Many years ago when Mr Walker worked for Tatum Music Company in Tyler he picked me up at my first school (Moore Jr High - Tyler). If he had a long trip to make for collections he would, on rare occasion, ask a director to go along with him just so he would have some company for the trip. He would always tell a LOT of stories which was always fun to hear. On one such trip he actually talked about this particular drill and in particular the Trio to Vanished Army which was at the end. He didn’t like the original key to that Trio which was in Gb so he raised it up one whole step higher to Ab which ordinarily would make it way harder to play. He told me after the contest performance other directors who knew this march trio well were blown away by him changing the key to an even higher key and they asked him why he did that. He told them “I don’t know. I just liked it like that.”. Kinda sounds like something Stanley would say. Thing is, he also said that he didn’t change the key from 6 flats to 4 flats to make it easier he simply liked the sound of that trio being in Ab rather than the lower key of Gb. Thing is, this group of kids could actually pull it off, and he knew that He was a great friend and mentor to everybody. He was talented but more than that he was my friend and I miss him very much. Wish he were still with us. Seeing this drill and hearing the Trio to Vanished Army brought back memories of that particular trip and of Stanley. He will never ever be forgotten.
@jaylonstewart487010 жыл бұрын
WOW! I had a chance to meet with Mr. Walker while he was at Whitehouse before he passed away. I also received a scholarship in his name. He was such a wonderful man!
@sethmoore59746 жыл бұрын
Awesome! My father was Timothy Moore. He was a trumpet player for this band. He always talked about how great Mr. Walker was!
@atoz25651212 жыл бұрын
I was in the stands because my Dad was the director! Takes me back. Very talented bunch of Band Members, too. Great to see this on KZbin!
@DavidAIngram12 жыл бұрын
Thanks Michael. Your dad was one of my favorite people.
@rickyfan395615 жыл бұрын
I live in OKC, but was born in 1977 and raised in Palestine, TX. This looks like about how big Palestine Wildcat Band was 1992-1996. They show good technique here, from what I can see.
@mcinamack14 жыл бұрын
What a great video!! Thanks for sharing ... good looking military band.
@DavidAIngram11 жыл бұрын
I have more :). Yes, Mr. Walker was a great man who obviously loved kids and knew how to get the best out of them. But, that would be a running theme of all great teachers/band directors
@angelperez566212 жыл бұрын
wow amazing i love marching band! GO PITT!!!
@danpasel90207 жыл бұрын
What a lovely recording of this band! Shame to see what they've become now.