Playstation 3 Phat Playing Super Nintendo, Genesis, TG-16, NES, Doom

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Playstation 3 with Yellow Dog Linux 6 installed running through a few emulators full screen. Emulators used are; Snes9x GTK 1.51, XE Multi System Emulator, and Prboom. check out this reference guide I made and see if you can do it yourself,
Note: Yellow dog coexists with the xmb and does not install over your sony firmware see the following video and read the FAQ.
• Playstation 3 Phat and...
Games featured:
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Sonic the hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
Devil's Crush (TG-16)
Mega Man 2 (NES)
The Ultimate Doom (PC)
virtual console eat your heart out ;)
see also,
Playing SNES Killer Instinct with dualshock3
• Playing Super Nintendo...
PS3 running MAME (arcade emulator)
• MAME on the Playstatio...
Playstation 3 running Gameboy Advance, Gameboy, Neo-Geo, SMS, GG
• Playstation 3 Phat pla...
PS3 KZbin flash yellow dog linux 6 how-to
• Video
Shoutcast on ps3 Linux
• Playstation 3 Stream S...

Пікірлер: 278
@boxa888 16 жыл бұрын
hey efaustus, awesome job, i appreciate you putting this up. its awesome seeing things i couldnt believe would run on the super computer. thanks for putting up information for people to repeat, i do the same with my stuff but its totally different. thanks alot!!!
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the accolades. Its great to know my guide has helped. :D
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
completely safe and supported by sony. You may have noticed the "install other os" option in the system settings of the XMB. Linux runs on the ps3 in virtualization and is not permitted to touch or "mess up" your firmware. So eject works just fine and I have had linux on my system for some time.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
yes and yes. The ps3 controller is supported out of the box wired and wireless as well once you configure bluetooth (note: bluetooh does not currently work with ydl 6.2 only 6.1 or lower). You can also use most usb pc controllers. I for instance use a ps2 to usb converter as a second controller.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
A bunch of nostalgic games in the comfort of your living room. Why not?
@MuffinMcFluffin 15 жыл бұрын
Can you change the resolution after setting it once? Or the network settings? I'm in a dorm most of the time but I go home for breaks and bring my PS3 with me to a 1080p TV as opposed to a 720p TV here in the dorm, and I'd like to change it whenever possible. Same with the network settings... I use wireless in the dorm but Ethernet at home. Can they be changed afterward? Also, should I restore my backup data before or after I install Linux? Or does it not matter? Thanks a bunch.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
Yes. In fact you can set multiple resolutions options at start up. my guide in the description details the method. I there is no real graphic acceleration so I wouldn't use a resolution higher then 720p. You can switch between wired and wireless internet. restore your data after you install linux.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
There is a guide in the description that will walk you through the process of achieving the same on your ps3. The emulator used for genesis emulation in the video is called XE.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
In this video I am using a ps2 to usb controller. As I had not confiured bluetooth yet when I made it. However Dualshock 3 over bluetooth works fine for most emulators. check out my other videos.
@bjmgraphics617 10 жыл бұрын
Nice demos!
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
In the video I am not using the fscaler but it does help especially if you installed using 1080i/p. Which brings me to the next question, what rez are you running at? In the video I am using 720p. The lower the rez the less the emulator has to work to scale the image. My guide will tell you how to add multiple rez options at kboot. I'll also send you a message regarding where to get fscaler.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
1. nope the two coexist quite happily see my other videos, particularly "Playstation 3 and Yellow Dog Linux coexisting w linux FAQ" video. 2. yup you can use either the 6A or DS3 as your controller.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
In order to install anything in linux you need admin or root privileges. You can either log in as root at the logon screen or you can type su in the terminal and then type your root password when asked. If you get prompts saying you need "something" then type yum install "something". The easiest solution though is to reinstall and click "Software Development" option when asked. It will make it a lot easier to install and compile programs later on.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
it makes it easier to find the emulators located on yum, but no its not required. In my guide I have a few links to emulator .rpm's. Just download the rpm's to a flash drive and open them in yellow dog linux. as for the ones located on yum do a google search using the following parameters; emulator name, PPC, rpm. good luck
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
I haven't tried Super Mario RPG but I can confirm that Star Fox works. Just about all roms that work on the PC version of Snes9x should work in the linux derivative.
@Rleeson85 15 жыл бұрын
work for the 40 gig as well right I hope so I want all the old Nintendo games on mine!
@efaustus9 14 жыл бұрын
@Akyla0177 the appeal of this is that opposed to being on your laptop this is hooked up to an HDTV and surround sound in your living room which is a bit more authentic to he original experience and more conducive to having your friends join you in some retro gaming.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
linux and the emulators displayed in the video are also free. Linux turns your ps3 into a PC, which is good for some retro gaming on your large screen TV or some internet surfing in your living room with firefox.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
not at all mafreha if you look in the description you may find the information you seek. I posted a link to a guide that may help you enable the emulators shown above. The emulator used for genesis emulation is the Xe multi system emulator.
@efaustus9 13 жыл бұрын
@xtremecoasters however unlike j-taging your console this does not require you to void your warranty or make any hardware modifications. This is all done using the other os feature that came factory on all ps3 systems up to firmware 3.15.
@FallenGamer 15 жыл бұрын
I agree that gaming is full of fan boys. As an old school gamer tho I have to admit it was going on sence SNES Vs. Genesis. It always comes down to what ever consloe they (or thier parents bought) . Now they fight tooth and nail over way there console is better than everybody elses. As an owner of many systems I enjoy each one for what they have to offer. Right now I enjoy the 360 for the Gears of War games and the PS3 for the free online letting me play with my friends out of state.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
The compile will take a while and it may seem to hang in some instances but due to the limited memory available to the system it must resort to swap memory. Swap memory is using the harddrive to swap information to and from the ram once the ram has been exceeded and is VERY slow. So be patient watch some tele, make some coffee but in the end it'll be worth it.
@Anomaliayt 15 жыл бұрын
i got my ps3 for christmas and was pretty dissapointed with the lack of backwards compatibilty and mod chips etc. This gives me a little hope. I was wondering (noob question) do you need a keyboard and mouse to operate YDL? Or can you use the ps3 controller? So when you play emulated games, do you have to use keyboard and mouse?
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
I have a 20GB model with an upgraded 60GB hard drive. The built in partition manager will only permit you to allot either 10GB to linux and the rest to the gameos or 10GB to the gameos and the rest to linux, I would suggest you chose the former. Is it worth it? thats a subjective question, if what you see displayed in my YDL videos appeal to you then I would say yes.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
yes you can use a wireless 6A or DS3. See my other videos where I demo that feature. Wireless works and has worked for some time.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
Yes it runs natively in linux. See my description I have posted a guide you can follow. Also just for future reference the ps3 uses a IBM PowerPC based cpu and wine only works on Intel 86x based cpus so wine wont work on the ps3.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
yes you can use a sixaxis dualshock3 or a usb controller. Some emulators respond a little quirky to the analogue functions of the sixaxis and dualshock3 so you may have the best results with a usb controller.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
No mods are nessisary all that is required is to install linux on your ps3. If you look in system settings of the xmb you will find an option to "install otherOS". Installing another os will give your PS3 more PC functionality. Also you can easily switch between the two.
@bosaif86 16 жыл бұрын
Man, your video is freaken awsome! I'm starting to learn those kinda stuff in PS3, i'm still a newb(sigh) but.. I really wanna get into it. I have few questions, hope you don't get me wrong i'm still learning v.v 1- Do you get any problems when you run PS3 games? 2- Can you use your Sixax (w/e it's called) joypad to play emulators games? SMD and such. Those what I would like to know atm... Thanks alot
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
In this video I am using the otheros feature of the ps3. As you might infer the otheros feature lets you install alternate operating systems on your ps3 so that it operates like a pc. In this video I am using the operating system yellow dog linux and the emulator snes9x gtk. I have both a keyboard and mouse for the ps3 but the game play im using a ds3. google ps3 otheros to learn more (or watch my other vids).
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
how long did what take? what aspect? the download, the install, the set up? Collectively is gonna take a few hours. However if you want to to relive a bunch of old systems on your TV again. Then you may find the investment well worth it.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
1st off are you using snes9x 1.51 GTK or are you using some other iteration of snes9x? That can make quite a difference. See my guide in the description for performance optimizations.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
sure, you will notice at the end of the 1p section of my guide there is a link to the source of the fluxbox walk through which is much more detailed. In fact the author tcrroadie, still checks the thread and could better help you with your issues.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
At the log on screen chose session in the lower left corner. Chose Gentoo and make it default. You should get a little better performance then the default E17 desktop. If you want to eek out even more performance then check out my guide.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
In most of my videos I am using gnome. You can activate it by clicking session at the log in screen then chose gnome. Fluxbox is good for systems with limited resources. Linux on the ps3 is rather limited as far as ram an graphic acceleration goes. Thus by using fluxbox you will free up a good amount of resources and gain a nice little performance boost. permitting you to multi task on the ps3 a good bit better.
@MichaelZahler 15 жыл бұрын
What version of XE Multi System are you running? When I play NES games it works great, but Genesis runs very poorly (especially when sound is activated). I am running 2.16.1-1
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
you will need to do a custom format in the xmb in which you will allot 10GB to "otheros". That 10GB is what you will use to install yellow dog linux and give your PS3 more PC capabilities. The emulators and games wont take up too much of that partition leaving plenty of space for other functions.
@ovj4 15 жыл бұрын
when you are playing these games, are you using the ps3 constroller or the keyboard and mouse??? Thanks
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
yes you can run ubuntu. No this does not require any system modifications. It is a sony supported feature.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
excellent, congrats. as for snes are you using the newest version of snes9x that I have listed in the guide or the one available on yum. The one I have in my guide has a lot of improvements over the one available on yum but needs to be compiled. If you have compiled the newest version then go into preferences and activate the multithreading option also deactivate scale to fit screen. The later will leave the games still full screen but in their original 4:3 aspect ratio.Itll put the fps near 60.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
Because I am playing the games on my 30" HDTV through my surround on my couch. Instead of on my 17" monitor through my stereo speakers at my desk. I have done both and a prefer the former. The former is also more conducive to some old school multilayer.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
I own Ultimate Doom so I just copied the wad files from the game disk. In order for freedoom to work you need to first install prboom. I have a guide in the description that will help you further.
@batmancrammarc 16 жыл бұрын
Hey efaustus9, is it possible to run pj64 emulator? or other n64, or ps1 emulators on the ps3? even though you can already play ps1 games on a ps3.
@flatlandryan 15 жыл бұрын
i have the exact same one you have (gtk) i dunno what "use SPE scaler app" and where to find it... I also dont know how many multi threaded scaling and filterings I am supposed to use... just 2?... or 3?...
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
as seen in the video above quite well, esp if you use snes9x gtk 1.51. see the guide in the description for a how-to.
@MrSuperVikingo 8 жыл бұрын
Cool video. Apparently, the do it yourself emulator installation link is no longer valid. Is there another reference?
@ovj4 15 жыл бұрын
one more question? you think you could dl the os to ur ps3 through a memory stick with sufficient memory?
@efaustus9 14 жыл бұрын
1st question no its a sony supported feature in the xmb known as otheros. 2nd question yes it can be removed. 3rd question using a system shortens its life span, be it playing games or running linux. If anything, if you use linux in place of gaming (not likely i know) it will extend the life of the system as it is not as intensive as running modern games. less load, less heat, equates to a longer life.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
Games in my video are running at 720p. Its a HD CRT TV.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
its the first link in the description. click more info then click the very first link shown.
@teqtalkstech 16 жыл бұрын
Thanks a ton for this video and description, I was using the Wii's homebrew channel to emulate things, but now that Nintendo is starting to lock down their machine, looks like I might be turning to my PS3 with Yellow Dog for my emulation needs. Games seem to all run full-speed, is that true for even the hard-to-emulate ones like Star Fox or Super Mario RPG in SNES9x?
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
yes, though the rpm's in my guide will not work. you will need to use the app manager or find ppc .deb packages.
@PAKfromFYCB 15 жыл бұрын
i'm just sayin, whats up with the bluetooth drivers. just cuz the ps3 can use the DS3 doesn't mean linux has the drivers to support it. can u enlighten me? i had yellow dog but got yellow light of death so havn't reinstalled yet.
@lordghoda 15 жыл бұрын
how do u install the rpm files i see for snes and stuff. Are we supposed to dl straight from our ps3 using linux lol, or we put it on a flash drive?
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
I have used both and feel YD is just as user friendly and simply works better on the ps3. these emulators should work on ubuntu but you will need to compile them from source instead of using the prebuilt rpms in my guide.
@efaustus9 14 жыл бұрын
you can use your dualshock 3 or sixaxis wirelessly. see my other videos.
@illadelph12 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the guide. I've ordered some peripherals (keyboard, mouse, 500GB HD, router, etc) and intend on giving your guide a try this week. Can I post questions here if I have any issues?
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
no they dont bother seeing what you do with the otheros. Further It does not use the playstation network or the xmb so you can be quite confident you will not get banded.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
you need 10GB of free HD space, a USB keyboard, and a USB mouse. gnome is a desktop manager for linux which is the default for ubuntu. YDL defaults to E17. You can chose from a number of desktop environments. I for instance typically use fluxbox on my ps3 linux install. You heard wrong wireless works with YDL. see my guide in the description for more help.
@Bipolarvideos 16 жыл бұрын
yer, hehe. Ive said it on several videos so far but your the first to pick up what im actually referin too
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
I just said you could. See my other videos I have one showing me using a DualShock 3 controller in yellow dog.
@deg089 15 жыл бұрын
can you use a PS3 controller to play these emulators or do you need a wireless keyboard to use this
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
You sure can wirelessly no less. see my other video "Playstation 3 Yellow Dog Linux 6 Dualshock 3 Killer Instinct".
@efaustus9 14 жыл бұрын
sony lets you install linux on the ps3 but they impose a few restrictions. One of which is a restricted access to the GPU and with out access to the GPU you can forget a playable experience with a n64 emulator.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
once again you do install it to the harddrive there is no disk swapping. You burn yellow dog to a single disk then install it and now you have an operating on the ps3 harddrive. Now you can install apps to it just like your computer there is no disk swamping. The emulators work just like PC emulators.
@Rleeson85 15 жыл бұрын
You know u can just put these on to your PC computer as well and just play like that! go out get a 20$ controller for the PC and bom your set u can get any game from NES- PS2/Xbox now as emulators!
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
The game in the video is not doom 3 but Doom I. I own the PC version which is what you see being played in the video. In order for it to work in ydl though you need to download prboom.(look in my description for a how-to)
@JonneBackhaus 15 жыл бұрын
how did you get it running so fast, my snes9x on ubuntu lags and i cant get fullscreen to work.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
you will need a keyboard and mouse to install and use linux on your ps3. you can however use your wireless 6A, DS3 or just about any usb controller for games on the system.
@PowerRob 15 жыл бұрын
I saw you post a picture of you playing Doom on Yellow Dog, can you use your PS3 controller for that?
@z3roo0 15 жыл бұрын
so u can´t use ps3 hand controller? cause i´ve seen videos with yellow dog playing snes with their ps3 controllers
@yazoo178 16 жыл бұрын
Please help me, I have yellow dog linux installed on my ps3 but I haven't a clue on how to install this emulator. I downloaded this "Easy XE 2.16.1-1" but I don't understand what it means by install with billb's RPM. when I try and open a game using the emulator it just remains blue and nothing happens.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
I am playing the games in the video with my dualshock3 controller with out any sort of modification, every thing is factory and still under warranty. Most PC USB controllers will work though if the dualshock or sixaxis doesn't appeal.
@midmike17 15 жыл бұрын
Yo I just started checkin this yellowdog stuff out and was wanting to know if the ps3 has to be connected to the internet for it all?
@Lachlant1984 15 жыл бұрын
Can the PS3 run Ubuntu Linux? Do you need to do any modifications to the system in order to install Linux?
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
im using a wireless ds3. The noise sheep mentioned is likely the wooden tv try I am using as a make shift tripod. It creeks a little when it shifts.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
Once you obtained the roms using bitorrent, google or what have you make a folder in your home folder, name it after the system the roms belong to, and place the roms in that folder. Next open up the emulator click file open and navigate to the folder.
@student908065 15 жыл бұрын
back in the day when racing games were original :)
@pergimio 16 жыл бұрын
Hi, have you try running the dreamcast emulator for linux, its call lxdream 0.8.3 Or the Nintendo 64 emulator, the Mupen64Plus???
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
use snes9x gtk 1.51 which can be found in my guide instead of snes9x that is found on yum. activate multi-threading support in the options and enjoy.
@conanyshamanking 15 жыл бұрын
que emulador es ese? para descargarlo? That emulator is this? To unload it?
@andonelle 16 жыл бұрын
hey i need some help installing the files for this i cant seem to get them to open not sure how to do it on linux
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
Yes, sorry, I intended package manager. I wrote that bit from memory while using my windows box. I'll fix it soon.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
the two rpm's listed in the guide should be sufficient. Especially if you clicked to install the "software development" resources when you installed ydl as suggested in the guide.
@Lachlant1984 16 жыл бұрын
What's the pinball game you're playing, and what platform is it on?
@SimonR38 15 жыл бұрын
i look on google i need to click on the scissors and switch to gnome but i have a sdtv plz help me
@yazoo178 16 жыл бұрын
Thank you but it still will not work. I have downloaded 3 ROM's and when I try and load it using the emulator the screen just remains blue and nothing happens. Is there anything else that I need to install because at the moment Im seeing installing linux as a complete waste of time.
@PAKfromFYCB 15 жыл бұрын
is that so? well then why is there no bluetooth drivers for windows? u can only use the DS3 via the usb cable in windows.
@z3roo0 15 жыл бұрын
1 have 1 question.... can u use ur hand controlls and not just keyboard? cause i wanna use hand controlls xD no fun playing with keyboard :P
@lordghoda 15 жыл бұрын
Also, why dont u use 6.1? is 6.0 better? already started downloading 6.1 lol..... srry for all the questions, got to get going on this thing asap.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
all the emulators displayed are running in linux. If you want to run 3d emulators like nintendo64 you'll need to use stream my game because sony blocks access to the gpu when using linux. You can still run older systems likes snes, genesis and some early 3d pc games like Quake II in linux with out the gpu.
@efaustus9 15 жыл бұрын
Its plenty fast and plenty functional. as you can see in this 5 min video I jump between a number of emulators rather quickly. I agree the wii has a good homebrew scene . However unlike the wii homebrew development software development on the ps3 is not limited to the console. you can use a bevvy of applications designed for the linux os. you can put apps on a wii but you can put a whole computer OS on a ps3.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
Last I heard nintendo firmware update 3.3 broke the twilighthack as well as freeloader exploits. True you can buy relatively pricey flash memory to help ameliorate nintendos skimpy allotment. However the ps3 comes with gigs out of the box not to mention external flash drives, harddrives as well as network drives work just fine in linux.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say that necessarily. Getting wireless running isnt too hard if you follow terra softs instructions. There is no wine but there is Qemu if you want to play starcraft. Getting youtube running is just a matter of a few commands. Not to mention that there is plenty of fun retro gaming to be had. You know retro gaming that thing which psn xbl and virtual console charge for and have a rather limited selection. So I dont think saying ps3 linux has some use is a LIE, but you decide :D.
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
youtube added a space in the link. I'll see if I cant find a work around but for the time being just copy and paste the link into your address bar then remove the space in the link.
@brucedickinson9026 10 жыл бұрын
Could the ps3 handle n64 games with YDL?
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
see the guide I have posted in the description. Specifically part VIII.
@flatlandryan 15 жыл бұрын
K i see that you have snes and it runs SUPER smooth.... i have YDL 6.1 and same emulator but it doesnt run as smooth.... what can i do in my settings to make it run faster????
@efaustus9 16 жыл бұрын
you will need a copy of the neo-geo bios and place them into the "/usr/local/lib/xe" folder and/or "$HOME/.xe" folder. I haven't been able to get xe to recognize neo-geo roms as of yet so I suggest using SDLmame or xmame instead for neo-geo emulation.
@Rleeson85 15 жыл бұрын
WTF u talking about! this is for the PS3 not the PC running windows! maybe your reply comment was not meant for me???
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