Thanks Rannes for comparing the options, exetremely useful I found your video. I just rammed up to daily limits utilizing free version of GPT. I just registered to enroll your seminar.
08:28 GPT 4.0 on ChatGPT 每三個鐘40條訊息,廿四小時唔瞓的確有 40/3×24×30=9600/月 but to be fair 當你每日用AI 8個鐘,咁計起上嚟同 Poe 其實差唔多.... 40/3×8×30=3200/月
@rannesman6 ай бұрын
@real78766 ай бұрын
@@rannesman 其實功能方面,我諗你要試下用Poe官方嘅DALL-E bot gen 圖 咁會比起用一個喺Poe randomly搵番嚟嘅image bot同OpenAI比較更fair? (另一個comment都有講 你可以用@去喺同一個chat完成個程序) 而且喺Poe度subscribe就會一次過用到N個advanced AI model 例如 Claude 3 Opus 呢啲model想喺1st party platform度用要另外俾錢subscribe AI model日新月異 前一排Claude 3一推出 大家發現功能明顯俾起GPT-4優越 但而家4o推出又似乎追番其它model (會唔會搵日講下OpenAI以外嘅AI model?)
@Rounder96 ай бұрын
Hi If I use MacBook plus VPN , is it ok to use chatGPT ? Whats the difference with using in iPhone ? Thanks beautiful 😊
@rannesman6 ай бұрын
Yes you can . The main difference is voice conversation and custom GPT