Рет қаралды 93,917
pArT 3 iS oUt YaY
And yesh, it took 2 months for me to post this.
Well that's because I don't work on it everyday and because of online class, video-chatting with friends and stuff.
There will be Part 4 because there are some dares that haven't been done yet- rEaSoN iS aT tHe EnD oF tHe ViDeO
For some reason I kinda like this dare video among the three- iDk wHy Is It BeCaUsE iT iS gAcHa ClUb???
tHaNk YoU fOr AlMoSt 12k SuBsCrIbErS
aNd I kNoW i TyPe LiKe ThIs A lOt
LiKe WhAt My FrIeNd SaId, I'm ThE “CeO oF dRuNk KeYboArD” 🤣
oKi I'm DoNe
ThAnK yOu AnD gOoDbYe
Roblox Username: ITz_Yeji19