Sweet! Yugioh and Pokémon. I'll definitely try and keep up with things, though I'm fairly busy atm. - Chievy
@stellerseider2708 күн бұрын
34:48 It's funny that everyone thinks that Ralts starts with teleport, just because Abra did. Ralts only lerns it at ~ lv. 15 or so, usually, and starts out with just growl.
@crystalchaos3518 күн бұрын
@@stellerseider270 oh really? Damn makes sense tho yeah i always thought they had ralts be the same as abra just more moves and more usefull the first few levels
@stellerseider2708 күн бұрын
Abra is actually a decent Pokémon in its own right, while ralts is just bad. I mean, Abra is leagues better than even Kirlia is
@crystalchaos3518 күн бұрын
Pretty sure if i remember it has really good stats and can learn at minimum hidden power. But idk if he actually got egg moves or a level up moveset