Also the military reforms of Shah Abbas of Persia are nice to cover. Hasn't been covered in KZbin
@pikeshotBattles4 жыл бұрын
I'm planning to make some episodes about Asia.
@MrRobfullarton4 жыл бұрын
Very good video! Christians betraying Christians is the reason for many a defeat of the western kingdoms! Hunyadi almost had the victory in the bag until the undisciplined Polish King Ladislaus made the fatal charge!!
@vanivanov95714 жыл бұрын
If the fool had just been patient, there was a chance to surround the Sultan and wipe out the Ottomans, too.... The sultan's heir was still a boy, and the empire might've collapsed if they had taken him out.
@pikeshotBattles4 жыл бұрын
I don't think they could have won, but if they just stopped there, they could have tried again the subsequent year against a much weakened and demoralized foe.
@ammarhaziq9193 жыл бұрын
Its unfair to treat King Wladyslaw like stupid/arragont protoganist and Hunyadi as main hero, history is written by victors or survivors, what we were told probably not true, i have asumption, Hunyadi probably responsible and he is the one that order that charge himself which took the King Wladdyslaw life, my asumption make sense because of few reason, 1st because of Wladyslaw behavior, even he was young and inexperience he was not known as hothead cavalry commander, as we know in previous war (the long march) Wladyslaw always follow and listen to Hunyadi's advice without any objection, so why change of heart and he suddenly become hothead and ignoring Hunyadi's advice at crucial moment ? 2nd because of that tactic always worked, tactic of charging with your special knights into enemy infantry when their morale is low is always worked in european battles, infacts most of them will probably flee and break formations even before the knights hits them, didnt work against Ottoman because they fill their mid line with high trained and discipline Janissary, they even trained to counter cavalry charge by enveloping and trap them after recieve charge, if Hunyadi was experience why did he order that charge? this leads us to last reason and very important one, 3rd because Hunyadi was not really experience in pitch battle against ottomans, most of victories hunyadi gains against Ottomans were ambush and siege relief, most of them were hits and run attacks, mostly not frontal attack battles, even then most ottoman armies that he beat were raiders akinji and very poor yaya infantry, only in long march war they face to face in frontal attack, but still his biggest victory were ambush, he still know nothing about janissaries before Varna, he studied ottoman warfare at Serbia few years before but ottoman armies had changed a lot since then, janissaries were very small and less-trained during the battle of Kosovo and Nicopolis, ottomans only begin to strenghten janissaries units into special elites soldier under Murad ii father, Mehmed i, they mostly used janissaries againsts other turks because their own soldier always rebel and switch side when fought against other fellow turks, thats why janissaries had secondary weapons like archers and muskets so they can counter turkic horse archers, little people knew about the new elite janissary role in battle, probably hunyadi himself also dont know until Varna.
@hiluminatul67504 жыл бұрын
You sir, just earned my subscription. Can't wait to watch your next video, and learn some history. Thank you!
@HansWurst15693 жыл бұрын
definitly subscribing after watching your italian wars docu. I'm studying to become a history teacher and will share your channel with my classmates :)
@maxmagnus37934 жыл бұрын
Very good video and nice to see lesser known history get its time in the spotlight!
@r-i57324 жыл бұрын
We were so close.
@MrRobfullarton4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that clown on the horse blew the plan for Hunyadi!
@jackbartle86083 жыл бұрын
6:30 "Yeah i'm just gonna bounce, ive done all I could,. Good luck with the rest tho, I'm sure y'all are going to be fine."
@damianb83223 жыл бұрын
Sultan Murad II and his advisers set a trap into which the Hungarians fell. After the unfortunate battle, no one could stop the Turks anymore, the fate of Constantinople and the Balkans was sealed. The Genoese in this war stood on the side of the Turks, and that was the decisive factor in the outcome of the war.
@xerxen1003 жыл бұрын
" no one could stop the Turks anymore" althought they stopped in 1456 for seven decades.
@florianpierredumont47753 жыл бұрын
I'm French and I'm very interested in central and eastern Europe's history. I realize that the best allie of the Ottomans was the division between christian kingdoms at the time. It is only when the Holy League entered the action that the Ottomans were almost thrown back to the sea.
@carlustin40343 жыл бұрын
There were many allies to the Ottoman invasion .Some were not even political .There was starvation in Europe because climate change and Bubonic plague (14th-15th). That decimated the population of Europe. It hit hard sedentary civilizations, farmers and cities. And affected less nomads. You right that there was a process that weakened centralized power. Especially in the Balkans. States fragmented. Schism also had a lot to do Catholiks treated Ortodox worse than Muslims. Even on this crusade, there was a Popes representative Juliani Chezarini. On their way to Varna tortured and even burned alive Bulgarian Orthodox Christians to force them to convert to Catholicism. Juliani Chezarini with some Burgundian knights o fought withn the right flang at the battle of Varna. They were the first not to follow the battle plan and fell in ambush and died. In 16th century there was different situation. But most of the time Western states allied with Ottomans to preserve their profitable business. The worst Western states come to was Berlin Congres from 1878. That was colonial interests agreement wich punished a lot the population on Balkans and Asia Minor as Eastern Mediterranean. Humanity still suffers from it..
@GM-os6fo3 жыл бұрын
Did u know that when hungary lost the battle of mohacs then the france king were the alli of ottoman turks.. Actually the france king called ottomans agains the habsburgs so on the way there they slaughtered the hungarians as well.
@florianpierredumont47753 жыл бұрын
@@GM-os6fo Yes, in France's history, Turkey and the Ottomans have been allies many times, against the Habsbourg dynasty. In fact, the only times when we, French, were at war against the Turks (I mean great wars, not rivalries, skirmishes or piracy), it was during the crusades, one or two times in the 14th century, one in the 17th, and then more or less nothing until WW1. From our prospective, Turks have often been our allies, or at least the ennemies of our ennemies.
@GM-os6fo3 жыл бұрын
@@florianpierredumont4775 and then you cut hungary on 10 pieces 200 years later,giving their land to your friends. This is why hungarians hate France. Lesson for today
@florianpierredumont47753 жыл бұрын
@@GM-os6fo Not the part of my country's history I'm proud of, I confess. I can understand why they feel angry. =(
@tamaspenzes7984 жыл бұрын
A vlahok mar csak ilyen megbizhatatlanok.
@xerxen1003 жыл бұрын
@Attila - Scythian, Hun, Avar, Hungarian Régen is kár volt...
@davidzoltan52634 жыл бұрын
Big thank you for your work, please continue! 🇭🇺👌💪
@aruhe66504 жыл бұрын
This is basically the prequel to the Renaissance/early modern period
@pikeshotBattles4 жыл бұрын
Yes. If the World doesn't end soon, I will cover everything from the 100 Years War to the French Revolution. (Plus a few other topics I find interesting).
@szalard4 жыл бұрын
When is the 3d part comming?
@MrRobfullarton4 жыл бұрын
Would you ever consider doing a video on the Spanish and English armadas, or Dutch revolt?
@tudorm68382 жыл бұрын
The Ottomans (Sultan Bayezid I the Lightning) lost the battle of Rovine in 1394/1395 "Although Wallachians pushed back the enemy, the Ottomans were able to defend their resulting position relying on the personal guard of the Sultan composed of Janissaries.". 18 years before this battle, Mircea the Elder's father was able to purchase thousands of fully equipped armor from the Venetian Republic (confirmed by the registers of the Venetian Republic), so I assume that Wallachia was in an era with good military capabilities.
@nathanruben-tv5lf5 ай бұрын
It was a skirmish, but sold as big battle...
@javierperalta76484 жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for Mohacs
@hagrid11234 жыл бұрын
Never clicked faster in my life.
@theredking42393 жыл бұрын
There was no Wallachian Army at Varna, only a brigade of 7,000 light cavalry. As such they had no place in the place in the line of battle. Initially they were held in reserve, then they were sent to raid the Ottoman camp, disrupting their supplies and distracting the Ottoman commanders. Plundering and raiding are easily confused, especially when one is looking to excuse the failure of a national hero.
@mgun25063 жыл бұрын
Yes, wallachian strory here is lie, they were just reserves irregulars left the field befire the war stated, and how is in the earh army would pillage the vanguard and left untouched, stupidy here, Ottoman army was around 20 000, not 50K, because of hestily forced marched, did pey 1 gold per soldier, it was trap to make Hunyady busy, and let Knights and king without experience fall second trap then left wing sipahies cosed the trap and anhilated the rest, when Hunyadi came back no army but just his units were left, he even did not look at back and galloped back to safety to Hungary non stop, sipahies and akincies at his heels, acoording Ottoman historians
@xerxen1003 жыл бұрын
@@mgun2506 Ottoman historians always lie...
@brancaleone88954 жыл бұрын
facepalm, just facepalm 7:15
@cengizsogutlu3 жыл бұрын
cool video damn so quality
@jakm12644 жыл бұрын
Władysław Warneńczyk - this is how we call this crusading king in Poland.
@ivanadamovic85843 жыл бұрын
Albanins,father of Đorđe Kastriot is barried in Hilandar.
@sadrashahin15324 жыл бұрын
Make a group on discord or telegram so we can have decent community
@lukalisjak21064 жыл бұрын
In 1444, Venice was already in control of Friuli (re: map).
@mrmr4464 жыл бұрын
This part of Europe infighting in the face of an outside threat is just the same as every other part of the world, whining about a lack of unity that never existed misses the point, each ruler just wanted to survive by any means necessary. They were as likely to be betrayed by other Christian princes as by the Ottomans, so why not take any offer of help no matter its' origin?
@vanivanov95714 жыл бұрын
Because they were Christian Princes, not Darwinist Princes. Sadly, they din't act accordingly.
@mrmr4464 жыл бұрын
They claimed to be Christian but they were princes and dukes first, there has never been unity between Christians, the same could be said of any faith, no reason why they would have been any different.
@vanivanov95714 жыл бұрын
@@mrmr446 Hence the disappointment.
@mrmr4464 жыл бұрын
@@vanivanov9571 Unrealistic to be disappointed by a myth to put it mildly.
@معرفةوترفيه-ت2ظ4 жыл бұрын
@@mrmr446 I see a similar "disappointment" from Muslims too when they realize Muslim rulers weren't this united front against Christians rulers they want them to be but in fact a deeply divided bunch full of infighting and betrayals with alliances that cross religious lines being very common if not the norm for most of history.
@tomytoma62873 жыл бұрын
in Wallachia they say an different kinda story then this
@carlustin40343 жыл бұрын
What is the Wallahian story?
@itarry43 жыл бұрын
@@carlustin4034 it's mo Pro Vlad. This bloke didn't treat him very well and obviously the side you're on decides what truth you use... However from a I've seen they have a decent point. This covers the history from the Wallachian side a bit more
@controlleddemolition91123 жыл бұрын
We know. One could hardly expect the Wallachians to say, of the battle at Varna, "We came, we looted, we went home and got drunk". For those looking for the "Wallachian POV", I think you can find some good films with eng subs here. There is one about Mircea the Wise, one about Vlad Tepes and one about Michael the Brave. A common theme in Wallachian historical dramas is, "never trust those scheming Holy Romans". They fought the Turks, but they trusted them more than their own "Christian allies".
@carlustin40343 жыл бұрын
@@controlleddemolition9112 Vlad here is the father of Vlad Dracula. Wallachian also had been vassals to Ottomans . In the siege of Viena 1683 Wallahians were part of Sultan's army. Also in the Balkan wars, they helped the Turks . In First Balkan war all ammunition and guns supply for Turkey was shipped through Romanian Port, Constantia. In Buccurest treathy they did not want Turkey so Turkey continued the war 2 months more against Bulgaria when Constantinopol treaty was signed. So not always Wallahians fought Turkey any many occasions were allies.
@controlleddemolition91123 жыл бұрын
@@carlustin4034 I'm aware that the Wallachians were often vassals and allies of the Ottomans. In "Mircea", we see that young Vlad becomes a 'hostage" in the Sultan's court and is treated well. Michael the Brave sought funding from the Sultan to gain power. In those Wallachian films, the Ottomans are generally depicted as "honorable" -- ie, if they made a deal, they would stick to it -- whereas there was little honor among the various factions within Wallachia who sought to oust Mircea or Vlad with help from Moldavia, Transylvania, Hungary, Poland and the other Holy Romans. People in the West have been deceived and conditioned to accept a narrative about "Christians vs Muslims" when the history and reality are so much more complex than that. Christians fought Christians and Muslims fought Muslims. It has always had much less to do with religion than some people believe.
@C0wb0yBebop3 жыл бұрын
It’s always been there: the greed of man which ruins alliances, battles and chances of victory. 2:05 Hunyadi, the Holy Roman Emperor, the Pope, Skanderbeg, the Genoese and Venetians, even the Romans were willing to help defeat Turkish hegemony. The timing was jut right as the Sultan had to deal with the Karaminids in Anatolia, removing his forces from Europe. The Sultan made Brankovitch a wealthy man and was able to get his Serbian dog to convince Hunyadi to back off from the campaign with land and estates. Once Hunyadi decided to be the richest man in Hungary he threw away the last alliance against the Turks. After this, the crusaders were defeated spectacularly at Varna, Constantinople fell, and the Turks destroyed Hungary later at the battle of Mohatch. If only Hunyadi hadn’t decided to take the money and estates....
@Raadpensionaris4 жыл бұрын
This explains EU4
This is the prequel DLC of EU4
@KosovanWarrior14 жыл бұрын
Hunyadi ❤️ Skanderbeg ❤️ What a story ❤️💪🏻
@nathanruben-tv5lf5 ай бұрын
Hunyari was a cockroach. He left the battlefield as soon as he saw the kinged killed with his cavallary on the second day of battle. The rest of the army in wagons did not know what was happening. They were slaughtered the next day. He could have inform the infantry, screened them and kept them from being massacred. He did the same in second battle of kosovo, left the infantry to the mercy of Ottomans. He was not a hero. Ottoman were not that crowded as well.
@oldgamer9992 Жыл бұрын
Why are you lying??
@hopeindarktimes95353 жыл бұрын
@alexandroschristou84393 жыл бұрын
Imagine how much different balkans would be today if serbs didnt draw back.. All together we would have won the Turks. Turks are the reason why we are so undeveloped today.. Our language, our music, our traditions, and for some of us, our religion is infuenced from them.
@pikeshotBattles3 жыл бұрын
Well that's a bit of wishful thinking... We would have needed leaders like Hunyadi all the way up to 1566 (Suleiman's death) to whether the storm.
@oldgamer9992 Жыл бұрын
Don't talk about honor Christian
@syedtahaahmed32083 жыл бұрын
Very bias video.
@paulsawatzke294 жыл бұрын
@GwapitoChannel3 жыл бұрын
Many of the Ottoman victories rely mainly of their sheer size of the military might. In their 1566 war with Hungary which the they won, the Ottomans suffered more deaths than Hungary.
@ggggg895hungary3 жыл бұрын
🇭🇺 🇭🇺 🇭🇺 🇭🇺 🇭🇺
@evrensuer5494 жыл бұрын
Ottomans won because they were the better side that is it, no need to look For excuses
@Tomtomtomtomtomtomtom75kg4 жыл бұрын
LoL wut?
@danteslemagnifique19014 жыл бұрын
@@Tomtomtomtomtomtomtom75kg they won cause they were the best, not that hard to understand.
The better side wins? Genius!
@evrensuer5494 жыл бұрын
@@FFFFFFF-FFFFFFFUUUUCCCC Thank you , it is hard but keep going you will understand
@Tomtomtomtomtomtomtom75kg4 жыл бұрын
@@danteslemagnifique1901 what is this whole thing on about what excuses are you guys on about?