Prepar3Dv6 vs Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Which sim will be for you? | Real Airline Pilot

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A330 Driver

A330 Driver

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@miket3445 Жыл бұрын
One of the things rarely mentioned is licensing. P3D has commercial licensing option that can be used for professional flight training. As far as I know MSFS does not have a commercial licence option so it can’t be used professionally for hire or reward. This puts MSFS squarely into the gaming market as opposed to P3D which is primarily focused on professional use (although many use it for gaming as well)!
@miket3445 Жыл бұрын
Sure Licences are just licences but you need it for commercial use……MSFS can’t be used for hire or reward by flight school but P3D and X-Plane can!
@kbuss10 8 ай бұрын
god help us if that P cr3p was ever used for pilot training. i bet they didnt sell more then 10 licenses since it exists. 1000 bucks or somtheing. training with a sim that CTDs every coupple of hours if you put on some addons
@miket3445 8 ай бұрын
I use P3D for IFR recency, my unit is approved by CASA as a Cat B FSTD (similar to FAA AATD) and rarely, actually never use it for 2 hours. I’ll get airborne conduct 3 approaches locally, say a couple RNP’s and an ILS and I’m good……..
@lucascardinfranco2011 5 ай бұрын
@@kbuss10I am a flight instructor at a part 141 school, and all the flight sims we have are AATDs and are Frasca Simulators and one Redbird. We have the Frasca RTD, Frasca Mentor and the Redbird. All the Frascas are P3D sims. We can log instrument approaches and stuff. But they are still P3D, with trashy handling and the sceneries are also trash. So it’s all about the licensing and compliance with the regs at the end of the day.
@kiotee_nouw Жыл бұрын
Here's one thing most don't realize this day and age; FSX, I mean Prepar3D, you do not require internet connectivity. MSFS 2020/2024 you do.
@johnc.4871 Жыл бұрын
Everything with MS seems to get double and quadruple in size with each release. I am apprehensive to even get MS office over the open office version doing the same thing.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
@@johnc.4871 I use office 365 because of it just works with my phone and PC at a low price since as I use it every day... But man is libre office/ Note pad are better at being a word processer...
@KILRtv 9 ай бұрын
Not to mention forced updates.
@redwatch1100 4 ай бұрын
And if your connection sucks which for me is more often than not, and intermittent, the graphics don't load properly. The buildings and trees will look melted. It's beyond annoying. You never know if it is your internet connection or your graphics card, or both. In order for MSFS2020 to work properly, you need no less than a RTX4090 ($1800) with a Varjo Aero VR ($2000) headset with rudder pedals and controls (~$500), which is WAY more than I'll ever be able to afford. Flight simming without VR after being used to it really blows.
@stephanedirand6535 Жыл бұрын
What people don't realize is that P3D is not better than msfs in term of flying characteristics. The main reason why P3D is used in schools and in the professional world is because Lockheed Martin is a professional solution. they provide the tools, provide support and after sales support to those schools and professional companies. Something Microsoft will never do. Just like a big company will never rely on avast or norton antivirus to protect their datas and their security, those profesional will never rely on a $60 public simulator without profesionnal support behind, no matter how nice it is.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile the US government and military has contracted Microsoft for a ton of things before so it's just the matter of someone willing to work with them... Also the whole distraction that was Xbox and growing that brand and now game pass. But yes P3D is the only industry flight sim I know of on the comercal market right now. X-plane MSFS and DCS are just commercial sims that people sometimes use to train.
@jirehla-ab1671 Жыл бұрын
​@@GreenBlueWalkthroughthese sims are more for home simmers (except p3d)
@stephenmckinnell7791 Жыл бұрын
As a retired airline pilot I respectfully disagree with a lot of what you say about msfs. I think it’s totally amazing, and yes, even as a potential training tool for some things. People go on about hand flying and realistic handling, but how many of your hours are non-autopilot ones?
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
That is a good thing to ask as in every video I seen him fly he always uses autopilot for everything... Which may be what he does for work but man would it make every sim seem on rails compared to how I sim by not even trimming let alone use auto pilot. As I prefer to hold the controls at an angle then have my control surfaces be off center when I need them right now. But the type of siming needs that as I don't viratal fly these days and when I do it's heavy action. That said I do want to use X-plane 12 and MSFS 2020/2024 to practice for a sports lisnce one day a few years from now but still I doubt I'll use trim unless I need to becuase again I won't fly for long and I can easly hold my controls without trim steady for that long.
@redwatch1100 4 ай бұрын
When it works right, it's great. It has too many glitches for me, still. And the company annoys me.
@foreignwarren7361 3 ай бұрын
@@redwatch1100 how so?
@marian8757 2 ай бұрын
@@foreignwarren7361 Crickets, LOL.
@guus9259 Жыл бұрын
Thanks again for this one. It was a nice video, once again. People who write that P3D and XPlane are dead, don't understand that these simulators are not 1:1 comparible with MSFS. They are all different and have their different history. It's really worth to inform yourself about that. For me as a non-pilot it is exciting to learn to fly a new aircraft. For example today I learned how to use inbound radials in an Airbus to make smoother turns during my ILS-approach. For a professional pilot that might be daily stuff, but for me it is exciting to learn these kind of things. I think Prepar3D has lots of planes to learn this kind of things.
@stephanedirand6535 Жыл бұрын
P3D is not dead and will never die due to the professional side. But for an entertainment use for the casual simmer, it is certainly dying and 6.0 won't change that, especially if it requires heavy updates like Ifly and FsLabs suggest.
@noway9880 Жыл бұрын
MSFS is winning..but X-plane (Toliss) and p3d (wx radar) as of right now Toliss is the best airbus simulation in consumer sims. Hands down. The fenix comes close, but we'll see what v2 brings. toliss by far.
@johnc.4871 Жыл бұрын
​@@noway9880so, what exactly makes it so much better?
@hansloyalitat9774 11 ай бұрын
@@johnc.4871 Nothing, he is pulling this info out of his ass.
@MatrixMaverick1980 Ай бұрын
X-plane is also FAA certified with its professional configuration.
@letshobby91580 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, but after all your very interesting videos before, I don't fully agree with this video. If the title was "In my opinion MSFS is a game and P3D is a trainer" you would have hit the nail on the head with this content. The video could have been so much shorter as the point had been only hit in the last sentences and briefly in the middle. The core message should probably be that the best suited simulator for you is that one, depending on what you make of it. That's right. 😉 Personally, I differentiate here primarily between private and commercial use and thus also between the target group and licensing. It is at least true that P3D would be better suited for procedure training with an FTD, since the focus here is not too much on the graphics and the cart will run in the standard much better and more stable than the MSFS. But that doesn't mean that you can't make a game out of it. Depending on which addons you use or missions you design. I can imagine that this could also be done in a similar way as in MSFS. If Lockheed Martin had wanted, they could have cut their trailer as action-packed as the MSFS 2024 trailer, too. What Microsoft/Asobo have done here with the trailer is perfect marketing to appeal to the masses. They are showing what you can do with the MSFS and are highlighting certain properties. That doesn't mean MSFS is limited to just that. It's like a car commercial. I often see the cars driving through beautiful landscapes in short sequences and not like in reality in a rush-hour traffic jam, where everyone has their finger in their nose. Of course, Microsoft/Asobo could have shown the trailer realistically, e.g. for an airliner, by showing how you constantly look at the FMC and hope that the ToD is getting closer, because you've been on that island for the sixth time this week and also hope that you still get the last train home because you were again delayed due to slots. Not to mention the flight before when some idiots back in the cabin thought they have to get drunk already on the plane and you would have liked to throw them already out over the Alps. And then you think of the poor sweet FA, who has to keep them calm, although you prefer to keep her...🤪 Yes, with the MSFS 2020/24 a very wide target group or mass is addressed, which is primarily addressed through the graphics and the presentation of the missions. And therefore they should also be animated to fly or at least to flight simulation. The 12 million users (if I remember correctly) according to Asobo are speaking for themselves. However, I personally think it is too easy to break down the MSFS 2024 into a simple game without further justification. Mainly because of the points mentioned in the video, which are based on the MSFS 2020. I think you have to look a little deeper here and hide the gaming part, since Asobo is planning significant improvements for the MSFS 2024 compared to the MSFS 2020. On the one hand, all physics should be significantly revised and massively expanded. As I have read, through cooperations with various universities and institutes. I also found it interesting in their presentation how they calculate how materials interact so that a balloon can also collapse realistically. I wouldn't expect that from a pure game. 🤔 And on the other hand, a lot of work is being done on stability and performance (e.g. through real multi-core support😁). Furthermore, other points criticized at MSFS 2020, such as ATC and the TCAS topic mentioned in the video, will also be worked on. The MSFS 2020 / 2024 should cover the entire spectrum of aviation you can imagine. And if you are rushing in Africa across the steppe with a lawnmower, you can also see the critters running around there. You don't necessarily have to dismiss this as a mere gimmick, but as part of the depiction of reality. This creates immersion. That's why many people do the PPL. At its core is their own entertainment. Just in reality. And to put it bluntly: If I were doing in MSFS some target practice missions somewhere in the steppe with ground vehicles like in the P3D, it could happen that an antelope would suddenly come in between. Just like in reality. I don't think the P3D does that. 🤔😛 However, if you compare the graphics and the environmental representation of the MSFS simulators with the P3D, then they are having a huge advantage over the P3D in training. Namely the VFR training. When I fly from A to B in a Cessna, just armed with a VFR map (especially in VR), I can do it in MSFS just as well as in reality (especially after the world and city updates). I am every time positively shocked when I compare both😃. So I am using the MSFS for this kind of training, too. In order to get this kind of scnery in P3D, I would have to emtpy the ORBX store before...🙄 (And once I did a preparation for a real flight in MSFS. I was then later shaken up in reality in a similar way to my moving platform. I found that fascinating...🙃) I also bet that if MS/Asobo wanted to, they could license MSFS (or a version of it) for professional use as well. But they don't have this target group. P3D should always go into this kind of licensing and the masses can do beta testing for a fee. Apart from all the mission blablabla of both simulators, you have to put the pure skeletons side by side and to compare them. I mean by that for example the design of the flight models, movements, flight physics, weather physics, controlling the (PC) hardware and so on. I think you will get a big surprise. In my opinion, depending on how seriously you take the simulation, you can use the MSFS 2020 / 2024 for training as well as the P3D for playing. I am always looking at the core of the software in connection with the appropriate hardware/peripherals and not the (gaming) extras around it. The most important thing is always the seriousness behind it. Side note: An FFS/FTD with the MSFS graphics would tempt me. Especially to train for airports like Innsbruck, Madeira,... 😄 In summary, I would say that you can't speak of the MSFS as a pure game, nor of the P3D as a pure trainer. It's not that black and white. They are only sold as that. It always depends on what you are making of them. If you ask me which simulator to use, I would say that if you want to have a licensed trainer, then P3D. For everything else, go with the MSFS. 😉 Nonetheless, thank you for your otherwise great videos!😀 (And sorry for some typos. It was a long day.😐)
@whatsup448 Жыл бұрын
I choose DCS, msfs can be side sim from time to time.
@AntoniosSpiliotopoulos Жыл бұрын
Well, that depends on what kind of aviation you're more interested in.
@alistairknott6075 5 ай бұрын
Hi Emanuel, i remember in another video, you asked Asobo why they didn't make landing characteristics more realistic and their response was that would lose 90% of subscibers if did. Is Prepared a more realistic experience? Thanks Alistair
@currybatman 3 ай бұрын
The flight physics and cockpit functions are wayyyy better. p3d is more for people who want to be real pilots with study level aircraft. msfs is just for fun flight and none of the default aircraft are even close to study level. the flight models are always way worse
@filipmatacz3621 Жыл бұрын
I love the visuals of MSFS, but lack of properly working weather radar, TCAS not reliable, no efb yet in PMDG still makes me continue using P3D. It is possible to make it look beautiful as well. But as soon as thoose issues that are listed above are gone I'll probably switch to MSFS.
@mscigniewrudzinski5053 Жыл бұрын
I'm actually looking forward to try P3D and see what I can learn out of that.
@Jan-ov5tm Жыл бұрын
Same, if the price is ok ;)
@Damlistky9-9 Жыл бұрын
Yes but its sometimes tricky i have p3d V4 i skipped V5 and sometimes itssss... Different
@jan-philipphammer3915 23 күн бұрын
Thanks.. there are mods for fs2020 that give it ok flight dynamics
@A330Driver 23 күн бұрын
Why do you think the standard flight dynamics are not okay? I like them.
@thomasbutleriii9748 Жыл бұрын
Since I'm on Xbox S, it's msfs for me. Looking forward to 2024.
@johnknapp952 Жыл бұрын
The only thing the FSX and P3D have going for them is support for military radars (A-A, A-S) and various weapons systems and sensors. It seems that Asobo has gone out of its way to not support any of these functions in MSFS.
@chucklesx Жыл бұрын
Honestly I don't think prepar3d even as a trainer is a stand alone solution nor is it designed to be. It is very much an environment that customers can use to build very specific training scenarios. It can of course be useed as a consumer flight sim but it is not designed to be and for that reason it is silly for people to criticise it for not appealing to everyone or for not having the latest visuals.
@steffengerlach8395 Жыл бұрын
Hi Emanuel! Once again you nailed it. Thank you!
@skadvani Жыл бұрын
I choose msfs
@alirosi7381 10 ай бұрын
p3d is better more stable than msfs
@A330Driver 10 ай бұрын
Is it? I didn't use v6, but v5 was unstable as $#¥@ on my system. MSFS sure enough has occasional crashes as well, but I really haven't had that many.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
There is a bit of a lie in your comment.
@bird.9346 Жыл бұрын
What i don't get is why people online seem to immediately shutdown any new sim they aren't interested in, and deem it "dead". You're not losing anything by p3dv6 releasing
@A330Driver Жыл бұрын
Yep, that's the question which I can't understand either. It's always like "mine or nothing".
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
@@A330Driver That's ironic considering what you said in this video...
@AngryHatter 7 ай бұрын
@jeffhuggins64 Жыл бұрын
P3D and X-Plane are so dead it's time to let them both R.I.P.
@Twfly Жыл бұрын
Exactly! There's simply no competition. Even if MSFS stopped development right now, it's already a superior and more complete platform than FSX, P3D or XP ever were or could be. If you consider what's still going to be added to FS2020, then 2024, it's a no brainer. But yeah, if there was no MSFS, I'd prefer P3D over XP.
@bird.9346 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, Laminar has been hiring new people has been updating x-plane regularly. Not everything needs to be a competition, and just because you're not interested doesn't mean it's dead
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
​​@@bird.9346Xplane is not dead, and people who say that are lying. But one thing is certain, msfs has humiliated xplane. Today 100% of xplane players do not even It reaches 2% of the entire mass of players in msfs. And that is something objectively true. Just as it is also objectively true that msfs2020 is the most successful simulator in history.
@skystar5701 Жыл бұрын
Neither, I’m staying with P3Dv4.5
@marian8757 Жыл бұрын
I choose Microsoft Flight Simulator because I do not have a Multi-million dollar full motion flight simulator cockpit, and don't intend to spend millions of dollars on one. And I'm not trying to go back to school to learn a new career. I have no desire to be a real pilot. I enjoy the entertainment value of Microsoft flight simulator, I have a great time doing group flights online with others, and at the same time, I am learning a lot about aircraft and their functions. There really is no question or competition here. Microsoft flight simulator started the flight simulator community over 40 years ago and is continuously breathing new life into it, as they have just done with flight simulator 2020. Now, every other flight simulator is popping out of the woodwork and trying to profit off of Microsoft's success.
@dsqluke 3 ай бұрын
calling msfs a simulator is a stretch tho
@marian8757 3 ай бұрын
@dsqluke But it is simulating flight, so... there is that.
@dsqluke 3 ай бұрын
@@marian8757 that’s fair enough, all im saying is that the flight model is a little wack even if you’re using pmdg or fenix. i do fly on msfs sometimes but honestly i’ve made the switch to xplane and p3d and i haven’t really looked back since.
@timihendrix01 3 ай бұрын
​@dsqluke fs2020 is fantastic for injecting new blood in the hobby, for too long the flight sim community has been dominated by gatekeeping, toxic boomer killjoys.
@TheMicj38 Жыл бұрын
Strange thing is you seem to say you prefer the flying on rails as more "realistic" yet when I watched the A2A presentation the other day the bloke was demonstrating that the real small planes *do* bounce about, as he said "9 times out of 10". Also if you watch British KZbinr Noel Phillips who has recently settled in the US and has been getting to grips with the Cirrus SR20 - that also does very much bounce about. Have a look at his vid where he was practicing touch and go's and how he was finding it difficult keeping the centre line. This is an experienced GA pilot as well. It was an eye opener for me as I have never flown in real life so I assumed the "on rails" flying you see in P3D and Xplane (the one that people always go on about its physics and flight model) was correct and the MSFS stuff was over exaggerated. Turns out that (small)plane behavior seems to be a lot closer to the MSFS model if these two examples are anything to go by. This of course means the planes are more difficult to fly in MSFS which is what some people don't seem to like.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
Good point I've been watching a ton of personal and sport aircraft channels and the lighter the craft the more it will be effected by light winds... Which is true with airliners as well if the winds are strong enough to make the thusend of pound oplane bounce and have the crew give the turbalnce call out... Which MSFS does have some issues with basic flight like a really server stall each time you stall like older ancent really combat sims and games and the flight stick is wonk but yeah just to get a feel and practice avating different planes it's fine and point to point full flights is even better even if it's no X-plane(Although they seem to be locked in a death match for being the better commercial sim.).
@martinalvarez827 Жыл бұрын
Set the turbulence to moderate in xplane with a wind of 15 knots and gusts of 10 knots with a variation of 20 degrees and then tell me if it seems to you on rails and which one is easier to land with GA planes. Evidently you never tried xplane.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
@@martinalvarez827 That's true and if you set it to cat 5 or 6 hurricane levels while you are on the ground in all but the largest aircraft(Think 1km wide flying wing) Then taking off is impossible as you 'll be rolling in the direction of the wind like a trashcan... But that was in X-plane 9 so I have no idea what's it's like now.
@bird.9346 Жыл бұрын
xp12 does the turbulence you're talking about fine.
@after_midnight9592 Жыл бұрын
It all depends on the developer. Top planes are very advanced in flight model, people will just have to accept that msfs FM can be just as good as the rest.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
Sorry but I don't agree. If p3d It is used today it is becuase of PMDG and FSLABS. Because the simulator itself (vanilla) is extremely outdated In almost all aspects if we compare it with msfs2024.
@djeminent 2 ай бұрын
I am using Simulators from 15 years now.. I am on P3Dv3 and many ask me why i use ? it is simpel that it dose the JOB which i need to know... i use Concord X which is not in any other sim.. its not that i dont like other flights but... The simulation is not a GAME its a Simulator and that dose it best... And more importent is it dose not hurt your pocket for heavy system... Todays technology is changing very fast its on high changes which we dont like coz its impossible to carry forward the generations... Use simple which is effective for your need..
@njyde Жыл бұрын
I'm not convinced by the point you are trying to make. If you are running the sim on a desktop with various commercially available peripherals, MSFS will surely offer more, regardless of the focus of the reapective advertisements. For the vast majority of flight sim entheusiasts, the answer to the question: "What is the sim for you?", is going to be MSFS. For military aviation the answer is probably DCS!
@njyde Жыл бұрын
An important point to add is that P3D is commercially dead and receives very little to no support from 3rd party developers, which constitute the lifeblood of a simulator. Put simply, there is no competition.
@ArchOfficial 2 ай бұрын
DCS is as much of an arcade game as MSFS is. In some ways, more. BMS is generally better for military aviation in the big-picture and in the flight-dynamics side. It's even starting to get other high-fidelity planes recently.
@animatedchristmascollector3754 Жыл бұрын
I disagree, I don’t know why your grouping everyone on gamers and 2024 users. Some of use are using pmdg and msfs has real time physics unlike P3d.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
And I don't know why he thinks DCS is an industral sim like P3D... when in reality it's an commercial sim like MSFS, X-plane.
@animatedchristmascollector3754 Жыл бұрын
@@GreenBlueWalkthrough He’s telling us it’s an upgrade for realistic flight simulation but I can literally do every procedure I can practise on P3d with better scenery and realistic non artificial flight dynamics! Crazy
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
​@@animatedchristmascollector3754 Going to p3d is literally seen as the opposite of an upgrade.
@1CAG Жыл бұрын
DCS with the graphics engine of MSFS would be killer...
@exiletsj2570 Жыл бұрын
DCS modules/flight model in MSFS world would be amazing.
@1CAG Жыл бұрын
@@exiletsj2570 oh yess....!
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
And bigger maps...
@bird.9346 Жыл бұрын
Huh? DCS rendering already looks as good or better, and texturing for most modules is very well done. Third party terrains are also done to a pretty high standard
@1CAG Жыл бұрын
@@bird.9346 Does DCS render ambient occlusion for example? I don't think so.
@dtrjones Жыл бұрын
I think you are trying to give brownie points to something which just looks so dated. How can VFR training be any better in P3D? How can a Fenix or PDMG system modelling be any worst off in MSFS? Military and full cockpit simulators are of course very different and that's really the key difference - how P3D is deployed in the professional environment - but if you compare the core simulator, then MSFS would definately hold it's own in many areas as a training tool with the right content, adding FS Acadamy to this and you have a pretty powerful package for the desktop user.
@neddistler 4 ай бұрын
I agree- the fenix is near study level. You could teach someone how to start up the real world airplane
@leifson68 Жыл бұрын
As long as you will abandone p3d who has made pmdg what they are today, im very very dissapointed, so all my pmdg planes har been deleted from my computer.
@JackJohnson-cm6jk Жыл бұрын
I think p3d is dead. Not many Devs left. For me personal keeping xplane and msfs parallel is the way to go. Msfs for its great look and lovely aircraft like pmdg and Fenix and xplane for aircraft variety and the (for my taste) better overall feeling when flying.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's hard to train on systems if your plane is not in the softwear...
@rondon9897 Жыл бұрын
You say MSFS isn’t suitable for training, Emi, but I would say it depends; I’ve been using MSFS for instrument practice for RW IR and it seems fine for that - I imagine you couldn’t use it in a full motion A320 simulation, but it’s by no means useless for people like me. Much better doing this procedural stuff and getting your head around it on your desktop simulator for free than in the real aircraft for hundreds and hundreds of pounds per hour.
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
I agree just to get used to how differnt aircraft preform and fly from point to point is still training even if the forcus and realism is not there.... Case in point I bought an mustang IRL because of me always likely how in preforded in Need for speed and forza and other games and sims all my life... So when I finnly got one I realized it was the same as it always was in those non training sims... So if racesims can get it right why can't flight sims? (I think they already do.)
@jirehla-ab1671 Жыл бұрын
The physics is more accurate in p3d so its best for training & accurate flight siming. Msfs 2020 is more for casual simming
@deltak5457 Жыл бұрын
If I'd have to break it down for me it would be the following: If one is not in a proper training situation including the hardware or aircraft neither P3D nor MSFS are suitable for full scale training. I as a home user cannot do proper training if I install consumer level addons into my sim of choise, nor can I expect to be able to fly a real C130 using the academic version of P3D as it will have its own restrictions. Same goes ofc. for MSFS. I personally think that MSFS is the one for me because it provides a better sensation of flying (I don't like the word action as it's still not an arcade game!) than P3D. It provides a realistic yet spectacular impression of what flying at FL380 actually feels, on what it feels to fly low into the deep jungle on STOL operations and on how much work it really is to get started. Also depending on what actual aircraft one uses (like the Fenix A320) it is well able to simulate proper normal procedures, which is enough for me in most cases. While MSFS might not be the correct tool strictly for flight training, especially for abnormal procedures, it is the right tool to get an impression on what flying an aircraft means and why it has become one of the biggest dreams of humanity. It is the tool to form future pilots out of people, something P3D is limited in due to the overall design as being a tool meant to be used additional to real hands on training in real life.
@majoraviatior1611 Жыл бұрын
This is wrong. So your telling me flying on rails is realistic? It feels pretty artificial for me. I was on prepared for ages but I moved over and I can’t see my self switching back. Especially as fslabs has stated they have no plans to bring compatibility for the 320 series over to v6. There’s no chance at all
@redwatch1100 4 ай бұрын
If using VR, bouncing around is awful.
@jeddis92 Жыл бұрын
Let's see, a FSX clone with slightly updated graphics, or an overated scenery simulator/flight game, I'm gonna say....neither. X Plane FTW.
@fatrat6988 8 ай бұрын
Lol I guarantee u just said that cuz u only own x plane. Either way, I do agree with u but, the p3d graphics are good enough imo
@ahalverson1122 Ай бұрын
They updated XPlane and made the B737 flaps and slats behave like airbus flaps and slats. Meaning it is no longer “the leading flight simulator”
@angelboylyfe 21 күн бұрын
@@ahalverson1122use the zibo mod
@Apemano 2 күн бұрын
This does not address the real issue. The question is what has a more realistic flight model, and what has a more reliastic cockipt and functionality. Additionally there are three types of people wanting to train. Light aircraft, Commercial Aircraft, and Military/Actrobatic (plus some others, crop spraying, rotary etc). I want to know, I want to learn how to fly plane 'x' which is better. Could not give a rip about which one is more beautiful, and don't care about what the intention of each product is, I want to know what the results are.
@mro9466 Жыл бұрын
Let's be real, nobody will touch Prepar3Dv6. Prepar3Dv5 was the last chance and it failed. v5 was basically v4.6
@ronaldjames Жыл бұрын
Yep especially for what flight simmers buy sims for. Most of the p3d users use the excuse that it’s used for leak world training but I always respond with but are you no they don’t you buy airports and scenery to do the exact same thing I do none of them knows anything about flying a 747 any more than another simmer doing the same route they always fly without failures on for example but ye it’s for professional pilots. Ridiculous
@TheKezsimpson Жыл бұрын
If you think v5 is v4.6 you are severely misinformed. Take a look at the release notes and the dramatic difference in SDK you wouldn't come away with that conclusion. So many willing to jump on the P3D hate brigade with almost zero knowledge of what they are talking about.
@TheKezsimpson Жыл бұрын
@@ronaldjames Most P3D users prefer P3D for their subjective reasons. You fail to understand that and project your assumptions on why someone continues to use what you call an "ancient" sim running on "ancient" code. People will continue to fly P3D 10-20 years after LM decide to stop developing or releasing for home use, just as people still fly fs2004. And people will in their preference prefer it over whatever the new shiny object that becomes the mainstream release sim.
@ronaldjames Жыл бұрын
@@TheKezsimpson nope you just refuse to acknowledge what is being said. The point is not to stop users from using p3d I do not care about personal reasons why who uses p3d and why the issue stems when people label MSFS as a game and nothing else and also when they say p3d is used for training ok so what. None of the people that claim the reasoning behind p3d used as training none of them are using it for its intended purpose. They’re using it the same way a person uses xplane and MSFS to fly from point a to b with a realistic airliner or general aviation aircraft. Hardly any of you are using it for real world practice. It’s not to stop anyone from using it but if you’re going to argue that it’s the better sim Because it’s used in real world flight sims then why aren’t you using it for that purpose M
@TheKezsimpson Жыл бұрын
@@ronaldjames Just ignore those that are saying its the better sim, seems a fruitless endeavor. You are chasing ghost and shadows, most sim users are humble and don't bother engaging. If you think those saying these things are delusional you are wasting your time trying to convince them to your reasoning. Or continue with your agenda if you think it serves a purpose.
@gwalker3092 Жыл бұрын
I tried p3d 5. x and it was dismal. I’m not knocking the devs it’s just p3d isn’t what vast majority of what ppl want. The aerodynamic feel of P3D is just plain and unrealistic. It’s for instrument practice and process. If ms2024 turns out as ms/asobo have said there won’t even be a discussion anymore
@IzidorL 9 күн бұрын
If P3D (v4&v5) is such a bad product, and if MFS is such a great product, this discussion would never have happened. No one discusses something that is so obvious.This discussion testifies that the memory and emotion on P3D still live among many simmers Let's be honest, P3D marked an era of flight simulations, that era is now being taken over by MFS. That doesn't mean P3D won't make a comeback one day. MFS is a really great simulator and MFS is much better in the areas that are important to the average simmer (great graphics) and the simulation part is pretty good But P3Dv4 or P3Dv5 are still a very solid simulators even in terms of scenery graphics. As for the planes, the planes in MFS are not graphically different or better from those in P3D. They are de facto the same. When you climb to a height of 10,000 meters in your simulation with your jetliner, you no longer know which simulator you are in - P3D or MFS. Isn't it? MFS has taken the lead, no daubt, but it seems to me that very few users of the new simulator have deleted P3D from their computers. What does it say?
@10jetstorm Жыл бұрын
Prepard3d is nowadays far behind MSFS, no realism as the new sim has and with that demo they are confirm it, MSFS is the king!
@animatedchristmascollector3754 Жыл бұрын
Heck fslabs might not even be working on P3d v6. I see no use using v6 for the downgrade in scenery and rai o flight model. Sure there is a wax radar on msfs but that will likely come in the future. Fslabs are developing msfs and they said that’s there focus
@exiletsj2570 Жыл бұрын
I'd imagine P3D will be the superior flight simulator, the whole package of MSFS is better for my needs though.
@tubeloobs Жыл бұрын
Why? MSFS has a better flight model
@adennis200 Жыл бұрын
Youre sure? Msfs is far more superior. P3d has no chance.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
@davidvega1212 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. Most of the viewer comments match best to a video about selecting the best religion.
@majoraviatior1611 Жыл бұрын
Even if pmdg and fslabs to bring compatibility no one would pay 3 times the price for a flight model downgrade compared to the Fenix, they were good for many years but unfortunately titling the game for realistic simulation use can no longer draw and mislead simmers. Sure it is a better training environment but for simming nah
A lot of BS if I can be honest. You’re review is so biased ! I started flying on sims when I was 7 via floppy disks and as is has always been, sims can be used for fuckin’about or if your attitude is about SOPs then you’ll make the best it and train. I’m also an airline pilot and I still use FSX and P3D to refresh my knowledge and learn better the airbus A320. That being said, if you are using MSFS or P3D with the proper add on and with the correct attitude and a plan of action on what to learn than both are the best tools for you… sorry if I was rough but your review is a total BS
@A330Driver 21 күн бұрын
@blackbeardsghost6588 Жыл бұрын
It's all computer *simulation*.
@PAPIREY7 Жыл бұрын
There is not point of comparison between P3D and MSFS. It’s like comparing a Chevrolet Spark (P3D) with a Lamborghini Revuelto (MSFS) 💁🏾‍♂️. No more to say.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
It's true, in a technical section msfs is literally light years away.
@Попутчик-з1щ 26 күн бұрын
Вот на одном Lamborghini в msfs и будем летать. Одни мухобойки да ландшафт-правильно расставленные сараи дома 50-х годов.
@animatedchristmascollector3754 Жыл бұрын
Meh if no fslabs and pmdg there is 0 chance. At this rate there is 20 percent of home for P3d. You can you msfs for training aswell
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
Which I think by "training" you meant "FAA Qualified Flight Simulation Training Devices" which you can do at home by the way with commercial sims like X-plane. Maybe it would be worth a video discussing them and how they differ to sims in use by airlines?
@kbuss10 8 ай бұрын
the ones used by airlines actually work lol :D and dont CTD every hour. have actual ease of usage and realistic flight models
@tubeloobs Жыл бұрын
2024 and its not even close
@luka.gaming4942 2 ай бұрын
nah im staying on xp12 and p3dv5.4
@dmatthieu2 3 ай бұрын
Where Prepar3d beats MSFT is in an actual motion cockpit simulator and their physics is waaay better.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
The question is. Who the hell can afford a motion cockpit apart from some random billionaire? Exactly, nobody. Honestly, I don't care if p3d is better in that regard. Since precisely no one you cant afford something like that if you're not rich or something like that.
@aodhhanswtor7252 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to the difference you must first look at the environment provided to fly in. As in the atmospheric and terrestrial accuracy/quality. Also in engineering issues, such as weight/balance, aerodynamics, etc. This you must separate from "Procedural". Because procedural accuracy is something you place inside the environment. For instance, aircraft and airports. Realistically, this is something separate; as 3rd party companies typically provide this--although both p3d and MSFS may provide some default aircraft for their respective environments. You can build a 737 to fly inside P3D or MSFS. A 737 can be created which is EQUAL QUALITY of procedural accuracy for both P3D and MSFS, provided both environments provide the application programming interfaces (API) to take advantage of the environment. You can put a full featured cockpit of a 737 cockpit and have it operate within MSFS as long as you have an API for each knob, doodad, slider, sensor, and readout screen. The large difference is in how well and to whom P3D and MSFS sell themselves to. From the hardware to software point of view, it doesn't care which it connects to. The software doesn't see a large difference between an accurate representation of a Boeing 737 pedal and a Thrustmaster pedal, because from an input/API point of view, there really isn't much difference. So when it comes to "procedural quality" it mostly comes down to 3rd party companies and what they provide to the public for P3D and MSFS. If Acme Sims puts out a 737 aircraft to be used in the P3D environment for airline training, they can put it out for MSFS environment as well. ---The difference may be, if a particular environment is more accurate visually, environmentally, etc., it may be more difficult to create a product for because of the extra quality and variables of the more accurate environment. Think trying to program a plane to handle wind shear from an aeronautical engineers perspective. This isn't MS Flight Gaming. It is MS Flight Simulator. This is what MSFS has been aiming for. They aren't marketing to only the home sim pilot, they are actually marketing higher. Just because a company "writes something" doesn't make it so or even better. For the first challenge (VFR): Try flying the VFR corridors around Las Vegas or through Southern California Bravo airspace in P3D, MSFS, Xplane without plugging in GPS coordinates for any landmarks. Use the same single or twin type for each environment. Then compare the environment and the airplane within the environment. Which one would you as a CFII want your students to practice using? Even for 'procedures'.
@stall162 Жыл бұрын
I'd say MSFS is more like EFB if P3D were to be FMS
@A330Driver Жыл бұрын
Interesting comparison!
@AndrewGrey22 8 ай бұрын
I think I am going to try switching back to P3D from MSFS2020. I cant get any good performance with a 2080 Super card. Hopefully P3D will be better.
@burgadahz17 3 ай бұрын
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
I think the whole you can only train in a sim that focuses on it is well toxic and making an actual commercial sim out to be an arcade game... Which you can train to drive an IRL car in Mario kart any of them as the bacis of motion in a land vehicle is the same... Sure it won't teach you what you need to know to get a Leaner's but you'll be better off driving with a co-driver then the guy who did not train before hand... Why isn't that true for flight? Yes an industrial sim is not a the same as an commercial sim. And they are not the same as a realistic game and an arcade game but you'll still be better off I and many others think then if you had no idesa what a plane was and went to your first discovery flight.... Which who are also real airline and other types of pilots I'm not included by the way I just study it alot and have thusneds of hours as a virutral piot but do want to be a sport pilot one day and want to train virtally... Which is why I watch you by the way...
@countryflyboy8255 29 күн бұрын
I am very late to this video Emi.. I am considering p3d now, whilst keeping msfs. I do not see MSFS having available GA aircraft with detailed flight dynamics realism. I really want to fly some of the old GA or vintage birds with a very realistic flight dynamics. I think from what I see p3d may be a good option for this. Do you agree?
@A330Driver 29 күн бұрын
Hi, I would not agree. The flight dynamics in P3D are far worse than those in MSFS. Go for the Black Square or A2A aircraft in MSFS - or if you really want to invest in a sim for flight dynamics X-Plane.
@countryflyboy8255 29 күн бұрын
@@A330Driver right. I have a2a. And it is some of their old aircraft that I want. They are available in p3d. I'm just afraid they're not going to bring them over to msfs. But thanks for the tip about the flight dynamics .
@SgtMajor82 Ай бұрын
Your PC Screen drove me nuts!
@A330Driver Ай бұрын
@bretttrommler756 Жыл бұрын
Well, I fly primarily high end military aircraft (I'm a naval air veteran, what can I say?). So the obvious response to that is... "Have you ever heard of DCS?". To which I respond, Yes, of course I have. I have it and fly it frequently and have most of the available mods for it. But as high end as the aircraft are, it is still somewhat limited in some areas, like terrain. While most of the available terrain is highly detailed, it still only has a very tiny percentage of the world as available terrain. Anyway, from what I can see of V6, it definitely looks better graphically, but it looks like it still has the same old very stale (with the possible exception of the IFE F-35) aircraft list. I'm sorry but flying a 747 from Paris to London "by the book" just doesn't do anything for me. I'd rather go ferry hunting in the Puget Sound with a Milviz F-100 Super Sabre, or navigate said F-35B from Mirimar MCAS out to the waiting LHA off the coast and execute a perfect vertical landing while the ship cruises at 20 knots.
@tomstubbs1 Жыл бұрын
Refreshing video!! I don’t think anyone has ever done a detailed comparison of MSFS and Prepar3D like you did. Also, sharing your real life experiences about Prepar3D. Keep up the good work!!
@guiduz3469 10 ай бұрын
P3D v6 is a new simulator and no developer (starting from PMDG and FSLABS) is under any commitment to support.
@aviationwingz9402 Жыл бұрын
Academic P3D - VFR entertainment flying definitely MSFS 2024 in my opinion.
@adennis200 Жыл бұрын
Tbh, there is no other way but to go with msfs Yes the addons take time but otherwise msfs is the next generation. P3d wont be able to compete.
@Danny-BigD Жыл бұрын
Lol.. which one? One still looks very dated yet good
@ivansanchez2811 6 ай бұрын
Hello! B787 is compatible v6??
@elitegraphics6315 11 ай бұрын
How can i download P3D 6 or 5 , and how much it costs?
@shawnbabbitt8470 6 ай бұрын
I'm having a difficult time finding which airliners come standard with P3dv6 on their website. Any idea?
@A330Driver 6 ай бұрын
Do actually *any* come as standard? It's been a while since I looked into P3D, but last I recall they didn't have any standard airliners, did they?
@TimmaMadiba Жыл бұрын
Msfs👍🏾 P3d is done.
@JodiTrommler 10 ай бұрын
I'm a bit torn. I have MSFS2020, and I also have P3D V5. I am considering upgrading to P3D V6, since I just found out that VRS has finally released a Tacpack and FA-18 that works in P3D V6. I'm just wondering if it's worth it. I mean, I would literally have 4 different versions of P3D on my PC if I did V6. I am primarily a combat pilot kinda guy. I have DCS and about 2 dozen modules for it and I fly that a lot. It's awesome, but still somewhat limited by where you can fly. However, the level of detail in the combat operation of the planes is second to none. That being said, I like being able to fly anywhere in the world in P3D. With the VRS Tacpack, there is a pretty decent combat aspect although not near as many accurately modeled combat aircraft. As for MSFS, obviously there are combat aircraft available for it, but no actual combat function. Most of the combat aircraft are severely under-modeled as far as avionics, etc. The visuals are what is supposed to be the big thing in MSFS, that and being able to simulate getting into a 777 and flying it from Seattle to Tokyo with all of the required airline procedures. I might do a flight like that maybe once a year, if that. It just isn't my thing. As for the visuals.... in my limited experience with MSFS, it's what I would call "quarter mile pretty". Everything looks great if you're a quarter mile away. You get in closer and you start seeing weird stuff like the ground texture going up and over some skyscrapers in New York City. Or ships at the dock in the Seattle Harbor in Elliot Bay are just 2D pictures on the water. At least that's how it has worked for me, and I see that a lot. Honestly the main reason I wanted MSFS was because of the Reno Air Race mod. See, in that mod, there is a jet class with a bunch of L-39's. I am recently retired but for the previous 15 years before that, I worked for a couple places here at KGAD that specialized in L-39 maintenance and modification. I was an aircraft maintenance tech that specialized in avionics. In fact, two of the L-39s in the Reno mod in MSFS are jets that I did the avionics for and the panels and avionics that I designed and built for those jets are modeled in the game. Anyway, just my two cents.
@A330Driver 10 ай бұрын
Lovely story of yours! I'd try to reduce the number of P3Ds you use. Why not get rid of the old ones? Without a doubt DCS will stay your main sim with any P3D just being a side sim.
@timihendrix01 3 ай бұрын
Ever get into Falcon BMS? It's superior to DCS in some non-trivial aspects
@chrisfev01 Жыл бұрын
P3D is squarely positioned to support military training scenarios and has been doing so for a long time. Lockheed Martin’s P3D focuses on training our military forces using a complex scenario building interface. By contrast, MSFS is a consumer product, not a military trainer. With that said, I left P3D after version 4 due to a poor VR experience. For me, MSFS is the obvious choice.
@chrisfev01 Жыл бұрын
@@Great-Documentaries - Nope. Nice try though. Not that you deserve a response, but I would say to you, directly, that those that have no fortitude, and are incapable of serving in the worlds greatest military are definitely not winners in my book. Sic semper tyrannis.
@onecharliemike6022 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your tutorial videos Mr Emannuel and thank you for them. Your insight is what drew me to your channel. I have a question for you. This may be different for each company, but isn't the sim displayed on the screens just the scenery/world to fly in? For example, I know the Socal Crew doing World Flight is switching from P3D to MSFS for their full 737 cockpit. One of the guys on the team explained in his stream that the sim is just the world to fly in. Everything about the aircraft, including flight dynamics, is injector into the sim through an outside source. I know other full cockpit sims that I've seen was the same concept when it comes to using X-Plane as thier virtual world to fly in. If that is the case, then any sim can be considered a entertainment or training tool, as you rightfully said, depending on what you make of it.
@androidfarmer8863 11 ай бұрын
My biggest issue with MSFS is that many of the promises of the original official marketing were never delivered. Compounding this are failures such as weather being based on predictions and the inability to set fundamental things like visibility.
@lillopilot6707 Жыл бұрын
Have you watched the FS24 presentation in FSEXPO before doing this video?
@redwatch1100 4 ай бұрын
Wth is FSEXPO?
@simonholt6649 Жыл бұрын
Great explainer video between the two simulators. I can see now why P3Dv6 is a major improvement for the commercial industry compared to what was available before. 👍
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
He only covered each sim's focus and throw shade on MSFS 2024 by giving us the imperetion it's just a game when it's in reality a commercial sim not an industral one like P3D
@urgentsiesta7606 Жыл бұрын
Well said! I think that most home simmers simply don't realize that it isn't really which sim per se, it's the very complex comm/mil/gov setups, the certified systems, and all the people that go into it that really determines the difference between simulating and gaming. For most of us (myself included), the difference between what you can accomplish at home on a desktop PC is really not much different across the sims.
@CanadianTexaninLiguria Жыл бұрын
Considering they just broke MSFS for PC users, its an easy decision. I don't think we'll ever see the MJC Q400
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