PICK A CARD 🔮 Guidance From Your Spirit Guides 💎

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Lexi The Leo

Lexi The Leo

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@divine_love_magician 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3. The 5-year-old me is so pissed and angry. She just can't understand why her father gave love to her younger sister but not her. She has been working so hard but it never was good enough for him. He always was distant, avoidant, angry with her because no matter what she did, how much she did - he never gave her love. He didn't understand her why she always was annoyed, frustrated, dissatisfied. I as an adult me still try to please older men, yet I am so angry with myself for doing this, why I still keep finding myself in work environments where I have to work so hard, to be accepted, validated, yet it never is good enough. And I feel angry at myself for doing so. I really feel I would benefit from a message from my inner girl, so I would truly appreciate a reading on this, Lexi! Thank you so much for being an open channel and my spiritual bestie. I love you
@divinesafespace 11 ай бұрын
i have the perfect shadow work prompt for Pile 3: “What expectations were put on you as a child, and how did this affect your sense of self and life choices?” i RAN to do this journal prompt before finishing the reading and MAN OH MAN it was everything i needed! thank you Lexi for guiding me to release that burden💛
@Katarinalukin 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for being you ❤
@EliV888 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3. It resonates so much. I left home last night because my mum practically told me she didn't love me anymore, if she ever did. I stopped giving her anything. I feel upset and I feel like she's made me feel crazy. I've never felt good enough for her. She's been horrible to me. I keep hearing "you're crazy' in my head as I look at what I don't like about her behaviour. It's heartbreaking to feel like your mum never loved you and only cared about herself and the fact I made her look good. It's strange that she thinks this way. I feel a confused by her at this moment. I am hoping to process all of this in a healthy way. I need to forgive myself for accepting this for so long. Thank you Lexi, you're so very beautiful
@sabrinas.8034 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2: sticking to my own frequency, exactly what I’m processing lately. I used to always say yes due to my childhood upbringing. I released a lot blockages over the last years, and now it feels like the end of the hard journey. There is only a little left of that fear of rejection. the integration process will surely take some months. I need to see that my fears don’t come true, or if ppl reject me they are the wrong ppl in first place. Uh, and changing my morning routines: feeling into what’s up in me and molding the day around my needs is sth im also leaning. I often start shaming myself when I’m not productive enough. It’s hard for me to acknowledge a slower day… Thanks Lexi ❤
@yassskween9842 11 ай бұрын
This was an incredibly insightful reading. I picked pile 3 and this cycle has been so exhausting and I just want to be unstuck. I plan to go deeper in therapy but also hoping you can do a reading in what our inner child wants us to look at right now and what it needs at this time! Thanks Lexi Additionally, if anyone here resonates with pile 3, please read the book ‘The Summons of love’. It is incredibly illuminating
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
Inner child reading seems the most fitting so far so will do one of these soon, thank you 🫂💛
@andreeailie9053 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this recommendation 🐱🐈❤❤
@chenoapollard4980 11 ай бұрын
Yay! I found the book on my local library app!😊 Thank you for the recommendation.
@happyhippytarot5248 11 ай бұрын
I wish more people thought like you the world would be a better place
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
@Natali-Unicorn_Vibes 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3: Omg Lexi I cried so much listening to your message… Exactly how I’m feeling and how the emotions came up entering the New Year. Definitely a reading on healing my inner child or what my inner child would to tell me. 🙏🏼💜💫 Thank you so much for your messages! They always help me through my difficult emotions ✨
@taylarbarganier643 11 ай бұрын
I would actually like an inner child or how to heal it reading. Or let go of it. Thank you, Lexi, for the reading! #3
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
Noted 📝 💛💛
@RippleDrop. 11 ай бұрын
Inner child healing is a long process and psychotherapy really helps in individuation which is the key to mental health
@taylarbarganier643 11 ай бұрын
@@RippleDrop. thank you for that, I'm actually doing therapy right now, and so I've come to realize how long of a process it would be. Although it'll be a process of learning more about me.
@sarahskinner4283 11 ай бұрын
You don't need a reading, its forgiveness
@decosta1 11 ай бұрын
@@sarahskinner4283 yes but the reading would be how to forgive since everyone is different
@n1313_ 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1: I’ve been having a career crisis and this brought me so much hope, I intuitively felt called to wear amethyst before the reading and my affirmation app literally said ‘youre not stuck, you’re getting ready to bloom” during the reading. This is amazing thank you ❤
@AOAO1010 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 perfect. Exactly what i am living❤
@lunajademagic 11 ай бұрын
pile 3 was so accurate for me. i’ve been trying to let go of this for almost a decade at this point and i’m very over it lol. a “why can’t i let go of this situation” reading would be really good! thank you for your energy! 🙏🏻💖
@mahsatr7774 11 ай бұрын
You are an amazing tarot reader ❤ thank you so much for sharing your gift with us❤
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
You’re so welcome 🫂💛💛
@Jenn_KittyThe3rd 11 ай бұрын
Omg Lexi, pile 2 just started and I get it! The peter pan/shadow mist/water. Also then with the adjusting your environment to help you ground. These are for me. I've been made aware I'm too in my Crown and 3rd eye, and NEED to ground to help me get things going in the 3d that I have to do (goals). It's very hard for me. So they've been telling me I need to ground, get into my root chakra, and to change and adjust my environment to help me feel more in the 3d. Your readings are always great, thank you!
@ParwinclaudiaHadinia 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 ❤ 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much dear Lexi A Parental reading would maybe help to clear further ✌️💓
@sharonbucci1337 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Lexi, I also see Father / Daughter interactions in movies or TV shows and feel a deep sense of grief. I sat on the floor last year and cried for the first time acknowledging that I never got to experience the feeling of safety as a girl or as a woman of having a Father care for and protect me. Something more difficult to acknowledge and am still working through is the Mother / Daughter wounds, just wanted to mention as I know for me at least this is something I still experience a lot of denial about. Inner child readings as suggested would be appreciated xx
@sherryharrison2222 11 ай бұрын
#3 This is so right on! I see I do need help purging, although I keep trying!
@juanitarose7875 11 ай бұрын
I chose 3 & I feel there is definitely something stuck in the unseen , have been doing child healing already but sometimes still feel the abandonment come up & looking forward to finding the right technique that pulls it up🙏🏼Ty for your love and insightful intuitive messages. Your such a bright light in my path 💕
@debragrace8905 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 It’s so frustrating, specially when’s it’s been years of purging and healing. It makes me want to give up. It’s like constantly being told you aren’t doing it right, you’re not doing it good enough. And then I get frustrated and angry
@TheRainbowFrequency 5 ай бұрын
Pile 3. Thank you. A huge part of my healing journey has been to be my own parent and let go of the pain of not having that support as a child.
@karenmorris5837 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2: Last night I had a complete mental breakdown was sitting in a lot of fear based emotions. Thankfully, I've learned to listen to 528 Hz cleansing music and images of oceans to help me get through it. And then seeing this reading pop up, I haven't discovered you before now, but I'm so thankful because pile 2 was so accurate. (aquarius sun and scorpio moon, so yes, misty indeed LOL) I live with my brother and we are both going through a hard time but I'm dealing with things in a more positive way ie: feelings and healing, trying to ground and not let it keep me low. While he is still in this 'f' the world, very low and negative type feeling. I love my brother and want to be there for him, but I'm realizing that somehow I'm picking up his energy when he is dumping his trauma onto me and it's affecting me more then I realize. I am an empathic person who can't help but mirror other peoples energies, so when you mentioned that I tailor myself to suit other peoples needs, it hit so strong and true. Truth is that I want to help others get through their trauma but because I am this empathic (I compare myself to a walking black tourmaline, it sucks sometimes, lol) it can be difficult to decipher what is my true energy and what is someone else's fear. I definitely need to create a daily routine where I can shed all of the outside energies that attract onto me and get back to my core energy. Your message resonated so well, thank you for describing and giving me this message. I will take the advice and make it a practice and just subscribed to your channel! TYSM!
@taylorstorm4685 7 ай бұрын
Pile number 3: the way the reading has just started and I’m already like 😳 I don’t think you realise how on point you are
@kristinam6367 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for pile number 3, Lexi. I connected so well to your story, and I often find resonance with your energy. Being a fellow Aquarius moon, it’s such a hard placement for childhood trauma. I’m still releasing anger towards my father for being emotionally unavailable, unintentionally abusive and making me grow up way too quickly after my mother passing away when I was younger. I’ve realized recently that I have never felt unconditional love from my environment, and it wasn’t until last year that I started to look deep within and realize how wounded I really am. A lot of shadow work later, I’ve healed the worst but still have ways to go. Thank you, this message provided me with the encouragement to keep healing it because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel ✨🤍 lots of love to you! Btw I would love a reading about that one blind spot/what I’m not seeing in regards to inner child or repeating patterns because it’s so hard to see the core wound and I feel like I’m spinning in circles a lot trying to pin point it.
@mindsetcoachingwithgenelle 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Lexi for the messages 😊 felt drawn to piles 1 & 3 ❤ many blessings to you
@bonillaana25 11 ай бұрын
#3 🤍 - I appreciate you.
@katiekwan6281 11 ай бұрын
pile 1, thank you
@hildegardkleinschrodt6592 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3. Lovely Lexi, thank you so much for sharing your story. It really helped me to understand a life long challenge! Much love 💖
@Opale90 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 - would like a reading on how to purge residual feelings from a connection that is no longer serving us. Thank you always for your wise insights 💛
@kbunny00 11 ай бұрын
pile #2 is EXACTLY what i’m going through right now. i keep nodding vigorously through listening lol. thank you 🥺
@peacelovelighttarot 11 ай бұрын
How to heal abandonment issues-it’s definitely parents-it’s also about role reversal that’s happening as well since I’m know caring for my mum pile-3! Thank you Lexi
@sashabenitez5992 11 ай бұрын
“How I can let go of this person” would be so powerful for me right and others as well! ❤ i second the inner child one it’s hard to pick between those two
@Nocturnal_Lorena 11 ай бұрын
#2. This has begun to happen & I was feeling so confused. Thank you so much! 🌸🤍
@rashikaagarwal3623 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3....❤❤ Yes you are so on point lexi ....would love an inner child healing video because i have been purging and clearing for long.
@missjodie9732 11 ай бұрын
Omg thank you Lexi. I been struggling for 3 years and you finally gave me the answers I need. Bless you🌹🦋
@GuidedbyHeartSong 11 ай бұрын
1~ I can't even tell you how many syncs are in this reading! Thank You, Love! Thank You Spirit! Happy, Blessed 2024 to All! 🙏🏽💙💙💙💙💜🌎🕊️
@vickihudson1711 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1; my transformation has been happening for some time, lots of healing, becoming more of who I was all along. I know the things that bring me joy very well. My love, my escape and my healer is creating. Putting my heart into something artistic that brings my soul into light. My career, which I chose as a single mother 40 years ago has been wonderful, stressful, and lucrative. I've continued to do this work because it's so broad. I've been able to learn so much and meet so many terrific people while traveling this world of ours. I became a global citizen. But I'm beginning to see a connection, a collection really, of all of the skills and talents I have in business. In facilitating behavior change in a corporate environment. In collaborating in a culturally diverse groups of people to deliver together successfully. And my artistic world after work. My healing art sessions. There hasn't been a single artistic medium that I have found interesting that I haven't dived into just to understand more. So marrying this set of people and business skills with a passion for helping others succeed and Art and the need of my heart to create. To bare my soul so that others can see what is possible if you vow to always follow the light Blessings
@decosta1 11 ай бұрын
pile 3. youre so gifted at this Lexi. thank you for your service!
@tallulahadams7683 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 - I’ve been feeling off, wanting to cry but couldn’t and didn’t know why. But I cried so much with this read. I’m in a relationship-less marriage, living in 2-bedrooms with him and the kids in my parents’ home for 20 years. Just lost my job and searching for a new one. Then shortly after, I had an operation, now recuperating from it with water shingles while having my menses… Ugh. I have been thinking about many things but with the read, I understand my need for my own comfort and to be comforted. And it is true, it is from childhood. Even while I go through all these, my parents are more concerned about others. The same with my husband who has always been least concerned about me - no difference even after telling him to just end the marriage. He’s even pretending the conversation never happened. Even on leaving will need more logic than to just leave without a job. But I kept wondering why I keep looking back when I already understand my worth. Thank you Lexi. Please do the follow up reads. It would be very helpful.
@chenoapollard4980 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3: This was spot on. Can you do a “what does your inner child want you to know?”
@andreeailie9053 11 ай бұрын
Pile#3 Happy New Year 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊, dear Lexy 🌹🌹💐💐 2024 is already here and feeling the energies shifting 😊😊 Thank you for this reading 🥀🥀🥀🥀 Through time and after doing a lot of inner work and healing I have learnt and accepted that everything I went through - including lack of love doesn't represent me and I poured into myself first and that they have their own shadows to face that have nothing to do with me 😊😊 Thank you for your personal confession, Lexy. It really helps 😊😊❤❤ " I begin with Love, I end with Love" 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
@rosevillar9827 11 ай бұрын
Pile3: your right, I had to parent my own parents I had no support. I want to finish the spiral with my mom!! I still want her approval. But I'm slowly removing my attachments with her but yes a lot of layers. Im working on passion thats reiki treatment, no support just looked down upon no effort but she wants me to give her my energy. Im slowly detaching the idea and illusions that my mom has put in our relationship, she cant or wont see me for who i am at this moment. So I'm talking and slowly healing my inner child that's mourning and wanting the approval and turning to approve myself, value myself and give myself the self 💕
@alba_speculi 11 ай бұрын
pile 2. Hekate. for me at least 😊 Happy New Year honey!!! ❤❤❤ 🎉 thank you for everything. God bless you 🙏 ❤
@bethan3747 11 ай бұрын
you are such a special soul Lexi, thank you for holding such a warm space for something so heavy to come through, we are such WARRIORS in our softness
@reim8203 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1 and 3 really hits, thank you Lexi. You've given me a lot to think about
@ruenxinchow9500 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3- OMG. Lexi, can you do a pick a card on what past life wound I need to heal?
@mornasaoirse1366 11 ай бұрын
Smoky quartz. I woke up this morning, feeling in a daze, feeling so incredibly sad. You put words on my sadness, Lexi...Thank you❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍
@mysticmagictarot 11 ай бұрын
Wow pile 3 is sooo relevant for me right now, literally have been so frustrated the last few days and have been so tired of being stuck in the same cycle, even though I know I'm making progress. I've been wanting to have a cry but it hasn't fully come out yet. Thank you so so much for the confirmation and messages ❤
@He.is.my.shepherd 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for seeing me, Lexi. Happiest New Year to you and your dear ones 🌟💖
@carolynlanierroberts265 11 ай бұрын
WOW! Total and Complete YES for Pile 2. I KNEW ALOT of this, but the Broken Down SO RESONANT Steps and the Precise Phrasing of My Life as a Child and When I was Younger that I have FINALLY Learned about Me Now at a Beautiful 56 is Such a Blessing in this Unprecedented NOW. I feeel the Phases of transition you mentioned are Also Fluid for Me. Thank You, Blessed Soul, Lexi. I hope your Holiday Season and New Years was Ammmazzing and that you SEE Love in Every Eye and Feel Joy with SO Many Breaths❤️😀❤️
@koryclement4098 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Lexi - Pile 3 here. Beautiful and tender reading. Thank you.
@arwenanduin 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3: thought I'd been healing this till you said we could be looking for what we needed from our parents in others--wow, that explains preoccupations with certain people, the way I fantasize relationships, why they don't work...Like others here, I'd like to hear more. MORE in my case: my parents have both passed away in the past couple years. 😢
@maisiek109 11 ай бұрын
Hi Lexi I love your readings so much💗💗 if possible maybe a reading about letting go and releasing the past or a reading about like what to do when you miss a toxic relationship not necessarily romantic but just anything you had to walk away from but you still miss them 🤍 thank you🙏🏾💗
@KayoYuuki 11 ай бұрын
Wow pile 3 was so on point it was actually scary haha, when you mentioned a person I said out loud "yeah I get mad, it's been years, I'm over this" and you said "even if it been years, feel it, don't judge it" I'm shook, ty
@TraceyT-r3h 11 ай бұрын
I clicked #3 so fast lol ❤ Thank you Lexi
@misaki9167 11 ай бұрын
Happy New Year Lexi, best wishes !! Pile 3. Thank you so much lexi !! ❤ I was crying all the way through the reading...i paused to process few things, it made me realise why am so afraid of allowing people back into my life , how even though there is so much love for a person,it was still making me sad and icky ...i couldn't tell why, until i realised oh!! This person never honored me. The sadness is cmng from a part where i wished they behaved diffrntly, but they r no different after all and i just didn't want to accept that.
@SophRose1 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2 + 3 ❤❤❤ I asked my Higher Self for answers yesterday and they were in this reading. You’re such a beautiful soul Lex. Thank you so much for all your readings. Thank you for sharing your story with your Father. I was crying with you. I also have inner child / father wounds too that i am healing. Sending you lots of love 💕
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
You are so welcome, I am so glad you got what you needed from the reading. Sending so much love & thank you for your kind words 🫂💛💛💛💛
@saturnroyalty 11 ай бұрын
pile 3 - yep. on point 1000%.
@freespiritwaywellnessandka195 11 ай бұрын
Perfect!! Sending so Much Love 😊
@bratbarbie444 11 ай бұрын
pile 3 - so far the reading resonates ( not done) but I would love the shadow/parent/innerchild reading
@chandnipatel9032 11 ай бұрын
this literally made my day omg. You have no idea how much comfort and healing your uploads give me. Even on my worst days, your voice and energy are so therapeutic🪷🥹
@Alexia55131 11 ай бұрын
Hey Lexi ! I feel like you're talking about the Hadarian beings for pile. Sending you love 💚🎀🍀✨
@vasanthahemachandran8998 11 ай бұрын
You are amazing Lexi...that's all l can say❤❤❤
@lilithjesus7718 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1... clear ... essential.... thank you 🙏
@JazminRamirez-gv7hf 11 ай бұрын
How to heal the inner child wound I have ❤
@nicolebillard6929 11 ай бұрын
Went to go finish the last reading and this one popped up instead. Pile 3 …. I’m speechless, I’m in tears… I started doing shadow work and i realized the wound started as a child and shocked me and you just confirmed it. I always thought it was other trauma but deep down it really wasn’t . Thank you so much for the confirmation and bringing more thought of why. And please yes do another reading if you have time . If you could do something as to “why didnt you protect me when I was a child and why didn’t you show me love, why couldn’t you see the pain I was in…….. something around those things would be amazing! I’m so happy I clicked this reading before work going to work today it brought pain but also I feel a little more free
@fleuveyushan 11 ай бұрын
2 Listen to myself in the morning
@Divinetiming444 11 ай бұрын
Pile #2. Thank you Lexi 💛✨️
@Divinetiming444 11 ай бұрын
Spot on ♡
@Pam_Healing 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2 was so on point! 🙏 thanks so much 💖🌈✨🕉️
@sheapila 11 ай бұрын
pile 2&3.... MAHALO lexi for this, this was really needed and i didnt even know it was...ive been getting these certain answers from readings on KZbin and they were almost all saying the same thing "u need to let go of your ex and what happened so u can move on to better things" and i kept saying "wtf? i know im not in love with my ex anymore and actually could care less about whats going on with him or what went on with him, any of it, idc" BUT, now i see why because of this reading, u just changed the game Lexi, with all this beautiful info in pile 3...it didnt have anything to do with my ex, and everything to do with abandonment issues from a child, and not feeling good enough for my parents, and that trickled into my relationships, especially my last relationship because i felt abandoned in a sense, AND my ex chose drugs over me and actually so did my mother when i was younger, i just now realized that...hmmm. my mom chose drugs, and my father passed away from cancer when i was 15 after battling it for 8 years, so i went through alot from such a young age, and idk why ive given myself such a hard time from all of this...its like, when were children and we feel rejected, we can insert so many reasons why were not enough for someone, when it had nothing to do with us. i would actually love to help kids with this somehow...(as soon as i feel healed enough too) seriously though, kids need someone to tell them that it wasnt their fault, its actually no ones fault, just people who are dealing with their own issues and dont know how to do in a healthy way because they were never taught either so then the kids get to figure out why they werent enough when its really the parents who felt that way as well and sometimes they dont realize that their children are blaming themselves for their issues, and its creating the very same cycle that started all of this in the 1st place. ahhh! i feel like u cracked the code Lexi, and life will never be the same now. (thank God) 🙌🏼 i wanted to ask u if u could do a reading on or about re-parenting yourself, or....what type of things did our parents go through or even grandparents, like where or when did this pattern begin? and how do we make it end with us? how can we not do what our parents did so we don't repeat the same cycle? idk, im sure anything around this topic would be great...thank u SO much again Lexi for all your beautiful advice, its so appreciated, and im sending u my love to u wherever it helps the most...🙏🏼🕊️
@RS-xu3he 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1. Loved it. It's always such a relief when you post a reading. I especially like these types of readings. I'm at the point where I don't care what others think about me!😂😅. Yay! More interested in my journey. ❤
@july6152 11 ай бұрын
I swear this was exactly on time and what i needed Thank you lex
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
You’re welcome!! 💛💛💛
@DyannaDD 11 ай бұрын
Pule 2: thank you so much Lexi! So accurate♥️
@AquatheEmpress 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3 and I just want to do everything I possibility can to never have to feel his energy again
@TheRainbowMagi 11 ай бұрын
pile 2: the letter H could be referencing the rune hagalaz; the rune of disruption.
@CandiseGraham1996 10 ай бұрын
I picked pile 3 & I feel like I’m really going through something that’s heartbreaking. It’s hard for me to open up about it in this comment section but I acknowledge the wounds and the parts of me that need healing now. I didn’t see it at first. All I’m going to say is that this is ancestral trauma. I hope and wish one day that I get out of this cycle because I’m tired of it.
@butterflieswithfrankYnKellee 11 ай бұрын
@Pocahonneii 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2.. I’m not done with the reading yet but you should have seen my face when you said ..” I don’t subscribe to that..” I’ve been saying that anytime someone says something I don’t energetically want to accept as my own truth. 😮 I’ve even said “that’s my knew saying “ wow ! I love how you’re literally always spot on
@bcvc3365 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Sister 🦁🦁 so very helpful!
@StarAlchemy 11 ай бұрын
Yessss Lexi Pooh right on time as always mama.✨🧚🏽
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
@britiroy9758 11 ай бұрын
2 ♡ Can't describe how accurate this is! 🌺🐚
@shiram88 11 ай бұрын
Thank you always, Lexi! ❤❤❤
@LexiTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
You’re welcome 💛💛
@psychfred 11 ай бұрын
5 months/May can be Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, moving from more stuck energies to quick multi pronged energy that is really fast and movable.
@transmutaroted 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Lexi ❤❤❤ pile 2
@alisonnichola88 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this accurate reading Lexi😊❤
@Pvongvisay 11 ай бұрын
Inner child reading please. Sending you love and kindness. ❤❤❤
@reim8203 11 ай бұрын
Pile 1 and 3 thank you
@karissarobinson1892 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2 omg!! Lexi so much wisdom😅 I got some healing to do on my abandonment issues and distant father issues and trying to heal through another. I actually thought that’s how it worked. But I’m done w emotionally available men. It’s all I have experienced but others get different sides of men! I want the opposite so badly I want to heal this with on me. ❤🙏🏾✨💜🙌🏾🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
@C.C.369 11 ай бұрын
"Every journey starts with a single step. Come to life sacred fool." Love the LotR sound of that! 🥰✨ I think I'm going to write it on my January calendar page 🤍🌈 Love you Lexi! HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉💕✨
@oracle_guidance 11 ай бұрын
Pile 2. Recently pulled a card about AA Hilarion which I wasn't too familiar with
@thechanneledhealer 11 ай бұрын
Hi Lexi, could pile number 2, 'the H beings' be Hadar? ☺️
@rickadawn92 11 ай бұрын
Wow! You nailed me with pile ❤❤.I keep distracting myself while listening because I guess I didn’t really want to hear it I guess to not cry or not to fully download it, because it’s just gonna send me into a sad spiral. Because it is confirmation I’ve been so fucking annoyed with other people, and literally like everything but it’s because I have been refusing to listen to myself. Thank you!❤
@Geeo_561 11 ай бұрын
Coming from Pile 3 😭 thank you so much, bawled as usual! I love when you say alright trigger warning we’re going deep lol. These readings of yours have been so powerfully healing for me. The higher self of your mother one did more to help release and forgive her than anything I had tried. Also, even though I’m Australian my Dad is from the UK and I know you’re Welsh but your accent is similar to my ancestors so it all feels extra healing 🦋 Going back and forth with a toxic ex right now, feeling the deeper thread ready to break and knowing I have to go purge some ancient pain. So don’t want to 😂 But if I don’t I’ll just go and seek the same person out in a different body! I’ve just found your inner teenager reading so will do that one 🫶🏼 maybe a reading on how can I receive nurturing better or just understanding worth and love properly maybe? Childhood trauma/narc/emotionally immature parents and the relationships we form after that are a real minefield to heal from. I really appreciate your readings and the fact that you really truly GET IT. 🤍
@deepas4860 11 ай бұрын
Pile #3 🌸🙏🌸...I'm feeling a lot of anger whenever I think of childhood traumatic memories. Just why? And it's been so long, wish the pain would go away.
@SophRose1 11 ай бұрын
Totally resonated with this comment ! I find doing deep dive breathwork or energy healing with setting the intention to really feel and release all the feelings. For example locate the place in your body that you can feel it (anger, sadness etc) and then once you have located it within your body, really feel into it and then I can generally cry and release it. It’s past Energy stuck in our bodies. It may take a few times but it definitely works. Hope this helps ❤
@deepas4860 11 ай бұрын
​@@SophRose1Thank you sister I will try this, sounds promising. Have to overcome some resistance to feeling into it, but what else can you do.
@angelasamuels9037 11 ай бұрын
Hi lexi and everyone reading this i choose pile 3 and it resonated i have been working on my inner child for a good while then i started working on other things every now and then i go bk to working on my inner child just incase i need it and dont realise i do i spent a lot of time healung and parenting myself has i didn't get the care and love i should have when i was a child infact quite the opposite has a result i had trauma resulting from sexual abuse and lack of parenting which played in to my life all of my life and i couldn't understand why certain things happened or why i felt the way u did or being angry and it being pointed out ti me i steuggled with relationships i was always the giver didnt even realise i was over giving,it wasn't untill i met my TF and boy did he mirror things bk to me which made me look at him and think ur just like my BF i dont want you when un actual fact i still had wounds from childhood and from my BF i also mirrored bk to my TF and now hes in the same place he left me,bottom line i now know it wasnt my fault i am good enough and i have done alot of crying un the past i am done crying over the past and i continue to work on myself eveyday and give thanks that i met my TF b,cus i have changed and stull changing its been 3half years since ive been on my spiritual path and its the best thing that happened to me meeting my TF has been the making of me,i will cintinue ti wirk in beciming the very best version of myself and meditate release heal and ckear out all rhat no longer serves me so i am happy for any help surroundung childhood trauma,releasing letting go,i am in a better place now but frim tume ti time he pops up and i wasnt sure if that was b,cus hes thinking about me or not adter listening ti pile 3 i might still have deep seated feelung ti heal so thank u for everything u do for us we r blessed to have u beautiful soul and to all reading ur also beautiful souls u should be proud of urself for how far u have come 💯we got this ❤an☀️🌟⭐✨
@harrietpeabody2118 11 ай бұрын
Thank you beautiful soul 🍄
@alexandranumajeanlouis7347 11 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@pcyforlife882 11 ай бұрын
Pile 3❤ inner child reading pls
@Khushi-ve3bx 11 ай бұрын
Hey Lex! This was such a magical reading thank youuuu 💜✨️
@rosepriestesspath333 11 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ Thank you
@ingelafromukotic5552 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for pile 2, such a beautiful Reading and confirmation 🥰🙏🏻🌟💖🌸
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