A Lethal Company rap battle devolving into a chaotic clusterfuck...I wanna shake the hand of whoever came up with that idea.
@jakeshaffer3407Ай бұрын
You dont wanna say it like that..
@klausing829 күн бұрын
"Shake my hand... come on boys won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"
@Declanroy-xz7heАй бұрын
"Okay, yeah I'm pretty sure they all just died so I'm just gonna f*ck off goodbye" The most fire rap battle verse ever 🔥
@TheDJBalloonzАй бұрын
Truer words have never been spoken
@yazidefirenzeАй бұрын
Your pfp be a relic of a bygone time
@Declanroy-xz7heАй бұрын
@@yazidefirenze yeah I should probably change it 🤣🤣
@mike-v6r6nАй бұрын
truely pure talent
@blimbam29 күн бұрын
what about "dehuh duawuhiever dahuhuh egehguhva ??????????" from Cupid vs Leprechaun vs Easter Bunny
@grapeachflambeАй бұрын
Too busy, smoking fat doobies, practising blunt rotation with me and my boy, louie
@ReiTheSillyАй бұрын
Oh my god i literally thought of that when i saw the notification for it
@l_Am_MemeАй бұрын
Not the Wiiiiiiii!
@jeriahweaver5215Ай бұрын
I thought this would be a breeze but he's deflecting me with ease
@loganfriend8018Ай бұрын
@@jeriahweaver5215 maybe I should bring up pikmin 3, but he wasn't really in pikmin 3
@TheDJBalloonzАй бұрын
@@loganfriend8018or maybe I should bring up the GameCube or how his third flopped on the Wiiii
@lucasbruinsmc2913Ай бұрын
The company’s hunger does not compare in the slightest to what Louie eats on a daily basis.
@ThefifthBishopofGordАй бұрын
Louie ate a slice of a Water Wraith.
@aaronsandoval7684Ай бұрын
@@ThefifthBishopofGordLouie beat and tasted all the empress bulborb organs to satisfy his hunger
@TheGreatestAdventurer200711 күн бұрын
Guy taste tested the whole planet. Leathal Company can't get off the Planet half the time
@mr.dedede132410 күн бұрын
@@TheGreatestAdventurer2007 i saw your pfp and had a fucking mental episode because I couldn't remember commenting on this video.
@RealDudeFortitudeАй бұрын
"Well let me shoot my shot" - *fucking dies.* That was hilarious, the like 3 seconds of silence. I also like how some of the LC's mics are not great, just like in the game.
@RoseRegentАй бұрын
Huhhh? Nah thats the entire charm of the game is the microphones, and proximity chat.
@RealDudeFortitudeАй бұрын
@RoseRegent that's kinda what I meant, sorry if it was unclear
@cosmicblob8799Ай бұрын
I love the fact that Olimar actually sounds like he does in game. That's amazing.
@xaiveruniverse6389Ай бұрын
“You wouldn’t run if backrooms didn’t walk” that is disrespectful had me checking it twice
@XenoxTheStoic36519 күн бұрын
Is there more to that bar
@xaiveruniverse638919 күн бұрын
@ saying backrooms had to do the whole survival and monster theme first for this game to even exist and be popualr
@xaiveruniverse638919 күн бұрын
@ popular lol
@M4ximumCheese17 күн бұрын
@@xaiveruniverse6389 it's a pretty surface level bar
@xaiveruniverse63899 күн бұрын
@@M4ximumCheese still it’s like saying your whole existence is due to another things first expiration
@animlozstudioАй бұрын
I hope you guys enjoyed the animation that Manters and I worked on! Thank you Kanal for allowing us to work on this, it was a lot of fun! Great work to everyone on the team! It came out great! :D
@OfficialMantersChannelАй бұрын
Indeed! Great work to all involved!
@TheAnchorArmsChadАй бұрын
@Masked_Creeper-yl1tjАй бұрын
@@TheAnchorArmsChad Real, best animation in any RB id say, the style fit so much its vusualy amazing like nothing else
@Mega_idkАй бұрын
I adore the animation for the LC employees. Idk how to describe it, it just feels so right. Wouldn’t have it any other way, y’know?
@stephenjenkins399529 күн бұрын
Bro this was absolutely fire
@uncroppedsoopАй бұрын
peak. not even gonna think of this as something that needs a winner, it just feels like the LC crew _and_ Louie are the performance here and Olimar is playing the straight man. then when the battlers swap out shit gets to be a real battle that feels pretty evenly matched
@Really_Silly_Man947323 күн бұрын
Watto won
@pesopeteАй бұрын
@MandaryniarzАй бұрын
Your verse goes hard i really liked it (You also kinda sounded like Pizza face from Pizza tower)
@RealDudeFortitudeАй бұрын
Your voice just hits different for me. It's AMAZING!
@ColaTheHater29 күн бұрын
@FizzyK-45Ай бұрын
*"...so it's no problem roasting on the ghost of Phasmophobia."* 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
@Knife-c6yАй бұрын
*”so if we’re gonna have a space race with this space waste”* 🔥🔥💯💯🔊🔊🔊
@funnyguy5840Ай бұрын
*”we conquered every cave on the planet where out base laid”* 💥💥💥💥😎😎😎😎😎👹👹👹👹👹
@AverageShyGuyKingАй бұрын
"You run in unfinished basements 'til you get your base pay" 🗣🗣🗣🔊🔊🔊
@ValentinesdayghostАй бұрын
*“‘til your player base realized they couldn’t stand your base game”* 🗣️🗣️🗣️🚀🚀🚀🌼🌼🌼
@joey-Joey-Joey-JoeyАй бұрын
"You wouldn't run if Backrooms didn't walk" 🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣
@shinobukoko204Ай бұрын
No way a Pikmin rap battle dropped on my fyp and it was actually fire. 💀
@Justamanrandomlybrowsin.Ай бұрын
"People pay for your game and pass out in five minutes" "Ive seen better survival instincts from our Pikmin" "Your atmosphere sucked so much it went out your air lock" Lethal company got bodied
@shinobukoko204Ай бұрын
Well Team Pikmin definitely had some fire lines like the ones you just mentioned but Team LC definitely bit back with some of their own lines like: “I think they’re from Smash Bros. Nah, they’re just the back burners to Nintendo’s backbones.” “My shotty gonna blast off; unlike your space trash bin.” “I need sustenance, satiate and work until your brain coarse. Or else we’ll both have a Hocotate main course.” I definitely don’t blame you for giving Team Pikmin the win though since they have some really good lines, the battle felt pretty even for me though. Also I think: “You wouldn’t run, if Backrooms didn’t walk.” Was one of Olimar’s best lines especially in his first verse.
@TrashTalker2.0Ай бұрын
The bias is crazy
@Justamanrandomlybrowsin.Ай бұрын
@@TrashTalker2.0 .....no?
@TrashTalker2.0Ай бұрын
@@Justamanrandomlybrowsin. yes………?
@Justamanrandomlybrowsin.Ай бұрын
@TrashTalker2.0 how am I biased I just stated what lines I thought made Olimar win
@robertcurley8406Ай бұрын
Wasn’t expecting Watto at the end there
@DumbshlopАй бұрын
I was completely expecting Watto at the end there
@jayherbogamingАй бұрын
Fight marker did a good job
@Lordmaster135Ай бұрын
fr came outta nowhere
@Knife-c6yАй бұрын
@@Lordmaster135bro really pulled a peekaboo on us
@RealWoman-sm3jqАй бұрын
“I’ve seen better survival instincts from our Pikmin” *Flashbacks to Pikmin 1 Pikmin programming* Yeah that was incredible I’m also just generally happy to see a new Pikmin rap battle
@Mcdon13306Ай бұрын
Are there other pikmin rap battles?
@donovanhadley2209Ай бұрын
This is a match-up I wasn't expecting
@dubstepbee6892Ай бұрын
although thinking about it...... yeah Lethal Company is totally just Pikmin 2
@justinguyos5476Ай бұрын
@@dubstepbee6892they even share the workers dying to complete their bosses ‘s tasks while they are on a hostile planet where everything tries to kill you!
@gisifasdaad234223 күн бұрын
@@justinguyos5476and you get random scrap from daves and basements wich can be decently similar
@SynthoSonshortsАй бұрын
“Wanna survive? Get a fiery blow to my hog” DAMN‼️
@XenoxTheStoic365Ай бұрын
Explain this bar please
@SynthoSonshortsАй бұрын
@ well..similar to a fire explosion,that’s why he said “Fiery blow”,but for the “Blow to my hog” means he’s telling him to do something 18+🍆
@ThefifthBishopofGordАй бұрын
@@XenoxTheStoic365A Fiery Blow Hog is a species in Pikmin. A hog is sometimes used as slag for a male’s Ⓜ️3️⃣🅰️✝️ in their lower area. A certain act on that hog has the word “blow” in the name.
@smugbowkid9919Ай бұрын
This is one of the best rap battles from the channel. For real. It’s one of those videos that’s less about the battle and more just about the rap and the visuals, with all the creativity shown by both sides it’s amazing.
@stitch3486Ай бұрын
"So whats the problem with smoking on the ghost of phasmaphobia" and "im a dog trainer while your the company's bitch" were pretty hard honestly. Lethal company hit just a little bit harder kinda
@Npc12340Ай бұрын
Imagine playing lethal company then your teammates just starts rapping
@imjaden1655Ай бұрын
well at that point you might as join in
@tashinatorgaming9674Ай бұрын
Bro, you got MOST OF the top tier VA in 1 video?! You're an evil genius, Freshy! Very impressive work from EVERYONE! EDIT: Oh ... didn't wait till the end for that Watto verse! Goddayum!
@padenyetter5135Ай бұрын
I’m really hoping we eventually get something between Bloon Tower Defense and Plants vs Zombies. There’s just so many references and disses in both to make
@ruurtben264Ай бұрын
HOLY MOLY I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT. Bloons vs Pvz would be fire
@Sleepy_CabbageАй бұрын
that would be great, although pvz has so many things you can roast about it considering how poorly its been treated as a franchise
@ThefifthBishopofGordАй бұрын
I definitely hope one of them has a line that references Bubble tanks. It was a flash tower defense game that had a tower fusion mechanic before BTD and was on CoolMathGames. It was my favorite game on there until Flash stopped and never Flashed back.
@GalacticPeanutbutterАй бұрын
@PhoxphorusKitKat18 күн бұрын
@@Sleepy_Cabbage In my head I'm at minimum imagining like, PvZ references BTD Battles 2 and how it took a month to send out a hot fix or how the games are referred to as "BTD" to avoid legal issues with a company trademarking the term "Tower Defense"
@redmistroninАй бұрын
@skullsonfire879423 күн бұрын
But what's more funnier is that above the yamcha death pose is the family guy fall pose
@christiangleason122Ай бұрын
No fat doobies, no dream blunt rotation did they even try with this battle??
@Grriz-yayАй бұрын
*well let me shoot my shot dies instantly 😂* 1:54
@Al_Gorithm_WR25 күн бұрын
they even used the "dandori issue" this song is more fire than Red Pikmin can handle
@Daordinarynoob-nb2mjАй бұрын
"You wouldn't run if Backrooms didn't walk" PIKMAN WON
@yoshi_923Ай бұрын
I absolutely LOVE the animation especially at 00:29 !
@TS_0307Ай бұрын
Right, I’ve said this before but this time 101% mean it, this battle is IMPOSSIBLE to vote for a winner. They were both equally outstanding that I have trouble even deciphering my favourite verse let alone my favourite out of the two. And the end where the bosses from each games began rapping was *chefs kiss*. I loved this!
@aaronsandoval7684Ай бұрын
Sorry, but after playing all the pikmin games, the "I've seen better survival instinct coming from our Pikmin" is the best line for me at least
@Mcdon13306Ай бұрын
@moniquecoffman9411Ай бұрын
I feel like this is a tie
@aaronsandoval7684Ай бұрын
@@Mcdon13306 I don't know what problems Pikmin 2's Pikmin have but they really look like they will take any chance to fulfill their suicidal needs. I'm just saying it can't be that bad
@Mcdon13306Ай бұрын
@@aaronsandoval7684 nah I think they all just have one brain cell
@incredibleandy6466Ай бұрын
That's not my Neighbor vs Papers Please. Both of these games, you are checking the papers, docs, ID's, etc to check if every detail matches. If it does, you let them in, if not, you kick them out, and if you do something wrong, your life/payment will be taken.
@boxedincrab705017 күн бұрын
"its no problem roasting on the ghost of phasmophobia" HOLY SHIT HES SPITTING 🔥🔥🔥
@TheRealFrozenFireАй бұрын
This feels like an April Fools battle but its still 🔥
@DoctorBCАй бұрын
@chagito1113Ай бұрын
making it out of the garden of hope with this one 🔥
@stinkycheezeitz431Ай бұрын
Freshy coming in with another lethal banger
@olimar2885Ай бұрын
I was playing lethal company when this was uploaded fair to say this covers my video game interests quite well.
@DumbshlopАй бұрын
Bro, didn't you die?
@TheDJBalloonzАй бұрын
Littleflecks is a voice cast I was not expecting, but welcomed nonetheless. Great job to the animators as well. This was FIRE! Hope we see more of their work.
@VladimyrPАй бұрын
This was toughhh, the visuals and performances were amazing, great work to everyone involved in this!
@ezraboiАй бұрын
Now do Chell vs Gordon Freeman, except it's just them staring at each other in complete silence until Wheately and Alyx Vance take over for them
@RandomDudeWhoDoesStuff-dq4cfАй бұрын
This might be your most fun battle yet Loved every second of it lmao
@AlphiePrimeАй бұрын
The battle was so fun! Loved the animation and the writing. The Employees' second verse, the President's verse & Watto's verse were great
@tigerbomb688Ай бұрын
"You run in unfinished basements 'til you get your base pay, 'til your player base realized they couldn't stand your base game!" Pikmin Team wins!
@mattiri9540Ай бұрын
"Erm it's right behind me isn't it" ☝️🤓
@freshnewcungaderoАй бұрын
@Twig_the_Blue_Pikmin27 күн бұрын
"Give a fiery blow to my hog" actually fucking killed me bc I make this joke with my friends all the time and didnt expect to see it here
@Jackie_burnpАй бұрын
Holy shit this might be your BEST beat work yet, idk why but I just dig it so much
@TeryJonesАй бұрын
Dear lord where do I even start with this one? There was just so much genius going on, the plot progression, the transition from employees to bosses and holy shit that surprise Watto at the end XDXDXDXDXDXD
@dainishrealАй бұрын
Gonna have to give it to peakmin, but when mr. company said 'dandori issue' i laughed out loud
@MitchTheAutismАй бұрын
Right, now we need Logan Paul vs Content Warning.
@yamamaisinmybedАй бұрын
That’s fucking funny as hell
@michaelroter8292Ай бұрын
That got me dying 💀💀💀💀💀
@jeriahweaver5215Ай бұрын
Best rap battle of 2024. No you stop capping
@Ruby_Dude55Ай бұрын
"It's right behind me, isn't it?" 🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥
@MarkSanPabloАй бұрын
"Now let me shoot my shot- 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@BRAVELAKE45621 күн бұрын
2:06 "that didn't take much work for them to all be deceased" 😂😂😂😂😂 THAT PART ALMOST KILLED ME😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@fulmonthe1687Ай бұрын
Olimar really smoked them like fat doobies
@samuellasky777126 күн бұрын
This was very fun to watch, thanks for making it
@SynthoSonshortsАй бұрын
@Chillboy_1551Ай бұрын
Lyrics for: Pikmin vs Lethal Company [Lethal Company - Jay Chay, Kurobane Azia, garbageGothic & Freshy Kanal] (E#1) I'm scanning two space monkeys standing in front of me Yo, I think they're far from lethal, but it seems we got company (E#4) Oh, it's Olimar and Louie? (E#2) Yeah, I think that they're from Smash Bros. (E#3) Nah, they're just the backburner to Nintendo's backbone (E#4) So let me run in mask off I've bashed in the Brackens I capped off the mad dogs, left Nutcrackers cracked in My shotty gonna blast off unlike your space trash bin Then cash in the scrap shop the skulls of these captains (E#1) I'd blow a bubble just to blow through your defense You'd be better saved from trouble if you'd plant a Chia Pet ‘cuz you need saving from your pals when you're dropped in hot shit We're scoring Victory Royales ‘cuz we're hot at drop ships (E#4) We stepped up like a mine (E#3) We blew up in the scene (E#2) While you haven't been in motion since New Play for the Wii (E#1) Yeah, you left behind your family I'm sure that they miss you, but your marriage problems? That's a Dandori Issue [Pikmin - littleflecks & Commander Jacob] (Olimar) This is Captain Olimar, Log 3-6 We found a game from Twitch Clips that's already been eclipsed I've wrestled Wraiths, Wollywogs and Proggs that would be smoking ‘ya So it's no problem roasting on the ghost of Phasmophobia So if we're gonna have a space race with this space waste We conquered every cave on the planet where our base laid You run in unfinished basements ‘til you get your base pay ‘til your player base realized they couldn't stand your base game You wouldn't run if Backrooms didn't walk Your atmosphere sucked so much, it went out your air lock You'd turn into pink mist to avoid a pink slip I'm a master dog trainer while you're the Company’s bitch Louie, wanna add to this debate? (Louie) Uhh, I'm really hungry, but it looks like you just ate That green fish you're holding looks really delicious I wanna eat that with grilled leeks and some spinach [Lethal Company - Jay Chay, Kurobane Azia, garbageGothic & Freshy Kanal] (E#4) What? You're not even battle rapping (E#3) Guys, hold up… It's almost 5 PM and we still haven't hit the quota (E#1) We can take these Smeagols back soon as I shut their mouth up Call you Andrew Hocotate, the way you pretend to be Alph- AHH! (E#3) Call me a Bulborb because I eat this beat like Pikmin… …it's right behind me, isn't IT?- (E#2) Well, let me shoot my shot!- (E#4) …okay, yeah I'm pretty sure they all just… died, so I'm just gonna fuck off… goodbye [Pikmin - littleflecks & Commander Jacob] (Louie) Uh, well, that was annoying Can we leave? (Olimar) Yeah, that didn't take much work for them all to be deceased I've seen better survival instincts coming from our Pikmin I guess they- (Incoming Message! You're Receiving A Transmission) [Lethal Company (The Company)] - PE$O PETE] WELL Your poor performance risks The Company from going under Louie, I do not think you comprehend real hunger Watch out, only watchful eyes, money and metal on board Stop playin’ Work with me? Your life is your reward I need sustenance, satiate and work until your brain coarse or else we'll both have a Hocotate main course Little fat spaceman lost on an assignment Bodies hard to find what you signed on your fine print My company is righteous, really balance on the line Little Oli only work to see president’s pockets lined [Pikmin (The President) - Swizkii] Make way for the president You talkin’ ‘bout my business? People pay for your game and pass out in five minutes You send your crews to moons, hoping they come back because your tentacles are too lazy to touch grass I don't give two ships ‘bout what your minions are bringing The next time your bell rings, it's me swingin’ Fire your guys, I'll watch you croak on the comms Wanna survive? Give a fiery blow to my hog
@prestonm-f382Ай бұрын
Watto: I’ve had enough of this racket So can it I’m the first junk trader from an alien planet Don’t forget, it’s me, Watto, from the first Star Wars movie If you count me out like Dooku then you’ll be in deep dookie
@Plantyfrb1Ай бұрын
This doesn’t feel like a Freshy battle and I love that for it
@stitch3486Ай бұрын
Did yall see watto from Star Wars at the end credits? cus i didnt even know about that, i just found it 😂 3:29
@Plushiemast_offical20 күн бұрын
I did I didn't know who he was until he said who he was
@psidesign866428 күн бұрын
1:01 I love the detail in this one 2 second scene with a bunch of smash characters streaming Lethal Company and Kirbys is just "I WILL INHALE THIS FUCKING..."
@TheBumperdragon29 күн бұрын
The Andrew Hocotate Into The Combination Of Alph And A Scream To Make Alpha Is So Underrated
@koopslone6823Ай бұрын
My favorite lines are "Your marriage problems that's a dandori issue." And "Next time your bell rings it's me swinging."
@NPOCrushaderАй бұрын
That Olimar impression was spot on, amazing battle
@bananerbug16529 күн бұрын
Nobody talking about how The Company is technically PE$O PETE’s return as the Kraken
@Springdude11Ай бұрын
Still not sure what led to you guys thinking of this match up, whatever y'all were smoking, but I guess it makes sense. And, who cares if it's strange if it works out well anyways.
@shartvark3129Ай бұрын
Alright, this channel has been on FIRE with these last few uploads
@unclefrunkus5538Ай бұрын
Peso Pete as Jeb the Tentacles is the best casting choice ever made. This battle overall was amazing in every way. Especially love the take on Olimars voice, suits him super well.
@ch1kn_tendersАй бұрын
This was awesome lol, dindt think you would go so in depth to even have the companies start rapping about eachother
@Knife-c6yАй бұрын
@Mimi-zy2uhАй бұрын
@Knife-c6yАй бұрын
@Mimi-zy2uhАй бұрын
@Knife-c6yАй бұрын
@Mimi-zy2uhАй бұрын
@RedLuigi235Ай бұрын
This is great, and the animation is nuts
@michaelthesavior8740Ай бұрын
Well this is unexpected but a welcome surprise! And man the animation done for both sides was so good too, and I love how the whole lethal company crew had their own turns in their verse Kinda hilarious how the crew just died in their second verse and needed their boss to step in for them Also while I'm already here I might as well suggest Gabriel (Mandela Catalog) vs Angel Gabby (Angel Hare) Two analog horror characters based on the same angel but are polar opposites; and have a bit of a friendly rilvary between fandoms
@MadCookie_14Ай бұрын
@@michaelthesavior8740 OH YEAH! I was thinking about this matchup too a few days ago! COOL IDEA!
@michaelthesavior8740Ай бұрын
@MadCookie_14 ayyyy my dude!
@thorman111100Ай бұрын
dude freshy been dropping HEAT lately and im all up in da kitchen
@Thekindaboredgamer11 күн бұрын
“Oh it’s olimar and louie I think that they’re from smash bros nah they’re just the back burner to nintendos backbone!” BEST VERSE IN THE WHOLE RAP BATTLE
@EttenmoreАй бұрын
"Remove all of the bulborb's hair, wrap the beast in foil along with a halved lemon, and place it directly on the grill. The foil should protect the carcass from scorching, and the lemon will give the meat an elegant hint of citrus." - Louie
@burtonthegrape9217Ай бұрын
This was really good, really encapsulates how me andy friends are in lethal company lol hope to see William Afton Vs Voldemort sometime
@veefbeffer2459Ай бұрын
I actually have a different Voldemort matchup in mind. I think it would be fascinating to see him rap against King Nebekenezer from the Bible.
@ThorbijntjeАй бұрын
This was so random and i fucking love it.
@ResonaNSSАй бұрын
*jaw drop* I never would have expected these two series together, but its perfect!
@Zac4_B7ackАй бұрын
Probably one of the best video-game rap-battles of 2024! 🎮🎤
@kitcatcandy4563Ай бұрын
This is a crazy concept, only freshy kanal would
@lisaneuman924829 күн бұрын
@little_flecksАй бұрын
this is captain littleflecks log 3-6 nice rap battle
@RealDudeFortitudeАй бұрын
You got the olimar voice spot-on!
@connt1nu3Ай бұрын
This one feels so random I love it!
@tyrelltgoat2841Ай бұрын
This is the most peak thing i've gotten blessed to watch all year
@anthonythibert7022Ай бұрын
This channel is like a second ERB, but more active thankfully. Would like to see Andross (SF) vs Koba (Planet of the Apes)
@fryguy9704Ай бұрын
*P E A K M I N*
@GridlineRapBattlesАй бұрын
Common gridline/freshy W
@jadeimmer1925Ай бұрын
You always manage to deliver and this is no exception.
@Iamgamerland55Ай бұрын
This by far is my favorite lethal company match up
@CyBrArtistАй бұрын
Fear vs Kinger (Lanky purple dudes who would jump at their own shadow) Dr. Doof vs Gru (Mad doctor villains with a soft side and have daughters)
@Bomberboi9820 күн бұрын
I wanna see Sunny/Omori face off against Madotsuki from Yume Nikki in a rap battle, lol.
@aaronoxley1250Ай бұрын
This is a good one! Ideas: Harry Callahan vs Spike Spiegel (Dirty Harry vs Cowboy Bebop) James Bond (Sean Connery or Roger Moore) vs Batman (from the animated series) Gordon Freeman vs Postal Dude (Half Life vs Postal) Elliot Stabler vs Hank Schrader (Law & Order: SVU vs Breaking Bad) Shigeo Kageyama vs Charles Xavier (Mob Pyscho 100 vs Marvel Comics) Jonathan Joestar vs King Arthur (JJBA vs Monty Phython and the Holy Grail)
@kingawsomАй бұрын
Really had to think of the "ghost of phasmophobia" and... They are right.
@jarnman101Ай бұрын
This was amazing!
@ogblitz7852Ай бұрын
Oh man, this was on my birthday. I loved this birthday gift. Also, W video, like always. Keep it up, Dustin.
@jackaweplushproАй бұрын
Always a good day when Freshy uploads
@KibzdabibzАй бұрын
Jay chay's been making moves recently on the scene. love his rapping style.
@crustyvilleАй бұрын
I love how it literally took one verse. For the pikmin to win automatically
@Spazkle29 күн бұрын
@LowQualityEntertainment-qy4ffАй бұрын
1:24 “You turn into pink mist, to avoid a pink slip, I’m a master dog trainer, while you’re the company’s bitch!” Holy shit, Olimar did them dirty…
@SuperMuskettАй бұрын
I freaked out when The President showed up, also "Give a Fiery Blow to my Hog" is crazy
@BombasticBusinessАй бұрын
wake up babe, new freshy kanal rap battle just dropped
@KrazyKaos92427 күн бұрын
THAT WAS FLECKS?! Didn't recognize him at all, props