Hello everyone! I don’t speak a word Japanese so I’ll just write in English. I am from Sweden and I just watched a video by ”Itsuka Japan”. He went to a place near Kobe called ”Sumaura park”. He took the Carlator, opened in 1966, to the top of the mountain where there’s a rotating restaurant. Everything was old and nostalgic in there. In that place there’s an old jukebox, and he chose to play a song called Gandhara by Godiego. So I searched for the song and now here I am writing this comment. I love you all and take care!
そこに行けば どんな夢も かなうというよ 誰もみな行きたがるが 遙かな世界 その国の名はガンダーラ 何処かにあるユートピア どうしたら行けるのだろう 教えて欲しい In Gandhara, Gandhara They say it was in India Gandhara, Gandhara 愛の国 ガンダーラ 生きることの 苦しみさえ 消えるというよ 旅立った人はいるが あまりに遠い 自由なそのガンダーラ 素晴らしいユートピア 心のなかに生きる 幻なのか In Gandhara, Gandhara They say it was in India Gandhara, Gandhara 愛の国 ガンダーラ Gandhara, Gandhara They say it was in India Gandhara, Gandhara 愛の国 ガンダーラ Gandhara, Gandhara They say it was in India Gandhara, Gandhara 愛の国 ガンダーラ Gandhara, Gandhara They say it was in India Gandhara, Gandhara 愛の国 ガンダーラ