Predstavljen novi ruski bacač vatre TOS-3 Dragon The New Russian Flamethrover TOS3 Dragon presented

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Silja Pluton

Silja Pluton

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#tos3 #dragon #drakon #zmaj #vbr #raketnisistem #bacacplamena #flamethrover #tos2 #tos1a #tos #rusija #ruskavojska #russianarmy #oklop #aromour #armor #oklop #kov #vojska #armija #military #army #naoruzanje #armament #oruzje
On June 3, the Ministry of Defense of Russia reported that events dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the formation of this military formation were held in the 1st Guards Mobile Brigade of the Russian Chemical Defense Combine.
During this event, both the existing weapons and the latest weapons were presented to the attendees, so a new multi-barrel rocket launcher on a tank chassis named TOS-3 "Dragon" was shown with the designation that it is a heavy flamethrower.
This weapon system has a launcher with 15 220 mm rockets, while the spare combat kit is located in the rear of the launcher on a rotating platform for faster replenishment of the combat kit, which significantly distinguishes it from other Russian flamethrowers of this type.
The latest TOS-3 flamethrower has a significantly reduced combat kit, as the Soviet TOS-1 "Buratino" and the Russian TOS-1A "Solncepek" have 30 and 24 launch tubes, respectively, while the TOS-2 "Tosočka" wheeled multi-barrel missile system there are only 18 launch tubes on the launcher, and the latest TOS-3 rocket launcher has only fifteen.
By reducing the number of launch tubes and the number of missiles in the combat kit, the mass of the system is reduced, and the efficiency, maneuverability and combat toughness are increased due to greater mobility.
The new Russian TOS-3 "Dragon" rocket launcher uses the same modern ammunition as the TOS-2 "Tosočka" multi-barrel rocket launcher and the new TBS-M3 thermobaric rockets with increased destructive power and an increased range of 10-15 km.
Ministarstvo odbrane Rusije je 3. juna izvestilo da su u 1. gardijskoj mobilnoj brigadi Ruskog kombinata hemijske odbrane održani događaji posvećeni 45. godišnjici formiranja ove vojne formacije.
Tokom ovog događaja, prisutnima je predstavljeno kako postojeće naoružanje, tako i najnovije naoružanje, pa je tako prikazan novi višecevni lanser raketa na tenkovskoj šasiji nazvan TOS-3 „Zmaj“ sa oznakom da je u pitanju teški bacač plamena.
Ovaj sistem naoružanja ima lanser sa 15 raketa kalibra 220 mm dok se rezervni borbeni komplet nalazi u u zadnjem delu lansera na rotirajućoj platformi radi brže dopune borbenog kompleta, što ga znatno razlikuje od ostalih ruskih bacača plamena ovog tipa.
Kod najnovijeg bacača plamena TOS-3 je značajno smanjen borbeni komplet, pošto sovjetski TOS-1 „Buratino“ i ruski TOS-1A „Solncepek“, imaju 30, odnosno 24 lansirne cevi, dok višecevni raketni sistem TOS-2 „Tosočka“ na točkovima ima samo 18 lansirnih cevi na lanseru, a najnoviji lanser raketa TOS-3 ima samo petnaest.
Smanjenjem broja lansirnih cevi i broja raketa u borbenom kompletu se smanjuje masa sistema, a povećava se efikasnost, manevarska sposobnost i borbena žilavost zbog veće pokretljivosti.
Novi ruski bacač raketa TOS-3 „Zmaj“ koristi istu savremenu municiju kao višecevni bacač raketa TOS-2 „Tosočka“ i nove termobarične rakete TBS-M3 povećane razorne moći i povećanog dometa od 10-15 km.

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