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When they RAGE SO HARD they forget how to play - Salt Mines #42 | StarCraft 2

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@theelusivepyroshark5119 Жыл бұрын
"You call this Starcraft" had me absolutely rolling, there are people who've never even seen a game of Starcraft but still know what a Zerg rush is. Nizahe faced the epitome of Starcraft and questioned it's validity, utterly brilliant.
@guyinthechat9533 Жыл бұрын
Found the Gold Zerg
@theelusivepyroshark5119 Жыл бұрын
@@guyinthechat9533 Try wood Zerg. (I don't play SC2)
@ZerglingLover 11 ай бұрын
@@guyinthechat9533found Nizahe
@ErenisRanitos Жыл бұрын
I just love Salt mines PiG, thank you for making them ❤😀
@PiGstarcraft Жыл бұрын
Glad you're liking then, thanks so much for the support mate!
@HappyTwoBe 2 ай бұрын
Salt mines is everything that is right and wrong about the human species. Right for you calling them out, wrong for the salt feeders being such incredibly useless creatures. I'll happily continue to stick my probiscis into the salty sweetness of the mines.
@plunderersparadise Жыл бұрын
It was a top tier experience of watching two silver players microing the prism and thor at all cost while being on 1 base (both proxied buildings), and still one of them was crying about the a-move which he was, in fact, a-moving the scvs lololol
@andreipetrenko2422 21 күн бұрын
The passage about Olympics, doing weird stuff, Australia and raging afterwards aged unbelievably well. :)
@tuliusndcoolius794 Жыл бұрын
When the first game said "I main T", my mind immediately went to the grid system and how T is the attack move there XD
@sakesaurus 10 ай бұрын
t to attack command is crap. But i fixed it. It's Tab for me
@TheSpiritualCamp Жыл бұрын
"Avarice" is French for greed, or stinginess. Kind of an appropriate nickname...
@giuseppebonatici7169 Жыл бұрын
avarice is English for avarice: extreme materialistic greed.
@Ashnagarr618 Жыл бұрын
@@giuseppebonatici7169 Guess from where the english word comes from. 🧠
@giuseppebonatici7169 Жыл бұрын
@@Ashnagarr618 not really, that would be second ancestor, the root is avaritia, latin, the direct ancestor is middle english, avarice.
@SteamPaladin Жыл бұрын
@@giuseppebonatici7169 dude stop pretending like you're smarter than everyone else just because you can say the same thing just with more words
@aDeprivedSeal Жыл бұрын
From that one zerg mission on the protoss ship, they kept all kinds of pets on that ship.
@MaiAolei Жыл бұрын
8:11 Why send three probes? The answer is in the player's name. Avarice is a fancy word for greed, so one probe naturally is not enough.
@sideways5153 Жыл бұрын
“Do Protoss have pets?” Isn’t a question I predicted would distract me for the whole video, but now I can’t stop thinking about it lol
@worshaka Жыл бұрын
I think there is a difference between being an angry gamer when your rage is directed at yourself for playing poorly/not well enough vs placing the blame for your loss on the opponent or worse, accusing it being all game imbalance.
@fenrack5269 11 ай бұрын
What I love the most about the first game is how the Terran whines about Toss being the A move race and then only build units that he didnt micro at all, while the Toss was dancing around with the Immortals and the prism.
@drewskiwest5284 5 ай бұрын
12:23 my favorite word too PiG; even though i'm not Aussie, C (runt) and F (bomb) are tied for #1 favorite word.
@TripWithTheMoon Жыл бұрын
I love that double proxy robo so much. That inspired me. I'm going mining right now. Maybe I try that 1 Stalker into 1 Templar/Storm-Build from game two for a change ...
@TripWithTheMoon Жыл бұрын
I was digging deep. 4 hour laddering, burned 200 Bonuspool. Cheese every game. 4-gate-blink every toss, proxy double proxy robo every terran, slow zealot immortal every zerg - All I got was a single "g" and Nr 1 in my Division. ... not even a "macro god" ... those SC2-Players are made of stone - maybe next time ...
@mdspartan167 16 күн бұрын
That last one felt like I was watching a campaign mission where the ai zerg is just going to spam lings and the player misunderstood the mission.
@chickendoodles3566 Жыл бұрын
Was just getting snuggled in bed, and was dropped this gem. Thank you pig!
@xxxxSylphxxxx Жыл бұрын
I *love* how nice you're being - saying that you 'were saying those things in your head', to try to excuse raging players that type it in chat. Such positive vibes!
@piekielko2072 Жыл бұрын
I'm just an underhuman who lives in a tent inside a garage, in a tent so that spiders wouldn't eat me alive. Thanks Pig for being so balanced and understandable to all conditions. Thx
@WoobertAIO Жыл бұрын
That last one is the Canon PvZ experience right there.
@masquelecorrecteur4718 7 ай бұрын
More Salt Mines! My favorite content 😊
@Templarfreak Жыл бұрын
19:00 ah, this is an old classic build. it certainly got new life revitalized into it with all the LOTV economy changes, but back in even the Wings days this use to be a very newb-friendly build that people would tell you to do to help you learn the game. you explicitly dont even go for a queen, you _just_ want the extra hatcheries. the whole point of doing it is it's practice. practice for continuing to macro while looking away from home (you are told specifically to never look back at your base once you start the ling flood). it's practice for looking for opportunity to get your lings in. it's practice for using your lings smartly. it's practice for a lot of things as a Zerg. the goal isnt even necessarily to win or lose, just to keep going and going no matter what.
@sc2youtube744 Жыл бұрын
I think the reason why the zerg game is so frustrating is because the zerg guys strategy basically just relies entirely on your opponent being bad rather than the zerg being good.
@kingheenokgaming4783 Жыл бұрын
Damn why are these guys still playing this game. 2-3 army unit in 7 min min and flame. Total legend.
@theSpicyHam Жыл бұрын
careful, sometimes they really mean it lol
@matth1005 Жыл бұрын
Against protoss, "burn your family urubu" is devestating. They're very attached to their critters
@Synaux Жыл бұрын
Vanilla-salt casting the REAL underhumans 😂
@MegaOgrady Жыл бұрын
6 workers on minerals... reminds me of the old WoL days and the WoL campaign. God, the build up was excruciatingly slow.
@filthcauldron2441 Жыл бұрын
Yeeesssss!! Thanks for the sustenance, PiG
@drewskiwest5284 5 ай бұрын
15:05 -- man, during wc3 RoC and TFT - talking trash to my opponent WAS part of the main strat since i could type 240wpm with around 98-100% accuracy. so while they're trying to reply; i'm creepjacking them or harassing their wood workers, or their expo... or nuking their hero with coil/nova/focus fire. or chain lightning+shockwave+wyvern with psn upgrade focus fire. back when you could build altar/burrow on gold line and make 4 peons work at very fast movement, allowing you to put 5 on wood sometimes 6, upgrade to t2 get 2nd hero, 2 beastiaries and upgrade to t3. otw the t3 you'd get +1 ranged (for wyvs) build 6 wyvs and on the 5th wyv it'd be 5thwyv/poison upgrade and then 6th wyv before the 2nd day. then 7/8 wyv. RoC gave you SO MUCH gold for creepin, and exp. i played so much i memorized creep patterns of every race since i played random, had dedicated accounts to Random, Undead, Orc, Human, Newbelf. Had at least 2-3 different builds for EVERY match up. then when TFT came out i was hesitant for the longest time and by the time i got heavily into it, i was at 47-0 solo undead, at around 141-0 on my acct and in the #1 USEast clan (Clan GG) AT THE TIME and their shaman in the clan (it went TC> 5 shamans i think which tc/shamans could invite > peons aka members) their main shaman intentionally trolled me to make me lose... in a 2v2. kicked me from clan and then banned me from channel for unknown reasons.... my best guess is he thought i was a maphacker... cuz my all random account was rank 1 for 3 seasons in a row in 2v2 with 88% at lvl36, 86% lvl38 2nd season and 91% at lvl34 last season we played together since it'd take anywhere from 1hr to NEVER finding a match... due to patch 1.15 - when blizzard royally screwed up "Automated Match Making" aka AMM (your ladder level was how much exp you got from beating opponents with +/- 5 or 7 levels, you'd earn a LOT more exp the higher the opponents lvl was, conversely you'd lose a TON if you lost to an opponent with max lower level). you could even lose levels pre 1.15 so (release-1.14) AND during RoC/TFT- 1.14 you'd have to go 25-0 in solo for lvl10 after 1.15 released, it spawned "ladder abused" with their NEW ladder match making called "ELL" (Estimated Ladder Level based off your win/loss and blizz said they expected people to lose 50% of the time at all levels). however to get lvl10, you could win 4 games, lose 1 and it wouldn't take ANY exp. hell, you could make a new account and do what became "ladder abusing" by going 0-10 or 0-20 first then go ona 80 to 100 winstreak, then lose another 10 to 20 in a row, rinse/repeat. it got so bad the only people you could match in ladder were genuinely bad players since you were genuinely bad too (these were the people crying on forums when blizz HAD forums and forum MODS with an S, multiple ppl) they would complain about not being able to get past level fkn TWELVE! lvl12!!!! they blamed it on "smurfs" when in reality, they couldn't consistently win enough to get past 12. not smurfs. furthermore, the new ELL was torture. if you played normally and were a good player, you'd either 1) play the same half a dozen ppl and if you beat them consistently, they'd add you to friendlist to see when you're online and intentionally NOT search solo. or 2) you'd ALSO have to abuse ladder ELL in order to match random skilled opponents; you had no idea how skilled they were. finding maphackers was easier than the old way (watching replay and the opponent's click would put a red circle on your unit/building/hero through fog of war) post 1.15 it was easy cuz there was a program that tracked APM instead of he game like SC2 does, you'd have to download a 3rd party program to load replay into it and their apm would be in the 10s of thousands and higher. replay wise, they'd also ping your unit through fog of war but red circle was removed. even though they were clicking. but they'd ping location every time... i will also NEVER forgive blizzard for denying the infamous disc hack (disconnect/drop hack) that would disconnect opponent resulting in them losing and you winning they denied it for A DECADE before handing it off to activision and THEN said "yes it existed and probably still does." i remember so many iterations of hacks from my days of playing since release.. i think i played since 1.02 but i know for 100% fact i played competitively by 1.05 when people were still rushing into caster wars due to their armor type (they're all unarmored now instead of medium) as well as MASS Ancient of Wars that maintained fortified armor instead of heavy (which is super squishy when uprooted) and i'll always remember losing to it for the first time and i never laughed so hard cuz how can you be mad at such a wild strategy lolol. i got good with orc by going fs/tc/wyvs or in 2v2 i could do that with casters OR tauren/casters undead i'd either dreadlord/ghoul fast expand into mass ghoul/garg and fast creep to 6 for infernal. other undead strat was dk/lich fiend (sometimes fiend/garg with dl third hero for longer games and sometimes banshee for AMS against hu for slow/thunderbolt/blizzard/holy light) for human, everyone would go AM/footie/fast expand with militia, towers towers towers, til you switched to either rifle/caster, tri hero griffon, tri hero griffon/caster, tri hero caster/knight or mass towers take islands with mass towers and then mass tanks 3-3 upgrades against elf. they had no chance against it for the longest time until one of my main ladder "rivals" Beverage on USeast discovered how to beat it. as for newbelf strats: DH was almost ALWAYS starter hero, archers > rush to 6 for dh's meta ult. you could go potm (priestess) for ranged dmg aura or kotg (keeper of the grove) for hero focus fire with entangle. certain maps i could hit 6+ in less than 4min such as the map "legends" 4player with a health fountain mid with 3 red creep camps you could solo first nightfall due to shadowmeld. i'd mix it up sometimes with kotg or potm depending on opponents race. for treants/entangle or treants/thorns. then aura/fire arrow. sometimes you could throw in talons for faerie fire + cyclone heroes. or dryads to slow opponents and put poison that would tick to 1hp. i miss the real wc3 so much... TFT strats varied so much depending on patch and year so i won't bother trying to list those except for my undead build where i'd go DK/lich/naga siren with orb on lich , burrow upgrade on fiends, with stats 1 heal 1 mana, and 4 more for destoyer upgrade. in which an aussie who was able to go to tournaments said I STOLE FROM HIM but i never watched replays of other people only when i suspected maphackers... but to see these so-called "pros" play? nope. i beat philbot in ud mirror 1v1 1-0 cuz he wouldn't rematch and i playedon HIS server (USWest) i had a 497-0 tft undead acct on USWest that's how bad they were compared to USEast. oh and another reason blizz changed 1.14 match making to 1.15 ELL and beyond was because account level max was 50. ONLY KALIMDOR (ASIA) got to level 50 rank 1. europe was around 41-42? USEast was Beverage at 33 and i was at 26 and the people between Beverage and I were all banned from MH. so i could never match him in solo ladder and everyone below me refused to search to match me... was such an annoying season. I had lvl26 165w-22l as all random. Bev had lvl33 with 67% win
@madtree933 Жыл бұрын
Its funny to think the things people say to try to make one person feel bad arrive here and make thousands feel good.
@drewskiwest5284 5 ай бұрын
14:20 such a HUGE storm... if only he STFU and wasn't supply blocked while he cried about lag that was minutes ago... he could have EASILY saved that expo....
@drewskiwest5284 5 ай бұрын
11:34 showing up to a 100m race wearing high heels is what Avarice was doing and blamed the other runners for wearing proper racing attire. meanwhile he's also go leggings on and a dress.
@letopizdetz Жыл бұрын
I must admit I sometimes misclick the wall when that second wave of zerglings comes around and takes out the first gate. But i just GG and start a new game.
@timo539 Жыл бұрын
love salt mines! best content
@juny9445 Жыл бұрын
Time to get my sodioum
@glados4765 19 сағат бұрын
Bus guy wasnt wrong.
@Tu57y 3 ай бұрын
So basically SC2 consists of two aspects. 1 - You have Grand Masters that play politely like Scarlett, Reynor, Serral, Maru, Clem, etc... 2 - You have regular people good in the game but absolutely dreadful in real life, insulting each other thanks to the anonimity of the keyboard. I think I will keep playing the Campaign and matching the AI on versus mode. Very, very sad.
@Yungtskt 11 ай бұрын
Avaris is just cancer as a person. Kudos to him for still trying in a way.
@Bwizzie_Reborn Жыл бұрын
@pig , Your color commentary is so gorgeous Aussized
@presage23 Жыл бұрын
I bet the dude in the first game was getting wrecked by protoss all day long and by the time he got to that game he was full tilted lol.
@derekpinsonnault2902 Жыл бұрын
avarice is greed
@joaqueim5201 Жыл бұрын
Are we going to be seeing more matches with friendly foes?
@gcl2783 Жыл бұрын
PiG's videos are so broken. Just records it and then algorithm moves it right into our queue.
@RamesGamesLC 7 ай бұрын
Niz has what... Average over 800 mins and is doing nothing with them. Holds the slow ling all-in like 3 times and isn't building units. Fuck, cannons would have held too. As you said, this isn't about "meta" it's about knowing how to press buttons. I imagine they are staring at the screen like that meme of the dude who is staring and his veins start to pop out. Huuuuuuueeeeeeehhhhhhhhh angerrrrr.
@ooda4934 Жыл бұрын
salt mines woohoo
@witchdocta2300 Жыл бұрын
hahaha "the salt mines" wow dude that was the worst thing that could happen to a slave! hahaha, appropriate!
@stepanvejvoda2725 Жыл бұрын
feed the algorithm
@maximk9964 Жыл бұрын
Zerg using zerg rush strat?? That's not proper StarCraft!
@ShadowWilGames Жыл бұрын
What a salts XD.
@Barbarossa97 Жыл бұрын
@pauldorasil5114 11 ай бұрын
Scroogie vs Nizahe is the reason I don't play Protoss. Yes, it's a skill you can learn. But it's not a fun process to learn it. The dynamic in PvZ makes the game not very fun in my opinion. As Terran, I can wall off with depots and build hellions. So, the effort to defend a ling flood is the same as the effort to do a ling flood. But, as Protoss, you have to spend all this micro and resources on defending against something that takes very little effort for your opponent to perform. It's cool that some people like it. It's not my cup of tea. It will be unfortunate if this dynamic of flood vs wall carries into other RTS games in the future.
@bsiah9073 Жыл бұрын
Lol its true tho Nizahe defend sucks, no cannon no proper wall of with damage units, he has a stargate, why no void rays? lol
@eds7228 Жыл бұрын
I think youre kinda right pig but I know soooo many GM level players in loads of games (myself, sadly, included) who can be toxic af
@kurt7937 Жыл бұрын
man the thumbnail has to stop
@Gid-J Жыл бұрын
I'm not so sure you are the right person to be perpetuating the use of "Mald". Because bald people are beautiful. And you are becoming more beautiful every day.
@jsrodman Жыл бұрын
Yeah, not a big fan.
@allanshpeley4284 11 ай бұрын
Actually, it's ok. Much like the N word, the M word can only be said by those who are balding. That's our word.
@user-ur2kn5ur8g 10 ай бұрын
How can you get mad losing to anything? The only rules to any video game are written in the code or agreed on by the current players. Everything else is just BS.
@pehenry Жыл бұрын
0:56 - The question is, do you live amongst that “dirty” group or not? I bet you don’t. It’s easy to love sharks when you don’t swim the same waters.
@Rubycheckers 9 ай бұрын
True, calling someone prejudiced because they express themselves poorly is prejudice as well. We can all look at Sweden for a perfect example of what happens when you're too quick to call people racist. They regret it now, but regret won't make the gangs leave.
@pehenry 9 ай бұрын
@@Rubycheckers "gangs". Who comprises the "gangs"? Native Swedes? "Gangs" is a cope.
@n1mand Жыл бұрын
"This guy MALDED SO HARD they forget how to play" Why "they" and not "he"? I am not a native speaker.
@raleighj0 Жыл бұрын
“Guy” (at least in American) can be gender-neutral, and “they” is both gender-neutral plural and singular. We don’t know the player’s gender, and it doesn’t really matter, hence “they”
@n1mand Жыл бұрын
@@raleighj0 But isn't "they" only plural? Even when I ask google "they" is always plural. And seriously, a gamer that gets so angry and insults the opponent....I am pretty sure he is a dude.^^
@pearsauce6395 Жыл бұрын
"They" is not only plural, it's also singular
@2639theboss Жыл бұрын
"They" is referencing a group, which is singular (there's one group, obviously with multiple people but it's still one group) so it is interchangeable with other singular words like he or she. At least that's always been my perspective as an English speaker who's 20 years removed from grammar school.
@raleighj0 Жыл бұрын
@@n1mand you probably learned that in school (even I did), but colloquial English speakers use “they” in singular form all the time. Hopefully grammar books will catch up soon
@pauledwards2052 Жыл бұрын
Why do people complain about Protoss or Terran when Zerg exists. Like just stop fighting each other and focus on the real imba race.
@TriangleChloros Жыл бұрын
I don't think most people at this level have ever actually *seen* a zerg player.
@lolusuck386 Жыл бұрын
If you just macro, you can beat zerg pretty easily.
@artemis_fowl44hd92 Жыл бұрын
Most zergs in lower leagues don't know how to properly macro and thus either have way too many drones or way too many units and die.
@sc2youtube744 Жыл бұрын
Zerg is the hardest race by far... only imba at pro level
@Kerrigan-QOB Жыл бұрын
I cant be first comment so ill be 243th view
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