I love green conure so small and adorable like a little bit aggressive
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Mia can be feisty sometimes too!
@macintoshimann98922 жыл бұрын
I was so excited to see this was up! Thank you thank you!
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
@PaulaPenman Жыл бұрын
I just got a sun had her for 3 months. God what a character & gymnast. Thanks your videos are cool.
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
they are very big personalities and love to be active😁 thank you!❤
@courtneyclingan96782 жыл бұрын
I went to petsmart today to grab a pooper scooper for my doggos and fell in love with a sun conure there. I had never seen a bird like her before and I was just entranced with her. She seemed so sweet and intelligent and we bonded a bit through her cage. It's unfortunate she is so pricy and we truly don't have a big enough home to accommodate her needs. Your video was helpful in me making the right decision not to get her. But wow, these seem like amazing birds.
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad the video was helpful for you!💛 it’s hard not to fall in love with sun conures they are amazing, beautiful & very intelligent birdies😊
@ThingsAboutMusic7 ай бұрын
More people need to see videos like this. There are to many tropical birds being re-homed for the wrong reasons. The 'shops' need to raise their prices to make people stop and consider the birds needs above their impulse buy because they think the bird is cute
@vanessaroman-sotolongo3242 жыл бұрын
Loved your video! We have a sun conure Archie and just recently got a green cheek, Harry. I noticed all of the things you mentioned right away. They are still in the process of acclimating to each other but we hope they will be good friends!
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 😊💖 Archie & Harry are cute names ☺️ wishing you & your conures all the best!
@EM0RYTATEllll Жыл бұрын
I love conures I have no bird, they are my choice. I need to know between these two because I was thinking of green cheeked but I’ve seen and pet a sun conure.. AND I LOVED HIM so I want one but, I don’t know if they are better over green cheeked so this video is for me
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
This was the perfect video for you, then! I hope it helped you. 😊 Sun conures have much brighter colours but they are also much louder 🙊
@LAPetsCA Жыл бұрын
Let me know if you want a sun conure. I have a pair available looking to rehome.
@Donmcdo1925 Жыл бұрын
Awesome, comparisons!
@chadleyАй бұрын
great video, i'm considering buying either a sun conure or a GCC but worried about the noise as i live in an apartment. This has been super helpful, thank you!
@PoodlesandParrotsАй бұрын
Thank you! & I'm glad you found this video helpful!✨
@kingdrew6501Ай бұрын
What did you decide on @chadley
@chadleyАй бұрын
@@kingdrew6501 i decided to walk away from getting one because the video talked about how clingy they can be and how they need a lot of attention. For someone like me who’s not always at home, it’s best not to get a conure/pet for now. Maybe someday, but for rn i’ll stick to just watching cute conure videos ☺️
@spicybirdmom Жыл бұрын
this is such a great thorough video, thank you so much for making it!:)
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Thank you!❤
@EmilyPatterson-vj4cc Жыл бұрын
We have a 6 month old female sun conure we named Sonni, and then a 9 month old female green cheek pineapple conure named Peanut. I LOVE them both the sweetest birds ever, can't go wrong with a conure.
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
I’ve turned into the crazy Conure lady, I love them they are so cute but a handful😀
@EmilyPatterson-vj4cc Жыл бұрын
@@PoodlesandParrots I never thought I could love a bird sooo much until I got Peanut and Sunny ♥️♥️
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
@@EmilyPatterson-vj4cc I know🥰 it’s amazing how much we connect with them💖
@johnpots4181 Жыл бұрын
The meanest green cheek i'd ever met was sold at my store and they returned to him because he was so mean. I think the people must have shaken him loose when he bit them or something because he was all scared and traumatized when he came home. I felt so bad had to bring him home with me, now he is the sweetest bird ever. I just took Prego to get pictures done with Santa Claus at the Petco today. It was a good time. He let everyone handle him Every time he would perch on someone's finger. He would bow his head and beg for them to pet him. I never thought I would be a bird person but I love him so much
@bacalilla Жыл бұрын
It's a pleasure to listen your lessons....toghether with johnny. My terribile green c.con
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙂 green cheeks aren’t terrible 😣 they just need the right care 🫶🏼 cheers!
@Versbreizh4 ай бұрын
Should love to see the comparison between the sunconure and the smallest real makaw, ara nobilis also
@sandycabral69542 жыл бұрын
I love the shirt conure mom 😭
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Thank youuu ☺️❤️
@NetherBun Жыл бұрын
How much time should you spend with youre sun conure a day because I want to get a conure but I have school.
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Parrots need a few hours of daily attention, so you can leave your conure alone while you're at work or school for a few hours and spend quality time with them while you are home before and after. While you’re out I recommend a big aviary with lots of safe toys, foraging opportunities, etc. kzbin.info/www/bejne/fnmsY4Gcnc9rfpo I wfh so I personally spend more hours of the day with my bird than not but not everyone has the same schedule or situation and that’s okay as long as there is a good balance and you meet the birds needs for socializing, attention, exercise, diet, etc each day. Cheers!
@NetherBun Жыл бұрын
@@PoodlesandParrots thank you so much for replying! thanks for the tips :)
@bigsbydog5 ай бұрын
I work about 10 hours a day. But when I get home cage is open and I play with my conure for 4 hours a night. I worry that she has too much cage time. I do provide lots of foraging and chew toys.
@PoodlesandParrots5 ай бұрын
You could consider a mate for your bird in the future (hopefully they would bond!) and it's good that there are lots of toys, foraging and opportunities for play. If there is someone else at home like family that could spend time with your bird during your work day that would also beneficial. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jXiYq2WPr9J5ecksi=QXCFlulXk1fz0q4k
@Some_Chick2 жыл бұрын
Utterly down right love your weirdness! You are so funny! 🖤🖤 I have a Sun Conure named Willow. She is amazing and hilarious. She can say her name and says pretty bird and up up. She recently learned to say peekaboo. It has to be silent just to hear her talk though. But it's so cute tiny robot voice. 🤣🖤
Lol minz is the sam she's kiko & 7 months. She hello baby & sounds like a wee frog.
@krisragu46859 ай бұрын
How to potty train a conure like GCC? Also is it best to get a baby and raise it or get an adult?
@chrispotter2 жыл бұрын
Hey great video. Thankyou!
@TylerDurden916 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Thank you!
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
@petslife56662 жыл бұрын
I love birds
@rejeenbabu5822 жыл бұрын
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
thank you! 😊
@leslieknapp994611 ай бұрын
I have a son conyer and was wondering about the wisdom of getting a second one. I know it would be a lot noisier. But how do I know they would get along or that? My current bird would feel abandoned.
@PoodlesandParrots11 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s a bad idea for them to have a friend if their own kind but there is no guarantee that they will get along I would recommend ep.6 of the parrot podcast kzbin.info/www/bejne/bqmakmWYj7WJracsi=9pHWwNRLPRiORByO but it will definitely be louder with two! There are steps to take when introducing new birds
@bigdad1236 ай бұрын
hey it’s 4 months later I don’t know if you went forward with this yet or not. Parrots are good in pairs, but note that your conure may seem less social or willing to interact with you(as opposed to their partner) if they do end up a bonded pair.
@paulrichards4170 Жыл бұрын
Seems like everyone named Sun conures mango . Why do all of them look almost identical to each other
@ambermcalear43164 ай бұрын
I named mine Duckie 💛 couldn’t do mango haha
@DarkSkies72 Жыл бұрын
I want a green cheek but I’m nervous to get one because I live in an apartment, once I get a pet I fall in love with them immediately and I could never give up on any animal even if that means I get kicked out.
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
We live in an apartment with a green cheek, & I’m sure many people would say don’t worry about what your neighbours think everyone is free to choose their pets! Green cheeks can be noisy but there are much louder birds including a sun or jenday Conure! If you decide on getting one considering adopting as there are many birds who need a good home ❤️but there’s a lot to consider when thinking about a bird. Check out The Parrot Podcast for more tips and to hear from many other parrot owners about their experiences 😀
@RowenMyBoat Жыл бұрын
I’m am looking for a turquoise conure. I would it be more comparable to one of these?
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
A turquoise Conure is a type of green cheek Conure so yes it’s comparable to a green cheek - Mia is a turquoise green cheek Conure 😀
@imRCKLSS Жыл бұрын
Looking here to learn which one to get & the girls is stunningly beautiful I'm hooked
@royalnaqvi79822 жыл бұрын
Good information
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!😊 have a clawsome day!
@joownora36062 жыл бұрын
What's in your conure breakfast salad?
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I missed this! Here's a salad video I did: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Zp_LaqeNZbh0iJI :)
@-oog- Жыл бұрын
@priscillap8399 Жыл бұрын
Hello , I just bought a pineapple conure which is 6 months old. The pet store did not know the sex, but said the conure was showing sing of being a female. I could not find a video about pineapple conures. Any tips you have for me would be amazing. We are on day 2 with our new family member , I got bit a lot on the first day the second day was a bit better , I went to kiss my conure and was bitting pretty hard on the my upper lip :( .
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
I can’t answer this in just a comment as it’s complex! You need to do a lot of reasearch on your species, I also suggest bonding tips kzbin.info/www/bejne/jWOygmNpoJWVeKssi=KTYt52DfobClqTVj and checking out The Parrot Podcast for more tips and insights from different parronts. Unfortunately I think the pet store just told you whatever they thought you wanted to hear because there is no actual way to know if a GCC is a female or male other than by doing testing with an avian vet. They do not show signs of what gender they are especially when they are such babies, if it was an older bird that has for example laid eggs 🥚 before then you would know it’s a female but that’s not the case. I also have a video on understanding biting, diet, hormones, molting, all things to know and understand when having a bird. Best of luck!🦜
@randomravenr15107 ай бұрын
I just want to add.. a pineapple conure is just the color mutation name of a green cheek conure. It’s a green cheek with a pineapple color mutation! You’ll be able to do plenty of research just looking up green cheek conures!
@iampnkj70314 ай бұрын
hlo madam iam frm india nd iam buying a conure, i love sun but its costly. will my green conure be well tamed!?(Which month old shuld i get a green cheek conure to make it tame {no hand feed} i need reply plz)
@javedmohd70173 ай бұрын
If you are in Hyderabad, i can give you a hand tamed sun connure
@iampnkj70313 ай бұрын
@@javedmohd7017 iam in bengaluru i got semi tamed peaely conure 6months, Thanks
@alexandrarosado517710 ай бұрын
Hi, I have a female sun conure and was thinking on getting a male green cheek, but I am concerned about them breeding. Is this something that can happen?
@PoodlesandParrots10 ай бұрын
Yes it can happen, they can become mates if they get along and the female can lay eggs so it's important to know about egg laying, hormones and having a bonded pair. I would encourage you to check out our podcast episodes that talk about this and guests that share their experiences like in episode 6... or 22.
@cutetot9 ай бұрын
How big should my three month old green check conure cage be?😅
@zainabalsaleh14769 ай бұрын
Do you recommend them for people who are still in school and are away for most of the morning
@PoodlesandParrots9 ай бұрын
I only recommend parrots as pets if someone has done a lot of research and has the time for them because they are a big commitment and responsibility and they do need time dedicated to them daily. I personally would say it’s better if someone is home most of the day but consider listening to The Parrot Podcast from more insights from other parrot owners too!
@zainabalsaleh14769 ай бұрын
Thank you this comment and video were super helpful forme love you❤
@heirymoimtbsingapore64989 ай бұрын
Hi i got green cheek cornue, evertime i wanna bring the bird out from cage it seem very scare fly here and there. How to calm down the bird any tips?
@PoodlesandParrots9 ай бұрын
Check out this video 👉🏻 kzbin.info/www/bejne/mX_HhYyrZZKmeLcsi=kU_yNyAQuxy366Dg
@Ronniepoloyapoy4 ай бұрын
Do they eat plants or bite anything inside the house ?
@PoodlesandParrots4 ай бұрын
@@Ronniepoloyapoy they sure can! That’s why we need to bird proof our homes🥲
@susannemichelsen8879 Жыл бұрын
Do you have a video about a clipped bird learning to fly to me without stick or clicker?
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Just this!; kzbin.info/www/bejne/jXiQm5Z4aMSghbc
@BhavyaShree-dc7kz8 ай бұрын
How to give a bath to newly bought home bird please
Thank you so much for this video I am getting a green cheek so it's good to know the facts about them I did study them but these facts are great specially from some one who as a green cheek thanks so much for this video it was really helpful 😊 😀 ☺
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
You’re most welcome! 🦜 🦜 Thank you for the positive feedback & as always I am happy that my videos are helpful and informative 😃🙏🏼
@cyberdyn16 ай бұрын
Greetings ❤ with respect ❤, from Pakistan 🇵🇰
@ginailiadis8061 Жыл бұрын
Hi there. Thanks for the video. It was very helpful. I just want to ask one question. Is it better to have 1 or 2 green cheek conures. To keep each other company when their human is not around? I am thinking of getting 2 green cheeks, as I am not available 24/7 to be with them. But also, I have heard that they will not bond with you if there are 2 of them. Is this true?
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Choosing to have 1 or 2 is up to you but there are a few things to consider; One cannot guarantee that any two parrots will tolerate one another or become good friends. But we do, need to accommodate our birds' need for companionship, whether human or feathered. It is true that if the birds bond they will choose each other but that does not mean that you will not be able to bond with them. If your bird is raised with another, they will more likely bond with each other and get along beautifully. Hope this helps!
@DonaldHarford Жыл бұрын
I have had both. I had a single Sun Conure named Naples cuz of her orange feathers but they are so beautiful in yellow, orang, green, and maybe another color. The green cheeks I got were already grown. An male and a female. The make but the crap out of me. He was bonded to her and no room for me. So, I would think there would not have been a problem if I had only one. I am also sure that my sun conure was a female. I am not sure I would get along with a male green cheek but I haven't had a lot of experience so this is just speculation.
@ginailiadis8061 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the reply. It was very helpful. Love your videos. 😊❤️
They have all kinds on green cheek mutations that are just as bright as the sun. There are high factor red and even violet
@PoodlesandParrotsАй бұрын
The high factor red green cheek conures are pretty rare, so seeing one is always special! The more common mutations typically are turquoise, pineapple, yellow-sided, and cinnamon. Sun cheeks, though-those are probably the most unique and the brightest!
@cyberdyn16 ай бұрын
Nice ❤ and interesting video 4 sure 🇵🇰
@ashlynbulsara4238 Жыл бұрын
I have green cheek conure he baby.
@southeastbikelife400 Жыл бұрын
Great video but I swear every video I watch the sun conures name is Mango hahahaha
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
It’s the most common sun Conure name 😂 Mango or Sunny 😅
@jenniferCastellano927 Жыл бұрын
I have never had a green cheek Conure. I only ever had a Sun. Just curious for those who have had both which bite is worse?
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
Sun conures bites are worse in my opinion, they have stronger beaks and Mango has broken skin before whereas Mia hasn't (although if she wanted to I am sure she could). Sun conures are bigger in size/weight compared to green cheeks and so naturally they have more strength. I even notice it in the types of toys they like to destroy. Mango loves toys with wooden bits and can easily break toys apart compared to Mia, whereas she prefer toys with more paper, cork type materials; softer types of toys if that makes sense! 😊
@jenniferCastellano9277 ай бұрын
@@PoodlesandParrotsI figured but was curious. My Sun is 20 years old. Mine is fairly quiet so I lucked out. At first I thought I had a defective one LOL! Yes her voice can get loud but she hardly ever goes full volume.
@zoraidaperotti1132 жыл бұрын
Hi my name is Zoraida, I have a turquoise green cheek and I had him since he was 6 weeks, I feed him he was very sweet his behavior has changed his very nippy lately please give me some advice because I see you with Mia and she is so sweet. Please I need some help. Thanks
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
I think my other video will be helpful for you in this case! kzbin.info/www/bejne/rojCdpuemL6An80 best of luck!
@DonaldHarford2 жыл бұрын
My Sun Conure was called Naples as I love orange. We fell into having her poop on a towel lying g on the back of a curved rocking chair. We din't try to train her but I think she didn't want to do it in her cage. We left the top of the cage off all day and top on with towel at night. She was very talkative and when I left for work (I wear a police uniform) she knew I was going to work and she would say "goodbye Don." She knew several sentences. We did not work hard at teaching her to talk. She always flew to the towel to poop. We never clipped her wings. I didn't want to hinder from flying but my wife answered nthe front door and Naples flew to her shoulder and my wife showed her off of her shoulder and she flew out the door and I couldn't find her. I should have had a sallyport. I miss her so much.
@PoodlesandParrots2 жыл бұрын
Naples is so adorable and smart!! Conures really are intelligent and they catch on quickly😊. That is so awful to hear, I’m so sorry 😣 if it wasn’t too long ago I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you find her!! Try posting in local fb groups and across social media, ask neighbours… there’s always a chance🤞🏼
@noneyabussinessbtch1917 Жыл бұрын
My green cheeks say, “pretty bird/boy” “peekaboo” and wolf whistle.
@PoodlesandParrots Жыл бұрын
How cute!!🥰
@MarshalliCecconello11 ай бұрын
I have a Sun Conure and I love him his name is Zuce, and the second night that I had him I opened the cage door and Zuce flew from the cage right to me and Zuce has slept with ever since if I put Zuce in the cage for night he squires so loud so unluck the Cage door and he comes to the bed, I know that they say that u should not let your bird sleep with u but I enjoy having Zuce in bed with me because he cuddles against me. Here is Zuce in bed with me
@PoodlesandParrots11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately this is quite dangerous and a lot of people have lost their birds this way… It’s also not natural for them to sleep this way, they typically sleep perched up.
@VictoriaDunn-qb2qf8 ай бұрын
can a green cheek and sun be friends ?
@PoodlesandParrots7 ай бұрын
I’ve seen it before but it really depends on their personality not all birds will get along or like each other just like humans! It’s also important to keep in mind that a sun conure is a bit bigger than a GCC with a stronger beak so you want to ensure they don’t get into a squabble!
@WastedElephant Жыл бұрын
If you want to go both deaf and mental, get a sun conure. Our sun was a rescue, so we didn't get to pick. We love him, and he's absolutely awesome, but we will not get another one once he passes. Pls do not pick out a bird for its plumage. You will wish you went for a different criteria. Also, half moon conures are even smaller and quieter 😁
@marshallcecconello492 жыл бұрын
This is my Zuce
@asharafunnisaa185310 ай бұрын
@PoodlesandParrots10 ай бұрын
@bunonginusa6342 жыл бұрын
@stancexpunks Жыл бұрын
Why is literally every sun conure named mango? Lol
@-oog- Жыл бұрын
For real though
@darlenehoward-l4j Жыл бұрын
bs i paid 200 for my green conure n my sun conure 200 ho are u didding