Tara is a great reviewer of racquets! I like how she gives the positives and negatives of each one while she is playing with them. She also explains things in an easy to understand way. She could do this as a career after your professional playing days are over. Well done!
@Doty6StringАй бұрын
you can always tella great player by the sound off the strings. man that crisp snap!!! great vid, great hitting
@rendyonlineАй бұрын
I second this. I'm 8 month into tennis and at the stage where I hear more of that ball-brushing-on-strings sound more often now than the crisp snap like this one. I guess the fact I'm not holding loose enough affects this too.
@Doty6String29 күн бұрын
@ I’ve been playing for years and I still don’t get this sound too often. It’s a combo of fresh strings and hitting the sweet spot of the string bed with force. The next level of pop is hitting the sweet spot with a lot of spin in the stroke. That’s the big pop sound.
@charliefoster671029 күн бұрын
I like this feature you’ve added to your KZbin channel. I hope to see more in the future 💪🏾🎾
@mollyseymour10Ай бұрын
Welcome back to the babolat family Tara. Great choice I switched to the pure drive after playing with the pure aero and I have to say for my game its better I’m able to hit faster serves and more powerful volleys, groundstrokes were similar but overall the pure drive suited me a lot better for me I hope it helps you and your game in the future 🖤💙
@k1ytennis304Ай бұрын
love her haha, interesting she uses the prince string. What tension does she usually string at?
@tenniswarehouseАй бұрын
Her go to tension is 52! She was using a thinner gauge in the Percept but is back to 16g in the Pure Drive. Michelle, TW
@sylvial3815Ай бұрын
She reminds me of Ash Barty.
@curiousgeorge6921Ай бұрын
We want more of these bring karue too
@tenniswarehouse29 күн бұрын
We'll do our best!
@Doty6String29 күн бұрын
@@curiousgeorge6921 hell yea Karue is the best player on KZbin.
@TennissensitiveАй бұрын
My Go to string
@QawiemJamilАй бұрын
that was a fun video.
@12GaugePadawanАй бұрын
I’m surprised Tara didn’t try out the Ezone and Vcore. 🤔
@charlesbarile6671Ай бұрын
probably trying to get away from a yonex brand deal
@tenniswarehouseАй бұрын
Nope, she got the Percept from Tennis Warehouse :) But she has a history with Prince and Babolat so it just is more like "home" for her; she had tried them previously and they just weren't racquets she was considering. We sort of had a feeling she'd end up back with the one she chose before wee even started the demo process! Michelle, TW
@charlesbarile6671Ай бұрын
@@tenniswarehouse oh that’s cool
@NahhmahАй бұрын
Also because Babolat wants to get rid of the old model make way for the new. It’s just marketing
@greg5892Ай бұрын
Agreed. The Ezone 98 would’ve been a great one for her to try, but it seems her mind was made up in advance *shrug*. Whatever works! Feel is personal. But I think the “all things tennis” channel features pros going through a more comprehensive and open minded demo process.
@brazy1892Ай бұрын
Genuine question: Why not have a racquet specifically for singles and a different one for Dubs?
@chuckfriebe84329 күн бұрын
For a Pro? Really? They want the same feel every time they strike the ball.
@sam74Ай бұрын
Nice video!
@chuckfriebe84329 күн бұрын
Listen to the sound of the Prince! Doesn't even have a dampener on it.
@raytrace2014Ай бұрын
Come on guys, why the correction? what's half an inch between friends? I'll get my coat.
@ttc744Ай бұрын
Expected a more objective review rather than loving every racket
@greg5892Ай бұрын
lol, right? You really want a thin beam that flies through the air!!!! *chooses a Pure Drive with a 26mm beam*
@RapManCZ2 күн бұрын
Probably she wanted a racquet where its neck does not break.
@ThomasThomas-cf2jpАй бұрын
no idea why you play a 100. as a one handed backhand, you should definitely play 98! nice technique btw
@chuckfriebe84329 күн бұрын
Says the "expert"? Lol! What do you do for a living? Whatever it is, stick to that.
@ThomasThomas-cf2jp29 күн бұрын
@@chuckfriebe843 what's your problem???
@chuckfriebe84329 күн бұрын
@@ThomasThomas-cf2jp When I come across a know-it-all club player that’s telling a pro what they should do, it is hilarious. As I said above…
@TtownLarry24 күн бұрын
@@chuckfriebe843 Learn to spell Chuckelberry Finn. Nice cat pic Soyboy. Go back to your safe-space.
@chuckfriebe84324 күн бұрын
@ Chuckelberry. There, how’d I do? Amazing what a comma will do.