Pitching Sonic Spin-Off Games

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@DaveMan1K 11 күн бұрын
Here's my pitch for a brand new _Tails Adventure._ Following on from the events of Frontiers, Tails is wanting to venture out on his own and better himself after promising that to Sonic. Deciding to head back to where it all began for him, Tails returns to West Side Island. This being the first time he's been back there since the time travelling shenanigans in Generations. But he notices a familiar looking fleet of airships situated not far from the island and actively attacking. Upon touching down in Emerald Hill, Tails is greeted by some old faces from his past: Bunnie Rabbot, Rotor the Walrus, Antoine D'Coolette, and Sally Acorn; this being their official introduction into the games (these are not the same versions seen in SatAM/Archie). From them, Tails learns that the Battle Bird Armada has returned and has set their sights on Tails' old home as revenge for him beating them last time. Following on from the reunion, their mission now is to travel across West Side Island and recover the Deep Power Stones located in the Hidden Palace beneath the island before the Battle Bird Armada can get their hands on them. This will take Tails back through familiar locations seen in Sonic 2, but now everything is different from when he was last there: - Chemical Plant is now an eco-friendly facility plumping clean water across the island. - Casino Night and Studiopolis have been merged into a massive industrial complex. - Oil Ocean has been converted into a water park oasis in the Mirage Desert. - Metropolis has been leveled to the ground. This all culminates with the Battle Bird Armada obtaining the Power Stones and capturing Tails and the team. But Tails uses the Power Stones himself to transform into a new super form and destroy the armada's forces once and for all.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
This is a phenomenal idea! Really love the detail you put into this, and I also like the idea of zones from previous games having completely changed since Tails was last there, makes going back to them a lot more interesting!
@jamestolbert1856 7 күн бұрын
@@DaveMan1K I have another idea. What if his game is an archaeologist game where he needs to figure out puzzles and riddles to find out his enemies next movie and use his speed and flying to move around the environment and fight his enemies. His enemy is someone who is just as smart and fast as he is, a cheetah character who is trying to find an ancient weapon to enforce his will onto others or to gain power for himself
@CheeseboiSRB2 11 күн бұрын
when i was 9 i wrote an email to sega BEGGING for a silver game 😭
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Lmao, I did a similar thing to Nintendo asking them to put Waluigi in Smash Bros in like 2008
@halohunter1.081 8 күн бұрын
I still do that to this day
@MegaGeek-gr6ts 10 күн бұрын
-A Mighty and Ray focused platforming game, focused on the classic cast and what they've been up to in recent years. -Amy Rose centered RPG, at the end of Frontiers she said she wanted to explore the world with Cream and Sticks. So why not explore that? The tarrot cards are used to determine how they would attack. -A Knuckles open world collecthon, exploring more Echidna lore. Maybe even have Tikal and Chaos show up too. -If we can't get a new Riders game, then maybe give the Babylon Rogues their own spin-off, imagine them butting heads with the Hooligans or even the Battle Kuku Army. -A Chao Garden focused game, seriously if they won't give us a Chao Garden then just make it a spin-off series. -How about another crack at a Sonic party game? But this time using Secret Rings minigames as a base, but obviously the minigames would be more Sonic-like.
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
Knuckles Knuckles and Knuckles. ❤
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Brilliant ideas! Especially love the Amy Rose RPG one, the tarot cards deciding how the group attacks is a very interesting mechanic!
@burner555 9 күн бұрын
→explore more Echidna lore Bro wants to reawaken the Penders lawsuit💀💀💀
@blaa6 11 күн бұрын
-Amy Rose game with hammer and tarot card combat like DMC. -Amy Rose RPG like Paper Mario -Tails Adventure 2 with Cosmo -Silver game akin to Control and Star Wars force powers
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Ooh I love all these ideas, especially the Amy Rose RPG one! That sounds especially fun!
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
Love it, the DMC style Amy game and Tails Adventure 2 are definitely my favorite ❤️
@jackskirata4819 11 күн бұрын
One spin off for Whisper is a Diamond Cutters team shooter, in the vain of Republic Commando. Another one is a hero shooter style game but with Sonic characters, like Marvel Rivals or Overwatch.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I’d kill for both of these, loved playing Republic Commando!
@joshshrum2764 9 күн бұрын
My girl .
@Kaos_Element 11 күн бұрын
I’ve always wanted an open world Knuckles game where you explore Angel Island or a Metal Sonic game.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
That’d be fantastic! Revisiting locations from Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 3D would appeal to me especially haha.
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
I would love to see Metal Sonic in his own game 😍
@z.a.k.e.n.3901 9 күн бұрын
maybe a Knuckles game where Knuckles needs to learn more about his history could be great! I mean, it would give us even more Echidna lore, and it would give SEGA a chance to replace the.. god-awful Penders lore.
@BaconHairDefaults 11 күн бұрын
I love all of the ideas here. And you got me thinking after saying Silver couldn’t fit in any game except Gens. Honestly, I think him and Blaze could work as their own team in a Heroes remake. Metal Sonic destroys the future and they need to stop it or whatever. It would be a good intro to the series for them, because their first game together got erased.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! Maybe that’d work in a Heroes sequel if they were ever to do that, not sure if they’d incorporate them into a remake.
@xendofenigmax 10 күн бұрын
Love your ideas. The Chaotix and Amy Mania ones specifically got my giddy! I would personally love a full Team Dark spinoff game. Make all 3 characters play unique with significantly different levels and stuff. Shadow can be your traditional Sonic gameplay, Rouge can be super stealthy with takedowns and gadgets, and Omega could be a rapid pace beat em up sort of like the werehog (but a bit less repetitive and shorter levels). Combine it with a storyline relating to G.U.N. that can better pull them into modern canon since they've hardly touched them in a while!
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! Love your idea for a Team Dark spin-off! :)
@Starlight_Emerald 11 күн бұрын
5:06 Headcanon: Knuckles Chaotix's Age for Charmy was in Bee Years and his actual age is the one in the Heroes Manual (ik this is dumb but it would be pretty funny tho)
@CosmicSponge2004 11 күн бұрын
As a bonus, Charmy's age isn't mentioned at all the Japanese Chaotix Manual. So it's pretty easy to have fun with it
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I accept this as canon
@CosmicSponge2004 11 күн бұрын
Your Eggman & Chaotix Ideas is amazing Silver's got potential. I've always prefered a Blaze idea with action rpg elements. Still 2D action boost stages but also 3D Hub Worlds and Turn-Based boss fights. I think it would help stand apart from Sonic in gameplay I also want a game starting SONIC, KNUCKLES, and ROUGE. They were a very fun trio in Sonic X
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! I really like your Blaze idea, turn based bosses would definitely be interesting! Aye, would be a cool dynamic to see!
@BlucklesTheGlitchidna 11 күн бұрын
5:13 Man, I thought you got sponsored or something, only for you to rub it in my face that way- I really love these ideas, but I personally don't have any good ideas... maybe a game for Metal Sonic? Where his stages would be him going through different places and completing tasks given by Eggman, and the bosses being Sonic and his friends/other Sonic characters, while the story progresses with Metal slowly learning more about him not being the real Sonic, but reasons of him still decided to stay and work for Eggman instead of against him. Again, it's not really a good idea, just a random thought in my head.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I love misleading my audience lmao. I like that idea! Could be really interesting to see a Metal game in future, think you’re onto something there with the story idea :)
@brianross3988 11 күн бұрын
i had an idea for a trilogy of sorts featuring Amy as the lead character going on a massive interconnected adventure through various locations on Mobius and in different planets/dimensions, plus their respective dream worlds alongside other female characters in a more traditional, slower paced 3d platformer with objectives, collectables, and character-specific abilities. the quest involves fighting against a family of nightmare-creatures modeled after a fantasy royal family and circus acts, they’re harnessing the powers of a trio of new magical gemstones called the “Somnulan Sapphires” that can bridge dreams and reality as a shared power, with the individual gems having unique powers like imbuing life and turning objects into other things. i, personally would pull from Archie and Fleetway for Amy’s companions like Cream, Blaze, Dulcy the Dragon, etc. and the villains’ princess would very much be the Starscream of the group with various monster forms and the most evil, spoiled personality that would be a blast to watch go all ham. the levels would have candy lands, toy lands, fields of giant crystals, pirate armadas, series of floating islands, a colossal tower that pierces multiple dimensions/worlds, it’s pretty involved.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Love this idea! Using characters from other continuities is a great shout, would love Tekno from Fleetway to be involved!
@GiftOfKnowledge-np9vg 10 күн бұрын
I've said it before; but I actually think Silver & Blaze should actually share a stand-alone(-ish) game. Because as much as people say they can each carry a game by themselves...they each have their issues doing so. And those issues are things the other could over for. For Silver; it's obvious he could sell a game. He's the 3rd big hedgehog of the franchise, well known (for good or bad), and everyone is saying he's the next obvious choice to get a spin-off. His problem is he's so difficult to write a central story about. He's from some nebulous "the future" he's trying to "save" but we haven't seen it since 06 retconned itself. We know two guys from this setting; Silver, and a guy Sega doesn't seem to want to touch anymore. Yeah having Silver jump through time to established time periods makes things a bit easier, but that's still a lot of characters and world building you've have to write up from scratch to make a Silver game's story work. Blaze meanwhile has a story that all but writes itself; we've seen the Sol Dimension and it's left us wanting to see more, we've met some of it's inhabitants and we want to see more. Plus it's easier to get established characters to another dimension than jumping through time to fill out the cast a bit (even if the idea is mainly to flesh out the Sol Dimension's cast). Just have some new threat do something bad with the Sol Emeralds and we're good to go. Her problem is that she might not be the most marketable. Like yeah; hardcore Sonic fans know she's epic; but she hasn't stared in a game since the DS era and she isn't even well known for anything in memes. She's a total background character lately, it's too big a leap for go from that to carrying a game. Plus, there's the obvious worry of immature gamers worrying about a "girl's game," which would hurt sales. I think Amy could overcome that, but probably not Blaze. Put them together though, and they solve each other's problems. Silver shows up for the crisis of the month in the Sol Dimension to help Blaze recover the Sol Emeralds; boom, we've got a highly marketable Sol Dimension adventure. Plus we get a 2nd playable character out of it (always nice) and a neat reversal of their 06 dynamic where Silver's helping Blaze in her home setting.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
I’d be more than happy with the two starring in a game together! Best of both worlds haha.
@morganskapelser5772 11 күн бұрын
Ratchet and clank styled tails game.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Yes, that would be amazing! He’s already had shooting gameplay with SA2, so that would be a really good way forward!
@joshshrum2764 9 күн бұрын
@Captain.Mystic 10 күн бұрын
When it comes to blaze i think going back to captain whisker doesnt make sense. when how neggman acted as someone who has clearly never really taken a sonic-level loss given he tried blowing up the world after what was essentially a toe stub of a failure compared to his chaos counterpart (currently ignoring that hes canonically eggmans grandson or something instead of an alternate dimension), blazes behavior around the sol emeralds suggest she hasnt actually *seen* much outside of her kingdom despite being royalty, and the fact shes never actually seen neggman before the events of rush. It implies that the world is actually a LOT more screwed up outside her kingdom islands than shes aware of. Its also been a while since we have seen a *good* game where eggman has actually taken over everything and roboticized the sun itself in a while, and so blaze working on fixing up the world and having to deal with her isolationist kingdoms mistakes would be a cool way to go about it. As for gameplay... honestly if they just gave blazes moveset a frontiers/shadow generations freshening up you would have a sweet DMC game for boss fights. Im also just a huge sucker for wanting to see how a lot of modern sonic game gimmicks might manifest differently in shadow and blazes movesets(seriously imagine how the wisps might interact with their abilities, or a storybook game for either)
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
I chose Whisker for the villain role simply because I don’t like Eggman Nega lol. Love the idea of a DMC style game for Blaze, that could be great!
@TacokomiOSC 10 күн бұрын
8:30 Actually Sonic X Silver Colors would go hard Since colors is allegedly the reason gens happened And since it was a whole time thing Maybe it shook up silver's future alot,and therefore,he would want to stop eggman from finding time eater in space after terminal velocity,so he tries to catch up to sonic and tails,discovering that there are more planets and more wisps he's missed,which would not make sense due to the base game's planets already working,so it would be like time is changing in the past games,and so it would make for 3 new planets,which i have no ideas for except 1:Wasteland Jam,a wild futuristic wasteland type planet,and all the planets from the base and silver game would have their own hub worlds,dw the minimaps will stay,but hub worlds will be an optional part to uncover some bonus stages and lore,but your idea seems cool too!
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Great idea! Silver was in the DS version of the game so maybe they could find a way of tying that to the console version with this pitch you have?
@enricocolombocaporrino6992 10 күн бұрын
Would it be a stretch to call Hideki Naganuma do compose the OST to a Blaze spin-off? 👉👈
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Please please please
@GoodWitchKirby 10 күн бұрын
I have A LOT of ideas for Sonic spin-offs, so I will just list off some of my favorite ideas: 1. Sonic Endless Ride: A racing game with the control scheme of the boost formula games. 2. Sonic TKO: A new Sonic fighting game in the style of something like Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. 3. Amy Rose and the Restoration: A easy-going game staring Team Rose (now including Gemeral) and the Restoration-related characters from the IDW comics like Tangle and Whisper. This plays similarly to the Kirby series with Sonic elements. 4. Knuckles the Echidna: A 3D collectathon staring Knuckles where he has to find the shards of the Master Emerald in various wacky locals. He has his gameplay from Adventure with expanded combat elements. It also takes some elements from the Yakuza games. 5. Shadow Agents of G.U.N.: A game staring Team Dark. Shadow has his gameplay from Shadow generations, Rouge has hers from SA2, and Omega is akin to his 06 incarnation. 6. Tails Machinery and Magic: Tails is forced to save Sonic from the combined forces of Witchkart and the Battle Kuku Armada. This combines elements from his gameplay from Adventure, the Ratchet and Clank games, and various Lego games. There are also vehicle segments, including giant mech fights for the boss battles. 7. Sonic and the Kingdom of Order: A Sonic action RPG where combat takes place in 2D arenas; alternatively, the combat could be more like the Mario and Luigi games, Kingdom Hearts, or Deltarune. The plot sees Sonic's world being invaded by an order-obsessed kingdom from another world.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
I’d kill for ‘Sonic Endless Ride’, that sounds like a perfect template for a racing game going forward!
@GoodWitchKirby 10 күн бұрын
@ Thank you!
@wastelander9977 10 күн бұрын
Ever since someone made a joke about Knuckles replacing the werehog in Sonic Unleashed, I’ve always had the image of a Knuckles-centric GoW clone in my head. So I would like something like that. But I’d also just take… ANY game focused exclusively on Knuckles, as he’s my favorite Sonic character. Put Rouge and The Chaotix in there as supporting characters/maybe having their own adventures after the main campaign, but have Knuckles be front and center in his own epic beat ‘em up adventure. Maybe take this time to make sort of a canon version of Finetivus from Archie Sonic or Dr. Zachary from the Fleetway Sonic, have Knuckles finally meet another echidna only to realize “Oh no, he’s an asshole!” And have that evil echidna be the main villain.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Ooh I like this a lot! Knuckles was quite underwhelming when it came to his combat in Frontiers imo, so a game focused around that with him would be a chance to try again! I agree about the villain, I’d love a character akin to Zachary!
@wastelander9977 10 күн бұрын
@@CAMiStH Thank you! And thank you for making this video as well, I specifically love the Silver and Chaotix ideas.
@smasherthebluecat4682 10 күн бұрын
My idea of a Silver game actually is more of him traveling from the future, into the past, & making Blaze playable as well. Think of the Sonic & Avatar stages from Forces, but the level design is that of Shadow Generations. Silver's gameplay would be a puzzle momentum based platforming, where the puzzles are more of, "How fast can you clear this quick puzzle." Blaze would be more like how she is in Sonic Rush, with the crowd on the tricking system toned down some. The plot would take place in Generations, with Iblis breaking out of its time prison, causing Silver to remember things that were erased. After Silver gets whooped by Sonic, Blaze shows up to help Sonic at first, until Silver unknowningly finds a sol emerald. Blaze recognizes it after Silver shows it to her. Silver & Blaze briefly exchange what their own goal is, and make an alliance to recover the Sol Emeralds, and defeat Iblis. Halfway through their journey, they encounter Eggman Nega, who was out to create his own timeline, in the White Space, using the Sol Emeralds. Blaze & Silver beat him, and gather intel of his scheme. The end shows that they gathered all the 7 Sol Emeralds, ready to take down Eggman Nega, only to see that Nega has teamed up with Iblis, powering up all of Nega's tech. Silver gets to join Blaze in using the Sol Emeralds, gifting Silver an electric super form, now called "Flashing Silver". As they defeat Nega & send Iblis back to where it came from, they use the Sol Emeralds to help Sonic restore the timeline on both Chaos & Sol Diamentions, back to where it was meant to be. A game like this can be a great way to also tell the origins of Silver & Blaze, and allow them to form a strong bond, along with letting them help out Sonic more than what we have now. As for the stages, I'd want it to be like in this order. - Crisis City (Sonic 06) - Kronos Island (Sonic Frontiers) - VS Giganto (Sonic Frontiers) - Lumious Jungle (Sonic Forces) - Asteroid Coaster (Sonic Colors) - VS Infinite (Sonic Forces) - Haunted Ship (Sonic Rush Adventure) - Sky Babylon (Sonic Rush Adventure) - VS Johnny & Whisker (Sonic Rush Adventure) - Night Carnival (Sonic Rush) - Dead Line (Sonic Rush) - VS Eggman Nega & Iblis
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Brilliant idea, love this for a potential 'Silver Generations'! Especially appreciate that you've picked levels from Rush and Rush Adventure, those are ones I'd love to see remade in 3D!
@Sonicman4155 8 күн бұрын
@smasherthebluecat4682 awesome idea for a Silver game. This is great 👍
@wallowlight 11 күн бұрын
i would kill for a Blaze game... something small though like a carrot, spiders are icky
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Haha I’d also kill for a Blaze game!
@joshshrum2764 9 күн бұрын
@jonathanhusk6590 9 күн бұрын
Telltale Games: Team Chaotix Dectective Agency
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Telltale would be another good choice for developing a Chaotix game, though I personally would love to see the Murder of Sonic team be given another shot on a big-budget level. :)
@Hugo-yz1vb 10 күн бұрын
New fighting game. Please. We can only do so many Sonic the Fighters tournaments before the magic runs out
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Haha, that’d be fantastic! Maybe a crossover game with another company’s IP’s like Marvel vs. Capcom - perhaps DC vs. Sega? They seem to be on good terms with the whole Sonic crossover.
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
​@CAMiStH hell yeah, here's a hundred bucks for that. 🤘
@Bass2149. 10 күн бұрын
Chaotix solo game would be awesome
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Agreed! :)
@joshuarivas9140 10 күн бұрын
if they do a blaze spin off to flesh out the sol dimension they need more new sol dimension exclusive characters because I support that the sol dimension is a parallel to sonics blaze is the sonic Marines the tails eggman negas is take a wild guess and I want more who's the knuckles the Amy the shadow the cream the surge etc I want to see everything about the sol dimension also make it a separate series like how i feel about donkey Kong games being its own thing and not a Mario spin-off
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Agreed, I’d love to see what makes the Sol Dimension stand out from the main one we play through in the games, especially in regards to the people who live there!
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
Blaze deserves her own game, along with Silver.
@joshuarivas9140 10 күн бұрын
@@Sonicman4155 I can definitely understand that bud but to me if I want to include silver I would say he should live in the sol dimension with blaze Gardon marine and who ever else lives there I just think that a blaze spinoff should give the sol dimension a huge focus for world building
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
@@joshuarivas9140 like a open world Frontiers style? Cause I don't mind 👍
@joshuarivas9140 10 күн бұрын
@@Sonicman4155 well kinda I picture the hub map would be open world let me say this say blaze Marine and Gardon are on a boat exploreing an ocean similar to the wind waker the hub world which is the ocean is open as you unlock more islands on the map when you get to an island it's also a little sand box with they're portals to the levels both acts challenges probably a fishing mini game from the sol dimensions version of big a boss and a shop to customize your boat and blaze with so yeah imagine the level layout as a mix between wind waker and shadow gens with the main gameplay being like rush but on one screen
@supper_e1823 14 сағат бұрын
- Trip solo game that plays like Superstars that expands and refines it’s gameplay, like the bosses. It could become a side series to the main games. Trip seems like a cool character that they could make a bunch of stories around as she sets out to prove herself, or just interact with the rest of the cast. I just want them to have these kinds of characters more consistently instead of giving them their one appearance before being forgotten forever. - Some sort of Tails game. It could be another adventure Metroid style game, flying game, or even a shooter game, idk. They could use it as an opportunity to leave the whole thing about his character from Forces behind, and let him just do what he does best. - a Chao garden game, because of course. Maybe it could even be centered around Cream, so she could be a part of the series again. - a spinoff series centered around team dark, with Shadow Generations gameplay being the foundation. It could focus more on using abilities, speed running and skill mastery to set itself apart from the main series, which could expand more on Frontier’s core gameplay. You could make all kinds of cool stuff about team dark doing secret agent missions! - Knuckles solo game that could be a more open 3D treasure hunting platformer kind of thing. Those are more “reasonable” ones, but here are the completely out there crazy ones that I could come up with: - Another racing game in the style of Sonic R, and all of the cheesy music that entails hehehehehe - An isometric game like 3D Blast or Labyrinth. Just because :) - Sonic Adventure 3, or a game that has the same amount of content and sense of wonder and cohesion. - A survival sandbox game starring Sticks the Badger. - A sequel to the greatest phone game ever released: Shadow Shoot. Ok, I’m done rambling :)
@jamestolbert1856 8 күн бұрын
I love your idea of Eggman making his own fortress with his own traps, bots and weapons is a cool idea
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it!
@GiftOfKnowledge-np9vg 10 күн бұрын
My Pitch for a Knuckles game would probably be: *Knuckles, Guardian of the Master Emerald* Synopsis: Angel Island is suddenly and mysteriously dragged into another dimension, a void between universes, while some of Knuckles' friends were visiting. No sooner than this happens does a giant horrible monster (I'm imagining a giant cosmic spider that has all of Angel Island in it's web) attacks the Master Emerald, shattering it into pieces scattered throughout the island but injuring itself in the process. It is now up to Knuckles to scour all of Angel Island in a giant open zone to find all of the pieces and restore the Master Emerald to get everyone home. Gameplay: As is obvious, this is largely based on Knuckles' levels from the Adventure games, where you're treasure hunting for the Master Emerald. It's not all just 1 massive level to comb through without guidence of course; the map would be divided into sections where you're told how many Master Emerald Shards you need to find (probably around 10 on average). Additionally; there are also Cyber Space-equivalents; portals to strange structures floating in the void, remains of other things that were dragged into the void to be devoured by that monster...and you get to climb all over them for find Master Emerald Shards. And of course some boss fights for when you get all the Emerald Shards in a section of the map, their defeat rewarding you with more shards and progression to the next section of the island. (I guess it's not _exactly_ one big Open Zone that way, but I am still imagining this smaller than Frontiers, and that Angel Island would be one big map once it's all unlocked.) Cast: the friends who were visiting Knuckles when everything went down would _not_ include Sonic or Tails; they'd be too helpful. I'm thinking the Chaotix, maybe Cream & her family (so we can get the 3D debut of Vanilla and Gemerl), and pipe dream inclusions of Bean and Bark. And we'd also see the return of the Tikal and Chaos with the Master Emerald disturbed as it was; the former so he has someone to talk about the Master Emerald to, and the later because I think it'd make for a cool team-up boss fight against the giant spider monster. Admittedly; a pretty big cast for a Sonic game about the most isolated character having his island isolated from the rest of the world; but I think they could make it work. Besides, I kind of want Knuckles to have guys to talk to about subject like "so what's with the Big Spider Monster and this crazy cosmic void we've been dragged to?" or "hey, wanna drop some cool Master Emerald lore on us?" Climax: The cast would eventually learn that the Spider has some history with the Master Emerald, and has developed a specific counter to it's powers; this sort of "anti-restoration" aura to it's void. Nothing can return to a previous state, meaning the Master Emerald cannot put itself back together; and even if it could, it wouldn't be able to return Angel Island back home. Additionally, the Spider monster has forcefully merged with Chaos, creating an amalgam of itself and Perfect Chaos; called Toxic Chaos. With this power; it begins eroding and destroying all of Angel Island. To get around the monster's powers; Knuckles takes the shards of the Master Emerald into himself to unlock a new Super Form; Master's Knuckles. After a hopefully epic final boss fight on a time limit, Knuckles overpowers the Toxic Chaos monster, allowing him to use the Master Emeralds powers to restore not only Angel Island and return it home; but to do the same to everything else the monster destroyed. Tikal & Chaos Return to the Master Emerald, dragging the spider in with them to seal it away, every one else goes home, and Knuckles congratulates himself on saving the day. The End.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Love this idea! Sounds like a very high-stakes adventure and that spider monster gives me Shelob vibes from Lord of the Rings haha.
@halohunter1.081 8 күн бұрын
Loool I love the sponsor fakeout, still, I hope you actually get sponsored someday, you deserve to get dough out of these amazing videos.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Thank you very much, easily my favourite bit to write, record and edit haha! I’m not sure if I’d want to do sponsored videos to be honest, I’m quite happy doing KZbin as a fun lil hobby outside of work :)
@z.a.k.e.n.3901 9 күн бұрын
5:06 the Archie comics actually have an explanation, although it was rushed for Heroes's release. So one day, during the attack on Knothole that resulted in the city's destruction, Charmy and nearly everyone else was taken into these things called "egg grapes," which slowly take away your life energy until you.. well, die. While Charmy was taunting the hostages, Eggman singled out Charmy, offhandedly remarking about he had destroyed the bee's home. Charmy remained defiant as Eggman selected his Egg Grape Chamber to accelerate the draining process. Sonic freed Charmy before it was on for long, and after everyone had been freed, Dr. Quack examined him. He held up two fingers, asking Charmy how many he was holding up, but Charmy responded with the first lyric of "One-Two Buckle my Shoe." While he showed no physical damage, Charmy's mind appeared somewhat scattered, and Quack suspected some memory loss. Tearfully, Saffron asked if Charmy remembered who she was, and he happily embraced her, saying he did.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Aye, I’m familiar with the comic’s explanation for Charmy’s personality change, though the age change has never been explained in any media properly.
@History_Man10 10 күн бұрын
A Tails Spinoff Game. A Open Zone, adventure game where you fly to cross difficult terrain, find parts, and with those parts, make cool stuff or upgrade your stuff, also a mix of the gameplay of Tail's Adventure. The story will be about that one days Tails is on vacation on Crystal Island, then a bomb drops on Tails, and somehow Tails survives that without any injuries. He sees that a new villain has arrive to get The Crystal of The Elements, where it blends Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, and he's not alone, since along side him, is Tail's bullies, since they are jealous of Tails success, and also because they are just a piece of crap. And since Tail's doesn't want the villain to get his hands in the Crystal, want to deal with the bullies/teach them a lesson, and just mad of them ruining his vacations, he goes in his on adventure. It can flesh out his character more, flesh out his backstory, and can show how much Tails has grown. Also by the end, hace Sonic stop by on the Island, since he sense something is going on and is worry about his buddy, he just sees Tails chilling, who got just got done dealing with the villain and bullies. Edit: also I want this game to have fun with art style with the game, make it unique and stand out, make it look it Dark Beginnings, or Mario and Luigi Brothership, a change in art style for the game will be cool and also unique.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
What a good idea! Bringing back those childhood bullies as enemies is a great shout, love your thinking with the art style change too!
@Sonicman4155 8 күн бұрын
@History_Man10 a Tails spin-off would be awesome to see.
@hydrixaquatic8833 9 күн бұрын
A fun fact about Silver. He actually WAS in fact meant to have his own spinoff series had Sonic 06 actually succeeded and the game didn't turn out as poorly as it did. Many have called Silver "a protagonist without a game" and for very good reason. After 06 bombed, Silver's spinoff series was sadly cancelled. Had 06 succeeded, we'd have not only had a Silver spinoff series, but a Shadow the Hedgehog spinoff series as well to fit alongside Sonic in store shelves. Just some food for thought.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
we were truly robbed :(
@alexandreturcotte6411 11 күн бұрын
If the Eggman mech gameplay should be brought back, make it a Virtual On spiritual succesor/a more beginner friendly (and not Sony exclusive) version of Armored Core. Or in other words, more mobility and customisation alongside the shooting combo gameplay.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Great idea! I really like the sound of that, it’s definitely something that could do with evolving in future should it come back!
@MetalSonic-q4g 11 күн бұрын
I'd love for Blaze's own game to be a thing. I'd want it to be a big 3D action platformer that really makes the most most out of her powers and abilities though.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I like the sound of that for sure! Maybe that’s something they’d potentially look at doing after testing the waters :)
@thepigvillage 9 күн бұрын
We should get a game about Rouge with the open world platforming style of 06 & Adventure where they redeem the format and revisit Station Square. The plot would be Rouge hunting down a magical treasure that Eggman’s also pursuing at the time, which causes Eggman to send bots and Fang the Hunter after her. Have some espionage, some puzzles, and some awesome platforming. I’d accept inventing a new artifact, but I’d think I’d like it most if it’s the Phantom Ruby they’re after and then they have to fight Infinite once they do find it. I think it’d be awesome if Rouge is able to tap into the Ruby and gain a transformation. During the story you could also have her collect information for GUN as a side-mission Give Rouge a chance to express herself and show off what makes her special beyond looking pretty People already like her so why not give her a chance to shine? I’m thinking something along the lines of Rouge and the Phantom Hunt for the title
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Great idea, I dig this a lot! Really like your inclusion of Fang and Infinite, would definitely be nice to see them again!
@Meilybloom 3 сағат бұрын
I think it would be cool to expand on the avatar customization from forces, maybe as a side mode or a new game entirely, playing as a custom character and having Honey the Cat as your mentor, since she is into fashion in the comics. It would be neat since this fanbase likes to make their own OC's.
@loganjake8994 8 күн бұрын
I’d absolutely love an Espio game. I’d love to see him teaming up with Silver and his fellow members in levels to get through tasks and solve cases. I’d imagine his gameplay being like the Avatar from Forces mixed with Shadow in SxSG with his grappling hook and kunai
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
That does sound like it’d be a great fit for Espio! Incorporate his stealth, invisibility and colour changing, and I’d be all for it!
@alu_sonic 9 күн бұрын
I want a silver game Blaze Tails Maybe knuckles Chaotix And also a new riders man...
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Agreed, they’d all be great!
@Ringtail 2 күн бұрын
1:00 finally, a game about Vanilla
@CAMiStH 2 күн бұрын
...shit that's true lmao
@borederlands5387 11 күн бұрын
Honestly i really do want the riders series back
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Don’t blame you, it’d stand out in the racing genre and we’re long overdue a new instalment.
@King-n00bi3 10 күн бұрын
I want a open zone silver game, the first zone would be silvers future, and after the first boss a time traveler appears and you have to travel through different timelines to undo the damage they caused, maybe at some point you end up in a timeline where 06 happened or a timeline where shadow didn’t remember Maria’s wish and at the end you have to fight different sonic characters from timelines where they were evil.
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Love this take on the idea, especially the incorporation of the open zone and evil versions of the main cast! Those kind of wacky what-if scenario's would be perfect for a Silver game!
@Tromite 10 күн бұрын
Some great ideas I see here! I'm quite certain that Silver was planned to have a spinoff for the PSP, but of course, since Sonic 06 had such poor reception, that was scrapped and probably didn't get far in development. I think an Amy Rose spinoff would be a great idea, like a platformer involving her tarot cards and could take place in her own fortune telling world, maybe she could be a detective investigating something like TMOSTH. It could be akin to those Princess Peach spinoffs. I'm surprised we haven't gotten one yet, considering how high profile she is! But as for the other characters, unfortunately, I think they're still not well known enough, so they're going to have to flesh out their characters and backstories in new mainline games, or even in a new RPG. But yeah, Blaze, the Babylon Rogues, even the Hooligans, were great ideas for characters which they introduced but just didn't get very far with, either because they scrapped those ideas like they usually do, or there're some stupid new franchise rules that's preventing them for going further with those ideas, such as with the classic characters, and I really hope they stop and drop those restrictions, as it's just not necessary. They should stop milking nostalgia anyway and just go all out, don't be afraid of reception, as it'll probably sell really well anyway, as long as they keep trying new things and don't back down, and be confident in what they're doing. Either that, or make new characters but stoo using old characters if they're even going to use them anyway, as so many of them have stripped personalities of what they once were and now they're just nothing. They have no relevance anymore. But with Shadow Generations out now, i hope they're starting to turn that around as they do now seem to be acknowledging the 2000s era of ideas. But they still should not be blatantly reusing nostalgia and start from something fresh while still being inspired by those ideas, and that's what I'm afraid is going to happen. Same goes for the gameplay featuring the boost and 2D sections in multiple mainline entries. Sonic 06 I think was the highest budget Sonic game ever, and for it to flop so badly, it had lots of ideas that were scrapped and were missed potential and never got a chance to truly shine, and that's why everyone now wants them back because the new ideas that they replaced them with are not as good or original or innovative, and that made the franchise feel so dry and a hollow shell of what it once was. And it was technically the biggest gaming tragedy that I at least know of, and if it was successful, I'm sure it would have elevated the franchise and be in a much better place than it is currently. And also, one other thing they should do is stop trend chasing. They've been doing that almost always, and it was usually for the worse. They should just stick with the roots of Sonic and try to make a Sonic game. No beat-em-ups, shooters, puzzles, or Mario or Zelda clones. Those are not what Sonic is. Just make a platformer based on speed. With spinoffs, it can be slightly forgiven, but in general, no stupid gimmicks please.
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words regarding my ideas, greatly appreciated! I agree that there’s a lot of characters with tons of spin-off potential but it’s never led to anything, which is a real shame. I think characters like the Hooligans and Babylon Rogues will remain relegated to the sideline unless they get an appearance in the Paramount films, which would boost them for the possible spin off games. We’ll just have to see, I suppose.
@tailsknuxfan101 11 күн бұрын
I've always wanted to know more about Sonic's family history, maybe his sister? Y'know, to expand the lore. Maybe they could just retool an existing game as to not spend too much money on it
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
They did consider something like this with Sister Sonic, would be interesting to see them attempt it again nowadays but I don’t think they would haha.
@JulesGhoul 11 күн бұрын
Keep cooking, The Eggman spinoff is probably my favorite because of my love for mario maker and eggman
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words, glad you liked the idea!
@whaahh 11 күн бұрын
i think they should do another RPG
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
We are long overdue one, genuinely insane they just gave up on the genre.
@joshshrum2764 9 күн бұрын
Blame Ken Penders.
@dissonanceparadiddle 9 күн бұрын
Yoooo I'm not the only one who wants a chaotix point and click!!!! And speaking of charmy's age changing, I would love for them to somehow get a legally distinct version of his old fiance saffron in the Archie comics into that game I mean I feel like it would be nice for him to have someone to play off of that's more his speed. I guess I am kind of thinking of professor Layton with that one girl but you know. The game could have them chapter to chapter paying the rent
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Good to hear someone likeminded would want one too! Yeah, Charmy could definitely do with some fleshing out so I’d be more than okay with a homage to Saffron popping up.
@Izzyisneon 11 күн бұрын
Finally EggWare
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Super Eggman Maker
@z.a.k.e.n.3901 7 күн бұрын
@@Izzyisneon Eggman Bot Garage
@phorchybug3286 9 күн бұрын
I think a better idea for a Lost World remake would be more Eggman focused. How Eggman finds these mystical Zeti creatures.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
That could definitely work if they were to bring the mech gameplay back I reckon!
@soniccole91 11 күн бұрын
Take the open zone gameplay of frontiers, and make an open world knuckles game entirely set on angel Island with the main objective being to explore and find a bunch of hidden treasure
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Good god yes, I’d love that! Sonic 3 is my favourite game of all time so re-exploring those levels in 3D would guarantee a day one purchase!
@Sonicman4155 10 күн бұрын
Knuckles Frontiers 👍
@ryananthony2869 11 күн бұрын
I have an idea for a Sonic spinoff that's a kickball game in the same vein as the Mario baseball games where the characters pitch themselves by spindashing and rolling into the ball and then being kicked into the sun,everyone would love it.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
That sounds so cool! A really great incorporation of the characters’ abilities into sports would definitely help it to stand out in the market!
@ryananthony2869 11 күн бұрын
@CAMiStH I also imagine a main theme by Crush 40 where they're asked to make the most metal song about kickball possible.
@thomasezzy 9 күн бұрын
my dream Sonic game would be a Silver game with Espio and Blaze as support (kinda how 06 played with teams of 4). Espio/Silver is my fav relationship in the franchise, but I also wanna respect Blaze and Silver’s. Either just intersecting again to beat Eggman N, or Mephelis, or someone new. Different playstyles per level (Silver puzzle, Blaze standard, Espio stealth), overarching character development and power progression (especially for Espio). Song remixes, the works. I hate that it’s not real…
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Ah yeah, I’d forgotten that Silver and Espio teamed up before! Would be interesting to see that dynamic explored again!
@sonicGames06 11 күн бұрын
Hey, what's up? I just made a pitch on my Community page about a possible Sonic X Amy Mania remaster. Also, I even wrote that I took inspiration from your video! Major shout-out to you!!!
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Awesome, I’ll check it out! Thank you for the shoutout, massively appreciated! :)
@sonicGames06 11 күн бұрын
@ You’re welcome. 😊
@justarandomdude797 11 күн бұрын
Knuckles 👏The👏Echidna👏Game👏 Have an open zone Angel Island game. This can go into Knuckles' lore, his character, and history. Maybe have Sonic and Rouge have roles in the story. Or maybe even have the Chaotix there too. All in an open Zone on Angel Island and it's many biomes. Sonic 3 is my favorite Sonic game, and Angel Island is my favorite local in Sonic, and Knuckles is my favorite Character.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this idea! I’d love to re-explore Angel Island in 3D with the open zone format. Couldn’t agree more regarding Sonic 3, god tier game.
@htttps_trippy 9 күн бұрын
I could see a Silver or Knuckles campaign being slapped onto an Unleashed Re-release. Something that explores the lore of the gaia temples and how they relate to the ancients or and the echidna tribes. Something something time travel plot. Tho the title Sonic X Silver/Knuckles Unleashed does make it sound like those character would a become werehogs. Which is not an idea I love but one that I dont hate...
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Interesting idea! I could see that working for Knuckles, given he is a perfect fit for combat based gameplay!
@Espadastudios 11 күн бұрын
Here's how I would make a game based off the sonic movies Playable characters in order of appearance: Baby Sonic,longclaw, Movie Sonic, Movie Tails, Movie knuckles, Movie Super Sonic, Movie Shadow. Storyline: Movies 1,2,3,and knuckles with dlc for whatever movies and tv shows come after. Gameplay: Adventure with frontiers style combat for boss fights.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Sounds neat! I was quite surprised they never made a video game to tie into the movies beyond content in the mobile games haha, would be really cool to play through their events!
@jameswallace8898 7 күн бұрын
I would want tails to have a game where he fights a bad guy as powerful as sonic ( like a combination of metal sonic and ancient technology ) and the game could use puzzles, vehicle segments, basic sonic gameplay, and sections using tails's weapons from the movies. Or the Babylon rouges could team up with the battle bird armada and mabey bean the dynamite.
@jameswallace8898 7 күн бұрын
the birds would be villains if you couldn't figure that out.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Sounds cool, I dig it! Maybe it’s something along the lines of the new Indiana Jones game that launched the other day!
@dr.ivorobotnik8910 11 күн бұрын
The sega japan has an idea of game that would focus on the Robotnik family but we don’t know if it’s going to be made. If they make a game for Eggman it would a "what if Eggman won" not like Sonic forces. We are in a other dimension were Dr.Eggman is winning at the end. You are playing Dr.Eggman you have to create Badniks, giant mechs and use them for conquest we strategy. For Sonic and his friends you have to make a plan (scenario) with ideas that you have in your "brain" and putting it your plan. For exemple : to equalized Shadow Chaos Control use Metal Sonic copying bio data ability. Also on the map of your conquest you’ll have to put some bases with weapons and fortifications upgrade them with the points of your winning battles and also create and upgrade your factories for more robots and ships for the Egg fleet. At the end there will a big boss battle between you and Sonic. The game will end with Eggman ruling the world. It would all poluted, with high tech technology everywhere, all living being will be roboticized and the Death Egg will be there. And Eggman will rule on the world in is city Eggmanland
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
An Eggman strategy game is genius, I absolutely love this idea!
@dr.ivorobotnik8910 11 күн бұрын
@CAMiStH Thank you
@joshshrum2764 9 күн бұрын
New remix of Eggman has to be in it.
@dr.ivorobotnik8910 9 күн бұрын
@@joshshrum2764 Of course
@sonicGames06 11 күн бұрын
Man! I would love a Sonic X Amy Mania! I mean, Amy would be such a fun character to play as in Sonic Mania. I bet her move set would be a mix of Sonic Superstars and her unique abilities in Sonic Advance.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
For sure!
@Hugo-yz1vb 10 күн бұрын
Is it weird that I want a Sonic MOBA? After seeing that, even Pokemon took a shot at it with Pokemon Unite (with the game being fun, TiMi missmanagements aside) I think the franchise has a big enough cast of characters to take a crack a it
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
I’m not the biggest MOBA fan so it probably wouldn’t be something I’d pick up, but it could definitely have a mass market appeal!
@TevyaSmolka 11 күн бұрын
I personally would really love a silver the hedgehog game because she’s really awesome and badass in my opinion
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Completely agree! Would be fantastic :)
@TevyaSmolka 11 күн бұрын
@@CAMiStH indeed :)
@King-n00bi3 10 күн бұрын
@TevyaSmolka 10 күн бұрын
@@King-n00bi3 I meant he stupid auto correct messed up
@alexanderdeshawn1834 7 күн бұрын
Incredible video
@CAMiStH 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! :)
@alexanderdeshawn1834 2 күн бұрын
You welcome
@bendyandtheyoutubechannel4372 8 күн бұрын
I had this idea for awhile now of a mecha genre tails game where he and a few others pilot sentient mech suits each one having a unique ability (with tails being able to transform) to fight the battle kukku empire/battle bird armada from tails adventure who's troops would pilot none sentient mech suits
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
Sounds like a cool idea! Tails would be a great fit for that sort of game!
@TheZetoBlade 9 күн бұрын
Regardless of the gameplay, I just want these games to explore the backgrounds of these characters. For example, why do 90% of the cast not have parents? It might just be me but that seems like a story ripe for exploration.
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, could be an interesting aspect to explore for sure!
@vittokyokoxpokemon5969 11 күн бұрын
Personal ,i want a Blaze game
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
@phorchybug3286 9 күн бұрын
I would totally pay good money for a Silver game.
@CAMiStH 7 күн бұрын
@deephover 10 күн бұрын
we need a sonic x lego mixels collab if mixels ever comes back what do you think hysterian?
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
That’d be pretty cool, yeah!
@deephover 10 күн бұрын
@@CAMiStH like, Sonic and his pals working along side the Mixels!
@Legacy-b5e 11 күн бұрын
I have an idea for a Blaze game, but since you talked about your idea for a Blaze game (the two would be quite different but I would rather talk about a different character, even though Blaze is awesome) I will talk about my idea for a game about Metal Sonic. Pretty basic choice, but it was between Metal, Tails, and Knuckles and Metal Sonic has been severely underwhelming recently. You would play through an episode Metal/episode Shadow type prologue as Sonic (Episode Sonic) which would then lead to the events of this Metal Sonic game. Metal would be very annoyed at his constant losses to Sonic, and he would feel like Eggman was just not utilizing him correctly. So Metal would do a Neo Metal (without the Neo for now) and go on his own. He would be running through new and old zones to collect upgrades, which would be able to be used in a skill tree to unlock things like a stronger boost and chaos control. The bosses would be a mixture of usual bosses against Eggman robots and fights against characters like Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Shadow, Omega, Rouge, and however many others. This would all culminate in a Super Sonic style boss battle against Eggman and Super Sonic (don’t know if Super Sonic 2 is available) where Metal is in his Neo Metal form. During the fight Neo Metal Sonic would use the Master Emerald to become Super Neo Metal Sonic, then at the end Metal defeats Eggman and Sonic, but before Metal can kill the two, the defeated heros would ambush Metal, which would end with Metal being defeated. Just think this idea is fun, plus Sonic won’t be the one who wins the battle, it’d probably be Shadow or Knuckles or Amy who defeats Metal.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this! Great, detailed pitch and that final boss would be incredible!
@ZobirisMage 9 күн бұрын
Knuckles Metroidvania on Angel Island, Tails Adventure remake
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
A Metroidvania based Sonic game would definitely be intriguing! I’d love to see how those two gameplay types would work together!
@sonicGames06 11 күн бұрын
And honestly, I don’t Amy is playable in a lot of Sonic games besides Sonic Origins Plus, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Sonic ‘06, and Sonic Frontiers. And yes, I’m also counting the Sonic Advance games.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Yeah, it’s a real shame she’s not playable more often in mainline games, as she has a ton of gameplay potential. Easily my favourite character to play as in Frontiers beside Sonic, just wished they did more with her combat.
@sonicGames06 11 күн бұрын
@ Exactly! Maybe next time Sonic Team could actually incorporate her iconic hammer into combat rather than using Tarot cards.
@damonhallyburton6424 11 күн бұрын
To keep the established theme going, how about a Sonic x Knuckles Unleashed, or a Sonic x Blaze Frontiers.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Knuckles having Werehog-style combat would be peak omg
@APlumCZ 11 күн бұрын
If Blaze game will be exclusive to some console it will probably be switch 2 i think
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
Most likely, though in fairness Sega have been prioritising getting their older Sonic games that were either exclusive to one console onto other platforms like Colours. Maybe they’d make the Blaze game multi-platform too!
@APlumCZ 10 күн бұрын
@@CAMiStH i know, im just saying that if it will be exclusive to some exact console it will probably be switch because nintendo have part of rights to sonic rush
@kowabonga3552 11 күн бұрын
I swear, If SEGA made a 3rd another Sonic Rush game with just Sonic and Blaze, and Silver isn't playable or even involved in the story, I wouldn't buy it.
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
That’s valid, but to be fair he wasn’t in the Rush games so it’s understandable that if they revisited them, he wouldn’t appear. Would be cool to include him though!
@hayleywaalen2612 6 күн бұрын
How about a Rouge game with the gameplay similar to Candy Crush.
@CAMiStH 2 күн бұрын
I could see that working as a mini game potentially, like hacking into systems to access new areas of a stage :)
@hayleywaalen2612 2 күн бұрын
@@CAMiStH Yeah and crafting
@blekiscooler 11 күн бұрын
i want sonic the fighters 2 babyyy
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
That’d be awesome! Considering Sonic’s kinda poorly represented in Smash, a stand-alone fighting game would be neat, maybe a crossover with another company like ‘Marvel vs Capcom’
@TreadywayYT 10 күн бұрын
Dr eggmans stage maker
@CAMiStH 10 күн бұрын
Great idea!
@JaxCoolKartunes 11 күн бұрын
Pingas in the Thumbnail
@CAMiStH 11 күн бұрын
as usual i see
@JeysArcade 9 күн бұрын
This video is really good! I own a content creator friend group called The Ikoniks and we stream together and stuff. Do you have discord? I'd love to discuss the group more with you because I feel like you'd be a great fit!
@CAMiStH 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, I've got discord and I'd be interested! :)
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