I spent a couple of hours with this Lab, it was fun configuring the switch, resistor and the code, for some reason in the simulator the GPIO register had garbage, I had to use "CLRF GPIO" to clean it. I learned a lot, thanks a lot, Happy Holidays
@GNLProject-yp8po29 күн бұрын
Great! I’m glad you learned a lot. Maybe your experience with GPIO register will help others. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy working with these simple systems and at the assembly level. I think it helps one appreciate how the more complicated microcontrollers and computers work.
@emilio588629 күн бұрын
@@GNLProject-yp8po I'm also enjoying it, I want to specialize in PIC microcontrollers, get to know the entire PIC family, from the least powerful to the most powerful PIC, I hope you can continue uploading material about this.