On the airbox mount there should be a plastic pin that is in that hole you have, no bolt. they tent to break off or come out when the air box is pulled out. Easy part that gets lost.
@motorsandmeats884 ай бұрын
Gotcha. That makes sense. Thanks Pat!
@Alberto1B4 ай бұрын
Good job. You will always get PSM and something else when you disconnect the battery. Always clears as soon as wheels roll.
@ksteak274 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tutorial, but sorry you're having these issues brother! My 996 is still rockin' (ducktail and all) but I've got all your old how-to vids saved for when things stop working. :)
@motorsandmeats884 ай бұрын
Ha. Excellent. Glad to hear, K!
@martinespinosa4 ай бұрын
I changed the starter on my 996, I’m a bit less enthusiastic about doing it on my 997.2. Hopefully won’t happen for a while. Good job!.
@motorsandmeats884 ай бұрын
The deal with the Plenum on this car, while definitely presenting its own set of challenges to remove and reinstall, to me was much more reassuring that I had reinstalled it correctly than on the 996. The 996 just used a pair of hose clamps on each side of the Plenum, and I never felt confident that I had everything aligned properly. There were several times removing and reinstalling the Plenum on the 996 that, once I cranked it up, I instantly discovered I had not done it right. With the 9972, you know with a certainty that you have it right.
@K1dPhresh14 ай бұрын
Ugh…this makes me cringe with anxiety. It looks super cramped and tedious. You must have the patience of a saint. Just make sure you get that plenum back in there and sealed properly. If not you get unmetered air in/vacuum leak and start jacking with fuel trims and such.
@motorsandmeats884 ай бұрын
Ha! I was telling some buddies that it was exactly like on the 996… except 100% different. 😂 most everything is in the same place, but it all fastens together differently. I reeeeaaaally like how the plenum attached to the intake manifolds compared to the barbaric hose clamps on the 996. I almost always got it wrong on the first try on the 996. Not hard to know you got it right on the 997.2 though.
@K1dPhresh14 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think that and all the vacuum line terrify me the most. You pop on off in the back somewhere and you cant get it back on because you cant see it and there is no room…or worse you break one. Ugh!!