. After 2 weeks of recovery the best word to describe how I feel is younger. My body feels like it works better if that makes sense. When I wake up in the morning I feel ready to go. Before my fast I woke up often times feeling a bit worn out wanting more sleep.
@valeriaramirez2586 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤
@TruePatriotKimmie1982 4 ай бұрын
I was just diagnosed with Stage 1b3 Cervical Cancer and my body is wanting to fast and I have been listening to it and water fasting and I can tell ny tumor is shrinking! Listen to your body it will let you know when you need to eat or not but focus on healthy fats and Protien!
@littlevoice_11 Жыл бұрын
Did you hear about the research on how fasting can reduce the side effects, such as nausea associated with chemo, thus improving compliance with the full chemotherapy treatment duration? I suspect this is due to the protective effects fasting has on healthy cells.
@terrycrews1584 Жыл бұрын
No, thats because the chemotherapy makes you sick and you dont want to eat anything. If you do, it might come right back up. Theres no "protective effects" from fasting.
@no_country_for_real_men Жыл бұрын
Compliance ? What a weak program sheeple
@diponegoro9 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for valuable info... 👍 This good news must be viral and help to others. As muslim, we do dry fast 1 month straight, about 13-14 hrs/day, but still doing regular activities. Thanks God, none of my fam got cancer.
@openmind8620 Жыл бұрын
When someone introduces religion into what is a science-based topic, I'm always curious. People should be aware that dry fasting has particular risks around dehydration and isn't necessary for real fasting (e.g. water fasting is fine). As an atheist, I fast 20-22hrs/3 days p/w every week of the year. If people want to try it's easy as you're usually busy most of the day anyway. Fortunately, I don't have cancer either. :-)
@mdidris4414 Жыл бұрын
​@@openmind8620 there are many of us that are interested in the religious aspect of the discussion even if you are not. Also you will find that dry fasting has more benefits than negatives for it's regular practitioners, both physically and spiritually.
@diponegoro9 Жыл бұрын
@@openmind8620 From fact we have in our family, thanks God, non of us have cancer by practicing obligation in our religion (Islam). It means, science and religion work in the same path. Or, any religion practices (in this case Islam) will have benefit to our life (phsycally and spritiually).
@MemberOfGeniusSociety Жыл бұрын
Christian prince say hi
@zarifsadiq829 Жыл бұрын
​@Open Mind When atheist hijack science and presuppose it to be product of their world view, i always find it curious. Those ignorant ones usually have no idea of the founder of the scientific method ,Ibn Al-Haythem. Look him up and educate yourself, the world is bigger than what the arrogant atheist society teaches you. Who is it that discovered Algebra, Chemistry and many other fields of science. Was Newton an atheist? Lol. Islam not only tells one to fast but we are supposed to use a miswak(toothbrush make from miswak tree), we have to shower every time we have sexual relations, we have to wash before every prayer and so on. Now showering may seem like common sense but it sure wasn't 1,400 years ago. Just look at Europe and the Black Plague. A main reason for the spread of the Black Plague was the European belief that showering was bad for health as people got sick in the cold weather after showering. Let's talk about the benefits of 5 daily prayers and how you see so many practicing meditation in the west. You have no clue as to the benefits and wisdom of the Quran or Sunnah. Educate yourself.
@_the_one_1 27 күн бұрын
It's the FIRST VIDEO that I find good after watching so many others. I WOULD LOVE to see you make a video of people who got miraculously cured by cancer. There must be some key information there if we study many cases
@salvatoredipietro7174 3 ай бұрын
Excellent video as usual. Great delivery, great content, in a manner non-medical persons can readily understand.
@doctorneelesh Жыл бұрын
Carcinoma of the oesophagus takes away the ability to consume food, leading to forced fasting. What happens then, people still die, quite quickly. It is sure complex and needs a lot of research as you said and depends on the type of cancer. Nicely done video. ❤
@bofelden8433 10 ай бұрын
Nice try big pharma shill
@karine186 9 ай бұрын
Non les médecins donnent des perfusions de nourritures liquides bourrer de sucre 😢
@withme2486 Жыл бұрын
I believe that fasting brings good benefits to the body. In July last year I started fasting, and in January this year I underwent surgery for a tumor on my leg... the results of my body's health check were very good.I couldn't believe it either... throughout the operation, I just thanked God
@gmaster716 Жыл бұрын
glad to hear stay healthy don't except any poison (western medicine )
@RyanBoggs Жыл бұрын
I would love to see if there are studies showing the effects of being a lifetime practicer of fasting on the likelihood of eventually being diagnosed with cancer. If fasting can slow tumor growth and possibly even reduce tumor size this much, then surely regular fasting has the possibility to play an enourmous preventative role.
@d.lightfultv2231 Жыл бұрын
How is not eating going to make you healthier??
@josephp2229 Жыл бұрын
@@d.lightfultv2231 When you arent eating your body (after X amount of hours) begins autophagy which js a process through which the body rids itself of older, damaged cells. Its just not very marketable so fasting is on the down low.
@Bboy235 Жыл бұрын
@@d.lightfultv2231silly question eating can make you sick not eating can make you healthy it’s all about how much you do
@vishnurpillai6824 Жыл бұрын
I think there is a correlation of cancer rates in Muslim countries vs western countries. Muslim countries have higher number of Ramadan fasting individuals which is a probable cause of lower cancer rates.
@deeptime5581 Жыл бұрын
@@d.lightfultv2231 autophagy
@GuitarCry Жыл бұрын
Wow, this video was absolutely enlightening! 🌟 As someone who's genuinely interested in biology and health, I find your approach to explaining these complex topics both refreshing and highly informative. Your ability to sift through scientific data and present it in a way that's easily digestible is a skill that is much needed today, especially given how much misinformation exists out there. You go so much deeper into the subject matter than most, but you still make it accessible for those of us who may not have a background in the field. Please keep up the fantastic work; it's content creators like you who elevate the quality of what's available online. Looking forward to your next video! 👏👏👏
@jenniferfinelli Жыл бұрын
I had a breast cyst on my right Breast did a 72 hour water fast and it was gone.
@rmeddy Жыл бұрын
This is pretty interesting that cancer cells seem to be leveraged on division at all costs It's probably the same reason why large mammals don't seem to get cancer, although that could be because of hypertumors
@maureen-paulbarnes-vonkulm480 Жыл бұрын
What was not said was the duration and type of fasting. Very long fasts of 3 or 4 weeks can have dramatic effects.
@Beef_it_to_be_fit 11 ай бұрын
Fasting is one of the single most healtyh things all humans can do for themselves.
@weedtimmy Жыл бұрын
I did a 21 day fast and a few shorter fasts with certain supplements and my kidney cancer is gone
@yusufabba3560 Жыл бұрын
What supplements please?
@yusufabba3560 Жыл бұрын
@weedtimmy Жыл бұрын
Spirulina, berberine, Garcinia, lycopene, vit C, red algae, resveratrol, Black seed oil, omega 3, alpha lipoic acid, tumeric, green tea, nutritional yeast, mushroom blend of shitake Chaga reishi turkey tail and lion's mane, Christopher's blood stream formula, bloodroot,
@weedtimmy Жыл бұрын
I also ate cruciferous vegetables like sauerkraut, broccoli sprouts and garlic
@juliethomas7160 Жыл бұрын
What all supplements did u take? Did you take all these supplements during that 21 days?please help
@paraworth Жыл бұрын
Over came aggressive cancer twice in 10 year though fasting.
@lynnlance351 Жыл бұрын
Explain how you did it please to help others suffering. Thanks
@paraworth Жыл бұрын
@@lynnlance351 I had no idea what I was doing, but from what I could gather no one else knew what to do either. The cancer Aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma is very rare. Cutting it out excision amputation are the only known that oncologists have used. It’s a cancer that is in the sweat glands of the fingers. I had three excisions first time around. I did a 14 day water fast before the 3 excision . The cancer was gone. I felt so incredible after the fast. Ten years later the same lump returned to my thumb. The same place it was before. This time I was wiser. I water fasted immediately staying on the fast 12 days. I’m also did sauna for 20 mins a day until I had done plus 40 sessions. The sweat glands are connected to the lymph and the lymph to just about everything else so I was concerned but also realised that within all of us is the power to heal ourselves. The healing for me is taking a break from food and wrapping myself up in a positive can do attitude at all times. We are truly incredible at all levels. Cancer may not be curable for all of us, but for me its given me a new lease on life by realising how we can be responsible for our own healing.
@Mic-r7y Жыл бұрын
What kind of sauna did you do? Where can buy the equipment of the sauna? Thank you very much.
@r.guerreiro140 Жыл бұрын
When I felt symptoms, already by the time of omicron wave, I choose to deprive my self entirely of any protein while I felt it The idea is, if there is a lack in aminoacids, this would restrain the mTOR route and somehow, just hypothetically, make infected cells drive the virus proteins to authophagy Anyway, there are other routines I have incorporate to my lifestyle long ago which eventually could help to control the damage too Anyway, I stood only in mild feelings I kept isolated for my own responsibility and wasn't exactly what my body desired
@henryb1555 9 ай бұрын
I watched a documentary on a huge study of health and diet and it appears to be categorical that the average western diet is highly toxic (mainly due to the levels of toxicity of packaged, pre prepared foods and fast foods) and the cause or a large contributory factor of most serious illnesses Hence to fast would make an awful lot of sense, then to begin with a non toxic diet.
@anthonywilson1754 Жыл бұрын
Autophagy is in a lot of videos on the benefits of fasting. I also heard what you said about fasting helping those going through chemotherapy. What I heard about why fasting helps with chemo is this: autophagy weakens cancer cells making the chemo more effective on those weakened cells (maybe this is what you mean at 12:06?). Also at 11:16 I didn't see a line for PF only for comparison to the CP only. I find the idea of fasting a new idea as something to do intentionally for health benefits. Thanks.
@Ulbre Жыл бұрын
I think Chemo is a decent option for patients, that are generally otherwise healthy, with certain cancers. For patients that may have had there cancer start after other events, such as Type 2 Diabetes, whose kidneys may have already suffered immeasurable damage....then the Chemo can just be a fast track to the grave in comparison to fasting. One of the other things is that most of the studies on fasting, including the ones on mice, aren't really full on fasting. You get some benefits by not eating for 12 hours a day (most of the studies), a few more benefits from not eating 16 hours a day, incredible benefits from only eating once a day (23 hours of fasting).....but the truly insane cancer stopping fasts are those that go for far longer periods than that, where your gut biobe goes from processing you daily food intake to fixing your body. this is where we really need proper clinical studies and I am certain that it will show cancer can be beaten. Every organ in your body except the kidneys can rejuvenate itself. this is why I am against Chemo in most circumstances, because of the kidney damage it will cause. Great video and loved how you stressed that the science wasn't quite there on it.
@no_country_for_real_men Жыл бұрын
Your statement regarding the kidneys is incorrect. The kidney can absolutely regenerate and heal. You just have to decide if you want to accept truth and fact or continue believing what fits your narrative
@MsLadyBluesWorld Жыл бұрын
I understand what you're saying I believe fasting can cure cancer as well if you can make it far enough to heal your body. I strongly believe that the body can heal itself. I think you do have to go about 30 days or so to fully heal and reset your body
@Ulbre Жыл бұрын
@@no_country_for_real_men Clinical studies please. Not facebook posts. Actual clinical studies.
@no_country_for_real_men Жыл бұрын
@@MsLadyBluesWorld it depends on your definition of fasting because if your definition is no food or nutrients for 30 days than that would not be realistic for anyone under 200 lbs. The only people that can go that long without food are people that have a propensity of being overweight
@MsLadyBluesWorld Жыл бұрын
@@no_country_for_real_men Oh yes I understand completely. I definitely wouldn't suggest anyone with a normal weight to do that but someone who is overweight can surely benefit if they can endure such a fast.
@mikemike2750 Ай бұрын
Great video, thank you. I would add that fasting-mimicking diets elevate ketone levels, which seem to limit glycolysis and also inhibit inflammasome activation, both of which are bad news for cancer cells.
@liamporter1137 Жыл бұрын
Great illustration to help better understanding for us viewer. Thanks for sharing.
@Od4n Жыл бұрын
Define fasting? How many days? Intermittent 18/6? What fasting was done in the studies?
@aaronjennings8385 Жыл бұрын
The connection is a growth factor called insulin like growth factor. Without igf, tumors don't grow. Igf is what it sounds like. It's produced when you eat glucose. Like insulin... So, not eating carbs (carb fasting, ketogenic diets) starves the tumor of growth factor. Without insulin like growth factor, the tumor can't grow. The immune system will shrink it, and then it's done.
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
Yes! Dr. Seyfried has over 30 years of scientific evidence that proves this.
@alessia_traversa Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that the Igf-1 is mainly linked to protein and not sugar. In theory we should follow a low-sugar (as in refined carbs) and low-protein diet.
@aaronjennings8385 Жыл бұрын
@@alessia_traversa carbohydrates and dairy proteins, soy products stimulate igf-1.
@aaronjennings8385 Жыл бұрын
@@alessia_traversa intermittent fasting is shown to have positive effects.
@m.afirdaus4003 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been performing dawood‘s fasting (alternate fasting) since 19 y.o; on May 2009 (almost 15 years by I commenting this video). Based on my experience, I never had a major treatment in a hospital up until now. Even when the pandemic hits. It seems my was stronger than others. Like the symptoms wasn’t painful as anyone’s told me. 🙏🏽
@chewy98ta28 Жыл бұрын
From what I've found from digging around about cancer is that it needs Glucose and Glutamine to survive and it's hard to find food without that unless you're out hunting deer. Without them cancer dies but if you have cancer the recommended water fast duration is 30 days to kill the cancer so autophagy can have time to do a thorough job. Some skinny people or people that have advanced cancer might not be able to pull off 30 days due to lack of stored nutrients. If you choose chemo some added fasting would be a good way to help repair the damage that chemo does to your healthy cells. I'm still far from sold on the benefits of chemo and would probably go to a 30 day water fast after being diagnosed and I don't know how long the fasting alone duration is in these studies. It's possible a good portion of the benefits of chemo are due to it's talent for killing somebody's appetite and inducing a fast as a side effect. As far as fasting goes I've done a handful of 3 to 5 day water fasts and one 8 day water fast for weight control. Starting the first day is always the hardest because the parasites in your gut always want to have one good meal before you start and putting it off to tomorrow is pretty easy but that turns into many tomorrows. 9 or 10 days is said to kill the junk food craving gut parasites but I've only done 8 and the old habits come back after a while. After the first and second day your appetite goes away but you still crave food but more as a habit than as a hunger response. Keep yourself busy. I burn a lot of calories at work and when I got to the 8th day I was really dragging so that's why I ended that fast but up until that point I felt really good and 80 to 90 percent of my aches and pains disappear by around the 3rd day because that is mostly all inflammation from sugar which gets used up pretty quick. I bought some magnesium and potassium pills and have them ready for my next long fast to see if they keep my energy up at the 9 or 10 day mark as I was only taking the apple cider vinegar and pink Himalayan sea salt before. Last thing if you go more than 4 or 5 days on a fast be careful how you start eating again or you can end up in the ER. Some bone broth and eggs for the first day or so will prepare your stomach for solid food. Expect to spend some quality time on the toilet when you start eating again. The bone broth comes out pretty fast.
@MsJordanaIsabel 10 ай бұрын
I’m so interested to learn which cancers can be eliminated w fasting and which can’t.
@loribakergirl6438 9 ай бұрын
I am too!! Just learned I have hormone positive invasive lobular carcinoma breast cancer and would SO prefer to kill it with fasting if this would work on this type??
@OmarJousefzai 8 ай бұрын
​@loribakergirl6438 fasting is a cure, only if u knew!
@dna3169 Жыл бұрын
Thank You for this information potentially life saving upon more research .
@jayanttanwar4703 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Thank you for this very informative video. I have one question, what sort of fasting are we talking about here? Do the paper suggest a particular type of fasting? Since most studies are done in mice, what would be an equivalent fasting practise in human beings?
@ShoshanaBrand Жыл бұрын
Watch Dr. Brrg about what to eat during fasting, how to do fasting, fasting during Cancer, etc. He's got many videos, and from my experience, they are all working great!
@jayanttanwar4703 Жыл бұрын
@@ShoshanaBrand Thank you very much
@Thomas-sk2vo Жыл бұрын
Great video - well explained
@mediacenter3174 Жыл бұрын
I really fail to understand the logic, almost every cancer patient eats less, lose weight practically fasting most of the day and the majority of them die, Please clarify.
@Physionic Жыл бұрын
1. The video doesn’t say fasting alone is the cure-all. Fasting + the wrong cancer drug treatment can still lead to death. 2. The video explicitly states that there are many different types of cancers and the efficacy of fasting is heavily dependent on the cancer. 3. Cachexia is not the same as dealing with a manageable cancer. 4. At the end of the video I point out we need clinical trials on the topic to understand the effects and types of fasting on cancer directly, since all trials currently are on symptoms. So, we need more data.
@issecret1 Жыл бұрын
​@@Physionicso, when you look at the comments of people who consume your video, do you think you made this understood? Cause I don't, and this is dangerous
@123Homefree Жыл бұрын
Its not about removing nutrients its mainly about cutting off the carbs that are the main fuel for cancer growth. Keto kills cancer
@snowy2875 Жыл бұрын
What is keto?
@123Homefree Жыл бұрын
@@snowy2875 ketogenic diet googlebit
@tigerspiritjourney Жыл бұрын
Exactly! This video was a complete waste of time, and I don't buy this guy's gibber jabber.
@LowHangingFruitForest Жыл бұрын
There’s no cancer that won’t die if you fast long enough.
@marthvader14 6 ай бұрын
Fasting how long exactly?
@toddjacksonpoetry 2 ай бұрын
Random thought: "Apoptosis" would make a great name for a certain kind of band. As would "The Lymphocytes."
@michellecrawford9847 Жыл бұрын
I know that my body knew I was sick before I did and it started telling me what to eat and I listened to it and I also noticed that a lot of times it wouldn't let me eat I wonder if this is my body telling me by stop eating this. I'm serious I start eating like pomegranate craving them wanted to pomegranate before it was really crazy good way I ate just totally changed as soon as I got sick I just was attracted to different foods and then want to eat I wonder if that's my body this is what it's supposed to do instead of like stopping people from being nauseous and not eating meat you know giving him an appetite back maybe we can just leave that alone maybe that's our own body's way of protecting us
@shamanahaboolist Жыл бұрын
I think a lot depends on the cancer and how far along it is. My niece starved down to a skeleton when she was sick and that didn't stop her cancer. There's a lot more variables than just nutrient intake.
@guerline685 Жыл бұрын
Did your niece pray
@Dreamseller112 Жыл бұрын
There are two cancers that i know of that are super susceptible to low glucose intake glioblastoma and Squamous cell carcinoma, keto diet just by itself holds cancer cells stable for a year or two before growth is seen again. As for adeno cells the most common cell to become cancer metabolic stress only has an affect on its proliferation rate for a few months before highly inefficient but affective forms of energy production startat this point cellar mechanism adapt and starts using oxidisation to produce energy through a long chain of chemical breakdowns, at that point theirs no amount of fasting you can do the cancer is going to grow.
@kevb.1791 22 күн бұрын
Two herbs that help with cancer or turmeric curcumin and black seed oil fasting might improve their efficacy like it does with chemo
@miguels703 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video, thank you.. one question, during the fasting period, are allowed to drink water at any time? Or just durin the period when we eat?
@no_country_for_real_men Жыл бұрын
Fasting has to do with eating. You can drink water anytime during a fast.
@Ranchorita Жыл бұрын
This is encouraging information.
@Alexcutspie Жыл бұрын
i like that somehow your eyebrows, your shirt, your glasses and the painting are all the same hue of brown
@helloworld_lovepeople1051 Жыл бұрын
Forget about MUTATIONS,even in normal cell also have variety of mutation without harming your body. Cancer is abnormal mitochondria disease.If you look closely ,you will see in EVERY Cancer cell no matters what type of them ,all mitochondria are defect.So, they send signal to disrupt nucleus and make the downstream effect as mutation.But cancer can use both Glucose and Glutamine (the most abundant protein in our body).Fasting is the first step to make chronical stress to cancer,then,if we put body into therapeutic state of ketosis ,it will make further stess,Super low Glucose ketone index.Then you put some glutamine inhibitor very small amount or any antiparasitic drug like fenben,meben it will act like some type of chemo but less toxic 4 days on ,3 days off for about 4-8 weeks.You will definitely see the major change in those cancer cells or in some caseS ,it all vanish.Or if you are in Low GKI ,you can do HBOT / Hyperthermia 1 hour each ,once or twice per week,Result will be even more astonishing in a lot of cases.However,all of these cannot be done in U.S. because of Standard of care forbidden.Try to observe name ,Thomas Seyfried in Pubmed and you will see many cases reports for Stage 4 , spontaneous remission or stage 4 GBM who live more than 9 years after first diagnosis.
@wmichaelh29 Жыл бұрын
One young man whose experience with fasting + chemo said fasting 2 days before chemo, on day of chem and 2 days after chemo also stopped his nausea reaction to the chemo.
@BakamonNO Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I've been thought that fasting is best for cancer prevention.
@RAVPower- Жыл бұрын
All the more astonishing that God has imposed fasting on us humans as a duty and that most people do not know how good fasting is for our bodies! Happy Ramadan brothers and sisters!
@awakeneddaughter3001 Жыл бұрын
The wisdom of this world is foolishness to TMH. The Word reveals the benefits of fasting, which has been practiced since biblical days. HalleluYah! And Happy Passover & Week of Unleavened Bread!
@vickiesorenson2383 7 ай бұрын
I agree with what you’re saying with the combo and of fasting and chemo . Also keto and keto mimicking .
@2Truth4Liberty Жыл бұрын
Thanks for getting good "information" out there that might have significant help and hope for other people. Most ANYONE with any CANCER should TRY some FASTING. IMO - Diet, most notably the fasting part of any diet, is not a "cure all" but CAN unleash a very powerful mechanism (autophagy) which can generally give your body a much better chance of survival of cancer, and possibly even eliminate and most likely prevent some cancer.
@reinerschafer1708 9 ай бұрын
Dr. Matthew Phillips in New Zealand is doing research on fasting for cancer treatment as well as doing research on fasting to aid with neurological diseases (he's a neuroscientist) if anyone is interested in the subject. I have decided, should I ever get the big C diagnosis, I will do a 21 day fast before starting conventional treatment and will continue doing fasts along with those treatments. The amount of anecdotal evidence is just too large to ignore.
@BacteriaTheraptist 9 ай бұрын
To be successful during drink non refrigerated cold water.. Cold water control hunger pangs..
@corsoconner 8 ай бұрын
Why is it that with decades of scientific research and billions of dollars something this basic seems to be cutting edge in 2024?
@Time2Go-in9ui 8 ай бұрын
$$$$$$ - Free will always be suppressed. Customers/Subscribers are better business than cures.
@claireelizabeth2347 Жыл бұрын
I believe the premise that fasting can shrink tumours by cutting off their energy supply for growth. What I can't get my head around is that in the final stage of cancer people often stop eating anyway and are on just shakes, if that, but this doesn't seem to lead to a remission of the cancer.
@MsLadyBluesWorld Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why either
@KumariKumari-fw7nc Жыл бұрын
I think by that time they are so weak, immune system doesn't work at all and mostly these patients have taken chemo and the body is screwed up..
@kathleenharrell3981 Жыл бұрын
The shakes are high in sugar. My brother in law is dying of mouth cancer, and thats all they give him. He's so weak that taking it away would not help at this point.
@philomenawama2199 Жыл бұрын
@@kathleenharrell3981 Give him moringa capsules . Pray for him and help him accept Jesus Christ as person Saviour 🙏
@williamivery212 Жыл бұрын
​@@kathleenharrell3981 try chewing on periwinkle flower and leaves and roots, with cayenne pepper, also guinea hen weed with cayenne pepper 8 times a day . Get some chaparral herb powder put it in your mouth for about 2 minutes and spit it out. Also add a little hydro peroxide food-grade with collodial silver 225 PPM. Good luck God bless stage 4 survival leukemia.
@lozu8947 9 ай бұрын
I think fasting does help and would do even better adding A diet of no sugar and no or very little carbs(keto/carnivore diet) when you do eat. Stay away from refined sugar, breads, pasta and other type carbs and also stay away from fast food and ultra processed food (most of what you see in grocery stores boxed and packaged)
@bestrongandloveyourself2370 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video, thank you! 🙏
@Physionic Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@setlaoui Жыл бұрын
وأن تصوم خيرا لكم
@kevinheuker8476 9 ай бұрын
Cancer needs sugar to survive. Once that goes away, so does the cancer.
@ricardosanu5467 7 ай бұрын
Misinformation is scary you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about pleas stop cancer can feed on fat and protein for fuel sources
@Gorman-84 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Like always, nicely done.
@bobwright3438 Жыл бұрын
The American Food system pushes three meals a day with snacks plus loaded with Sugar.
@briandoe5746 Жыл бұрын
Fasting could also be one of the avenues for micros stressing. These things have been shown recently by Dr. David Sinclair to initiate epigenomic repair. He has recently shown in multiple the clinical trials that the epigenome is shown to affect aging and aging seems to be a massive catalyst of cancer. I would only highly recommend delving much deeper into this. You've hit a logical fallacy. Correlation is not always causation.
@stevedow9076 6 ай бұрын
But what about Layne Norton? He assures us that fasting offers no additional benefits over plain ole’ calorie restriction.
@Itsdoline Жыл бұрын
Hey, i hope you are doing well ! I hope you read my comment.. I have a question about blood cancer.. my fiance was diagnosed with leukeamia (aml), chemotherapy and radiotherapy weren’t effective for him he start fasting with water 4 days ago, but i recently found an article where they say that fasting does not work on his type of cancer (aml) based on tests in mice, it works only on all.. i just want to know if this is true and if it is, should he give up on fasting? What is your advice in this case?
@nleem3361 Жыл бұрын
I think that was the kind of cancer Dr Boz's mom had. She beat the cancer and has a KZbin channel where she teaches more about keto health and even wrote some books about it. Hope he recovers quickly
@Itsdoline Жыл бұрын
@@nleem3361 thankyou so much for the information
@syntabelle Жыл бұрын
Add vitamin C infusion
@ouradventures1024 Жыл бұрын
Fagonia best for any cancer especially blood all the best
@dominiquelaflamme7804 Ай бұрын
How long should cancer patients fast in order to produce either minimal or maximal effect? I often do 3 day fasts myself, but I think it wouldn't be long enough, and 7+ day fasts can't be reproduced indefinitely or one runs out of reserves. Also, how often should cancer patients fast?
@zsuzsuspetals 8 ай бұрын
Is there anything that says how long one should fast if they are going through chemotherapy? To me fasting would be 16-20 hours without food. I've read some people talking about going days without eating. I've also seen videos where oncologists say that fasting too long isn't good for a cancer patient because it weakens the body. But I imagine they are talking about going days without food not eating in a 2-4 hour window. Some actual numbers regarding time would be nice. I find this fascinating.
@peterbergenser5950 Жыл бұрын
You should really link to the research in the description to enhance the trustworthiness of your message. There are tons and tons of misinformations out there in KZbin videos, so please be the credible one and be upfront with your sources- thanks! I would love too reference your message to my oncologist, but I will not be taken seriously if I give him a KZbin link, he needs real scientific articles to change the narrative.
@StanJarzabek 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for such useful analysis, is there a synergy between fasting and hormone therapy? I have a high-risk prostate cancer, I took only 3 injections ADT year ago and did intermittent fasting , plant-based diet etc. after that , cancer growth has been slowed down, some solid data would be very useful to feed my intuition and continue this line of nob-invasive therapy
@guerline685 Жыл бұрын
Not only fast people but pray 🙏 believe me there is nothing that GOD can’t do I don’t care what it look like GOD it still a healer
@MrKitty-zv3dl Жыл бұрын
@nelsonlighthouse8089 Жыл бұрын
So... you say there is nothing your god cannot do ... why then does it choose to do nothing for most cancer sufferers... why indeed does your god not just eradicate cancer altogether ?... I'm sure your voodoo reasoning will be fascinating.
@guerline685 Жыл бұрын
@@nelsonlighthouse8089 everyone always find a reason to blame GOD do you know there same way there is a GOD there is there devil to and who said GOD did not heal cancer . You don’t even give me a chance
@Patrick-jx1yo Жыл бұрын
@@nelsonlighthouse8089Oh you’re so clever. If you don’t want to pray then don’t. Pretty simple concept.
@moonlightj0y Жыл бұрын
There is absolutely no scientific study that show that prayer works. We're still waiting for those "thoughts and prayers" to help with these school shootings we have every other month! Nothing has happened. Not a single prayer has ever cured anything!
@uffa00001 11 ай бұрын
2:32 I think the doctor talking is Valter Longo. It's outrageous that people are shown in the video without proper quoting.
@jaycarver4886 9 ай бұрын
Just found your channel and subscribed. Would you please connsider doing a segment on Constantine Hering and his law of cure? The direction of healing proceeds in the body in four universal ways: From above downward From within outward From more important to less important organs In reverse order of symptom occurrence This is fascinating to me and I wonder what you think about it. Thank you.
@mayaplaon431 Жыл бұрын
steve jobs starved away his cancer. 😢😢😢
@Physionic Жыл бұрын
Steve Jobs suffered from cachexia.
@Astrologcomedy Жыл бұрын
I get Terrible acid reflux for fasting. I did a carrot fast. I ate the carrots, 3 times a day for 21 days and my stomach was fine
@TheresaWood-if3xh Жыл бұрын
My husband had cancer and he didn't eat for 3 months because he couldn't. He starved to death.
@lilianparle4822 Жыл бұрын
So sorry darling
@itsabulldogsworld Жыл бұрын
Will fasting help with blood cancer?
@carichaos1651 Жыл бұрын
I want to know this
@Unsensitive Жыл бұрын
Since cancer is a metabolic disease, and cancer can only make energy via fermentation metabolism, it makes sense fasting would help. Cancer can also utilize glutamine though, not just glucose.. so it's not a complete solution if you already have cancer. I'd suggest looking at the research of Thomas Seyfried. He's due a nobel prize in medicine in the future. Hopefully he can do human trials soon, but has human case studies and great animal studies.
@TwinFlameDivineLovePath Ай бұрын
This is my 3rd fasting video on fasting that doesn't describe any fasting protocol
@oolala53 Жыл бұрын
Hope another video examines Longo's work more. As well as others you know of,
@titustumba5501 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful advice and see a doctor
@campanulae4 9 ай бұрын
You probably mentioned it in one of your videos: Your daughter was born 12/22.. when did you find out about your second metastasized cancer? I just suffered my second breast cancer (07/21 & 11/23), luckily no metastasis yet..
@carichaos1651 Жыл бұрын
What about Leukaemia? please advise! Anyone know if fasting is okay with leukaemia? I heard u need to eat frequent and small to keep nutrients flowing in blood.
@cristiandiaz6333 Жыл бұрын
Fasting from sugar (glucose) is probably the key as that is what cancer cells drive on (feed of). Fasting away from anything food or product that turns into sugar or has added sugar is the best thing a human being could do.
@richardcottone6620 Жыл бұрын
Every one of your videos, even when it a subject that had no baring on my situation, I found very interesting, and watched to the end
@sparrisen4881 Жыл бұрын
What is not stated is what type of fasting or how long is beneficial? My mom has colon cancer (not looking good) and we are looking into this.
3 DAY WATER FASTING---Clean the brain and reset your Energy.
Dr. Jin W. Sung
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