今天內容雖然跟彩妝沒關係, 但今天特別美, 想說出來給你正面鼓勵. 長期下去希望你一直維持美美的, 因為外在的美麗需要身心靈都康健, 才能真實顯現. And, 看到你流淚我跟著鼻酸.... 但是還是好想問問你的專業.... 請問今天的整套妝, 尤其是底妝+眼下部位是用哪些步驟嗎? 因為哭也美麗不脫妝, 很厲害, 謝謝莎拉, Be good and get well soon.
Hi Sarah! I’m usually a silent viewer & I can’t write in Chinese but I would like to say, take your time! I have seen multiple of my friends ended their long term relationships and the most cliche thing is that, time heals everything. Thank you for this update & your honesty on how you feel. Feel your grief and sadness fully, you will definitely know yourself more after this. Hugs, take care of yourself ❤