Hello Oliver, are you planning to make a video for the contact plate? Do you have any hints about the exposure time and which kind of light? Did you try also the Image positive paper? Thanks
@pinstacamera3 жыл бұрын
Hiya, I'm afraid it's going to be a bit trial and error to start with as everybodys light source is going to be different. Once you have it sussed then your expose time should remain consistent with every print so long as you maintain the same conditions. I haven't tried the positive paper in there just negative so far but it shouldn't be any different. I'd recommend using negative if you're doing contact prints as it's cheaper and there are more options.
@mbonillal Жыл бұрын
I have Harman Direct Positive Paper traditional silver grane gelatine, a 500ml bottle of Ilford Multighrade and a 500ml bottle of Ilford Rapid Fixer. How can I use correctly this elements? Tank you for your time