「転生林檎」 平凡な自分が嫌 なんでもない生活が嫌 胡散臭い売人から買った 怪しい林檎を頬張った 賢いワナビーはみんなやってる 一端の何者かに 生まれ変わってやり直せる 転生林檎 ある表現者になった 全世界で賞賛された 自分は特別で 他は凡人で その才能に酔いしれた だが 人を愛する才能はなく 愛する仲間は去っていった あー また ダメでした 転生しよう ある発明家になった 世紀の大発明をした 世界が平和になりますように 本気で心から願った だが 発明は兵器利用されて 残酷な血の雨が降った あー また ダメでした 転生しよう 才能がないからチェンジ またリセット 頭悪いからチェンジ またリセット 人生の攻略法 幸福の必勝法 見境ないね 「自分」が消えちゃったの? くりかえし くりかえし 生まれ変わり 山積みの亡骸の上でダンシング リインカーネーション リインカーネーションの悲痛な叫び 愛して 愛して 嫌 くりかえし くりかえし 生まれ変わり きらめく似たり寄ったりのストーリー リインカーネーション リインカーネーションの果てのオーバーキル どうして どうして ある救世主になった 無償の愛を分け与えた たくさんの人が慕い 尊敬し 老いも若きも頭下げた だが 純粋すぎて悪に騙され 骨までしゃぶられてしまった あー また ダメでした 転生しよう ある革命家になった 変な綺麗事を嫌った 正直者が馬鹿を見る世界でルールを疑い戦った だが 手に入れた力に溺れ 平和ごと燃やしてしまった あー また ダメでした 転生しよう 人望がないからチェンジ またリセット 大義がないからチェンジ またリセット 快楽の奴隷 インテリの亡霊 異世界でも 現実はシャバかったよ くりかえし くりかえし 生まれ変わり 歴史なき無教養のアイムソーリー リインカーネーション リインカーネーションの悲痛な叫び 愛して 愛して 嫌 くりかえし くりかえし 生まれ変わり 1000回やっても失敗のラブストーリー リインカーネーション リインカーネーションの果てのオーバーキル どうして どうして ある冒険者になった 理想を求めて旅立った 無謀な挑戦でも貫く姿勢に人々は感動した だが 理想を求めるがあまり 罪のない人が犠牲になった あー あー またダメ? どこへ向かうのだろう? くりかえし くりかえし 生まれ変わり 山積みの亡骸の上でダンシング リインカーネーション リインカーネーションの悲痛な叫び 愛して 愛して 嫌 転生林檎 転生林檎で生まれ変わり 転生林檎 転生林檎で限界知ったり 転生林檎 転生林檎で一巻の終わり どうして どうして ああ 転生が終わった 平凡な自分に戻った 悲しいけど なんだかホッとした さあ 自分はどうしようか シラフに戻ったら みんなやめてく 自分が自分であるために ゴミ箱に捨てた 転生林檎 ――――――――――――― “Reincarnation Apple” I hate my ordinary self, I despise my colorless life I took a mouthful of a suspicious apple that I bought from a shady dealer All the shrewd wannabes are doing it - I can be reborn as someone meaningful with this Reincarnation Apple I became an artist, from the whole world I was praised I was special, everyone else ordinary, in my talent I was befuddled and amazed But I lacked the gift to love, and my beloved others abandoned me Oh, I screwed up again, I’m gonna reincarnate I became an inventor, I created the invention of the century “Please bring peace to the world”, I prayed truly and sincerely But my invention was weaponized, a cruel rain of blood it created Oh, I screwed up again, I’m gonna reincarnate I don’t have any talent, just change and reset I’m not smart enough, just change and reset Strategies to win in life, surefire guide to feel elate How imprudent, did your “selfhood” evaporate? Again and again, reborn and reborn Dancing on a mountain of corpses Reincarnation, grievous cry of reincarnation Love me, love me, no Again and again, reborn and reborn The same characterless stories are sparkling Reincarnation, overkill at the end of endless reincarnations Why, oh why I became a savior, unconditional love I gave to all Worshiped and respected by the people, young and old I would enthrall But I was too innocent, evil deceived me and to the bare bones they ate Oh, I screwed up again, I’m gonna reincarnate I became a revolutionary, I despised the lip service and deceit I questioned and fought in a world where the honest always faced defeat But I was consumed by my power and even peace I cremated Oh, I screwed up again, I’m gonna reincarnate I’m not popular, just change and reset I don’t have a great cause, just change and reset A slave to pleasure, the ghost of a highbrow smartass Even in another world, reality was just as lame Again and again, reborn and reborn Historyless and uneducated? I’m sorry Reincarnation, reincarnation’s grievous cry Love me, love me, no Again and again, reborn and reborn A love story that always fails, a thousand times and more Reincarnation, overkill at the end of endless reincarnations Why, oh why I became an adventurer, I set out in search of an ideal Everyone marveled at me as I took on the most challenging ordeal But my ideals went to the extreme, innocent lives I sacrificed Oh, oh, not again? What destination will suffice? Again and again, reborn and reborn Dancing on a mountain of corpses Reincarnation, grievous cry of reincarnation Love me, love me, no Reincarnation Apple, reborn with the Reincarnation Apple Reincarnation Apple, learning the limits with the Reincarnation Apple Reincarnation Apple, the end has come with the Reincarnation Apple Why, oh why Oh, my reincarnation is over, I'm back to my ordinary self I’m sad but I breathe a sigh of relief, where should I go from here Everyone quits once they’re sober, a sense of self, we become mindful Straight into the trash, the Reincarnation Apple
I think the message here is a simple one: We are all bound to make mistakes, even if we had the power to "Reincarnate" into a new life anytime we want, we are bound and destined to make mistakes, its natural, at least thats what I got from the lyrics.
@ennpii8147Ай бұрын
I feel that it also speaks to the idiom "the grass is always greener on the other side" - about our tendencies to idolize someone else's life of glory we'd like to lead, without realizing that each one comes with their unique hardships we couldn't imagine of.
It's really cool that the apple only having one bite taken at the end makes it clear that the protagonist wasn't returning to their original life and trying again, but moreso that every version of themselves independently found and used the apple to escape their life. It wasn't until the "high" from the original apple wore off that the cycle stopped. In other words, there was no version of this person that would ever be satisfied with their life, no matter what they did, they would just continue to seek out the apple even if they didn't remember biting it before.
i like how each reincarnation learns from the last. artist who can’t love scientist who tries to save the world out of love but it’s corrupted saint who stays away from corruption but gets betrayed a revolutionary who doesn’t trust anyone or take vullshit. and then just the adventurer pushing the limits to feel something once they give up the artist is what the mc wanted to be but then they got swept away trying to fix their mistakes and be the perfect reincarnate
@dandanthedandan75582 жыл бұрын
The scientist one reminds me of Nobel who invented the dynamite so miners can detonate mines from a safe distance but it ended up being used as bombs in war. His regret led to the Nobel prize in hopes of appreciating works of scientists that benefit humanity
@fossil982 жыл бұрын
perfect is the enemy of good
@lollidomoni95232 жыл бұрын
@@fuyopon Ngl thats pretty dumb
@andrewnguyen11172 жыл бұрын
@@fuyopon _Plan failed successfully_
@0Clewi02 жыл бұрын
Honestly I would've been happy with the first life but then not everyone is aro.
@ただのテラス Жыл бұрын
@りんごですもしくはしゅらです2 жыл бұрын
「失敗した。よし転生しよう」 「また失敗した。よしまた転生しよう」 これが繰り返されてるが好き
@Radioplantis Жыл бұрын
This has been stuck in my head for weeks now. Might be safe to say this is now my favorite vocaloid song of all time. The chorus is just so perfect and catchy. Masterpiece for sure!
@ARandomIndieGameEnjoyer6 ай бұрын
Same lol
@BridgetownGD5 ай бұрын
@@ARandomIndieGameEnjoyer LOL you love the song so much you changed your pfp to it
@ARandomIndieGameEnjoyer5 ай бұрын
@@BridgetownGD ye, but I'll probably change it to a pfp that I'll draw