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Požar kamiona za smeće/Garbage truck fire - Vatrogasci Prijedor 16.02.2021.
U prijedorskom Aerodromskom naselju došlo je do požara kamiona za prevoz smeća odnosno smeća u njegovom tovarnom prostoru. Obzirom da je grejna sezona u jeku, kao i povećani broj požara kontejnera za smeće proteklih dana, možemo predpostaviti da je i ovaj put uzrok požara nepropisno odložen pepeo iz peći. @vatrogasciprijedor-firestation
*In the Prijedor Airport settlement, there was a fire of a garbage truck, ie garbage in its cargo space. Considering that the heating season is in full swing, as well as the increased number of fires in garbage containers in recent days, we can assume that this time, too, the cause of the fire was improperly deposited ash from the furnace.