Pippa doesn't think too highly of Star Wars...

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Ultra Derek

Ultra Derek

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@Underworlddream 5 күн бұрын
Pippa : "Sith are evil because they want to have sex." Lol, That ironically is also the very simplified reason why modern Star Wars fans want to be Siths rather then Jedi.
@storba3860 4 күн бұрын
Ironic given that Luke Skywalker gets laid more than most Sith.
@ChrisR2020 4 күн бұрын
And yet they all end up Jedi anyway.
@luisguzman3657 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisR2020 involuntary Jedi! Injed’s!
@PresidentFunnyValentine 2 күн бұрын
​@@luisguzman3657that's low key a slur lol
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
You don't get kicked out of the Jedi Order for having sex, but it will make other Jedis will think that you're easily distracted and not too serious about the Jedi way, since you're putting yourself at risk of getting huge negative emotions. Also remember that Jedi aren't normal people, they have sensitivity to the Force that gives them extreme physical and mental powers, so there's no way for them to live a normal life anyway, which includes their sex life.
@adamdapatsfan 4 күн бұрын
"Why is everything so futuristic but also old?" Welcome to the absolute mess that is sci-fantasy
@revolvingworld2676 3 күн бұрын
@@adamdapatsfan Cowboy bebop also has that style
@Web720 2 күн бұрын
Its just low-fi scifi. Because its 70s tech thinking into the future.
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
I don't see how that's confusing, things get old when enough time passes.
@cjnf11 9 сағат бұрын
It literally says "A LONG TIME AGO".
@LukSter18998 3 сағат бұрын
it’s technology for space before massive digital systems become mainstream
@ultraderek 5 күн бұрын
RIP James Earl Jones
@Anch0rd 4 күн бұрын
Favorite star wars quote: "The ability to speak does not make you inteligent" -Qui guy
@marfin4325 4 күн бұрын
Pippa brain too small to understand Star Wars? Checks out.
@YakoffShmirnoff 5 күн бұрын
Pippa's frustrating or contentious media takes are honestly part of her charm.
@marfin4325 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, like a Chihuahua rubbing it's ass on the carpet.
@Mondoness 5 күн бұрын
I like Pippa's "explain it to me like im 5" mentality
@Seraphil1 4 күн бұрын
Looking at the "answers" her chat gave when she asked questions I understand why Pippa screams at them all the time.
@ultraderek 4 күн бұрын
We’re not a very constructive chat.
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
I was intrigued by the sheer quantity of insane takes, including my own.
@Gakusangi 5 күн бұрын
I wonder how long ago she saw them? As a kid, yeah I just kinda watching the movies but didn't really absorb the info. Watching them after I was a little older, they're extremely simple movies. Most of the things she has questions about really don't need answers, they're there to facilitate the actual plot and are background elements like world-building. If you want more, that's where there's an expanded universe, prequels, etc. but those are absolutely not necessary to understand this story or the universe it's in. I think she's vastly over-complicating what's there XD It's a sci-fi adventure serial, like Flash Gordon. The "I hate sand" thing is literally not even in the original series, that's from the prequels XD So too is the whole thing about his relationship with Padme and stuff, that's all background stuff we never got in the originals. What we know about Darth Vader is he was a Jedi, he was corrupted by the Emperor to the bad guy side, he killed all the other Jedi and he secretly had two kids that were hidden away from him and grew up to be Luke and Leia. That's all you need, that's Darth. On the bad guy side, he's the muscle, for the most part, which is why you see him more.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
What she's talking about is that its a very CORNY story. You are being made to accept a lot of ridiculous things at the same time and because it's played straight you're expected to take it seriously. The villain's name is literally "Dark Invader". Flash Gordon is not the example you want to pull up because that was intentional camp, not a serious story. Star Wars falls apart to most people because it's a campy story played straight. "Most of the things she has questions about really don't need answers, they're there to facilitate the actual plot and are background elements like world-building." This is literally the mystery box argument that I see Star Wars fans crap on JJ Abrams for. Edit: Mystery Boxes are not an inherently bad form of storytelling. The only issue is that they inevitably have to be answered. Only someone who isn't actually a writer would say otherwise and only someone with a narrative would make that defense for hating a simplistic storytelling technique. You just want to stick your head in the sand, Star Wars isn't that good and we have better things now like Warhammer where a single Psyker would destroy the strongest Jedi.
@Gakusangi 4 күн бұрын
@@Shockguey Flash Gordon was the example I used because the serialized series was part of the actual inspiration for Star Wars. It and Kurosawa films were two key things that Lucas pulled from when he was creating the story and setting. Yes, I'm aware that Star Wars has a degree of corniness to it, but I encourage you to go back and check out what most people consider to be the best film in the original series, "The Empire Strikes Back", because while there is some "camp" (mostly with the introduction of Yoda) the rest of the film is played straight and you DO take it seriously Because there's real stakes involved. It's also a stand-out film for being one in which the heroes don't really win by the end and setting up for a finale. Based on Pippa's comments, it feels more like she's looking for something more that really isn't there and doesn't do anything for the plot or the characters. She's asking for information that typically no-one really needs and when people DO fill in those blanks it tends to either be badly executed or just overly complicates things. What's the relevance of knowing more about Darth Vader than what we see in the films? Everything that's there tells us everything about his character we ever need to know, from his introduction in Ep 4 to the big reveal in Ep 5 (a moment that people today can hardly fathom how impactful it was when it was first released), to the conclusion of his own character arc with his redemption in Ep 6. Every scene he's in, he commands the most attention, not by chewing the scenery, but by being genuinely menacing and being presented as a very clear threat. This isn't something you have to agonize over, it's all very clearly presented and done very well because it doesn't do more than it needs to. It's why all you need to enjoy Star Wars is just that original trilogy, nothing else is necessary and some would argue that everything else that expanded it didn't really make it any better, in some cases even made it worse. And no, JJ Abrams "Mystery Box" style isn't the same thing, because the that style relies on what's in the box being central to the plot. Here's a good example: In "Pulp Fiction", Jules and Vincent have to retrieve a briefcase for their boss. In the opening of that chapter, they even kill a bunch of guys just to get it and then later it's almost stolen from them in a diner. Now, we never know what's in that suitcase, we just know it's very valuable based on what they did to get it and how everyone that looks inside reacts to it. You know what that entire chapter is about? NOT that suitcase! The chapter is about the two of them accidentally killing someone in the back of their and having to quickly clean the whole mess up within a very limited time frame, follow-up by the conclusion of Jules' transition from being a criminal to being a man of faith who wants to do something else with his life, during the restaurant robbery. So what's in the suitcase never mattered to the overall story, it was a device to initiate the actual plot and nothing more. JJ, would have made the entire chapter about speculating what's in the suitcase and then, in JJ fashion, failing to deliver on the reveal, because the mystery was the main draw. Another example: In the film "Ronin" a team of specialists are assembled to pull off a heist in order to get a case from a diplomat for their mysterious client. We don't ever hear about what's in the case, in fact it's something that's brought up because the want to know things like how big it is and how much it weighs, etc. After you spend half the film planning the heist and then executing it, things go sideways when one of the team members tricks the others and steals the case so he can sell it to his own people. It gets further complicated when we find out their original client is an ousted Irish terrorist who's trying to get the case to buy his way back into his factions good graces. The rest of the movie is the pursuit of the treacherous team member while revealing more of the people involved in this whole thing culminating to a confrontation at during a high profile figure skating performance and you being on the edge of your seat, concerned about who's going to survive to the end. Again, as you can see, what the contents of the case are have nothing to do with what's happening in this plot, the only thing that's needed is knowing that the contents are valuable enough to get things started. By the end of "Ronin", Jean Reno even asks Robert De Niro what actually was in the case to which he replies, "I can't remember" before exiting the scene, which is callback to a conversation they had earlier about how they operate in their line of work. Good movie, check it out sometime. This is why people that are really interested in the film industry (especially those that are very invested in the art of storytelling in film, like ME) really HATE JJ's entire philosophy and consider him a joke at best and a detriment to the craft at worst. It's an example of someone that has an utterly flawed idea of how to construct stories in the medium or just stories in general and apparently never had anyone explain to him why it doesn't work and will always turn out unsatisfying to the audience.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
@@Gakusangi Dude WTF I'm not reading all that. It's corny, a lot of normies don't like corny, it's not that deep FFS. Edit: You even admit it's corny. "I'm aware Star Wars has a degree of corniness to it" I stopped reading right there, I thought maybe you had a substantive argument against it so I doubt the rest is relevant.
@Gakusangi 4 күн бұрын
@@Shockguey First, to "admit" would imply that it was being denied at all, which is wasn't. I don't know where you got that. You can't win something someone wasn't even arguing, it just shows that you weren't paying attention, again. Second, why did you bother to comment at all if you weren't interested in the reply. I can't help it if you had a crap comment that missed my point entirely and then skipped me explaining it to you because you obviously didn't understand what I was saying. If you can't handle that, I'd just keep it all to yourself next time and avoid looking foolish. Third, if you're going use JJ's cheap storytelling technique and compare it to anything I have to offer, then yes I'm going to explain how utterly stupid that is and provide good examples for why it's stupid.
@Bam_Bizzler 3 күн бұрын
​@Shockguey you are a funny guy lol
@bazzy5644 4 күн бұрын
She really has to have some form of tism, no joke now. Star Wars is very straight forward, there is a reason why these were made like this and with kids in mind after all. Not comprehending something as surface level as that brings a hell of a lot of her other opinions about stuff into question.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
Did we watch the same video? She never says the story is hard to understand, the setting just doesn't make sense and neither do the character motivations WITHOUT the context of the backstory (which Lucas changed throughout the development of the prequels). Having read the comic that is based on the original script, I'd say it's way better.
@baconcommando2454 3 күн бұрын
@@Shockguey But those things do make sense if you watch the movies? People understood this stuff back when the movies came out and the idea of the prequels didn't even exist in George's head.
@manjiimortal 10 сағат бұрын
Uhh... Lucas wanted to make a film for adults, and that was his intent... but he ended up making a film for kids instead, because he's George Lucas and he's a very limited film-maker.
@GamerKonata 9 сағат бұрын
@@manjiimortal George Lucas has straight up said he made the movies for 12 year olds
@manjiimortal 9 сағат бұрын
@@GamerKonata He's lying then. The original cut of Star Wars was going to get a G rating, which Lucas feared would scare off older viewers, as they'd think it was a film for children, so he added the scene with the smoking skeletons, specifically so that it would raise the rating to PG. It's why Luke is never on frame with them, and why I think you can't see them on the first two shots you get of the destroyed house.
@reaps912 4 күн бұрын
"this might be your single worst take of all time." This commenter needs to DIG DEEPER
@MemeScreen 4 күн бұрын
If you can’t understand Star Wars, it’s probably more of a skill issue.
@PBRatLord 5 күн бұрын
Once, i would gush for hours over star wars. Now, when people ask if they should get into it, i just hit them with a "meh". The prequels have charm, especially for those who were there for them, but practically everything that exists in the 19 years to follow is worth skipping lol That being said, to watch the OT and not know what's going on... i suspect those Twitter fingers were active while she was watching. 😅 Doesn't get more standard in storytelling than the OT lol
@storba3860 4 күн бұрын
KOTOR? Clone Wars? Force Unleashed? Jedi Fallen Order? The Disney Thrawn Trilogies? Dark Disciple?
@PBRatLord 4 күн бұрын
@storba3860 I said practically. Agreed on KOTOR. TCW/Rebels are horrific examples of storytelling and animation that absolutely trample on lore. Loved FU/FU2 too. Vader comics has some really great moments. Wasn't a huge fan of the new jedi games, but the gameplay itself was pretty damn awesome. Thrawn is another awesome character who got bulldozed by Disney, please never associate Mr Zahn's work with Disney, for those books are NOT Disney. Dark Disciple is sitting on my shelf, I never got to it but have heard wonderful things. Again, not everything is grim, but I stand by my point about anything introduced by Disney has been abysmal and has directly conflicted with or stolen from the EU
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
Adam Johnston (the YMS guy) recently decided that every Star Wars movie is bad (yes even that one) and adjusted his scores of them accordingly, and honestly I think he's on to something.
@storba3860 4 күн бұрын
Papakin made her watch them didn't he?
@ultraderek 4 күн бұрын
@ShaggyTheOnly 5 күн бұрын
i used to like star wars, but after Disney woke the IP to death I gave up on it, such crap the newer movies, series, oh hell the series..., and do not forget the games to
@Archedgar 3 күн бұрын
If you didn't realize star wars was dead after watching the force awakens, you are part of the problem.
@ShaggyTheOnly 3 күн бұрын
@@ArchedgarTrue, for me I did not touch that dog sht
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
@@Archedgar I wouldn't blame people for being cautiously optimistic at the time, they even allowed a different guy to make the second movie, it wasn't too obvious yet that Disney was making the movies creatively bankrupt on purpose.
@Archedgar Күн бұрын
@@holdingpattern245 You're kidding, right? TFA was extremely creatively bankrupt. It was *A NEW HOPE* but (much) worse. TFA permanently damaged the lore of the franchise in a bunch of different ways, as well as making absolutely no sense even within itself *[EX:* The protagonists are 'the empire' and their enemies are the rebels, not the other way around but they try to roll with it anyway]. Yes, after TFA it was very obvious that disney was making the movies 'creatively bankrupt on purpose'.
@RSanchez111 5 күн бұрын
Lucas's opinion that star wars is for 12 years old wasn't stupid when the original movies came out... When all the original fans were actually 12 years old
@holdingpattern245 5 күн бұрын
and he made most of his money on merchandise sold to 12-year-olds, mostly due to his deal with Fox where he took all the back end profits instead of a director's fee
@ian-op5fv 4 күн бұрын
@@RSanchez111 I want you to go look at photographs of people in 1977 waiting in line to watch the first movie. George Lucas doesn't understand his own movies.
@storba3860 4 күн бұрын
Some of the best shit ever is for 12 year olds.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
@@ian-op5fv Or maybe he does and a bunch of people attached far too much to a story he didn't think much of as a director.
@DrD0000M 4 күн бұрын
12 is fine, the problem is the phantom menace was for 5 year olds mixed with adult political babble and intrigue. Odd combo.
@theverminator9923 4 күн бұрын
She gave the 3 originals a try and that is respectable
@rndomm0nkey847 5 күн бұрын
pippa is young (like me but im into old shit) but star wars was written like flash gordon outting you in the action as a stand alone with stuff to get people excited, like temple of doom starts with the chinese diamond and poison scene.
@Herrikias 5 күн бұрын
My problem was always the opposite, I wasn't confused enough by it. Granted, at the same time I was watching Lynch's Dune, Ice Pirates, Zardoz, and Krull. All while I was 5. I was convinced quality and maturity hinged on my not understanding.
@holdingpattern245 5 күн бұрын
that's normal, kids desire to be challenged because their minds are growing
@LukSter18998 3 сағат бұрын
lynchs dune feels underproved
@sugoifunk 5 күн бұрын
god i love pippa's unhinged rants
@OwnageMancer 9 сағат бұрын
Hey she brings up a good point… Vader never goes back to Tatooine because he hates sand and his mom died and stuff, but he practically lives in Mustafar to constantly remind him of the worst moment in his life?
@jamesrayel3812 5 күн бұрын
Pippa has a very good grasp on the Star wars movies!
@genyatus 5 күн бұрын
She what?!
@GarrettFruge 4 күн бұрын
Luke's *love interest* 😂
@SubliminaIMessages 4 күн бұрын
The only things from SW worth investing in are the first 6 movies, some of the games like KOTOR, and observing the trashfire that Disney caused with the IP
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
Dude the prequels are just as bad as the Disney slop. I'm not going to pretend like the Star Wars community didn't collectively throw shade on the Prequels for 10 years until Disney fumbled The Last Jedi, had to start doing prequel references and then the fans flipped back to defending it.
@SubliminaIMessages 4 күн бұрын
@@Shockguey yeah but memes
@rodrigoa.oviedogarcia8139 17 сағат бұрын
@@SubliminaIMessages I don't think memes is enough to redeem them, but maybe that's just me.
@dac5782 15 сағат бұрын
​@@Shockguey Honestly, I'd hazard to say that the prequel films were just as bad. Yeah, there was poor execution for a variety of reasons (I'd say the primary one being the directors Lucas originally wanted were unwilling due to following up on the OT being too daunting, and most likely the then-ongoing dispute between Lucas and the DGA as well), but they still were original stories that had something to offer for the wider continuity, in the birth of Darth Vader and the rise of the Empire, and weaves neatly into the "soap opera" story of a father and son that Lucas was talking about. Basically a roundabout way to say "not great, but not terrible". Honestly, I'd wager the reason the prequels got so much flak, and still do, is because they were something that deviated from the formula of original trillogy; the initial reactions to TFA kind of confirm that theory. Despite that being a carbon copy of A New Hope and being subject to Abrams' "mystery box" storytelling, the overall fan consensus in the early days was quite positive, because the structure was something familiar. Even after the debacle with TLJ, most still regarded TFA fairly high and that it was Ryan Johnson who ruined something good that had so much potential.
@bananashoplifter3440 5 күн бұрын
Oh peepa
@BNuts 21 сағат бұрын
Pippa was overthinking it. _Star Wars_ is a space opera, and a very stereotypical hero's journey. I never overthought the movies. That started when I was reading the EU novels. Not all 200+ of them, but many of them.
@zamiyaFlow 4 күн бұрын
Star wars is complete trash, but then, so are every single anime that Pippa watches
@teyrngalahad5719 3 күн бұрын
The first three are simple, but overall decent adventure movies from that time period. They also aren't aimed mainly at adults, but it's not like most action/adventure movies are much deeper than them.
@jackratscratpack9323 Күн бұрын
Pippa is why George Lucas made the prequels
@jeremygeller9145 4 күн бұрын
….this seems like a skill issue
@Raphael_Rex 4 күн бұрын
His…love interest?
@Vifercel Күн бұрын
@@Raphael_Rex have you seen the movie? Yes. His love interest.
@117johnpar 4 күн бұрын
Star Wars IS for 12yos though. I love Star Wars* (*pre 2015) and I can say that its very specifically my internal 12yo that connects with star wars the most. There are some good messages overall with it as an adult. But everything that makes it special as a universe resonates with the kid just old enough to understand the scope of a galaxy, but not the subtleties in character performances.
@LucidUnconscious 18 сағат бұрын
Gotta love all of the salty Star Wars fanboys in the comments, lol. Honestly, I'm glad that Disney ran the franchise into the dirt because it had a huge stranglehold over pop-culture for several decades that got way out of hand and needed to end sooner or later.
@holdingpattern245 Күн бұрын
I'm amazed that people still care about Star Wars after that Disney trilogy. An entire trilogy of total nonsense, so bereft of ideas that it must have been intentional, but so unwatchable for that very reason.
@Sydthesquidster 4 күн бұрын
Star Wars fell off.
@UncensoredScion 5 күн бұрын
...it's okay, it's Pippa, don't get annoyed at her being this dumb in not knowing what Star Wars is about... Best thing is though that it's a dead franchise now so it's not much of a loss
@guybot360 19 сағат бұрын
Pippa doesn't like anything good.
@michaelfang1393 2 күн бұрын
No....Luka and Leia can't be in love... Pippa....
@PhantomOfTheKnight Сағат бұрын
2:19 “How is all the equipment futuristic and also old?” Gee, it’s like the story takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Does she not know what retro-futurism is? Or has she not watched anything else prior to the year 2000?
@oldoutlet6946 Күн бұрын
Star Wars is one of those franchises where I prefer the parodies over the source material. Space Balls and the Robot Chicken special easily outweigh the original trilogy for me in entertainment value.
@demonsecho272 3 күн бұрын
The best lightsaber fights Star Wars has to offer are probably the fights in The Old Republic cinematic trailers.
@tdubs9981 4 күн бұрын
Nyo... she hates the Star Warriors...
@GoblinSlayer_GS 5 күн бұрын
Personally, I think Star Wars is a great story that has been poorly told. And that's why fans are so forgiving of the original trilogy's shortcomings. As for the prequel trilogy, those movies came out around the time that Internet critics discovered that negative feedback and harsh criticism got them more clicks. Those movies aren't masterpieces, but they didn't deserved as much hate as they got at the time. Once again, a great story poorly told. The fall of the Republic and Anakin's descent into the dark side needed a lot more than 3 movies with massive time gaps to be told. This is why The Clone Wars series was so well received, because it took the time to fill in those gaps.
@REDDAWNproject 4 күн бұрын
@@GoblinSlayer_GS star wars is super interesting when viewed 1-6. It recontextualizes the whole OT story and makes it super interesting, and changes angles that nerds never really considered.
@angoose2515 20 сағат бұрын
The clone wars tv series was really well done. I think I enjoyed it more than the prequel and original trilogy films honestly
@NGMK 4 күн бұрын
Why am i reminded of "Gavin explains "The Star Wars""...
@darthmalicex4118 3 күн бұрын
I assume she must have been really young when she watched it.
@Bam_Bizzler 3 күн бұрын
I haven't watched them in 15 plus years but like....pippa...how do you not understand lol I think she just wanted a 400 ep anime tbh. Stories used to be simple. Its only now that we need over explanations and fluff to fill our couch potato time slots
@captainanon6849 5 күн бұрын
I honestly don’t get how she doesn’t understand the plot. I’ve never watched the movies and even I understand the plot just from all the conversation and fan content surrounding the franchise.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
This is actually good, because fans would only ever talk glowingly about the material whereas someone else with no attachment can call out topics that the fans would prefer to shave into the back of the closet. Now you have the opportunity to watch the movie with full knowledge of both sides and you get to determine who overshadows who.
@SEn-y2v 2 күн бұрын
Disney ran it into the ground so.. oh well lol
@matthewburmeister8148 2 күн бұрын
Rip James earl Jones
@Hazard1007 2 күн бұрын
Tbf everything outside of the original trilogy and episode 3 is dogshit
@slash10gamerofgamers82 19 сағат бұрын
I hate this. This is the worst way I see someone explain Star Wars to me.
@thehappywerewolf 5 күн бұрын
Never let anyone tell you your not a legend. You have made your place in history. You brighten the life's of some of us who would sleep ourselves through depression and agrophobia. Your one of the world's little bless you. Never doubt yourself ever.
@crizman7032 14 сағат бұрын
oh shit unlucky tug
@HypnoticChronic1 2 күн бұрын
To be fair the whole Galactic Civil War era (the era all the movies were based around) was always hot garbage so Pippa ain't wrong, but they did give rise to a franchise that other people took over and developed far better and more interesting plots and lore to e.g. the Old Republic era or the After Battle of Yavin era. Well they were interesting, at least until the evil empire otherwise known as Disney nuked all that good lore, only to replace it with more hot garbage and now Star Wars is just a husk on life support, that would not surprise me any if it died out. Bear in mind to this coming from somebody who isn't even a huge fan and only played a few games and read some comics back in the day, I'm just starting to see the same things happening to 40k which I am a huge fan of and don't want to see die like Star Wars.
@MonitorfromtheFBI 5 күн бұрын
There's only one burden in Phase Connect, and he knows who he is.🐟
@moemothmann6760 4 күн бұрын
Honestly, it's for the best
@dannyd.9932 2 күн бұрын
Pippa has bad tastes yes this is known lmao
@TheInnocentRabbitofCaerbannog 4 күн бұрын
I just liked the clones and bounty hunters
@darkinin 2 күн бұрын
I don't think much of the original trilogy either. Maybe that's just because adults forced me to watch it all the god damned time when I just wanted to watch Power Rangers/DBZ, but it is what it is. I did watch that animated series with Anakin and the tentacle girl though, and thought it was good. Also, I liked the third film, Revenge of the Sith.
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 4 күн бұрын
Anime fan doesn't understand a story that doesn't have the same 5 formats of every other anime? *What a surprise*
@Angrenost02 4 күн бұрын
Wdym? Star Wars, especially the OT, storytelling has a lot of things in common with shônen and seinen anime storytelling.
@warlock6a29 4 күн бұрын
Ball-shaped super weapons with fatal design fault. Smugglers. Tech rats coming from a desert planet with a minion. How original.
@Shockguey 4 күн бұрын
@@warlock6a29 Star Wars fans think Sci Fi started in 1977.
@JaegerYukari 3 күн бұрын
You're talking about movies that Lucus basically cribbed nearly all ideas from Seven Samurai and other Kurosawa films. Whose the moron now?
@Denariusjay Күн бұрын
What happened to her old voice? She sounds like Kirsche now
@gringolikeme3564 5 күн бұрын
Star wars has been mid since the beginning based pippa
@Web720 2 күн бұрын
She should react to Gnoggin's Darth Jar Jar video.
@alrun1836 4 күн бұрын
Loved this part of the stream I’m always here for the Star Wars hate lol.
@Archedgar 3 күн бұрын
I never liked the original trilogy. I always liked the prequels more, or at the very least, revenge of the sith.
@jacobnewell7845 2 күн бұрын
The old lore was better. Disney star wars is GAY!!!
@holdingpattern245 5 күн бұрын
Star Wars was made to be a toy commercial plain and simple, George literally had a deal written up with Mattel before the first movie came out. He needed money to save his production company American Zoetrope, and this was his plan to get that money. This is also why Francis Ford Coppola made The Godfather, he was co-owner of American Zoetrope, and he figured that a dumb crowd-pleasing gangster film would have a very low chance of bombing.
@bazzy5644 4 күн бұрын
So was Gundam, your point? It's not like these ips haven't have great stuff to them and sometimes even getting it nowadays. This is, never was and never will be an argument.
@holdingpattern245 4 күн бұрын
@@bazzy5644 oh it's not a bad thing, it's just funny that people criticize George for supposedly not taking Star Wars seriously enough
@teyrngalahad5719 3 күн бұрын
On that note, The Godfather has received many awards and it was a very influential movie, especially on its genre. Coppola was still doing something right and it isn't just another mid gangster film. Also the first three Star Wars movies were decent adventure flicks for their time. They are fairly simple and aren't mainly aimed at adults, but it's not like most action/adventure movies are much deeper anyway.
@2019AyyDee 5 күн бұрын
The sad fact is that Star Wars fans complain about Star Wars more than anyone else.
@PBRatLord 5 күн бұрын
Well, Disney literally erased 35 years of storytelling and replaced it with really bad cartoons and experimental writers and splitting 3 films between 2 directors who hated each other's vision for the trilogy.... I wonder why star wars fans don't like Disney
@holdingpattern245 5 күн бұрын
That's normal, in most cases the people who will complain about you the most are your parents, but that doesn't mean they don't love you, it's the opposite actually.
@GoblinSlayer_GS 5 күн бұрын
People are passionate about the things that are important to them. Their criticism usually comes from a place of frustration, because they want the franchise to be as good as it can be, much like a strict parent. And the truth is that Disney has diminished the prestige of the franchise. Not everything Disney has produced has been bad, but the products that have been bad, well... those have been beyond terrible.
@Mondoness 5 күн бұрын
and rightfully so
@osier769 4 күн бұрын
I'd agree with that, it's why I don't watch any of it anymore, it's frustrating. 😄
@jaydee2072 22 сағат бұрын
It's because Luke Skywalker is a loser. He was about to be vaporized by Darth Vader at the end of the first film, then he gets saved by Han Solo. Second film he gets owned and has his arm chopped off and has to limp off defeated and kiss his sister like some kind of weirdo. Third movie the Emperor has him literally crispy and Darth comes in for the win. Luke Skywalker is a loser.
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