⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉ ≡总住持:净本法师 ≡ ≡闻法: www.youtube.com/@plb18 ≡ ≡Facebook: facebook.com/plb.v18 ≡ ≡Facebook: facebook.com/shih.jingben18 ≡ ≡网站: www.plb-sea.org ≡ ≡祈请法宝: forms.gle/UEX4KgdeXxjPavQj7 ≡ ≡虚空念佛堂:buddha.plb-sea.org ≡ ≡护持:www.plb-sea.org/d18 ≡ ⧉ 联络处 ⧉ ≡马来西亚: +6019 - 4848 123 ≡ ≡新加坡: +65-8818 4848 ≡ ≡邮箱: plb.v18@gmail.com ≡ ▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ #净土宗宗旨 信受弥陀救度,专称弥陀佛名, 愿生弥陀净土,广度十方众生。 #净土宗特色 本愿称名,凡夫入报, 平生业成,现生不退。 ▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ 净本法师 Master Jing Ben ▫净本法师曾就读印度医学系以及英国法律系。后因弥陀慈悲感召护念,因缘成熟弃学侍佛出家。 ▫目前,净本法师担任各地净土宗道场之总住持。法师常年在各地以及网络弘扬阿弥陀佛慈父对念佛众生无条件的救度。 ▫法师的开示往往深入浅出、幽默风趣地带出弥陀慈悲,因此广受各地莲友们的欢迎,聆听者纷纷能安心念佛。另外,法师常年致力在各地策划举办念佛相关活动,以宣扬弥陀大悲,利益群众。 ▫法师所讲之系列有:《佛说阿弥陀经》,龙树菩萨《易行品》、天亲菩萨《往生论》、昙鸾祖师《往生论注》、道绰祖师《安乐集》,善导祖师净土思想等净土宗经论著作。 Master Jingben was born in Malaysia and was a student of Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of English Law (LLB). ▫But due to the calling of the Buddha Dharma, he quit the degree courses and now devotes his life as a Buddhist monk under Pure Land Buddhist Association in Taiwan. ▫Master Jing Ben currently holds the post of abbot of Pure Land Buddhist Associations in Malaysia and Singapore. ▫Over the years, he has been spreading the teachings of unconditional compassionate deliverance of Amitabha Buddha and publishing the online dharma talk videos via KZbin, Facebook and other online media. ▫The series of dharma talks by master are: “Amitabha Sutra”, “Infinite Life Sutra: The 18th vow of Amitabha Buddha”. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s “Chapter on the Easy Path”. Bodhisattva Vasubandhu’s “Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land”. Master Tanluan’s “Commentary on the Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land”. Master Daochuo’s “Collection on the Land of Peace and Joy” and other teachings related to Pure Land Buddhism lineage of Master Shandao.