Need to deal with history trufully, not tried to distort history for political gain. Monarchy system is the main culprit. Lao never been looked down at , by any nation in the world only Thai/ Simese. Congratulation the interviewee!! for telling the true history of Esan. Us, Canada, Australia etc..all speak English. But Esan people are brain washed thru education that they speak "Esan language", instead of speaking Lao. What is wrong if Thai citizens are of Lao ethnicity. Central Thai are so proud of "Esan cultures" like " Mor Lam, & Khen", but refuse to acknowledge such culture is of Lao ethnicity ( even acknowledged as Lao Cultural World Herritage by UNESCO) It is about time to accept the past factually, instead of making it to suit the "Colonial Conqueror".
Good to tell the true of history to educate peoples who still din’ t know who’s they are where they came from , even they call them ,Thai but your original your d n a still Laos