歌詞: Lyrics: 買了張單程車票 Brought a one way ticket 路上風光多美妙 Ah, how beautiful is the passing scenery 哼著沒句點的旋律 Humming a tuneless melody 心疼這一路曲折 It's heart wrenching, the ups and downs along the way 那是誰笑著有多甜 Who's that smiling so sweetly 可以牽著我嗎? Would you hold my hand? 到說再見的時候了 Until it's time to say goodbyes 就穿上翅膀去飛 Spread your wings and fly 悲歡離合 眼淚氾濫成河 Sadness and joy, Partings and meetings, the overflowing tears 於是將思念 寫成了歌 So we turn the reminiscence into song 嘿!親愛的 你開的大玩笑 Hey! Dear, such a great joke you made 要我將你忘掉 沒煩惱 Asking me to forget you and all the worries too dada dadada dada dadada 最後剩想念你的夜 In the end, only the lonely nights are left 再也看不見 你的美 Unable to see the beauty that is you anymore 流下來 最後一滴淚 Shedding my last tear 大聲 說再見 Shouting, I bid you goodbye